"Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby divideandconquer » Mon Jun 20, 2016 9:11 pm

Star Trek actor, Anton Yelchin joins the 27 club.

Supposedly run over by his own car.
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby identity » Sat Jun 25, 2016 2:14 am

Hedge Fund Manager Charged With Insider Trading Is Found Dead

A high-flying hedge fund manager at Visium Asset Management, who was charged last week with insider trading, has died, apparently the victim of a suicide.

The manager, Sanjay Valvani, was discovered on Monday by his wife in their brownstone in Brooklyn Heights, a New York police official said. Mr. Valvani was found face down on the bedroom floor with a cut to his neck, the official said. He left a note, and a knife was found near his body. He was 44.

The death brought the government’s case against Mr. Valvani to a shocking end. Last week, he was accused of using confidential information from a former Food and Drug Administration official to reap $32 million in illegal gains.

Days after the charges, Visium’s founder, Jacob Gottlieb, announced that he was shuttering the multibillion-dollar hedge fund and selling one of its funds to AllianceBernstein.

In a statement, Barry H. Berke, a lawyer for Mr. Valvani, called his death “a horrible tragedy that is difficult to comprehend.”

“We hope for the sake of his family and his memory that it will not be forgotten that the charges against him were only unproven accusations and he had always maintained his innocence,” Mr. Berke said.

In addition to his wife, Mr. Valvani left behind two daughters.

The death of Mr. Valvani is still being investigated, but another police official said that it appeared to be a suicide.
It is not known whether other factors could have affected Mr. Valvani’s state of mind.

Suicides by people touched by white-collar criminal cases are rare. But there have been a few prominent examples in recent years. Mark Madoff, the older son of Bernard L. Madoff, hanged himself in his Manhattan apartment on the second anniversary of his father’s arrest on charges of running a Ponzi scheme. And J. Clifford Baxter, a former Enron executive, shot himself in the head in 2002 after he was subpoenaed by Congress to testify about the accounting scandal at the company.

“When you’re dealing with my world, there is everything to lose,” said Ira Lee Sorkin, a former lawyer for Mr. Madoff and a partner at Mintz & Gold, adding, “There’s reputation, family, business — you name it and some people just can’t take the pressure.”

“Clients in the past, if they are under investigation or they have been charged, have said to me in moments of sweat and panic and fear: ‘I can’t go on like this. I just can’t deal with this anymore.’ They have threatened to kill themselves,” Mr. Sorkin added.

Federal prosecutors in Manhattan had accused Mr. Valvani of pocketing tens of millions of dollars in illicit gains in Visium’s Balanced fund based on information about coming Food and Drug Administration approvals for a generic version of a drug that helps prevent blood clots. Authorities charged that he received inside information from a former F.D.A. official working as a consultant.

In all, four individuals were charged in the investigation of Visium, including two former Visium colleagues. The former F.D.A. official, Gordon Johnston, and Christopher Plaford, once a colleague of Mr. Valvani who also traded on inside information, have pleaded guilty.

A lawyer for Stefan Lumiere, the third employee named in the government’s case, declined to comment. Mr. Lumiere, a former brother-in-law to Mr. Gottlieb, was accused of mismarking securities with Mr. Plaford.

During the government’s investigation of Mr. Lumiere, prosecutors in a criminal complaint said that one broker under scrutiny died last summer before charges were brought.

The investigation of Visium harked back to a crackdown on insider trading in the nearly $3 trillion hedge fund industry that began with the arrest in 2009 of Raj Rajaratnam, the co-founder of the Galleon Group hedge fund.

In the months and years that followed, prosecutors working for Preet Bharara, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, racked up more than 80 convictions on insider trading charges. The convictions sent a wave of fear through the hedge fund industry and led some to call Mr. Bharara the new sheriff of Wall Street.

But chinks in Mr. Bharara’s armor began to emerge in late 2014, when a federal appeals court threw out the convictions of two hedge fund managers and made it more difficult for prosecutors to bring insider trading cases when there was no clear benefit provided to the source of the inside information about a company. The appellate court ruled that prosecutors must show the source of an inside tip received a benefit “of some consequence,” although the court was vague as to what that must be.

The appellate ruling, which the United States Supreme Court declined to review, later led Mr. Bharara to toss out nearly a dozen other convictions and guilty pleas.

For a time, the court ruling appeared to have blunted the Manhattan office’s pursuit of insider trading cases.

But the charges against Mr. Valvani and his former colleagues at Visium dispelled any thought that hedge funds would no longer be a focus of Mr. Bharara’s office.

