Vaccine - Autism link

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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby Iamwhomiam » Fri Jan 13, 2017 8:23 pm

I think that's what it always comes down to, doing what you believe is best for your child. Both of my kids were vaccinated and suffered few ill effects - a fever lasting three days, but nothing more. Perhaps my kids were just fortunate to not have suffered anything more serious.

No loving parent ever wants to cause harm to their child, even inadvertently. I had whooping cough when I was 6 weeks old. I'm very lucky to have survived.

I also agree with you, Cordelia, about loading kids up with multiple vaccines in one shot. One hundred years ago, a time before vaccines, children were not expected to survive to their 7th year. Today, in no small part due to vaccines, children generally are healthier than ever.

My heart went out to the mother who had been immunized against Pertussis. but somehow lost her immunity and though not sick herself, the child she was carrying contracted Whooping Cough from her and died two weeks after being born.

How does one sooth such pain?

I do know that if I had been complicit in causing my child serious injury or lasting disability, I would never get past it.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby divideandconquer » Sat Jan 14, 2017 6:27 pm

My daughter told me that the administration at the school she's employed is encouraging her to get certified in special education because there is and will be a great need for these teachers. The situation's so bad that they even have emergency SPED licensing programs.

Nationwide, the number of 6- to 21-year-old students classified as having autism rose 165 percent between the 2005-06 and 2014-15 school years, based on a count of nearly all states. (Wyoming did not report numbers for 2014-15.)

165% increase in less than a decade? I knew autism was increasing but that's outrageous.

Let me guess, the msm is reporting the cause for the increase is "global warming"/"climate change" and better diagnosing so they can continue to vaccinate the hell out of children.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby stickdog99 » Thu Jan 19, 2017 8:35 pm

Iamwhomiam » 13 Jan 2017 18:50 wrote:The Back Story on Trump and Vaccines
Jan. 13, 2016
(3.50 minutes)

Vaccines: An Unhealthy Skepticism
Feb. 2, 2015
(12 minutes)

Edited to add,

Anti-Vaccine Activist Says Trump Wants Him to Lead Panel on Immunization Safety


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Tuesday in Trump Tower in Manhattan, where he met with President-elect Donald J. Trump. Credit Sam Hodgson for The New York Times

A prominent anti-vaccine crusader {REALLY? That's what you get labeled if you suggest that a completely unnecessary vaccine preservative could be less than 100% safe?} said on Tuesday that President-elect Donald J. Trump had asked him to lead a new government commission on vaccine safety and scientific integrity — a possibility that spread alarm among medical experts that Mr. Trump could be giving credence to debunked conspiracy theories about the dangers of immunizations.

So that's how science works, right? You "debunk" something and that's the end of it. No reason to gather any more data. No reason to analyze any data. It's been debunked!

The vaccine skeptic, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a nephew of former President John F. Kennedy, said that Mr. Trump, who has repeatedly embraced discredited links between vaccines and autism, had asked him to lead the commission during a meeting with the president-elect at Trump Tower on Tuesday.

Vaccines are safe, and vaccines save the lives of children and adults every day,” said Dr. Byington, whose committee released a report in August defending vaccines. “The science of vaccines is well established, and the safety of vaccines is well established.

LOL at this "scientific" response. Label anything a vaccine and it is now de facto 100% safe. No need to test anything or gather any data on the safety of any new vaccines or any newly recommended combination of multiple vaccines. I mean, the safety of anything called a vaccine in "well-established". The book is closed. All concerns about safety have been debunked. If it's called a vaccine, then, by definition, it simply cannot harm a soul.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby MacCruiskeen » Thu Jan 19, 2017 9:09 pm

Medics "debunked" (i.e., rejected) Ignaz Semmelweis's suggestion that doctors should wash their hands before handling women in childbirth, especially if they had been handling sick people or corpses just beforehand.

Wiki gives a good account of his life and work:

Beginning in 1861, Semmelweis suffered from various nervous complaints. He suffered from severe depression and became absentminded. Paintings from 1857 to 1864 show a progression of aging. He turned every conversation to the topic of childbed fever. ... _and_death

He died in an insane asylum. R.I.P.


