"To the hell that is Iraq?" New study on deaths.

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Re: "To the hell that is Iraq?" New study on deaths.

Postby 8bitagent » Mon Jun 23, 2014 4:28 pm

Americans are dumb and have the memory of a gold fish.

1. Obama, Hillary, Mccain, Lindsay etc can be seen hugging, smiling and shaking hands with Moamar Gadaffi. France, UK and Italy rolled out the red carpet oil and arms sales trade wise
This was 2009. A year and a half later these are the SAME jokers demanding we attack and dethrone the Libyan government, supporting hardliner jihadists tied to al Qaeda of Iraq

2. In order to avoid direct military action, the US and these same Mccain types were supporting indirect and direct Saudi/Gulf support of hardliner "rebels" to dethrone and destabilize Syria.
Now in this "blowback on super steroids" event, we have ISIS

3. The US claimed Saddam had ties to al Qaeda, WMDs, mobile bio weapon labs and used this as a pretext to invade the country. Not only did it turn out there was none of these, but the US
did ALL IT COULD to destabilize the region and plunge the country into a vacuum of sectarian chaos. Ultimately, China would have the lionshare of oil contracts, Iran would control the central
government in Baghdad and super al Qaeda would come to take over large swaths of the country. But least the Western defense PMCs and construction firms gained!

4. In 2000-2001 high ranking Saudi officials, elites and Saudi intelligence were carefully guiding key 9/11 al Qaeda hijackers around the United States, from LA to San Diego to Virginia to Florida
providing housing, liasons, credit cards, flight training recommendations, etc. This has been exhaustively established by independent journalists, the FBI, whistleblowers and the original 2002 congressional
joint inquiry. Yet the public remains ignorant of the topic and the US helped plan the Iraq war with Saudi Arabia and did billions in oil and defense with them. Saudi is also one of the main financiers of ISIS

5. In 1996 the Saudi intel GID was linked to the al Qaeda bombing of the Khobar embassy attacks that killed a bunch of US marines. All blamed falsely on Iran and Hezbollah, which the FBI bought

6. Bush and Obama have given tens of billions to Pakistan, and the CIA has worked hand in glove with Pakistani ISI...even tho the ISI S Wing has been behind a lot of the Taliban and Haqqani networks. The very groups
who have killed a lot of US troops and coalition forces

7. In 2011 bin Laden was "found" and killed in Abbattobad Pakistan....a few blocks from the military academy and surrounded by former Generals and ISI heads. Pakistan sold the fallen stealth jet to China

8. Bush called Iran the axis of evil, even tho they were helping the CIA round up al Qaeda and Taliban in the wake of 9/11. CIA would repay Iran by backing al Qaeda linked militants out of Baluchistan to stage
assassinations, mass shootings and terror bombings in Iran in 2007.

And of course the April Glasspie/incubator Kuwait/fake Saudi border satelite photos from 1990
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Re: "To the hell that is Iraq?" New study on deaths.

Postby JackRiddler » Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:16 pm

kicking after ISIS and Iran and the Houthis and the Saudi coming-out and the Hersh article on Abbottabad... worth a review! Great work everyone, RI at its best.
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Re: "To the hell that is Iraq?" New study on deaths.

Postby minime » Sun Jun 07, 2015 11:02 am

Too true.
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Re: "To the hell that is Iraq?" New study on deaths.

Postby stefano » Fri Jan 22, 2016 4:22 am

Pentagon Holds Gala To Celebrate 25 Years Of Bombing Iraq

Attendees at the Iraq Bombing Silver Anniversary Event discuss their favorite Iraqi villages to destroy

WASHINGTON—Bringing together the many civilian leaders and military strategists who helped them reach such a historic milestone, Pentagon officials held a lavish black-tie gala Sunday at which, sources said, they commemorated 25 years of the United States bombing Iraq.

Hundreds of active-duty and retired military officers, high-ranking members of the past four presidential administrations, and executives from top defense contractors reportedly gathered in the grand ballroom of D.C.’s Fairmont Hotel to dine, mingle, and celebrate a quarter century spent routinely dropping thousands of tons of explosive ordnance across the Middle Eastern nation—from the Jan. 17, 1991 onset of airstrikes in the Gulf War to the current bombardment of suspected ISIS targets.

“I’ll never forget that morning 25 years ago when our first strike force of stealth bombers flew in and just unloaded on Baghdad,” said the evening’s keynote speaker, Dick Cheney, who served as defense secretary during the Gulf War, vice president during the Iraq War, and, in the intervening years, CEO of the oil field services company Halliburton. “And then we started letting them have it with our Tomahawk cruise missiles, too. If you’d told me back then we’d still be pounding some of those very same targets today, I wouldn’t have believed you.”

“But hundreds of thousands of bombs later, here we are!” Cheney added to thunderous applause. “And it’s all thanks to the dedication and resolve of the people in this room.”

