Habemus Papam! Pope Francis l

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Re: Habemus Papam! Pope Francis l

Postby backtoiam » Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:37 pm

Whatever you think of the historical Catholic religion or Church, order out of chaos seems to be the blueprint here. I think the subtle breaking down, watering down of the Catholic religion has been going on for decades. The nail in its coffin occurred when the media was given the green light to expose pedophilia in the Catholic Church (the only powerful institution exposed in the mainstream to the point where pedophilia and Catholic Church are practically synonymous), which resulted in the chaos they needed to resurrect a new religion, a new world religion.

No doubt it is being systematically dismantled in my opinion. Upon its edifice I suppose the newly forming "New Age Religion" is slowly hanging it's parts. What that will ultimately become, before of course it becomes something else, I have no idea.

I learned a lot from Rudolph Steiner. Some of his predictions are so spot on that his thoughts were like reading a road map. He doesn't have it all right, who does? One of his most specific insights, which is complicated, and would have to be tediously written before thrown into the pit of public eye, is happening before my eyes.

Christianity and Islam are both being burned at the stake in vigorous manner. What will arise from the ashes will be interesting to see. Probably the only reason I might want to live for a thousand years is to know what it becomes. Other than that I'm yawing at what we have...
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Re: Habemus Papam! Pope Francis l

Postby zangtang » Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:43 pm

would that be his prediction of Europe in flaming ruins?
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Re: Habemus Papam! Pope Francis l

Postby backtoiam » Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:53 pm

zangtang » Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:43 pm wrote:would that be his prediction of Europe in flaming ruins?

No it is vastly more complicated than that which is why i didn't give it a shot. I didn't mean to sound cryptic but this is really hard to explain in a short rip, and I could not do it justice in a quick post. I already alluded to it in another thread. I don't remember which one. I will see if I can find it. Or you can pm me and I will give it a try...
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Re: Habemus Papam! Pope Francis l

Postby divideandconquer » Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:40 pm

82_28 » Sat Sep 26, 2015 1:51 pm wrote:I was basically saying that doesn't it occur to you at some point in life that this is pretty stupid when you think about it?

I am "spiritual", but being the only guy in a crowd of millions still wearing that get-up would make me think of how absurd it all is. It made sense centuries ago when there was no instant search, no malls or big box stores to go to. I've long said that the Vatican was the first JC Penney's (department store) of sorts. It's always been a way to dazzle with shit po-folk had never seen before and then extract from the flock -- keeping control. Even going way back to the 1970s or as early as the 1970s one kept time by the clock and bells in the distance.

Okay, now I get it, and, I have to agree. As a Catholic, I always questioned the dazzling display of ostentatious wealth of the Vatican that seemed to directly contradict the message of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection form the very foundation of the Christian and/or Catholic faith. Yet, that's always been true, since the very beginning.

However, now, we have a Pope that seems to superficially address this issue, yet, doesn't even mention Jesus Christ in his 50 minute address to Congress. He mentions Moses, but not Jesus?

There is no doubt that the focus of the Pope is to bring all religions together. But, does that mean denying the Catholic faith in order to do so? And if so, why? Supposedly, he refused to convert people of different religions, and when the Israeli president visited the Pope in Rome, the president's secretary, an orthodox Jewish woman refused to shake his hand or bow down (completely understandable), the Pope covered his cross and bowed down to her (not understandable).
“The False Prophet will have a religion without a cross. A religion without a world to come. A religion to destroy religions. There will be a counterfeit (Catholic) church. Christ’s (true Catholic) Church will be one. And the False Prophet will create the other. The false church will be worldly, ecumenical, and global. It will be a loose federation of churches. And religions forming some type of global association. A world parliament of churches. It will be emptied of all divine content and will be the mystical body of the Antichrist. The mystical body on earth today will have its Judas Iscariot and he will be the false prophet. Satan will recruit him from among our bishops.” - Fulton Sheen

Once again, I'm not endorsing the Catholic Church or religion, I'm merely questioning the behavior of its current leader who acts more like a politician than a pope, who is more interested in attracting followers than defending or spreading true Catholicism.
“We can get caught up measuring the value of our apostolic works by the standards of efficiency, good management and outward success which govern the business world. Not that these things are unimportant! We have been entrusted with a great responsibility, and God’s people rightly expect accountability from us. But the true worth of our apostolate is measured by the value it has in God’s eyes. To see and evaluate things from God’s perspective calls for constant conversion in the first days and years of our vocation and, need I say, great humility. The cross shows us a different way of measuring success. Ours is to plant the seeds: God sees to the fruits of our labors. And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and produce no fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus… and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.” --Pope Francis

While this quote is easily explained away, that last sentence is still rather disturbing coming from the Pope. There are some who say the Pope's mission is to remove the deity of Christ, the very foundation of the Catholic Church. If true, what does that make Pope Francis? Given his power, no matter how flowery his words, a very scary man.
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Re: Habemus Papam! Pope Francis l

Postby backtoiam » Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:46 pm

Previously I posted this in the wrong thread. Way too many buttons

zangtang » Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:17 pm wrote:now I'm not only confused less than I wasn't before that didn't happen later, but not here.

