The “Alternative Right"

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Re: The “Alternative Right"

Postby jakell » Sun Feb 14, 2016 1:04 pm

General Patton » Sun Feb 14, 2016 4:47 pm wrote:
American Dream » Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:31 am wrote:Rigorous Intuition was never supposed to be attached to the Stormfart sphere...

Indeed. There's a certain irony in that the alt right recruits even passionate antifa activists who become alienated or disillusioned with the current positions antifa are taking. They then become hardcore ideologues because they have to prove that they are even more right wing than everyone else to make up for their antifa past. I really do wonder how many antifas will convert to this deranged alt-right racism before this decade closes and then seek to enact the same purges they sought when they were on the other side of the spectrum.

I'm still not entirely convinced that the alt-right are a 'thing', internet enthusiasms seem to come and go ever faster nowadays. For the time being I'm going to assume (for practical reasons) that the far right are only appearing to embrace the new in order to steal a bit of momentum and their true heart lies elsewhere.

The only possible pedigree I've seen for the alt-right is something that arose in Europe about a decade ago called the new-right. This was only in name though, there was little about it that was new except that it was quite ideology heavy and seemed to regard itself as a think-tank in contrast to the far-right political parties of the time
Last edited by jakell on Sun Feb 14, 2016 1:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: The “Alternative Right"

Postby Sounder » Sun Feb 14, 2016 1:09 pm

Fa and Anti-Fa

Hate breeders unite!!! :wallhead:
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Re: The “Alternative Right"

Postby NeonLX » Sun Feb 14, 2016 1:38 pm

General Patton » Sat Feb 06, 2016 6:11 pm wrote:Don't forget Sinead of Firestarter Media v. everyone who doesn't know that the jews are doctoring all of the satellite footage the world has seen of a curved earth.

Weird. I just ran up against this line of thought for the first time recently. Friend of mine who seems quite rational in most respects began asking me to "prove it" that the Earth is round. In her case, the people doctoring satellite footage are descendants of the German nazi scientists who work for NASA.

I guess I should count that as a win.
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Re: The “Alternative Right"

Postby General Patton » Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:38 am

A small but well connected alt-right shared twitter account made a splash yesterday with a series of tweets listing people they do not trust:
oh I forgot Jack Donovan & Genophilia ... 4975125504
Folks I dont Trust on Alt Right
Maoyuu Zeta
White Front
Kyle Hunt

This highlights two things - firstly many of the people on this list don't consider themselves alt-right and in fact hold them in contempt. Secondly, the split between monarchist christian types and the broader alt-right group. Christianity is pretty incompatible with getting girls drunk in an attempt to get a pity fuck, and also incompatible with the pagan eccentricities of the asatru types.

For any enterprising antifa, SJW or hardcore TradCon, you could start tracing out nodes and edges on a social network analysis program and assign weights to the edges of the current alt-right clusterfuck. Map it out along with disputes to figure out their wedge issues to tear them apart. Begin planting long troll accounts to befriend people, then subtly stir shit and spread rumors and hoaxes. That is, if you want to do to them what they've already done to you. (Rick Wilson and company already tried this but fail to grasp memes and how to apply them properly).


Patiently waiting for your piece on fascist memetic and occult demonology.
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Re: The “Alternative Right"

Postby jakell » Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:54 am

General Patton » Tue Feb 16, 2016 3:38 pm wrote:
Patiently waiting for your piece on fascist memetic and occult demonology.

If this is directed at AD, he's posted a few articles in this area (mostly uncommented on), but as usual has obscured and diluted it with masses of varied other stuff.
He's his own worst enemy in this respect.
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Re: The “Alternative Right"

Postby General Patton » Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:15 pm

I am unsatisfied with the current antifa documentation of dank fascist occult memes. They barely even mention the black sun (except when copy-pasting an unrelated author), ebola-chan to my knowledge isn't documented, plus they haven't caught on to the occult connotations of Kek yet. In their obsession with politics antifa have left the parapolitics angle completely undocumented.

