by Wombaticus Rex » Sat Jun 29, 2013 1:10 pm
Well, my sense of SLAD is that the interpersonal conflicts probably would have gotten her suspended a lot more often if she weren't contributing to the extent she does.
And I've long questioned whether that extent almost amounts to spamming, you know? BPH was hardly out of line in pointing out the many hundreds of unanswered OP's she has thrown up over the past 2 years. (Not "thrown up" meaning vomited, more of an "against the wall, see what sticks.")
I am, of course, a deeply paranoid and borderline autistic individual, but yet I am not even remotely suspicious of her intentions, I think it's a good heart profoundly outraged. And, like CW or Jerky, there's some coherence problems. I need to watch myself around that because I take my own verbal acuity utterly for granted and have far too little patience for people struggling to communicate, which is unfair.
While I have no idea how to gradually impart the very Zen lesson of "please stop taking responses to your OP material as attacks on your person," it's really not any of our jobs -- even as moderators! -- to do that.
Ongoing patience is the only cure.