Here it is zangtang.

This is deep shit. It requires an understanding of the different opinions of the supposed masters of human evolution and the ever changing cosmos. Which is why I didn't hit it with my brush. We could have a thread on this that would either run for years or die in a flame out in one day. A live thread would be great, but my hope for its survival is a little thin...So it is...

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Re: Habemus Papam! Pope Francis l

Postby backtoiam » Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:50 pm

And if at times our efforts and works seem to fail and produce no fruit, we need to remember that we are followers of Jesus… and his life, humanly speaking, ended in failure, the failure of the cross.” --Pope Francis

divide and conquer wrote

While this quote is easily explained away, that last sentence is still rather disturbing coming from the Pope. There are some who say the Pope's mission is to remove the deity of Christ, the very foundation of the Catholic Church. If true, what does that make Pope Francis? Given his power, no matter how flowery his words, a very scary man.

There is a million miles of wisdom buried right there.
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Re: Habemus Papam! Pope Francis l

Postby 82_28 » Sat Sep 26, 2015 4:46 pm

However, now, we have a Pope that seems to superficially address this issue, yet, doesn't even mention Jesus Christ in his 50 minute address to Congress. He mentions Moses, but not Jesus?

Very good point! His speech had to have been vetted with a camera already focused on the fresco of Moses to coincide with his mention. If ever there was an example of a wolf in sheep's clothing Francis would have to be it by definition. Highly controlled. Thus I ask, who controls the pope? God basically doesn't exist, so who are those who ultimately pull the strings. It most certainly isn't him because he is trapped no matter where he goes. And I would just say that I think it must be some sort of massive form of mind control and abuse. There's nothing that I can think of that would fit that bill. The secrecy of the occult remains firmly in the hands of the first (that we know of) corporation ever.

They used to speak in Latin and thus nobody could understand intentionally so. I don't think I've ever heard a pope say one thing that I could just understand on the surface of it. I live within a stone's throw of a catholic church and decided to take a couple of shots and head down for my first mass. Apparently it was the Polish language mass they have after the mass in English which I didn't understand a word of but laughed and prayed along with everybody else. I even went and did the communion and crossed myself "when in Rome" as it were, which that saying has a long, long history -- I wonder why. It was fairly beautiful from a respectful armchair historian's standpoint as to how this shit has persisted for so long. But very, very stupid and needless. Yet ancient enough for me to respect the actual rituals and not the christian punk things that "protestant" megachurches think they're pulling off.

Basically, it's all ridiculous like basically everything basically else. BUT there are still old timers who are about to pass on that know a thing or two and no matter what they believe, they should be respected because they are our only hint at a real time machine. They have stories and loves and losses and the Catholic Church does kind of a good job of preserving that.
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Re: Habemus Papam! Pope Francis l

Postby divideandconquer » Sun Sep 27, 2015 10:47 am

82_28 » Sat Sep 26, 2015 4:46 pm wrote:
However, now, we have a Pope that seems to superficially address this issue, yet, doesn't even mention Jesus Christ in his 50 minute address to Congress. He mentions Moses, but not Jesus?

Very good point! His speech had to have been vetted with a camera already focused on the fresco of Moses to coincide with his mention. If ever there was an example of a wolf in sheep's clothing Francis would have to be it by definition. Highly controlled. Thus I ask, who controls the pope? God basically doesn't exist, so who are those who ultimately pull the strings. It most certainly isn't him because he is trapped no matter where he goes. And I would just say that I think it must be some sort of massive form of mind control and abuse. There's nothing that I can think of that would fit that bill. The secrecy of the occult remains firmly in the hands of the first (that we know of) corporation ever.

They used to speak in Latin and thus nobody could understand intentionally so. I don't think I've ever heard a pope say one thing that I could just understand on the surface of it. I live within a stone's throw of a catholic church and decided to take a couple of shots and head down for my first mass. Apparently it was the Polish language mass they have after the mass in English which I didn't understand a word of but laughed and prayed along with everybody else. I even went and did the communion and crossed myself "when in Rome" as it were, which that saying has a long, long history -- I wonder why. It was fairly beautiful from a respectful armchair historian's standpoint as to how this shit has persisted for so long. But very, very stupid and needless. Yet ancient enough for me to respect the actual rituals and not the christian punk things that "protestant" megachurches think they're pulling off.