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Re: The “Alternative Right"

Postby jakell » Tue Feb 16, 2016 12:32 pm

General Patton » Tue Feb 16, 2016 4:15 pm wrote:I am unsatisfied with the current antifa documentation of dank fascist occult memes. They barely even mention the black sun (except when copy-pasting an unrelated author), ebola-chan to my knowledge isn't documented, plus they haven't caught on to the occult connotations of Kek yet. In their obsession with politics antifa have left the parapolitics angle completely undocumented.

This is hardly surprising though though as antifa tends to consist of atheistic progressive types who are likely to wrinkle their noses at any whiff of the occult. the more interesting writings are likely to come from the right itself (especially the European 'New Right').

I moved away from studying the British far right from a political angle in about 2013, and started taking a close look at religion (religion being the 'respectable' end of The Occult), because I was having the same sort of intuitions ie, it's not about politics as we know it. I can't say this bore much fruit, but the change of perspective, in itself, was stimulating.
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Re: The “Alternative Right"

Postby Luther Blissett » Tue Feb 16, 2016 2:08 pm

jakell » Sun Feb 14, 2016 11:46 am wrote:
American Dream » Sun Feb 14, 2016 4:31 pm wrote:Rigorous Intuition was never supposed to be attached to the Stormfart sphere...

This is where you keep letting yourself down, the constant references to Stormfront as if it is a reliable cipher for far right activity and thought. The articles you post suggest a wider sensibility, but what you say outside of them often belies this.

Well, there was this. As far as I'm aware, it is a record of sorts. ... ont-report
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Re: The “Alternative Right"

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Tue Feb 16, 2016 8:16 pm

General Patton » 17 Feb 2016 02:15 wrote:I am unsatisfied with the current antifa documentation of dank fascist occult memes. They barely even mention the black sun (except when copy-pasting an unrelated author), ebola-chan to my knowledge isn't documented, plus they haven't caught on to the occult connotations of Kek yet. In their obsession with politics antifa have left the parapolitics angle completely undocumented.


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Re: The “Alternative Right"

Postby American Dream » Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:45 pm ... ionalists/



FEBRUARY 16, 2016

The last couple of weeks have seen a surge of “removals” for white nationalist voices from various platforms, social networks, and hosting sites. Part of this is perceived as special treatment of these voices on places like Twitter, which has now said that it will be changing its feed function to work on an algorithm similar to how Facebook functions. Currently, Twitter just shows you the tweets in the order in which they appear. Facebook, on the other hand, shows people things in their feed on an algorithm that is “intended” to show them things that they prefer. This may or may not work, and as people running Facebook pages may note that it is hard to get people to view your content without paid advertisements. Twitter has been more open, but many people assume that this new function may target certain voices.

While there is not evidence that white nationalists are the reason for the Twitter changes, or that their functional changes are intended to target them, they are putting two and two together since Twitter continues to ban them for abusive behavior. Much of this comes from The Right Stuff crowd who enjoys “trolling” people, which basically consists of digital harassment. This is their idea of political engagement since they think it will get their memes into the mainstream, and, with things like Cuckservative, they were right. Their reach has not been much beyond that, and this abusive behavior has seen popular white nationalist Twitter accounts like Charles Johnson and Andrews Anglin deleted(which led to the silly #FreeAnglin hashtag).

The bigger news is that iTunes has sort of followed the example led by Soundcloud and has taken down the extended reach of The Right Stuff/The Daily Shoah and the Radix Journal Podcast. Recently, Soundcloud dropped the Daily Shoah because of their violent racialism and slurs, forcing them first to and then to another place to host their growing line of podcasts. Now, iTunes disrupted the feed, making it impossible to find them through a regular search. This caused a problem in their iTunes feed as their programs like Rebel Yell were mislabeled. Richard Spencer created a video(and podcast that was distributed on iTunes, ironically), discussing how this “new digital censorship” could make them look as though they “simply don’t exist.”

The Daily Shoah saw a more direct type of interference beyond just their iTunes disruption as their famous forums got taken down by the hosting. The forums are often the more exaggerated version of the podcast itself, it is where the fans use all manor of racial slurs and indulge in their self-referential jargon. Here, they began discussing a woman who had been posting pictures of her two daughters with her two adopted black sons. Of course, they immediately began discussing how this put the two girls at risk, that it was “sexually provocative,” and that she was exploiting them. They then went on to harass and insult her on social media, insulting her sons and referring to them with some of the most disgusting racial language you could imagine. She then went on social media and rounded up people who found this behavior appalling and had an email campaign to the hosting service to tell them about the violation of their terms of service, mainly that it was being used to organize racist attacks. After filing all of these complaints, they eventually revoked TRS’s agreement and shut down the forums.

