TRUMP is seriously dangerous

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Re: TRUMP is seriously dangerous

Postby General Patton » Wed Oct 14, 2015 10:48 am



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Re: TRUMP is seriously dangerous

Postby SonicG » Tue Oct 27, 2015 7:12 am

Doesn't look like there has been mention of Trump's link to this Sammy the Bull character....I first heard about it here:

(Love :lovehearts: Joey)

Then just ran across this article at the Daily Beast

Inside Donald Trump's Empire: Why He Didn't Run for President in 2012

Haven't read and it only mentions this Sammy the Bull once but another very interesting angle on the pond scum that is Le Trump....
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Re: TRUMP is seriously dangerous

Postby 82_28 » Tue Oct 27, 2015 7:44 am

It's funny Joey brings up Colorado because I can actually "finger" a spot me and friends went to for quite some time. I don't think that other people were that interested but I was back then. Cops would come and go from the back room placing bets. Bruno was the name of the owner who would sit at the end of the bar with his sunglasses on and the bartender was named Vinny. BUT it was the closest bar in the suburban hood. Had video games and all that. It was all a front and you could tell. Joey tells the truth and I like him even more because he talks like me. Thanks for the link. But I can circumstantially back up all that he says about being an inquisitive Colorado kid.
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Re: TRUMP is seriously dangerous

Postby vince » Tue Oct 27, 2015 9:16 am

I had no idea that Carson was a Seventh-day adventist,
and I had to find out from freakin' Trump?!?!?

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sinister forces - dangerous minds

Postby IanEye » Thu Nov 19, 2015 3:52 pm

Many of Hitler’s associates remarked upon his incessant monologuing. Indeed, Hitler referred to himself as the “messenger from nothingness.” Neither did Hitler ever write his speeches down—he was winging it, ever loyal to his instincts, which led him from being considered a national laughing stock with shit hair to a position of absolute power.

I go on my way,” he declared, en route to turning the world inside out, “with the ease of a somnambulist.”

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Re: TRUMP is seriously dangerous

Postby 82_28 » Fri Nov 20, 2015 3:51 am

Donald Trump Is a Scarier Terrorist Than Anyone from ISIS

It's become perfectly clear that GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has decided that the best way to overcome terrorism is by being more of a terrorist than the terrorists themselves. What separates Trump's use of fear as a campaign tactic from every other candidate doing so is that, for Trump, it's an unabashed attempt to demonize, isolate, and punish people for their identities. Others may do two of those three things, like Ted Cruz or Jeb Bush, but only Trump pushes his rhetoric to the point where he's obviously talking about violence against innocent people abroad, as in "bomb the shit out of them," and, more importantly, here in the United States.

This is what Trump told Yahoo News, in an interview published today, about what he'd do as president about Syrian refugees who are let into the United States during the Obama administration: "They’re going to be gone. They will go back...I’ve said it before, in fact, and everyone hears what I say, including them (the refugees), believe it or not. But if they’re here, they have to go back, because we cannot take a chance. You look at the migration, it’s young, strong men. We cannot take a chance that the people coming over here are going to be ISIS-affiliated." Trump said he would be willing to look into issuing Muslims special identification, which would have to be something akin to "show me your papers" or a cloth crescent and star, perhaps, worn on one's garments. And he has said that mosques need to come under scrutiny or perhaps be closed. This is not to mention that he wants to start up warrantless surveillance of Muslim communities.

On undocumented immigrants from Mexico and Latin America, in addition to his wall, Trump has said that he will deport all 11 million people currently in the United States illegally. He'd end birthright citizenship, and he'd stop issuing green cards for a period of time. And if you think he's moderated his tone since June, when he called Mexican immigrants "rapists" and criminals, just last month, Trump offered a take on Mexicans that was straight out of the Archie Bunker book of insults: "I mean, the way our country is run, if it doesn't happen to be me that wins, you know what's going to happen? They're going to build a plant and illegals are going drive those cars right over the border. And they'll probably end up stealing the cars." Of course, the crowd cheered madly.

Ultimately, Donald Trump is promising to tear apart the families of millions of people and send thousands back to be killed or abused in Syria. This is not to mention the paranoia, no, the terror that Trump wants to instill in the legal immigrants who are here or the American Muslims who have lived in this country for several generations. And what if someone resists carrying an i.d. card, like an American citizen? Will they be arrested? Beaten? Shot by cops? Trump has no compunction about widespread punishment or about rallying the nationalist idiots for some kind of restoration of an older America, a goal that is not that different from those who want a caliphate. And this doesn't even get into his China-phobia.

Yeah, many others have said the obvious, that Trump is now essentially a fascist without the coherent ranting of a Hitler or Mussolini. He's delineated people into superior and inferior populations, and he's calling for the repression of those he deems inferior.

But we can also call Trump a "terrorist" for the way he wields fear as a cudgel, forcing everyone to respond and freak-out and change how they live and what they think of the world around them. Frankly, we should be more frightened of Donald Trump than any ISIS fighter creeping into the nation. Trump is here. And, as he'll tell you, he's armed and dangerous. ... -than.html
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Re: TRUMP is seriously dangerous

Postby kool maudit » Fri Nov 20, 2015 5:31 am

Even those who consider Donald Trump a grotesque tumour must admit that the underlying cancer is the system that offered Americans, in July of 2015, a further round of Clinton versus Bush.
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Re: TRUMP is seriously dangerous

Postby Harvey » Fri Nov 20, 2015 5:54 am

kool maudit » Fri Nov 20, 2015 10:31 am wrote:Even those who consider Donald Trump a grotesque tumour must admit that the underlying cancer is the system that offered Americans, in July of 2015, a further round of Clinton versus Bush.

