Glenn Greenwald speaks out

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Glenn Greenwald speaks out

Postby seemslikeadream » Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:22 pm

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Glenn Greenwald speaks via Skype to the Socialism 2013 conference in Chicago regarding Edward Snowden's revelations about the NSA's mass surveillance program. Jeremy Scahill, author of Blackwater and...

Scahill is introducing Greenwald now.....he's really great

This will be up at WE ARE MANY soon
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Re: Glenn Greenwald speaks out

Postby Fresno_Layshaft » Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:34 pm

Were there any revelations?
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Re: Glenn Greenwald speaks out

Postby seemslikeadream » Fri Jun 28, 2013 11:36 pm

Fresno_Layshaft » Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:34 pm wrote:Where there any revelations?

NSA GOAL - collecting 1 Billion phone calls a day

It will be up on the tube later also
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Re: Glenn Greenwald speaks out

Postby Allegro » Sat Jun 29, 2013 12:19 am

I'm listening to the youtube now.
Thanks for the heads up, SLAD. ... speaks-out

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Re: Glenn Greenwald speaks out

Postby Nordic » Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:42 am

NSA GOAL - collecting 1 Billion phone calls a day

Remarkable considering how nobody seems to talk on the phone very much any more.

Maybe we've all been herded into texting for a reason. Probably easier to deal with for the NSA, more easily searchable, smaller file sizes .....
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Re: Glenn Greenwald speaks out

Postby 8bitagent » Sat Jun 29, 2013 4:57 am

I certainly don't see hardly any young people, particularly girls, talking on the phone anymore. It's all text text text.

Good to hear Scahill and Greenwald working together...just sucks the third of the holy trinity is no longer with us.
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Re: Glenn Greenwald speaks out

Postby Fresno_Layshaft » Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:01 am

Nordic » Sat Jun 29, 2013 2:42 am wrote:
NSA GOAL - collecting 1 Billion phone calls a day

Remarkable considering how nobody seems to talk on the phone very much any more.

Maybe we've all been herded into texting for a reason. Probably easier to deal with for the NSA, more easily searchable, smaller file sizes .....

Good point! Its gotta be much easier to store and parse through. I'll stick to my old "land line" until they cut the service completely.
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Re: Glenn Greenwald speaks out

Postby seemslikeadream » Sat Jun 29, 2013 11:23 am

General News 6/29/2013 at 08:39:30
Greenwald: Every Phone Call is Recorded and Stored-- A Globalized System Designed to Destroy Privacy, includes video
By Rob Kall

Glenn Greenwald speaking to the audience via Skype, on 4 Huge Screens by Margo Rush

Glenn Greenwald, in a skyped in talk to the Socialism 2013 Conference, told the audience, for the first time, according to him, about his experience going through the process of encountering, interacting with Ed Snowden, at first anonymously, then seeing his first evidence that Snowden was the real deal. "It made me dizzy," he described.

Greenwald, who has been a regular at the conference for several years, told the audience that a bombshell he would soon be releasing was that "NSA can redirect to its storage one billion cell phone calls every thing day. They are storing every call and have the capability to listen to them... It is a globalized system designed to destroy all privacy--- with no accountabliity and no safeguards."

He described the debate about his journalism is " being led by TV actors who play the role of journalists on TV. "

Glenn discussed how the US military's banning of access to the Guardian, the paper he publishes with, at all military bases, was better than receiving a Pulitzer or any other journalism award. He cited David Halberstam, saying, "David Halberstam viewed the measure of good journalism by how much you anger the people in power."

Jeremy Scahill by Margo Rush

Greenwald was introduced by fellow investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill, who spoke before Greenwald. Scahill said, "What Glenn Greenwald has done in the past few weeks, with his reporting is to shake the foundations of power. " and, also, in Scahill's own talk, he said, "there already was a coup in this country. It happened a long time ago. It was when corporations took control."

Glenn talked at length about Edward Snowden. Here are some of the quotes from his talk. (They're from notes so some may be paraphrased. Check the video below for the verbatim wording.)