We have had our own relationship with the forums ourselves as we consistently find the website discussed there and often get boosts of traffic when they link to us(and it drives up our place in Google search results significantly.). The forum content was always available through Google search results, something Mike Enoch tried to block yet was not very consistent with. The new forums that they are in the process of creating promises to not be available through Google since they are using some very private, off-shore hosting(it sounds like some shady Bitcoin job). We maintained forum accounts before, and we will on this new one as well. Now they will be using “nginx,” but they are not quite up and ready to go yet.

While we applaud the efforts by every day people to challenge and shut down this racism, there is some potentials here that we are more dubious about. If the voices can be completely shut down to them, our voices could be just as easily, so we need to keep this understanding in mind when developing strategy. What is mainly getting them shut down is their vile racialism, something that is so roundly appalling that most platforms do not want to even take part. Continuing to create a multi-faceted anti-racist movement, that both targets these types of voices and develops anti-racist perspectives in the culture are crucial. If platforms become too responsive then there is potential for censorship on all fronts, so this should be taken serious when thinking about what methods should be used to achieve a “no platform” effect. We stand with many places like Google becoming public utilities that are accountable to the people, both because it protects our voice, and it would actually leave the fascists up to some type of oversight. They may decrease the ability to do simple platform pressure campaigns, but it could open up other avenues for counter organizing.
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Re: The “Alternative Right"

Postby General Patton » Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:59 pm

They won't be shut down for long. Weev has already advised TRS on how he keeps Anglin's Daily Stormer from being pulled down.
1) get cheap VPS 2) install squid 3) now you have a proxy that absorbs complaints, never go down again, and no tone police
if you want the squid configs i use for daily stormer to do exactly this (it gets constant SPLC complaints) hit me up

Both email pressure campaigns and no platforming will come back to bite anitfa in the ass in some way. Trade-offs and all that.

It's actually really, really easy to avoid being banned on twitter. Avoid mentioning certain names that have friends on the inside at twitter, get your followers up with real people not bots, then they'll let you get away with just about anything.

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Re: The “Alternative Right"

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Tue Feb 16, 2016 11:18 pm

General Patton » 17 Feb 2016 12:59 wrote:
Why did you borrow my cat?

The cat is a free agent with designs all it's own.

Yes .... I had wondered about that.

I think you're right about the no platforming too. That might have worked when communication networks were harder to set up and maintain but not any more. As much as i object to what they are saying its better if they do it in the open, for a variety of reasons.
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Re: The “Alternative Right"

Postby jakell » Wed Feb 17, 2016 5:13 am

Joe Hillshoist » Wed Feb 17, 2016 3:18 am wrote:
General Patton » 17 Feb 2016 12:59 wrote:
Why did you borrow my cat?

The cat is a free agent with designs all it's own.

Yes .... I had wondered about that.

I think you're right about the no platforming too. That might have worked when communication networks were harder to set up and maintain but not any more. As much as i object to what they are saying its better if they do it in the open, for a variety of reasons.

Seems we're in agreement here, although I'm not sure that it ever worked well except in limited cases. When applied as a broad principle it mainly appeals to those who wish to reinforce their comfort zone for as long as they like.

Applied to internet communication it is rather silly. It's its own platform and only the person's service provider can deny it
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Re: The “Alternative Right"

Postby American Dream » Fri Feb 26, 2016 9:45 pm ... adcasting/



FEBRUARY 26, 2016
by Brandon Berg

The capacity of popular media to affect social change is undeniable. One needn’t look further than the oft-cited correlation between the popularity of CBS’s Will and Grace and the country’s attitude toward gay rights for confirmation. The fact is, progressive writers in Hollywood and New York have, for decades, have been actively working towards the era of tolerance, not to mention organizers and activists. Recall the response of Richard Nixon, perhaps America’s most openly fascistic president, to the inclusion of a gay relationship in a 1970s-era episode of All in the Family, captured for posterity in one of his own secret recordings. The upshot of this has been the continued isolation felt by the fascists, racists and homophobes who can no longer find mainstream media content fitting their own perverse worldviews. A notable development in the last year undoubtedly connected to this reality has been the birth of an entire cottage industry producing gut-churning right-wing content for web-bound fascists.