Serves you right for condescending that you were a classless republic.

Perhaps Trump deserves credit for selflessly becoming a pure embodiment of the American unconscious. If he doesn't shock you into awareness (as a group of diverse groups) few things will. The Planet wreckers are on a roll, the methane clathrates are bubbling up and time is growing short.

If not now, when?
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Re: TRUMP is seriously dangerous

Postby 8bitagent » Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:15 pm

Anyone in the media who laughs off trump as a side show or fun media personality should have all illusions of that erased by this past weekend.
A black lives matter activist who shouted "black lives matter" was repeatedly kicked, punched, choked and kicked in the head by Trump supporters
as Trump seems to egg on what happen. He also retweeted a white nationalist post on twitter. This is also the guy who said his fans are "very passionate"
in response to a hate crime on a homeless man committed by two men saying the beating was for Trump. ... index.html

His polls keep surging, now galvanized by the post Paris attack fall out. The establishment GOP keeps waiting for Trump to falter, 'slip up', but with every
jaw dropping racist thing he says or does he seems to keep rising. Again, at this point even as a progressive, I almost long for the days when Jeb Bush seemed
to be the front runner.

Trump is just exploding with dog whistles for the farthest fringes of the racialist far right, coating it in 'Trump buffoonery' so the mainstream doesn't pick it up.
At this point I almost feel Trump could use the n-word, or give a thumbs up emoji to hate crime killings done in his name and his polls would just keep going up.
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Re: TRUMP is seriously dangerous

Postby Nordic » Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:41 pm

The US is evil. The sooner people figure that out the better. The US needs to hit rock bottom before it is EVER going to be changed for the better.

Because of this I actually think that if Trump is elected president that will be that moment where the big realization happens.

Enough with the fake band aids and lesser-evils. And HOPE. Fuck hope. It's the enemy.

This country is evil. As evil as ISIS. In fact, ISIS is the Real USA.

Germany had to go through it. Hell, all of Europe had to go through it. The US has to go through it. Which means it's going down. The more mature nations of the world (including Germany) need to make sure this happens without WW3 forcing the issue.
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Re: TRUMP is seriously dangerous

Postby tapitsbo » Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:43 pm

Haa, as bad as the USA is, the real problems go beyond any particular nation-states.
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Re: TRUMP is seriously dangerous

Postby Nordic » Sun Nov 22, 2015 6:44 pm

tapitsbo » Sun Nov 22, 2015 5:43 pm wrote:Haa, as bad as the USA is, the real problems go beyond any particular nation-states.

Well yeah but most of this crap of which you speak is made possible, fueled and funded, by the mighty petro-dollar.
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Re: TRUMP is seriously dangerous

Postby General Patton » Sun Nov 22, 2015 8:32 pm

Trump is neither a fascist nor a white supremacist. He's fairly tame. The real bind he has created is that regardless of whether he wins or loses he will move the overton window much further to the right. I know a few volkists who can't figure out if they want him to win or lose simply because it's so hard to calculate which will give them more leverage. This is why Sanders is often a second pick for them, just because of how much potential disruption he could bring, which gives them space to operate.


P.s. Also notable is how much more adept they have gotten at sniffing out federal agents and locking them down. The old bait isn't working as well as it used too.
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Re: TRUMP is seriously dangerous

Postby slomo » Sun Nov 22, 2015 9:30 pm

So, I was sharing my paranoid fantasies about Trump with my partner, and I asserted that there were definitely Americans interested in going so far as to require proof of ancestry in order to obtain access to various goods and services. Remarking that the technology certainly now exists to make this very easy, I suddenly remembered coming across this gem a few months ago:

Genetic Access Control
What is Genetic Access Control?
Using the 23andme API it is now possible to utilize genetic profile information and likely phenotypes in custom applications. This means you can restrict access to your site based on traits including sex, ancestry, disease susceptability, and arbitrary characteristics associated with single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in a person's genotype.

How does it work?
GAC uses the standard third-party authentication mechanism OAuth2 to request minimal permissions from 23andme on behalf of the user. The user is presented with a dialog asking them to approve the sharing of certain genetic data with your application.
If the request is approved a temporary access token is passed to your application which can be used to make API requests to retrieve information, such as ancestry composition and SNP nucleotide sequences. This data can then be used to grant or restrict authorization.

Possible uses
Creating "safe spaces" online where frequently attacked and trolled victim groups can congregate, such as a female-only community
Ethnoreligious sects may wish to limit membership, e.g. Hasidic Jewish groups restricting access to Ashkenazi or Sephardic maternal haplogroups with the "Cohen" gene
Safer online dating sites that only partner people with a low likelihood of offspring with two recessive genes for congenital diseases
Pharmaceutical applications that check for genetic predisposition to negative drug interactions before dispensing
Groups defined by ethnic background, e.g. Black Panthers or NAACP members

It is possible to register a new account, obtain a genetic testing kit for about $100 and submit a saliva sample from a person who would normally fit the criteria for granting access, after about six weeks of waiting.
Many traits such as ancestry composition are speculative and statistical in nature, not precise. There are adjustible settings for threshold and speculation in the sample code.
There are unresolved ethical issues regarding trans-*-identifying persons such as transgender and transethnic users.

Ancestry Authorization Demo
You must have a genotyped 23andme account to access the demo. It checks to see if your ancestral makeup is primarily composed of European (minus Ashkenazi) genetic markers to determine whether or not access is permitted.

Here's a Wired article about it.

It's frightening that Trump is awakening this dragon, and I wonder how far it will go.
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Re: TRUMP is seriously dangerous

Postby Elvis » Sun Nov 22, 2015 10:30 pm

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