Not unrelated: When my grandmother was in her early fifties, she visited her doctor for help with certain complaints relating to the "change of life" (hot flushes, low spirits, tiredness, etc.). Her doctor advised her to start smoking. He was sitting in his surgery, puffing away himself at the time. He gave her that advice because he was, commendably, reluctant to put her on drugs that might have unpleasant side-effects. "Smoking's very relaxing, you know. Try it and get back to me." She tried it, liked it eventually, and smoked for the next thirty years.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby Sounder » Fri Jan 20, 2017 6:09 am

The doc in this story is not a rebel so he probably had no idea that his simple blog posts would be reacted to in the way they have been. Or, more likely, he is taking the piss, perhaps angling for a job with the new ‘administration’. As a doctor, he must know that vaccines require adjuvants for them to create a pronounced immune system response. We inject poisons directly into the bloodstreams of healthy infants and call it progress.

The outrage that Dr. Neides provoked illustrates well how pervasive social conditioning is compared to the small influence that science provides to our collective ‘picture of the world’. ... eases.html

Doctor causes uproar after linking vaccines’ dangerous ingredients to rise in neurological diseases

Wednesday, January 18, 2017 by: David Gutierrez
(NaturalNews) A doctor at a prestigious medical clinic drew vicious attacks from vaccine defenders after he published a blog post suggesting that toxic chemicals in vaccines might be one factor in an “epidemic” of chronic diseases, including neurological disorders such as autism.

Dr. Daniel Neides is a family doctor and the director of the Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute.

Neides’ post caused an immediate backlash, with other doctors describing the article with terms like “vile” and accusing Neides of serving an anti-vaccination agenda.

Notably, Neides does not take a hard line anti-vaccine position, but rather suggests that some vaccines are unnecessary and that others should be spaced more widely. But that did not stop the media from implying that Neides was promoting a complete vaccine opt-out, or other doctors from harassing the Cleveland Clinic until it agreed to discipline him.

Is “toxins are harmful” controversial?

So what precisely did Neides say, to cause such an outraged response? The blog post opens with his story of going to get a flu shot — hardly the action of a vaccine refuser — and asking for a “preservative free” shot in order to avoid being exposed to mercury in the form of thimerosal. Neides then discovered that the “preservative free” shot does indeed contain preservatives, in the form of the carcinogenic chemical formaldehyde.
Neides uses this anecdote as a jumping off point to talk about the myriad ways that the modern world exposes us all to toxic chemicals, which are destroying our health.

“My anger … stems from a constant toxic burden that is contributing to the chronic disease epidemic,” he writes.

Neides notes that there are more than 80,000 chemicals being used in the United States, with another 2,000 introduced every year. In addition to vaccines, we are exposed to these via food, air pollution, personal care products, and even our clothing. He then makes the non-controversial claim that toxic chemicals disrupt the functioning of normal bodily systems, and can lead to diseases including cancer, autoimmune disease, heart disease, diabetes, and neurological diseases.

Although the link between toxic chemicals and neurological disease — including Parkinson’s, which Neides specifically mentioned — is well established, Neides’ inclusion of autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) on the list is part of what drew the ire of the medical establishment. But there is certainly reputable research suggesting a role of toxic chemicals in the development of both conditions.

Neides goes on to say that while the body has a “wonderful” capacity to clear out toxic chemicals, excessive exposure can overwhelm this system. Because vaccines are one source through which we are exposed to toxins such as formaldehyde, aluminum, and sometimes mercury, Neides holds them partially culpable for the chronic disease epidemic.

“Does the vaccine burden – as has been debated for years – cause autism?” he writes. “I don’t know and will not debate that here. What I will stand up and scream is that newborns without intact immune systems and detoxification systems are being over-burdened with PRESERVATIVES AND ADJUVANTS IN THE VACCINES.”

Disciplined for free speech

In response to the backlash drawn by Neides’ post, the Cleveland Clinic published a repudiation of Neides’ post, promised to discipline him, and said he would not be doing any interviews on the topic.

