Segregation: A Modest Proposal

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Re: Segregation: A Modest Proposal

Postby General Patton » Mon Nov 23, 2015 7:05 pm

Tip top trolling btw

So I am going to level with you. I am not actually a member of ____. I am affiliated with TRS. We've been doing this essentially as a troll. HOWEVER, this has turned into something far beyond we would have ever expected. We have gotten numerous requests for interviews (some of which have been published), as well as offers of aid from Jared Taylor's people. We have also gotten offers of aid from actual students at some of the campuses involved. So, as you can see, this is a bit of a paradox (for lack of a better word); not real yet, but it could be real. It would be very useful to have someone who actually goes to Rutgers be in charge of the page (I am running another atm), as that person would more able to get interviews because he could prove he goes to the school. Would you be interested in that?

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Re: Segregation: A Modest Proposal

Postby American Dream » Mon Nov 30, 2015 9:23 am

Students For Western Civilization: Trolls, But Still Interesting (Part I)



More at: ... ation.html

General Patton » Mon Nov 23, 2015 2:39 pm wrote:Go check your local/favorite college on Facebook and see if it has a White Student Union yet. I haven't tallied up the total number of them that have been made over the week but there are a lot of them. This was mostly TRS but 8/pol/ chipped in. ... k-outrage/
Posters promoting a white students union popped up Monday at three Toronto universities, and were taken down as fast as they went up.

The posters show a stylized image of two white men in front of a Toronto cityscape, with the CN tower visible in the background. The words "White Students Union!" are scrawled along the bottom, with a website linking to a group called Students for Western Civilization.
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Re: Segregation: A Modest Proposal

Postby tapitsbo » Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:24 am


Here's a picture of the York University Board of Governors. Looks pretty white, no?

I'm willing to bet most of these boards are pretty white across North America.

These are the entities ultimately banning white associations and allowing segregated associations for other groups - so the idea expressed in this thread that people are angry at "POC" for creating their own groups might need reconsidering.

The growing "alt-right" anger hogging attention here is most fierce towards white people in leadership positions.

York is relevant here because the white groups' bland materials were categorized as terrorism/violence by the administration. This was well before the wave of attempted groups across the USA.
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Re: Segregation: A Modest Proposal

Postby General Patton » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:35 pm

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Re: Segregation: A Modest Proposal

Postby kool maudit » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:20 am

Every time something like this comes up, you press it a bit and get this "well what we mean is the construct of whiteness", but as someone of English descent I am "white" anywhere where that is used as a designator (it's the main axis of identity in, say, America and sub-Saharan Africa, less in the Middle East for example).

Given this, I would surely assume that nobody could expect me to get on board with such things. They sound genocidal, and even if they technically aren't by means of this or that sophistry, they – like American Dream's thread – are built to sound as if they are, to derive power from that.

But people do expect it! Fresh-faced young Canadians of German and Scottish and Swedish descent have proposed the necessity of these things to me!

I want to shake them: "you are Swedish! Swedes are a Northern European race, a sub-group of the Europeans, who in America came to be called "white"... don't you know that this stuff isn't for you?"

But I suppose they assume such movements will push the needle back to "fair" and then halt due to whatever checks and balances.

I can't imagine thinking like that.
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Re: Segregation: A Modest Proposal

Postby General Patton » Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:10 pm

UConn officials explain thinking behind African American male-only section of dorm ... n-of-dorm/

It's left organizers defending an idea that was meant to be pro-active.

"African American males graduate at a lower rate than their peers," said Dr. Erik Hines. "So the University of Connecticut was forward-thinking in bringing a solution to this issue."

Hines is an assistant professor of educational psychology at UConn. He will serve as faculty advisor to the 40 or so students involved with the SCHOLA2RS House. He points to statistics from 2012 that shows the graduation rate for all UConn students was 82.5 percent. The graduation rate for African American males was only 54 percent that year.

"It is a space for African American men to one, come together and validate their experiences that they may have on campus. Number two, it's also a space where they can have conversation and also talk with individuals who come from the same background who share the same experience," said Hines.

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Re: Segregation: A Modest Proposal

Postby backtoiam » Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:28 pm


Me too. Nothing better for "solidarity" than to put a bunch of people of different ethnic backgrounds in a big group, and then teach them certain colors are "bad", and encourage them to 'segregate' themselves into specific groups. What could go wrong? Some solidarity...
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Re: Segregation: A Modest Proposal

Postby Luther Blissett » Wed Apr 20, 2016 10:51 am

Look at what happens when people who are clueless about what young people think and feel and only listen to what they are told by corporate media about "social justice warriors" and "privilege politics" and "safe spaces" think they understand something and actually go out looking for it:


youngblackandvegan wrote:they have so little respect for the intelligence of this generation

messialien wrote:Disgusting

nerdgasrnz wrote:Fox reporter: What do you think of this blatantly offensive thing?
College students: I don’t appreciate the light-hearted dehumanization of fellow human beings
Fox reporter: lmao listen to this sjw bullshit #lol #kek #triggered
The Rich and the Corporate remain in their hundred-year fever visions of Bolsheviks taking their stuff - JackRiddler
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