Basically, it's all ridiculous like basically everything basically else. BUT there are still old timers who are about to pass on that know a thing or two and no matter what they believe, they should be respected because they are our only hint at a real time machine. They have stories and loves and losses and the Catholic Church does kind of a good job of preserving that.

I want to be honest here. I am truly trying to figure out what's going on with Pope Francis, not to endorse the Catholic Church but I am a Catholic, albeit a struggling one. I firmly believe in Jesus Christ, but I haven't made up my mind about the Church. I used to go to mass every Sunday, but now, I only go every once in a while. I always feel better afterward, but why? Because I feel less guilt? Or is it something more?. Anyway, I know that most of the people who post here are either agnostic or atheist, and almost all are anti-religion and I totally respect that and just ask for the same.

As I've said before, I grew up seeing the best of what the Catholic Church represents. My parents were involved with priests and nuns who dedicated their lives, sacrificed their egos and material wealth to help the poor and marginalized, fighting those who abuse their power, even if that meant going to jail. Believe it or not, the kind of people I grew up around are not unique. You just never hear about them, because, especially since the 1960s, the media--books, movies, the news, TV shows--always focus on the worst about the Church, never mentioning the good the it does. The Catholic Church is the largest charitable organization in the world between, Catholic Charities, Food for the Poor, Catholic Relief Services, St. Jude's, America's Second Harvest, Catholic Medical Mission Board, Covenant House, etc., From missionaries to the poor to soup kitchens, homeless shelters, Little Sisters of the Poor, and thousands upon thousands of individual parishes across the globe who often do their work in anonymity,

Maybe all of this sounds like an endorsement, but it's really not because I haven't even made up my mind. I'm just trying to round out the picture, add a little perspective, because so many people have a poor understanding of the Catholic Church mostly thanks to the media.
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Re: Habemus Papam! Pope Francis l

Postby 82_28 » Sun Sep 27, 2015 11:51 am

Yeah. That's why I went down to the church. For perspective. I went to be one with people who gather there or at least explore with a bit of an intentional buzz. I don't believe a whit of it, but I found the camaraderie awesome that spanned from the very young to the very old also in a language I don't understand, Polish in this case. I did the communion bit as I said, "when in Rome" and felt like it wouldn't hurt because how real it seemed to the congregation. Who am I to tell anyone? I'm neither agnostic or atheist. I think that all traditions have something to say and I'll use my own head always with a "do unto others" type shit going on.
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Re: Habemus Papam! Pope Francis l

Postby Iamwhomiam » Sun Sep 27, 2015 12:03 pm

I do believe Papa Francis mentioned only Moses as he is a central character in the three largest religions. He wanted people to listen to his words, not be turned off. The mention of Jesus would have immediately been distracting to Jews and Muslims.

I doubt any new "world religion" is being planned. (maybe after the Harvest, but that still may be ages away, though it does seem we're approaching that time quickly)

divideandconquer, if it makes you feel good, keep doing it. Perhaps donating some time to one of the Catholic Charities would be helpful.

As the church's flock dwindles, so goes their ability to aid those in need. I've worked with many either funded by Catholic Charities. One such organization helped empower me to become the activist I am, or was until recently. David Kaczynski and I met when he was ED of New Yorkers Against the Death Penalty, now called New Yorkers for Alternatives to the Death Penalty, which was funded through the Church.
David was a Catholic before becoming a Buddhist. He was a Buddhist working for Catholic Charities. Over the past 40 years I've worked with Nuns, Monks, and priests who have dedicated their lives to serving the poor through the Church. Yes, their are many good things the Church is involved with.

David and Sister Helen Prejean I hold in regard as living Saints, though I am not a Catholic.
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Re: Habemus Papam! Pope Francis l

Postby slimmouse » Sun Sep 27, 2015 1:46 pm

I think its time we all started taking ourselves much more seriously.

Always beware of both fake and expensive imitations. Understand who you are.

There is only, and ever will be only one you. Sat as we all are at the pinnacle of current creation

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Re: Habemus Papam! Pope Francis l

Postby divideandconquer » Mon Sep 28, 2015 11:07 am

Yesterday, right after I posted here, I was going through a box of my father's stuff (I've been helping him clean up) and I pulled out a book entitled En Route to Global Occupation: A High Ranking Government Liaison Exposes the Secret Agenda for World Unification by Gary Kah (obviously Christian as there is lots of quoted scripture but I know nothing about him), copyright 1992.