“Our physician published his statement without authorization from Cleveland Clinic. His views do not reflect the position of Cleveland Clinic and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken,” the clinic said.

While mainstream media reports on the “controversy” implied that Neides’ post might encourage people to stop getting vaccines, the doctors leading the backlash seemed to have a very different concern.

“Anti-vaccine Cleveland Clinic doctor just made our jobs so much harder,” tweeted medical doctor and blogger Kevin Pho.
In a news interview, Pho clarified that he doesn’t like it when patients ask him questions about vaccines — because then he has to spend time talking with them.

“Time is at a premium, and having to spend that time dispelling fake health news only adds to the pressures primary care physicians face in a 15-minute office visit,” Pho said.
Last edited by Sounder on Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby identity » Fri Jan 20, 2017 6:56 am

“Time is at a premium, and having to spend that time dispelling fake health news only adds to the pressures primary care physicians face in a 15-minute office visit,” Pho said.

He must be looking forward to that more cost-effective day just-around-the-corner when his office will have a robot to talk to his patients and to inject them with the poison du jour. (Maybe he can then get face-time with his client down to 2 or even 1.5 minutes!)
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby Agent Orange Cooper » Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:08 pm

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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby seemslikeadream » Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:12 pm

well your kids don't go to public schools so you don't have to worry so much ...right?

they're not exposed to all those low income germ carriers

have you ever seen/taken care of a baby with whooping cough? I have many many years ago
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby Agent Orange Cooper » Fri Jan 20, 2017 3:40 pm

Why do you like dead babies so much, slad? Have you ever taken care of a teenager with autism so severe you, as the mother, aren't strong enough to overpower his violent seizures, or aggression towards you? You are as ignorant as it gets, borderline psychotic from what I can tell, and a defender of child maiming, poisoning, and murder to boot. Seriously, piss off. There's a reason I have you on ignore. I won't engage with you further.

Agent Orange Cooper » Tue Dec 20, 2016 6:56 pm wrote:


Did you know that that more than 5,000 babies die per year of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDs)? SIDS is not a real syndrome, but a classification when the cause is unknown. But SIDS rates tend to spike within THREE days of vaccine visits. Plus, SIDS rates increase with the number of vaccines given to infants. And the US gives 26 — more than any other country.

In fact, the US has the highest vaccine schedule in the developed world AND the highest infant death rate…


Vaccines contain toxic additives — including aluminum, latex, formaldehyde, MSG, animal and aborted fetal cells, antibiotics — that are doing damage to our children.

Neurological and autoimmune disorders are skyrocketing. Epilepsy, autism, food allergies, asthma, type-1 diabetes, leukemia, ADHD, speech delays, tics, high-pitched screaming, SIDS, lupus, MS…and most are listed as possible side effects of these toxic vaccine ingredients.

Doctors cannot be sued when they declare the shots were safe, most often without actually even knowing the toxic ingredients in the needle. And the Pharmaceutical companies cannot be sued for putting babies lives at risk because they are one of only two industries protected from lawsuits when vaccines cause serious side effects or death — due to the 1986 National Childhood Immunization Law that gives blanket federal protection from lawsuits.

It’s just the parents left with terrible guilt for trusting a system build to put PROFITS over people…and the deaths continue to rise.

Check out these studies and reports. Protect your baby, do NOT inject.

Almost no SIDS prior to vaccine programs. SIDS diagnosis introduced in 1973 (note 16, page 10)

Over 600 cases of sudden infant death syndrome following vaccination were reported from 1990-1997.

Vaccination in infants less than 3 months is associated with an increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome.

Correlation between the number of infant deaths and the number of vaccines

Serious adverse events associated with whole cell pertussis vaccine, e.g. sudden infant death syndrome and encephalopathy, may have occurred in metabolically vulnerable children.

Sudden infant death syndrome and DTP vaccine timing may be linked.

Relative trends in hospitalizations and mortality among infants by the number of vaccine doses and age, based on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), 1990-2010.

Sudden Infant Death syndrome mortality rate in the period zero to three days following DTP was found to be 7.3 times higher than in the period 30 days after immunization.