Leading the gala’s impressive guest list were Presidents George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama, who according to reports spent much of the evening exchanging stories—some old, some new—of their respective experiences demolishing Fallujah, Mosul, Anbar Province, the Sunni Triangle, and countless other locations. The former commanders-in-chief reportedly shared the head table with a delegation from the neoconservative think tank Project for the New American Century and members of the Saudi royal family, whom Cheney praised as “staunch allies through this whole thing.”

Also present were Iraq War architects Condoleezza Rice, Paul Wolfowitz, Doug Feith, and Richard Perle, who admitted to reporters they felt overwhelmed by nostalgia throughout the event as they reconnected with old faces and shared laughs over the discredited intelligence that served as the basis for military action. Reportedly seated nearby were journalists Judith Miller and Bill Keller, who received a special commendation for their work covering the run-up to the 2003 invasion for The New York Times, drawing one of the largest standing ovations of the night.

Representatives from Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Northrup Grumman, and other weapons manufacturers were honored as well, and thanked for donating the gala’s elaborate ice sculptures that depicted a vintage Raytheon-designed Patriot missile from Operation Desert Storm, a 2003-era cluster bomb now banned by most countries, and a modern MQ-9 Reaper UAV armed with Hellfire missiles and 500-pound munitions.

“This is a truly magnificent night—I just wish Gen. [Norman] Schwarzkopf were here to see it,” said retired Gen. Raymond T. Odierno during a portion of the evening’s ceremonies that paid tribute to all the commanders of U.S. forces in Iraq over the years. “Twenty-five years ago, I was only a major, still in my 30s, and I really looked up to that guy. I never thought I’d get a chance to do what he did, but a couple decades later, there I was, ordering some of the very same bombing runs that he had. I modeled my entire career after his and feel privileged to have followed so closely in his footsteps.”

“It’s especially important that we take a moment tonight to honor our legacy in Iraq so that today’s troops can fully appreciate the rich history of our military campaigns there,” continued Odierno, “as most of them weren’t born yet when we started bombing the place.”

According to attendees, the gala featured an elaborate multimedia presentation titled A Generation Of Commitment, which began with a montage of night-vision targeting footage from Desert Storm interspersed with reports from up-and-coming CNN correspondent Wolf Blitzer. A segment called “The Clinton Years: A Retrospective” showed F-16 fighter jets enforcing no-fly zones, and then rolled highlights from Operation Desert Fox while Outkast’s 2000 recording “B.O.B (Bombs Over Baghdad)” played in the background.

The presentation’s survey of Operation Iraqi Freedom included video of then–Secretary of State Colin Powell assuring the U.N. that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction, a May 2003 clip of a flight suit–clad George W. Bush landing on an aircraft carrier adorned with a “Mission Accomplished” banner, and a July 2003 clip of Bush saying “Bring ’em on” in response to questions about the rapidly growing Iraqi insurgency.

The final segment, “Drones: The Game-Changer,” showed images taken just last week of airmen in a small computer room in Nevada bombing Iraq using joysticks and real-time video feeds.

“Sure, we’ve been through some hard times, especially those dark days in 2012 and 2013 when we pretty much stopped bombing Iraq entirely,” former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said in his closing remarks to the group, raising a glass of champagne as the room followed suit. “But we started right up again, like we always do, and we’ve seen thousands of new airstrikes since. Our enemy may change, but from Saddam to the Islamic State—and through all the I-don’t-know-how-many insurgencies in between—our mission has remained the same. We’ve stayed true to our roots and kept the tradition of bombing Iraq alive.”

Added Rumsfeld, “Here’s to 25 more years!”
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Re: "To the hell that is Iraq?" New study on deaths.

Postby MacCruiskeen » Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:40 pm


Shammunist Manifesto ‏@bitterarab 23 Std.vor 23 Stunden

Red dots represents every explosion in the city of Baghdad since 2003. Imagine this was London. Or New York.

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Re: "To the hell that is Iraq?" New study on deaths.

Postby seemslikeadream » Mon Jul 04, 2016 12:43 pm

Charred bodies still being pulled from Baghdad bombing that killed 200

Mon July 4, 2016
http://www.cnn.com/2016/07/04/middleeas ... car-bombs/

are they lighting up the Eiffel Tower for these victims?
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Re: "To the hell that is Iraq?" New study on deaths.

Postby 82_28 » Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:00 pm


They should have 'shopped in a pathetic image of poppy in a wheel chair there as well.
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Re: "To the hell that is Iraq?" New study on deaths.

Postby MacCruiskeen » Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:19 pm

Karrada, Baghdad, yesterday:





Two days till Chilcot.
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Re: "To the hell that is Iraq?" New study on deaths.

Postby seemslikeadream » Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:48 pm

there will be no peace until the architects of this genocide are brought to justice.....the world must hold bush/cheney/blair responsible

this holocaust must be addressed by every nation on earth

if not every person on this planet will pay

this can not be ignored ......it will be at our peril

damn you to hell bush/cheney/blair for what you have done to all the people of this world

you have unleashed hell on earth

....so says me...the mouth breather.....enough words for you bph?
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
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Re: "To the hell that is Iraq?" New study on deaths.