Legal specialists said on Tuesday that they did not expect the death to cause prosecutors and Mr. Bharara to back away if they believed wrongdoing had occurred.

“I don’t think he’s going to lose sleep over it because it comes with the territory,” Thomas A. Sporkin, a lawyer at BuckleySandler and a former Securities and Exchange Commission enforcement lawyer, said of Mr. Bharara.

Mr. Bharara’s office declined to comment on Mr. Valvani’s death.

The son of Indian immigrants, Mr. Valvani grew up in Kalamazoo, Mich. After graduating from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, he spent four years working as a health care consultant before receiving an M.B.A. from Duke University, according to a profile on the school’s website recognizing his endowment of two scholarship funds at the Fuqua School of Business through a $250,000 commitment.

Mr. Valvani got his start on Wall Street in 2001 as a pharmaceutical analyst working for Salomon Smith Barney. He then took a job as portfolio manager at the investment management firm Balyasny Asset Management.

There, he met and worked closely with Mr. Gottlieb until the team spun out to start Visium. Mr. Valvani rose to the top ranks, becoming Mr. Gottlieb’s right-hand man and one of a few senior executives running the firm’s most important fund, called the Balanced fund, which focused on health care.

“In the beginning, I really had to convince Jacob Gottlieb that I was hungry to join his hedge fund,” Mr. Valvani said in the Duke profile. “I work hard and try to be the best at what I do, which is why a hedge fund is so suitable for me — here I have a lot of control over my own destiny.”

In April, Visium had placed Mr. Valvani on paid administrative leave.

The news of Mr. Valvani’s death on Tuesday stunned those who had worked with him on Wall Street.

In a statement, Mr. Gottlieb said: “We mourn the tragic loss of Sanjay, a devoted father, husband and friend. Our thoughts are with his family during this difficult time.”
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We should never forget Galileo being put before the Inquisition.
It would be even worse if we allowed scientific orthodoxy to become the Inquisition.

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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby MinM » Sun Jun 26, 2016 6:53 pm

Was NYT Reporter Researching Psychotronic Weapons Murdered?
By / GabriellePickard/Top Secret WritersJune 12th, 2016

In February this year, reports emerged that the former New York Times reporter Sarah Kershaw had been found dead in the Dominican Republic. Police initially said that the 49-year-old had died from asphyxiation. Officials had investigated Kershaw’s husband, William Norton, for causing the death of his wife by strangulation.

Kershaw had been a reporter for the New York Times from 2000 to 2011. She had also reported for the Newsday publication and, at the time of her death, was a freelance writer. Kershaw’s body was found at her apartment in Sosua, where she had moved with her husband in 2014.

Sarah Kershaw first came to prominence when she wrote (1) an article for the New York Times in 2008, titled: ‘Sharing Their Demons on the Web’. The article is centered on mind-control techniques and the devastating impact they can have. In the article, Kershaw made some bold statements about the act of mind-control and those involved in it, writing:

“For people who regularly visit and write message boards on the mind-control sites, the idea that others would describe the sites as promoting delusional and psychotic thinking is simply evidence of a cover-up of the truth.”

Ms. Kershaw had exposed MKUltra (2), often referred to as the CIA’s mind-control program, which was an illegal program involving humans being subjected to experiments, designed and carried out by the CIA.

Could it be that Kershaw’s attempt to uncover the truth about psychotronic warfare and mind-control techniques was what instigated her death?
Psychotronic Weapons

At the time Sarah Kershaw wrote the article for the New York Times, the use of psychotronic warfare, the process of using non-lethal weapons which emit electromagnetic frequencies and target the central nervous system, leading to disruptions in the normal activity of the brain, was illegal against US citizens.

According to a report in the Abreu Report (3), in 2013 the legality involving mind-control weapons and techniques in America changed when the National Defense Authorization Act 2013 was passed. The report refers a document obtained by FoxNews.com, which describes a program established by the US government involving the hiring of what is known as a ‘Behavioral Insights Team’.

The document was emailed by White House senior adviser on social and behavioral sciences, Maya Shankar, to a university professor with a request that the paper was sent to those interested in joining the team.

The essence of the ‘Behavioral Insights Team’ was that it was designed to “Subtly influence people’s behavior” by experimenting with various techniques. Such mind-control techniques would tweak the behavior of humans.

The news about the federal government’s ‘Behavioral Insights Team’, created opposition, with (4) critics warning unintended consequences of such policies could arise.