A case of sudden infant death associated with hexavalent immunization has been reported.

Hepatitis B vaccination has been linked to anaphylactic shock and death in infants.

In 1985 twin boys simultaneously succumbed to sudden unexpected deaths two to three hours after vaccination with diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccine (DTP).

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) shortly after hexavalent vaccination has been reported.

DTP vaccination may contribute to urinary tract disease and sudden infant death syndrome.

A well researched article on SIDS and vaccines: ... syndrome-1

This study showed a 6x increase in febrile seizures within 24 hours of receiving DTP and a three-fold increase of febrile seizures after the MMR (manifesting 8-14 days post-vaccination).
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby seemslikeadream » Fri Jan 20, 2017 3:56 pm

good..... you self-righteous whatever

you have no idea what my life has been like I speak from more years of experience than you can count

how do you know what I am posting if you have me on ignore? but let's keep it that way

but please do keep your kids out of public schools ..that will be best for all involved

how about holding a 14 month old grand baby in your arms while he is dying? and then consoling your daughter who's little one has just died in front of us....does that count for anything?

you self-righteous whatever

you know nothing about my life

yes please continue to lecture me on dead babies I dare you!

I've experienced a ton of heart has been broken many times

shall I post the funeral card to prove it to you?

go ahead post more statistics :roll:

go hold those statistics in you arms
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby Agent Orange Cooper » Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:17 pm

And you know nothing about mine!

I'm truly sorry for the loss and sorrow you've experienced.

But you don't have a monopoly on sorrow, or on the experience of losing young babies. Your experience does not give you the right to dictate to others how to raise or medicate their children.

Peruse the many stories from parents of babies who died due to adverse vaccine-reactions listed here.

Perhaps your experience with loss will help you to better understand and/or empathize with the perspective of the many parents who have gone through similar experiences, as well as why the anti-vaccine movement is primarily made up of women and mothers who personally witnessed the deaths or decline of their babies into non-verbal autism, or auto-immune disorders, or seizures, or any number of other conditions, following administration of these toxic chemical cocktails.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby seemslikeadream » Fri Jan 20, 2017 4:18 pm

just leave me the fuck alone...put me on ignore and keep me there..and I will return the favor

I'm not shoving a needle in any baby's arm
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby Cordelia » Sat Jan 21, 2017 7:07 pm

Thanks AOC for the information posted. The multiple vaccines currently & routinely injected shocks and sickens me. Back in the late1980's when vaccines were limited to DPT, my youngest suffered a seizure after a booster shot. It was a terrifying experience and, though she had recovered by the time we got to the hospital, we spent the night while she underwent tests, some that were invasive and traumatic. We shared a room with two mothers who were frequently there w/their chronically ill babies (unrelated to why we were there). One baby w/Hydrocephalus attracted a doctor to come into our room at midnight to take pictures! It was also a humbling experience because by midnight my daughter was fine, we knew the tests were clear, and that we'd be leaving in the morning & unlikely to return, unlike our roommates. Although doctors didn't formally link her seizure to her shot, my daughter was exempted from future Pertussis (whooping cough) boosters and she never suffered another seizure.

Last week a close relative, under ten years old, suffered a seizure while running a fever w/recurring flu. Hospital doctors could find nothing wrong but were perplexed, noting that he's too old to experience a febrile seizure. His mother had taken him off all vaccines after he developed a high fever following his infant vaccinations and I wonder about the short and long-term dangers in inducing fevers and kick-starting the immune systems of vulnerable infants.

I do know that if I had been complicit in causing my child serious injury or lasting disability, I would never get past it.

I know what you mean, IAWIA. I'm relieved I became a parent before the 1990's. Parents have enough hard struggles to contend, without the guilt over deciding whether or not to vaccinate, imho.

And I sure wouldn't want to be a doctor....

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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby Cordelia » Mon Jan 23, 2017 10:50 am

Blue » Fri Jan 13, 2017 10:51 pm wrote:
Cordelia » Fri Jan 13, 2017 5:09 pm wrote:Interesting to note that the current outbreak of mumps in Washington State is impacting a high percentage of patients up-to-date on their MMR vaccine.