Postby 82_28 » Mon Jul 04, 2016 2:20 pm

Yeah. It's like what the fuck were the same people and populace doing when the US bombed the fuck out of them lo these many years? Just chillin'? We're in good hands here, the US is bombing the fuck out of our city. Just kick back and relax. It'll blow over soon. I am sure all of Iraq sleeps easy these days. Now this makes the prominent news? It is news. But why care now?
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Re: "To the hell that is Iraq?" New study on deaths.

Postby Iamwhomiam » Mon Jul 04, 2016 3:55 pm

Sale of the accoutrements of war enriches few at the expense of a great many.

Nearly a self-sustaining business model, always with an unending supply of more to similarly exploit.
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Re: "To the hell that is Iraq?" New study on deaths.

Postby MacCruiskeen » Tue Jul 05, 2016 1:14 pm

"Ich kann gar nicht so viel fressen, wie ich kotzen möchte." - Max Liebermann,, Berlin, 1933

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Re: "To the hell that is Iraq?" New study on deaths.

Postby JackRiddler » Thu Sep 08, 2016 12:39 pm

Trump Calls for Permanent U.S. Military Occupation of Iraqi Oil-Producing Areas

Which is like, 30% of the country's area, populated by how many million people, plus pipelines and refineries everywhere.

I'd like to see our local Trump supporters and sympathizers or lesser-evilists deal with this:

seemslikeadream » Wed Sep 07, 2016 3:12 pm wrote:Trump calls for higher defense spending after months of isolationist talk

https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics ... story.html

Isolationist? Please!

Build a wall and MAKE MEXICO PAY.

Cut the head off ISIS and TAKE THEIR OIL.

Isolationist is not the word for that!

He's always been for more war, and actually pretty clear on where and what, and in the Middle East once you parse past the disposable bullshit for idiots (including some on this board) it's not very different from Clinton's stance. Stay in and get deeper. Break the Iran deal, confront Iran (and thus through that get into a tangle with the very same Russians whom the Democrats claim are Trump's secret bosses).

How would you headline the following?

(Transcript of "town hall" forum.)

http://time.com/4483355/commander-chief ... -intrepid/

QUESTION: Mr. Trump, over the past 15 years, a lot of U.S. troops have bled and died securing towns and provinces from Iraq to Afghanistan, only to have insurgent groups like ISIS spring back the moment we leave. Now, you’ve claimed to have a secret plan to defeat ISIS. But you’re hardly the first politician to promise a quick victory and a speedy homecoming. So assuming we do defeat ISIS, what next? What is your plan for the region to ensure that a group like them doesn’t just come back?

TRUMP: Sure. I mean, part of the problem that we’ve had is we go in, we defeat somebody, and then we don’t know what we’re doing after that. We lose it, like as an example, you look at Iraq, what happened, how badly that was handled. And then when President Obama took over, likewise, it was a disaster. It was actually somewhat stable. I don’t think could ever be very stable to where we should have never gone into in the first place.

But he came in. He said when we go out — and he took everybody out. And really, ISIS was formed. This was a terrible decision. And frankly, we never even got a shot. And if you really look at the aftermath of Iraq, Iran is going to be taking over Iraq. They’ve been doing it. And it’s not a pretty picture.

The — and I think you know — because you’ve been watching me I think for a long time — I’ve always said, shouldn’t be there, but if we’re going to get out, take the oil. If we would have taken the oil, you wouldn’t have ISIS, because ISIS formed with the power and the wealth of that oil.

LAUER: How were we going to take the oil? How were we going to do that?

TRUMP: Just we would leave a certain group behind and you would take various sections where they have the oil. They have — people don’t know this about Iraq, but they have among the largest oil reserves in the world, in the entire world.
And we’re the only ones, we go in, we spend $3 trillion, we lose thousands and thousands of lives, and then, Matt, what happens is, we get nothing. You know, it used to be to the victor belong the spoils. Now, there was no victor there, believe me. There was no victor. But I always said: Take the oil.

One of the benefits we would have had if we took the oil is ISIS would not have been able to take oil and use that oil…

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Re: "To the hell that is Iraq?" New study on deaths.

Postby tapitsbo » Thu Sep 08, 2016 12:59 pm

Well if IS is/was largely working with the same forces as Trump is anyways, then he is essentially recommending a cosmetic change.

It's funny however that, whatever their real agenda, both the Sadrists and salafi-jihadists are quite hostile to American occupation, at least in terms of their overt rhetoric. Sounds like a messy plan that Trump (who was obsessed with anti-Iranian advocacy for years, on behalf of zionists to the right of the neocons) is advocating
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Re: "To the hell that is Iraq?" New study on deaths.

Postby backtoiam » Thu Sep 08, 2016 3:38 pm


Sounds like a messy plan that Trump (who was obsessed with anti-Iranian advocacy for years, on behalf of zionists to the right of the neocons) is advocating

Trump seemingly gave the affirmative nod several times on Iran. He has stated several times that he is unhappy with the Iranian nuclear deal. He knows full well if he is really to become President that he will have to play the game and become a bomber too. If he becomes President the air will still rain bombs as usual. If I was Iran I would be damn nervous about him becoming President.
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