As well as speaking out about controversial practices involving mind-control techniques, the suggestion has been made that Sarah Kershaw may have been investigating a secret new power plant in the Dominican Republic.

The Abreu Report wrote that “speculation was rife” as to what the former New York Times reporter Sarah Kershaw had been investigating in the Dominican Republic.

The report talks of the construction of two power plants in the Dominican Republic and how it has been suggested that the building of the two plants are a cover for the development of a “secretive third facility”. According to the Abreu Report, details of the third facility were “negotiated in secret” between the Dominican government and the Pinergy Commercial Group.

Hidden Contract

Dominican Today (5) describes the Pinergy Commercial Group as jumping from an unknown plastics company to the subject of another Dominican government scandal with a “hidden contract.”

Major equipment from New York which had been built by General Electric, the defense contractor of the Pentagon, had arrived at the Punta Catalina facility, states the Abreu Report. Furthermore, the documents involving the equipment sent by General Electric to the secretive third plant had been “heavily classified” by the Dominican government.

An anonymous source, who claimed to be affiliated with INFOTEP, the Dominican government’s militarized technician-training division, told the Abreu Report that Sarah Kershaw had inquired about the exact nature of the equipment sent to the Dominican Republican plant by General Electric’s research factories in New York. Ms. Kershaw, had apparently inquired as to whether the equipment and facility were related to psychotronic warfare.

There is speculation among some Dominican groups that the equipment did not actually come from New York, but was sent from a secret Pentagon research center,” writes the Abreu Report.

Could it be that the investigative journalist had found something out about the secretive Dominican facility? Government Slaves certainly thinks that is a viable possibility, writing:

Is it possible that Ms Kershaw stumbled upon some new information that made her dangerous? Considering the speed at which the capabilities of psychotronic weapons have improved, the possibility is extremely high” (6).

(1) NYT
(2) TSW: CIA Torture Program Originated in MKULTRA
(3) Abreu Report
(4) Fox News
(5) Dominican Today
(6) Government Slaves

http://www.constantinereport.com/nyt-re ... -murdered/

Nordic » Tue Apr 19, 2016 3:32 pm wrote:Sarah Kershaw.

She wrote an article for the NYT about people who believed they were victims of MK ULTRA.

http://mobile.nytimes.com/2008/11/13/fa ... g-mkultra/

In February of this year, she committed suicide (officially):

http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/02/27/bu ... at-49.html

Sarah Kershaw, a former reporter for The New York Times who covered real estate, the Pacific Northwest and New York City schools, died on Monday at her home in Sosúa, a beach town in the Dominican Republic. She was 49.

She was found with a plastic bag tied over her head and pill bottles beside her, said Osvaldo Bonilla, a prosecutor for the province of Puerto Plata, who is investigating her death.

Officials are awaiting the results of toxicology tests before determining the cause of death, but Ms. Kershaw told friends that she planned to end her life because she suffered from a debilitating illness, Mr. Bonilla said. Contrary to an initial report released by the Dominican National Police, Ms. Kershaw was not strangled, he said.

Her husband, William Paul Norton, was held for questioning but was released without charges.

Ms. Kershaw joined The Times in 1995 as a news clerk, writing articles about New York City schools and New Jersey on a freelance basis, before leaving for Newsday. She returned to The Times in 2000 and covered local news until her promotion to bureau chief in Seattle. She later wrote for the Styles and Real Estate sections.

Before joining The Times, she worked at The Oakland Tribune and for news outlets in Venezuela.

Ms. Kershaw was known for her ability to spot trends and produce quirky feature articles. She wrote about an enclave for older lesbians in Alabama and teenage bulimic alcoholics who suffered from what therapists called “drunkorexia.” An article about a treadmill being built for a lonely elephant in Alaska was a personal favorite.

“We called it the ‘Kershaw Inquisition,’ ” said her sister, Amy A. Kershaw. “When she met new people or encountered a new topic, she explored both with enthusiasm, genuine curiosity and zeal.”

Sarah Stratton Kershaw was born on Jan. 12, 1967, in Princeton, N.J., to David Kershaw and Nancy L. Goldner. When her parents’ marriage ended, she lived with her mother and sister in Brooklyn, London and Brookline, Mass., before returning to Princeton.

She graduated from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, where she worked at the college paper, The Daily Cardinal, and met Mr. Norton, whom she married much later. Her previous marriage ended in divorce.

Ms. Kershaw received a master’s degree from Columbia University.