Yes, Cordelia it is common now that these outbreaks are in the vaccinated population. It proves that it is the vaccinated people who are spreading the diseases, the vaccines themselves are making people sick or the vaccines are ineffective. Yet they continue to demonize unvaccinated kids and adults. Profits before people is the American Way.

This past summer, more than 40 Harvard University students came down with mumps. According to the public health department in Cambridge, every single one of them had been vaccinated. Arkansas is now battling an outbreak of mumps that began in August.

As of December 2, 1,824 people had contracted the disease, despite 90 to 95 percent of school aged children and 30 to 40 percent of adults involved in the outbreak having been "fully immunized," according to the Arkansas State Health Department (ADH).

On September 12, 40/29 News covering Fort Smith and Fayetteville, Arkansas, reported that: "The Arkansas Dept. of Health says they have seen no cases of the mumps in people who aren't immunized."

Barbara Loe Fischer (from the video I posted earlier in thread) discusses herd immunity:

Thank you for this video. (I'd forgotten, around 2001, there was a significant outbreak of whooping cough in our school district, where most of the school population was vaccinated. I home schooled my daughter during her middle school years and she wasn't effected.)
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby SonicG » Tue Feb 07, 2017 9:35 pm


Hundreds Of Health Groups Plead With Trump To Look At Scientific Evidence On Vaccines
The president has falsely said the shots cause autism.

WASHINGTON ― Hundreds of state and national medical groups on Tuesday sent President Donald Trump scientific evidence debunking the theory that childhood vaccines cause autism.

“Claims that vaccines are unsafe when administered according to expert recommendations have been disproven by a robust body of medical literature, including a thorough review by the National Academy of Medicine,” reads the letter, which was signed by groups including the American Medical Association, the American Academy of Family Physicians and the American Academy of Pediatrics.

The medical groups attached summaries of more than three dozen studies that found no link between vaccines and neurological problems, and noted that immunization has eradicated several diseases in the U.S.

Trump has repeatedly espoused the discredited theory that children can get autism from vaccines. He hosted Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a proponent of the autism theory, in January at Trump Tower in New York City. Kennedy said afterward that Trump had asked him to head a commission investigating vaccine safety.

A Trump spokeswoman previously said no decision had been made about whether to create a commission. The White House press office did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Tuesday.

Public health groups have been wary of wading into the political fray on vaccines, reluctant to give the impression that there’s any legitimate debate among scientists over whether people should have their children immunized. The letter had been in the works since Trump’s vaccine doubts resurfaced last month, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Several government bodies already vouch for the safety of vaccines, and nongovernment researchers have repeatedly probed the link between vaccines and autism since a 1998 paper first caused alarm. That paper has since been retracted. ... 613139c5b7

I guess I never realized that there were full-on fake news sites even though it has been such a buzzword...I thought it was more about wanna-be Onion sites being taken seriously but this Houston Leader one has an odd agenda to say the least...Yes, I know, Snopes blah blah blah...
Did President Trump Enact a 90-Day Ban on Childhood Vaccinations?
Reports that President Trump had temporary banned vaccinations via executive order came from a fake news site.

Although the tweets were legitimate, the article's claim was not. President Trump's purported signing of a "90-day ban on childhood vaccinations" would constitute a highly newsworthy development, yet not a single additional source reported any such order was signed. And the site on which it was hosted was only recently established, one major hallmark of fake news sites:

Looking at their other stories show random attacks on vegans and coconut oil...Then googling, I see a handful of other "local" websites with the same BS...

Thirty Deaths Tied to Physician Using Coconut Oil to Treat Cancer Patients
Several patients have indicated the treatment plan involved the application of coconut oil to the patients “troubled area”- meaning if the patient had stomach cancer, Carter would rub excess amounts of coconut oil on the patient’s stomach.

Anyody who is an advocate of coconut oil, and I consider myself a very strong one, knows that, duhhhh, it will only affect something internal if ingested...It is great for skin care in general of course, but you must imbibe it to get any anti-cancer effects.....
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