Interestingly, it would seem that the main way in which this new phenomenon is expressed is through a whole plethora of podcasts available for free download. Virtually every large fascist site has some sort of audio content: Pseudo-intellectual “Radix Journal” produces a podcast seemingly dedicated entirely to film and cultural critique. Daily Stormer maintains a site with regularly scheduled broadcasts, unsubtly entitled “Radio Aryan” (which includes a rather suspicious looking “Aryan Bootlegs” section). Counter-Currents Publishing does interviews with foreign fascist intellectuals, often attempting to create a more “high brow” appearance. Anti-Fascist News has covered the increasing popularity of the crude “Daily Shoah” podcast produced by The Right, and that same site has apparently enlarged their audio production immensely, now featuring numerous different podcasts with different hosts releasing each day of the week.

One might ask why exactly, in a world of Vlogs and easy video production, the fascistic right-wing has essentially reverted to 1930s era tactics of scheduled radio broadcasts to get their message out. It likely has to do with a desire for anonymity on the parts of both the producers and the listeners. Unlike a YouTube video, it’s very easy to conceal one’s identity if they can remain, for all intents and purposes, a disembodied voice. It is seemingly very common for the hosts of these podcasts to go by pseudonyms continuously, referring to each other by names that are either simply bizarre or blatantly offensive(everything from Mike Enoch to Reactionary Tree). It is also fairly clear that a downloaded .mp3 file offers a far greater chance to hide your disgusting, socially unacceptable views than a YouTube video of SS men marching to death metal. It can be listened to discretely on an iPod without the risk of anyone looking over their shoulder.

These factors have led to a renaissance in racist and fascist podcast production. As mentioned before, the racist blog The Right Stuff now has multiple podcasts releasing new episodes daily, all hosted on their Radio.therightstuff site. Many of them appear to be giving a regional perspective on news item of interest to racists. They have different podcasts featuring hosts from the American South, Scandinavia and Britain among others. These mainly consist of the various hosts bemoaning the increased tolerance and multiculturalism of their native lands, and calling, in vague terms, for the physical removal of Syrian refugees and other “undesirables”. Others seem to have more obscure and esoteric interests. “KulturKampf” (note the German fetishism) seems to exist solely to discuss Plato’s Republic. “The Fatherland” (there it is again) relates the experience of fascist fathers trying to raise their children in a world without a Hitlerjugend to enroll them in. One of their most recent additions in “Fash Course World History”, a show not related to the history of fashion but rather Fascism. Here they spin common right-wing straw men, re-hashing historical events with a white nationalist perspective, often revealing that they lack even a basic understanding of most of Western history. At first listen the show sounds something like an NPR program, with the hosts speaking in the characteristic calm tone and without the Opie and Anthony-style drops and sound effects now a hallmark of other fascist podcasts. The half-dozen hosts, evidently academics seeking a form of expression for their own bigotry, then launch into a critique of Nietzschean ideology. They praise the controversial philosopher for introducing the ideals that would eventually contribute in some way to he rational for the holocaust, but attacking him for his “materialist” philosophy, evidently viewed among elements of the far-right as having damaged the theocratic power of religious institutions.

Though these people have little money, institutional support, credibility or recognition, it’s clear that they have both a growing number of covert participants and a lot of time on their hands. See a young white man on the subway with downcast eyes and headphones in his ears? He could well be listening approvingly to a podcast on the anti-Semitic pogroms of Imperial Russia. With this we are given tools to monitor how this movement has changed, how it is adapting to new conditions, and use this to develop an anti-fascist movement that is versatile enough to continue to dismantle any ground they gain.
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Re: The “Alternative Right"

Postby tapitsbo » Fri Feb 26, 2016 10:07 pm

Monitoring terrorist chatter worked great in the Middle East, right?

Open-source information overload, indeed :eeyaa
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