There's more to life than material comfort or career stability or trying to live as long as you can. He judged his life based on his beliefs and the actions he took in the face of those beliefs.

Snowden: Leasdership is about going first and setting an example for others.

There was never a moment, never an iota of remorse, regret or fear. This was an individual completely at peace with the choice that he'd made.

Snowden was inspired by Bradley manning.

Courage is contagious. If you take a courageous step as an individual, you will immediately effect the world because you will affect other individuals.

it doesn't matter who you are as an individual or how formidable or powerful the institutions you want to challenge are.

He is a person with zero power, zero prestige, zero privilege yet he has changed the world.

He stepped forward and made himself a target for the good of all of us.

He will set an example for other people to come forward and blow the whistle on the corrupt and illegal things.

We need to defend him and hold him up for the noble example that he is."

Here's the video of Greenwald below. This is almost an hour and worth every second. He is scathing about the mainstream media. So was Scahill. More tomorrow-- I'm on my way back to the Socialism 2013 conference. #s13 on twitter.
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Re: Glenn Greenwald speaks out

Postby coffin_dodger » Sat Jun 29, 2013 11:31 am

" He described the debate about his journalism as " being led by TV actors who play the role of journalists on TV. "

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Re: Glenn Greenwald speaks out

Postby seemslikeadream » Sat Jun 29, 2013 11:50 am

catches Gregory saying "I've had government officials tell me ....." oh so it's not leaking when the government tells you something

Barbara Starr :jumping: :jumping:

at 48 minutes into vid
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Re: Glenn Greenwald speaks out

Postby slimmouse » Sat Jun 29, 2013 12:06 pm

coffin_dodger » 29 Jun 2013 15:31 wrote:" He described the debate about his journalism as " being led by TV actors who play the role of journalists on TV. "


Yes, and to paraphrase, he also pointed out that since they recieve reciprocal support for spouting this kinda system fed crap, they aren't prepared to bite the hand that feeds them, most likely due to the fact that it is also clear to them that the hand that feeds them is part of an organism with a rather nasty bite of its own, which probably tells us that they know more about what the real score is than they will ever be prepared to admit publically.

These are the very kinds of people who need to look around at the world, and then hold a deep conversation with themselves about what they really stand for.

To paraphrase again, such people are not journalists in any real sense of the word whatsoever.

All that said ,Slad it appears has taken the same key point from the talk that I did.

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Re: Glenn Greenwald speaks out

Postby Nordic » Sat Jun 29, 2013 8:03 pm

"David Halberstam viewed the measure of good journalism by how much you anger the people in power."

Looks like Hastings just won the ultimate prize, no?

The Career Achievement Award is to be blown up and burned to death in a car crash.
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Re: Glenn Greenwald speaks out

Postby mulebone » Mon Jul 01, 2013 2:28 am

Maybe we've all been herded into texting for a reason.

So, who did the herding?

& how, exactly, were people "herded" into texting?

& when you say "we" pard, speak for yourself. I don't, nor will I ever, own a cell phone. Personally I find people & their cell phone addictions to be so utterly annoying that I'd send them to Gitmo just for owning one.

Of course, like propaganda disseminating TVs with on/off switches, cell phone spying is amazingly easy to escape.

Yet few ever take that route.

Maybe if we weren't such narcissistic yet massively insecure douche bags with our pathological & utterly creepy need for constant affirmation, no matter how shallow that affirmation is, we wouldn't feel the need for "constant connection."

I can't even imagine the amount of banal human spewed bullshit that the government has to wend it's way through before it finds anything even remotely useful. (Come to think of it, it's probably a lot like reading this forum...)

On the other hand, all the paranoiacs, with their hermetically sealed forums that read more like giant intellectual circle jerk parties (y'know, like this one), would probably give their right nuts to have da government kick in their doors. That way they'd have real proof that their long hours spent typing "troof to powa" screeds on the Internut really was more than mental masturbation with a keyboard.

Although, if one takes the idea that the government waits, raptor-like, to pounce on every stunted adolescent rebel with an anti-government scree to spout to its logical conclusion, that must mean that this forum, and dozens like it, have never been within a bowling balls toss of "DA TROOF" since they seem to prattle on & on & on for years without the barest whiff of government interference or persecution.