This article claims she may have been investigating some shady GE facility being built in the Dominican Republic (where she died). Interesting links there but they're in Spanish so I can't tell you how solid they seem.

http://www.abreureport.com/2016/02/murd ... wrote.html

What kind of freaked me out is in the story she originally wrote about those believing they were MK ULTRA. Victims is this ad, which appears twice as you scroll down. Is it me, or is there something extremely creepy about this??


Anyone else find this oddly disturbing? I didn't click on the link. I didn't want to be "whisked away" and "fall under the spell".

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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby Nordic » Mon Jun 27, 2016 10:41 pm

Wow this one smells pretty strongly!

http://cosmoso.net/un-diplomat-john-ash ... on-donors/

N Diplomat John Ashe Dies While Awaiting Trial To Testify Against Clinton Foundation Donor
June 26, 2016

In what some are calling convenient timing, a top suspect in a bribery case involving Clinton Foundation donors and the former United Nations General Assembly President has suddenly died of asphyxiation from a barbell

John Ashe, 61, was pumping iron in his Westchester, New York home when authorities say he dropped a barbell on his own throat, crushing his larynx, according to the local medical examiner, reports CNN. The autopsy report will take around 16 weeks to complete.

This report comes as a shock to many, including the U.S. government who believes Ashe to have been complicit in accepting and facilitating more than $1.3 million in bribes from Chinese billionaire business magnate Ng Lap Seng, a major Clinton Foundation donor. Ashe was awaiting trial and was set to testify on his role in the scandal soon.

Ashe was amid plea negotiations, according to a letter sent to U.S. District Judge Vernon Broderick last month from Ashe’s lawyer, Jeremy Schneider, which raises suspicion on whether or not his death is in fact an accident or a murder conducted on behalf of associated parties.

Ashe was accused last year by United States federal authorities of turning his powerful UN position into a “platform for profit” along with Francis Lorenzo, the ambassador to the UN for the Dominican Republic, who’s been accused of helping Ng pay bribes to Ashe and others political figures in the Caribbean.

This event comes just two months after RT America ran a story outing Clinton Foundation donors who have shown up in the Panama Papers document leak:

“A new report by McClatchy, one of more than 100 journalism outlets with access to the leaked documents, reveals a number of Clinton donors and associates used Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca, “global provider for legal and trust services,” for their offshore accounting.”

Ng Lan Seng, currently incarcerated in the U.S. on charges of bribery in the John Ashe case, has close ties to the Clinton family and the Democratic National Committee, not only being a major donor to the Clinton Foundation in recent times but also pleading guilty to a felony for illegal contributions to the DNC in a Democratic fund-raising scandal towards the end of Bill Clinton’s presidency and the beginning of Al Gore’s presidential campaign. In 1998, a Senate committee reported Ng, of Macau, China, sent $1.1 million to Little Rock, Arkansas restaurateur, Yah Lin, who in turn contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to the Democratic National Committee for years on Ng’s behalf. Ng’s relationship with the Clintons is well documented as he had visited the White House 10 times from 1994 to 1996 and had his photograph taken with President Bill Clinton and first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, as seen in the attached photo from ABC News. Ng was also, according to court papers, served in July 2014 with a subpoena to appear Sept. 17, 2014 in connection with an unrelated investigation, but never showed up.

USA Today reports on Ng’s recent incarceration,

At a bail hearing Saturday, Assistant U.S. Attorney Daniel Richenthal described Yin, a U.S. citizen, as Ng’s right-hand man in his U.S. operations, someone who played a key role in transmitting funds.

The prosecutor said Yin spoke to law enforcement after his Saturday arrest, admitting he transmitted money on Ng’s behalf to pay people to do unlawful things, though Yin interrupted the prosecutor, saying: “That is not true,” according to a hearing transcript.

Federal Defender Sabrina Shroff, representing Yin, said at the hearing that her client, educated in the United States with family here, may have served as Ng’s “mouthpiece” but the cash and the investments were not Yin’s.

“He doesn’t know what Mr. Seng is doing with the money at the end of the day,” Shroff said.

Ng’s arrest occurred in September of 2015 and spurred the investigation into John Ashe when authorities discovered Ng had, according to Manhattan federal court papers, smuggled over $4.5 million into the United States over several years with the excuse that he had used the money for gambling and buying paintings from art dealers. According to the New York District Attorney Preet Bharara and the FBI, Ng and Yin were previously arrested on September 19, 2015, based on a separate complaint alleging that Ng agreed to make false statements to Customs and Border Protection officers about the true purpose of the cash that Ng and Yin had brought into the U.S. from China since 2013.