I started reading it and couldn't put it down, because it presciently addressed my concerns about the true role of this pope. The author's--at one time, a government insider--main focus is the role of the Freemasonry, the New Age Movement, Club of Rome, CFR, Trilateral Commission, United Nations, etc., and a less well-known organization called the World Constitution and Parliament Association (WCPA) http://worldparliament-gov.org/about-the-wcpa/ and the false ecumenical /interfaith unity being promoted by the World Council of Churches.

In one chapter, "America's Shadow Government", p. 65, he wonders where global headquarters might be and asks the question, "Is New York destined for destruction?"
Having gained some idea of America's role in building the New World Order, the only remaining question I had was "What will happen to the U.S. once it has fulfilled its mission?" There is some disagreement among researchers on this question. Some believe that once we have entered the New World Order, Europe will be made the headquarters of the world government Others believe that the seat of power for the world government will be in the United States, specifically in New York City.

As things currently stand, New York would be the logical choice to be the world's capital, given the fact that it is the most powerful and influential city in the world and that the United Nations, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission are all headquartered there. However, the secret hierarchy of Europe, which is still ultimately in charge, might have different plans. If they intend to locate the world capital in Europe, they will find a way to do so. Such a decision, however, would probably involve either the economic devastation or physical destruction of New York City. This could be accomplished in several ways-economically, through a planned collapse of the stock market or a severe depression resulting from our excessive national debt; or physically, as an act of terrorism, as a nuclear "accident," or through a limited nuclear war. Whatever method would be selected, the European hierarchy, I believe, would be capable of carrying it out.

Is New York destined for destruction? I don't know the answer to this question, nor do I wish such a fate upon the people of that city. However, the parallels between New York and the great, but wicked, city described as Mystery Babylon in Revelation 17 and 18 are difficult to ignore. I can only hope these passages are describing something else.

While New York wasn't completely destroyed, the destruction of its towers certainly moved the NWO agenda forward.

Anyway, back to the necessity of creating of a world religion and the possible role of the pope. The author connects the current new age movement to Freemasonry which he traces back to the ancient mystery religions and explains how the public has been subtly conditioned by recent religious leaders, who increasingly promote interfaithism, the belief that all religions are pathways to the same God, the merging of all the world's major religions under one umbrella. This false unity, this widespread acceptance of this view, he claims, is a crucial precondition for merging humanity into a system of world government.

He says,
"Without the existence of a synthetic global religion capable of uniting the religions of the world under a single umbrella, it would be impossible for the conspirators to succeed. Freemasonry [and its numerous tentacles] provides this umbrella. It has already succeeded in preparing a significant portion of our world's population to embrace its universalist worldview.

Once again, if we trusted that the establishment had our best interest at heart, these promoted concepts of peace and unity sound lovely. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all get along? However, considering the past and current behavior of our lovely powers that were/be, I don't see how anyone can even consider their motives are anything but sinister. As the author states, "evil will go forth in the name of goodness."
The religion of the New Age, simply put, is pantheism-the belief that God is the sum total of all that exists. According to pantheists, there is no personal God, instead their concept of God consists of what they refer to as a god-force (or life-force). They teach that this energy, or god-force, flows through all living things-plants, animals, human beings. Since this god-force flows through all of us, they rationalize, we must therefore be gods or, at least, part of God. Because of this belief, most pantheists will automatically support the concept of a one-world government since global unity is essential to the proper flow of the god-force. Humanity will then, presumably, lake a "quantum leap" to a higher level of existence. The result will be that all humans will suddenly receive mystical powers to do what they could never do before. A new age of enlightenment- a New World Order-will be born.

In other words, Christianity--the deity of Christ--must die, and who better to kill it than the Pope?
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Re: Habemus Papam! Pope Francis l

Postby Iamwhomiam » Mon Sep 28, 2015 1:01 pm

Well, although I find your find fascinating, Freemasonry only requires one to believe in God, and has members of many faiths, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and more. So I don't see a world religion as either probable or remotely possible. I don't believe a world religion necessary to realizing the goal of a one world government.
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Re: Habemus Papam! Pope Francis l

Postby backtoiam » Mon Sep 28, 2015 1:30 pm

I agree that it is probably not necessary to have a one world religion to have a one world government, but I can see where it would be considered desirable and highly valuable to a small group of self appointed shepherds attempting to guide humanity into their mental cul de sac of "perfection."

It might create one less thing for humanity to fight and kill each other over, which the shepherds might consider a pain the ass, but I would imagine that the playbook contains many ways to compensate for that.
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Re: Habemus Papam! Pope Francis l

Postby tapitsbo » Mon Sep 28, 2015 2:39 pm

Interesting that "liberal" Freemasonry and "fascist" Traditionalism both suggest that all religions are just different expressions of the same truth
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