Or are you all just too shy to relate your many all-expense-paid trips tp Gitmo?

Oh wait, I know...paranoid Internut addicts have built up such a back log of "courage" with their Internut addictions that the government is just too afraid to move on them.

After all, the courageous forum typists just might force those pesky government intruders to endure endless marathons of cute kitty videos, thereby nullifying all of that "Big Brother" nastiness.

Scary stuff indeed....
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Re: Glenn Greenwald speaks out

Postby Nordic » Mon Jul 01, 2013 3:32 am

Well, speaking for myself, I actually have to have a cell phone for work. It's not an option.

As far as being "herded", it works like this: You get charged, and charged a lot, for talking on the phone. Only so many minutes, once you go over, it gets real expensive. Texting is, with most plans, free. Unlimited. You can also send photos through texts, unlimited.

Also, talking on the phone discharges the battery pretty fast. Texting doesn't.

So most people now text.

Ask the kids. They'll tell you. :)

There's one more thing -- a lot of people don't like holding that damn thing to their heads. We've been told about phone-shaped tumors behind people's ears, that sort of thing. May be true. I wouldn't be surprised. Sometimes when the damn thing is held to my head, I can feel the bad energy coming out of it. I feel it pretty strongly.

But I'm with you, we're the victims of our own samsara. Gotta have a cell phone. Gotta have cable tv.

I got rid of my cable TV and it's great. People look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them that. It's like they HAVE to have it, life is unthinkable without it. Like I've just told them I'm a fruitarian. It's kinda weird, actually.
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Re: Glenn Greenwald speaks out

Postby seemslikeadream » Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:25 am

Speaking on NSA stories, Snowden and journalism
Discussing the implications of the last four week's of articles, revelations and debates

Glenn Greenwald, Saturday 29 June 2013 12.59 EDT

Last night, I gave my first speech on the NSA stories, Edward Snowden and related issues of journalism, delivered to the Socialism 2013 Conference in Chicago. Because it was my first speech since the episode began, it was the first time I was able to pause a moment and reflect on everything that has taken place and what the ramifications are. I was originally scheduled to speak live but was unable to travel there and thus spoke via an (incredibly crisp) Skype video connection. I was introduced by Jeremy Scahill, whose own speech is well worth watching. Those interested can view the entire speech in this recorder; below it are a few articles worth reading:

Several related items worth reading:

(1) The New York Times has an Op-Ed from Thursday by law professors Jennifer Stisa Granick and Christopher Jon Sprigman entitled "The Criminal NSA". It argues, citing recent revelations, that "it's time to call the NSA's mass surveillance programs what they are: criminal."

(2) The New York Times' excellent public editor, Margaret Sullivan, examines recent debates over who is and is not a "journalist" and provides one of the best working definitions yet. Matt Taibbi addresses the same question here. Meanwhile, former New York Times columnist Frank Rich argues that whatever "journalist" means, David Gregory doesn't qualify.

(3) Edward Snowden isn't the first NSA whistleblower of this decade. He was preceded by senior official Thomas Drake, who was unsuccessfully prosecuted by the Obama DOJ under espionage statutes and previously wrote that he saw the same things at the NSA that Snowden says prompted him to come forward. Another was William Binney, the long-time NSA mathematician who resigned in the wake of 9/11 over the NSA's domestic spying; as this article notes, the last set of documents we published regarding bulk collection of email metadata vindicates many of Binney's central warnings.

(4) A bipartisan group of 26 Senators just wrote a letter to Director of National Intelligence James Clapper demanding answers to some fairly probing questions about the administration's collection of bulk communication records on Americans, the "secret law" on which they relied, and their clearly misleading claims to Congress.

(5) It's well worth finding 9 minutes to watch this Chris Hayes discussion of how establishment journalists love leaks that serve the interests of political officials, but hate leaks that disclose what those officials want to keep suppressed. This is the heart and soul of establishment journalism - its true purpose - revealed:
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