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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby Nordic » Tue Jul 12, 2016 2:55 am

https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/pu ... story.html

Seth Rich, young rising star in the DNC. ""The real deal". An organizer. Created an app for voters so they could find their polling station (imagine that, actually helping people vote), gunned down for no apparent reason, not robbed, nothing, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz said Rich worked “to protect the most sacred right we share as Americans — the right to vote.”

Yeah that's rich coming from her. Motive right there.
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby semper occultus » Tue Jul 12, 2016 8:09 am

Former BBC journalist hanged herself in an airport toilet after missing flight, inquest hears

Telegraph Reporters
11 JULY 2016 • 2:47PM


A "fearless" former BBC journalist hanged herself in an airport toilet after missing her flight and telling staff she had no money, an inquest heard.

Jacqueline Sutton, 50, a veteran war reporter, was found hanged in a cubicle at Ataturk airport in the Turkish capital of Istanbul after she missed her connecting flight from Heathrow to Iraq last October.

Miss Sutton, from Hertfordshire, had landed in Istanbul from Heathrow with the intention of changing flights and travelling on to Erbil in northern Iraq, North London Coroner's Court was told. She had been working as the Iraq director of London-based charity the Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR).

But she missed her flight after proceeding to the departure lounge and drinking two cans of beer, it was said. Staff members claimed she told them she had no money before crying and disappearing into the toilet.

Friends of Miss Sutton had taken to social media to discuss the circumstances of her death, with some suggesting they were suspicious.

But, recording a verdict of suicide, Coroner Andrew Walker told the inquest: "Jacqueline Sutton had landed at Istanbul Ataturk Airport at 10.03pm on October 17.

"She disembarked from the flight to fly to Erbil. She proceeded to the departure lounge, had two cans of beer. A cafe worker said she had not sat with anybody else during that time."

The inquest heard that Miss Sutton then went to the bathroom, while the other passengers boarded the flight. Mr Walker said: "She made an exit from the lounge displaying no signs of dismay or distraction. But she had missed her flight.

"She told the staff she had no money to pay for another and began crying. They told her that nothing could be done."

The inquest heard Miss Sutton was then seen returning to the bathroom, but did not come out.

Mr Walker told the hearing that seven women, including one with a child, entered and left the bathroom before two Russian ladies noticed feet slumped in the cubicle and alerted airport staff.

He recorded a verdict of suicide, and asked Miss Sutton's family if they would like to add anything. Jenny Sutton, Jacqueline's sister, said: "I don't believe that it was pre-meditated. I don't believe she had a prior intention to take her life.

"In that moment she was in a moment of extreme stress, panic, and made that decision on the spur of the moment. But it was her decision."

Mr Walker said: "Would you like me to add that this an impulsive act?" Holding back tears, Ms Sutton said: "Yes."

Speaking after the hearing, Jenny Sutton said her sister she would have been pleased to see the "ghastly folly" of the Iraq war laid bare by the Chilcot report last week.

She said: "The one thing I would like to say is that I know that what she was doing before he death, in Iraqi-Kurdistan, was that she was working with a Kurdish journalist, gathering stories from Iraqi people and Kurdish Christians, Sunni, Shia, Muslims, Jews.

"She was gathering stories for how those communities had lived together for generations in peaceful coexistence before the interference of the West and before the war opened up such horrible sectarian divisions.

"I think a contributory factor to the blackness that overcame my sister was seeing the suffering of the people of the Middle East.

"We'd marched together against the war and she had been living in war zones for a long time and had absorbed a lot of the suffering of those people and I think she would be pleased to see the Chilcot report coming out and to see the findings, to see the ghastly folly of American and British invasion in that region and all the trauma and suffering in that region that has resulted."

She added: "It's been very difficult, but I think anybody with empathy living in war zones feels the pain.

"Jacqueline would be the first to say that her first thoughts were for the Kurdish, Iraqi people in the region for many years. She was extraordinarily brave, fearless, and loving."
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby Cordelia » Thu Jul 14, 2016 2:29 pm

Nordic wrote:https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/police-identify-man-fatally-shot-in-bloomingdale/2016/07/11/4236fd1a-4754-11e6-90a8-fb84201e0645_story.html

Seth Rich, young rising star in the DNC. ""The real deal". An organizer. Created an app for voters so they could find their polling station (imagine that, actually helping people vote), gunned down for no apparent reason, not robbed, nothing, and Debbie Wasserman Schultz said Rich worked “to protect the most sacred right we share as Americans — the right to vote.”

