One of these groups is the Order of Nine Angles (ONA, or sometimes written as O9A). The other major group is The Temple of the Black Light. Both these groups have sub-groups and sub-cells operating under different names, which makes it hard to pinpoint their operations. For instance, the ONA is rumored to have a cell called the Shugara Syndicate that has aims to, "re-instate the true horrors of Satanism." In this thread I want to focus on aspects of the ONA. You can read the Wikipedia pages on both these groups here:
First up is a collection of manuscripts (MSS) from the ONA's American cell: The Tempel ov Blood. The title of the text is Liber 333: The Directives of Wamphyrism/Vampirism In Accordance with the MSS of the American TEMPEL OV BLOOD. This document can be found here:
The different manuscripts are given below as headings that are in bold with underlines. I then give my thoughts under the italicized and underlined sections.
The Focus and Direction of the Tempel ov Blood (ToB)
This manuscript gives three aims for the temple:
(1) The creation of the "new being." Quote:
"humans are nothing in themselves, they are great however once they have decided to become a bridge to the New Being variously describedand symbolized by Homo Galactica, Ubermensch, Noctulians, Vampires, and the various titles given to Alien beings in such mythologies. ANY and ALL humans who fail to embrace this evolutionary urge will serve as food and a resource to be used by the New Being- as a human would a lesser animal."
(2) "the infiltration and manipulation of organizations and forms with Sinister potential." Quote:
"Aryanism, particularly the more religiously fanatically forms of it, such as Christian Identity are a good example. The manipulating Noctulain is to use these forms for their own Presencing of the Dark, as well as changing in subtle ways the followers of such forms to following a more Sinister direction. For example, in Identity, using knowledge of the Biblical doctrines and prophecies encourage war, hardship, and system disruption using the scriptures as guidance and proof of the message you are sending to adherents of the said form. Any form with a transhuman, system disruption, or satanic direction to it may be of use here. The key is finding a form that in itself is an aid to the Dialect and empowering it further, causing a saturation of Acausal Energy."
(3) "disruption of Magian organizations." Quote:
"Whether overtly occult forms, such as Judeo-Christian churches, Wicca covens, pseudo-satanic temples, or more physical down to earth forms such as Magian political groups and government. These need to be infiltrated and disrupted via both magical means (the ways of which are detailed in a ms not available to the public) as well as in more physical and practical ways."
Aims (2) and (3) I think are pretty important as far as identifying the modus operandi of the group is concerned. They infiltrate both non-religious and religious organisations. If the group can be used for sinister ends, they'll manipulate it towards that direction. If they can't steer the group, or if the group is a non-O9A organisation, they'll disrupt it.
For a concrete example of (2) check out the wikipedia pages of David Myatt (a member of the original O9A), and David Copeland:
It is possible that the Neo-Nazi and Islamic Extremist aspects of David Myatt's history were O9A operations. The popular press paints Myatt as an ideological madman and neo-fascist, but it is possible that this was a ruse given aim (2) above.
Also a note of terminology in (2) with reference to the term "acausal." It appears when O9A members use the term "acausal" what they mean in their belief system/mythos is objects and entities that are beyond space-and-time. Apparently there are two manuscripts discussing this part of the mythos (acausality), they are listed below in the "Future Manuscripts to read" section.
Tempel ov Blood: A Treatise On Sinister Dialectics
This manuscript has a large section I will mostly quote in full:
The Tempel ov Blood, far from being a fly-by-night operation of what is sometimes referred to in the ‘modern’ world as ‘occultic’ or ‘satanic’ , is, in fact, concerned with enacting agendas of a long-term nature with far-reaching implications for both those who participate (in one way or another) with the work of the Tempel directly as well as the general populace of this earth planet. In fact, the Tempel ov Blood is engaged in what members of the Roman Equity system of law practiced in America would term as a grand or broad based CONSPIRACY. Naturally, this ‘conspiracy’ as such is seen as detrimental towards the forces controlling the Magian Lodge (which is already in the process of dismantling itself via decadent, internal self-destruction - that being hardly a fit state in which to battle it out with the forces of the Seven Fold Sinister Path). Yet, the discerning observer realizes that all the works of the Sinister Path in general - can only be beneficial towards human kind, whether than be in the form of creating new Adepts or mercifully culling the dross from the globe via means which will not be discussed herein.
Why then, is the Tempel ov Blood largely ignored by the kinds of law enforcement agencies that track and monitor other so-called ‘extremist groups’? The reason being is precisely this: the aims and the goals of the Tempel ov Blood in keeping with our processes of Aeonic manipulation and promulgation of the Sinister Dialectic are seen, to mortal eyes, to be so huge in scope that they determine that our goals are practically ‘impossible’ and thus, such organizations as ‘Satanic Temples’ therefore must be merely fantasy.
As the Judeo-Christians know, as expressed in their popular music of the day: (Satan) ‘My job is getting very simple now, since no one believes in me anymore’. Since the underground nature of most Sinister temples puts us under the proverbial radar so to speak, this is one reason why we do not face hard repercussions from the external/exoteric forces that would seem to be either run directly or controlled remotely by the Magian/White Lodge. However, the main reason, is that the machinations of beings who are in fact, non-human, beyond humanity in every respect, are too in-depth and complex for an unevolved human being to understand. Physically, physiologically, psychologically, spiritually and intellectually those are of the new race - the progeny of the Tempel ov Blood - are operating on a completely higher level than the masses of humanity. While the new, sensitive Nazarene-trash breed of humans bemoan the social affliction of ‘racism’ , they ignore much more sinister malaise which threatens their feeble existence. While they chase after so-called ‘racists’ the real perpetrators of their woes operate unseen and with full, unholy fury: behold - the SPECIESTS.
The ToB is involved in a conspiracy by definition, and in their own words. They also note why Law Enforcement haven't cracked down on them yet. The answer they give is that Satanic Temples are seen as malarkey by the general public. A boogeyman fantasy that doesn't exist.
Future research
Groups, people, other entities named
Temple of THEM, the Australian nexion of the O9A. Note also that the anonymous founder of the original O9A moved to Australia. It is unknown if this individual is related to this group.
Lord Karnac.
Czar Azag-Kala.
Future Manuscripts to read
The Mythos of the Dark Gods: Beings of Acausal Darkness. Link: ... -darkness/
Advanced Introduction to The Dark Gods:
Five-Dimensional Acausal Sorcery. Link: ... ods51.html