Yeah that's rich coming from her. Motive right there.

Last weekend was a busy one for Washington area homicides with no suspects or motives.

Police canvass Roland Park neighborhood where space policy researcher was stabbed to death

"Baltimore detectives and police academy cadets interviewed residents and looked for physical evidence Monday in the Roland Park neighborhood where 59-year-old Molly K. Macauley was stabbed to death.
Officers picked through a poison ivy-covered hill and searched a yard nearby.

A homicide detective stood in front of a Tudor home shaded by mature trees, near the spot where Macauley was attacked while walking her dogs Friday night. He told a group of cadets wearing blue latex gloves what to look for.

"She had two big dogs with her," the detective told them. "I'm working on the theory of what I think happened," he said, though he didn't elaborate.

Police spokesman Detective Jeremy Silbert said investigators still don't have suspect or know of a motive for the stabbing that rocked the generally safe, quiet neighborhood.

Macauley was found about 11 p.m. in the 600 block of W. University Parkway, around the corner from her home. She was taken to an area hospital, where she died.

Macauley was the vice president for research and a senior fellow with Resources for the Future, a Washington think tank that focuses on the environment and natural resources. Those who knew her professionally said she was well known in the field of space policy. An economist, she advised politicians and others about the economic and environmental implications of space exploration."

http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryla ... story.html
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby brekin » Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:40 pm

**Edit: Oops! Nordic already posted about this upthread.

Presidential Fitness Program.

Another Example of Why You Should Never Lift Weights Alone

The name John Ashe is certainly not a familiar one. Dr. Ashe was the former president of the UN General Assembly from 2013-2014. A diplomat from the nation of Antigua and Barbuda, he was under a federal criminal indictment in a bribery and tax fraud case involving real estate transactions in China. He was also scheduled to appear in court Monday, June 27, with his co-defendant Ng Lap Seng, previously implicated in a 1998 Clinton administration-era funding scandal concerning funds funneled to the DNC through Arkansas restaurant owner Charlie Trie.

John Ashe died in his home in Dobbs Ferry, NY, on Wednesday June 22, from the effects of a barbell crush injury to his throat sustained on the bench press in his home gym. He was apparently alone at the time.

Bench press injuries are very serious, and 10-12 people in the US die every year from them. They almost always happen when the victim is training alone, without spotters, or without protection from the bar using proper equipment. Experienced lifters know this, and I have written about it extensively.

My questions for the Westchester County authorities investigating this incident: What weight was loaded on the barbell when Dr. Ashe was found, and how much was Dr. Ashe actually capable of benching? Somebody knows these numbers. If, for example, he was a 225-pound bencher and 405 was on the bar, this suggests either a critical lapse in judgement, or a different explanation for the unfortunate choice of the attempted weight.

The folks in the Dobbs Ferry Police Department would do well to analyze their crime scene evidence with this in mind.

https://pjmedia.com/trending/2016/06/26 ... hts-alone/
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby Cordelia » Thu Jul 21, 2016 11:50 am

Interesting article.

When it happened, it seemed to me a pretty risky thing to do (what if a wasp stings you?), but then again, when younger and abler, I used to run in 90 degree noon time heat and swim alone in pools/ponds with thunder threatening, so I can understand exercise addiction and lack of caution.

fwiw, I asked a close relative who's practiced body building for 40+ years and bench presses alone. He said a responsible/experienced weight lifter will know his own limits, but could be a good way to make a murder look like an accident. (If so, why's Schwarzenegger still around?)

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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby seemslikeadream » Tue Aug 02, 2016 4:40 pm

RIP VICTOR THORN: 1962 ~ 2016

VictorThornSlider-300x231ED Noor: It is with a very heavy heart that I post this piece regarding the death of one of the great writer/researchers of our times, Victor Thorn. Here is the announcement from AFP but expect updates as they come, simply because personally, I don’t think this was a suicide. Prolific writers are prone to leaving notes. His family could possibly be simply terrorized knowing the dangers Victor lived with and could have brought into their homes. I can only say that over the years I always enjoyed reading the work of this great man. He was honest, hard hitting,, to the point, truly a great contributor to the real truth. Yes, he was a staunch enemy of the usual suspects not to mention one of Hillary and Bill’s most prominent and dangerous critics. Whatever the story, Victor Thorn, you are with some of the other greats now. Oh, what stories you all have to tell each other! Rest in peace.

Prominent AFP Clinton Researcher Found Dead

AFP investigative reporter, prominent Clinton researcher, and prolific author Victor Thorn was found dead, the apparent victim of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.


By the Staff at AFP ~ Prolific author, AMERICAN FREE PRESS writer and seasoned Clinton researcher Victor Thorn was found at the top of a mountain near his home, the apparent victim of a gunshot wound. Family and some close friends contend Thorn took his own life on his birthday, August 1. Thorn would have been 54.

At the peak of his writing career, the author of some 20 books and 30 chapbooks, Thorn had reported for this newspaper for over a decade, writing thousands of articles on myriad subjects from conspiracy to health-related topics. Best known for his investigate research on the Clintons, Thorn wrote the Clinton trilogy ~ three definitive works that delved into the history of the power couple including their sordid scandals, Bill Clinton’s sexual assaults of multiple women, and the drug running out of Mena, Arkansas while Clinton was governor of the state.

Besides writing for AFP, Thorn published the works of numerous writers in the alternative media such as Michael Collins Piper, Adam Gorightly, Mark Glenn, John Kaminski and Joan d’Arc, while also producing five CDs and DVDs, one of which is a five-disc collection that covers the John F. Kennedy assassination.

Thorn also served as the editor of five anthologies, and his political articles have appeared in various newspapers around the country.

In February 2001, Thorn founded Babel magazine, an online publication that ran until early 2004 and featured some of the first articles devoted to the 9-11 conspiracy.

One of his books, The New World Order Exposed, was translated and published in Japan in 2006, while 9-11 on Trial has been republished by Progressive Press, and was also released in France to coincide with the fifth anniversary of 9-11.

After co-hosting “The Victor Thorn Show” on the Reality Radio Network from 2002-2003, in February 2004, Thorn co-founded WING TV (World Independent News Group), a daily Internet television and radio talk show viewed in over 100 countries worldwide.

Thorn has also made hundreds of different radio appearances (including “Coast-to-Coast AM” and “The Lionel Show” on WOR 710 in New York City) and has done weekly one-hour news updates on Alex Merklinger’s “Mysteries of the Mind,” while also appearing weekly on Vyzygoth’s “From the Grassy Knoll” and Frank Whalen’s “Frankly Speaking Radio.”

Thorn has been an avid political activist who spoke at the OKC Bombing 10th anniversary, as well as before the America First Party.

He has also protested in six different states, not to mention at Ground Zero on several occasions and in front of the White House in Washington, D.C.

Some supporters have voiced concerns that yet another prominent critic of the Clintons has turned up dead ~ this time just after Hillary Clinton secured the Democratic nomination.

Family has countered that there was no evidence of foul play at the scene and that Thorn most likely took his own life.

36_Thorn_Slideshow-300x231At this time, however, we are looking into all possibilities. The recent release of Crowning Clinton: Why Hillary Shouldn’t Be in the White House and the Hillary (And Bill) trilogy, which has been selling off the shelves at AFP recently ~ exposing all the dirty secrets the Clintons have tried so hard to conceal over the years ~ certainly provides a motive for murder.

Thorn recently had some startling success with his research and writing. At the end of 2015, coauthors Roger Stone and Robert Morrow dedicated their book The Clintons’ War on Women to Victor, and in the early part of 2016, a prominent publisher in Poland purchased the rights to translate and sell Thorn’s Clinton trilogy.

If, in fact, Thorn was taken out by the Clintons, we will, sadly, have to add Thorn’s name to the long list of Clinton victims to be found in Thorn’s own masterpiece, Hillary (And Bill): The Murder Volume.

Rest in Peace.
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby Pele'sDaughter » Fri Aug 05, 2016 3:40 pm

http://www.snopes.com/2016/08/04/dnc-la ... -died/?123

DNC Lawsuit Process Server Shawn Lucas Has Died

In August 2016, rumors began circulating that Shawn Lucas had died unexpectedly; Lucas was known to many frustrated Democrats as the young man who served the Democratic National Committee (DNC) with a lawsuit in early July 2016 charging that the DNC had committed "fraud" in favoring Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders during the Democratic primary process:

The rumor spread on Facebook, Reddit, and Twitter, where many users were concerned that Lucas' death may have been connected to his role as the process server for the DNC lawsuit. Some versions asserted Lucas was the "lead attorney" on the case, but we were unable to corroborate that claim. Lucas was named in a motion [PDF] filed on 22 July 2016 by the DNC, seeking to dismiss the suit on partial grounds of improper service.
We contacted Lucas' employer on 4 August 2016 to ask whether there was any truth to the rumor. According to an individual with whom we spoke at that company, Shawn Lucas died on 2 August 2016. The audibly and understandably shaken employee stated that interest in the circumstances of Lucas' death had prompted a number of phone calls and other queries, but the company had not yet ascertained any details about Lucas' cause of death and were unable to confirm anything more than the fact he had passed away.

On 5 August 2016, the Washington D.C. Metro Police responded to our inquiry, confirming Lucas' passing was "classified as a Death Report, pending the results of an autopsy." A GoFundMe page has been created to assist in funding Shawn Lucas' funeral expenses.
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby chump » Fri Aug 19, 2016 7:02 pm

"CNN Senior Producer Matt Null... passed away while on vacation with friends overseas... He is (was) literally the voice in our head every morning when terrible things happen around the world. He is the one who brings it to you with calm and fairness. He is someone who really made a difference in the world through his job. He was 34 years old."
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby cyclop » Sat Aug 20, 2016 8:12 pm

Hiroshi Hasegawa was a Japanese political journalist who had his own show on TV. He "jumped" out of a window on October 15 2001. Probably one of the first 9/11 "truthers".

http://conspiracydoctor.wordpress.com/2 ... e-suicide/
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby brekin » Tue Aug 23, 2016 2:43 pm

divideandconquer » Mon Jun 20, 2016 8:11 pm wrote:Star Trek actor, Anton Yelchin joins the 27 club.

Supposedly run over by his own car.

I don't know, seems like it could be a freak, or due to bad engineering, accident. But Lohan seems to think otherwise:

Lindsay Lohan Blames Hollywood For Anton Yelchin’s Death — See Bizarre Message

Sun, June 19, 2016 6:49pm EDT by Lauren Cox
http://hollywoodlife.com/2016/06/19/lin ... sed-death/

Lindsay Lohan Anton Yelchin Tribute

Unfortunately, Lindsay Lohan seems to be confused about how Anton Yelchin died. Although she posted a touching tribute to the fallen actor, she appears to be blaming Hollywood for the accident that left his body pinned between his own car and a brick mailbox.

Lindsay Lohan, 29, might want to read an entire article before jumping to conclusions — especially when it comes to the death of 27-year-old actor, Anton Yelchin. Unfortunately, the actress is blaming Hollywood for the freak accident that took place in the actor’s driveway on Sunday, June 19.

As Hollywood mourns the loss of a bright young talent taken from us far too soon, Lindsay Lohan joined in on the many tributes being shared on social media. Sadly, Lindsay seems to be very confused about how Anton actually died, because she immediately blamed Hollywood in her tribute.

“This is the result of #hollywood a beautiful life has come to an end.. A brilliant actor and a loving friend. Surround your life with good people and know who your #true #friends are my prayers and love goes out to anton’s family,” Lindsay captioned a screen grab of the news alert that Anton had died. At the end she added that Anton was her friend, and that she was “so sorry” for his father. It was very kind of her to post that tribute to the late actor, but why is she blaming Hollywood?

For those of you that aren’t aware, Anton’s death was caused by a bizarre accident in his driveway. The actor had cleared the security gate outside of his home, and for an unknown reason he got out of his Jeep and left it in neutral. As pictures of the scene reveal, Anton’s driveway was on a steep incline and his Jeep rolled backwards on his own leaving him pinned between his own car and a brick column. The friends he was supposed to meet up with were the ones who found him in his driveway after they stopped by to check on him when he didn’t show up.

Someone commented Lindsay’s photo to clarify what happened by writing, “He died because of a car accident. Car accidents can mean any thing having to do with a car. It’s horrible this young man died from a terrible accident. But don’t put the blame on something it has nothing to do with if anything being in the spotlight gave him the opportunity to have a good life.”

Unfortunately, Lindsay did not want to hear the follower’s explanation and replied with, “really because I lived that.” It’s unclear if Lindsay is referring to the 2005 car crash she was involved in with paparazzi, or Hollywood in general, but either way we’re sure that this is just an innocent mistake on her part.
Our thoughts remain with Anton’s family, friends, colleagues, and fans during this heartbreaking time.
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Re: "Suicides" and "accidents" - The official RI thread

Postby Luther Blissett » Tue Aug 23, 2016 3:31 pm

I actually attended a party once with Yelchin and thought his death did sound insanely suspicious.

I highly recommend watching Green Room, he was just excellent in it and it was one of his last films. I was having flashbacks of my teenage years fighting neonazi punks at shitty firehalls. One of the tensest films in recent memory.

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