Great, White ethnostate in the sky: Willis Carto dead

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Great, White ethnostate in the sky: Willis Carto dead

Postby American Dream » Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:21 am

http://problemofwhiteness101.blogspot.c ... n-sky.html

The great, White ethnostate in the sky: Willis Carto dead at 89

Raging Anti-Semite, Willis Carto.

Via /Idavox:

"Willis Carto, whose White supremacist and anti-Semitic activism via the organization he founded sixty years ago, the Liberty Lobby, its newspaper the Spotlight and successor organizations and publications gave rise to far right politics and persons across the spectrum from neo-Nazis to paleoconservatives to today’s libertarians, died Monday of cardiac arrest at the age of 89.

Born July 17, 1926 in Fort Wayne Indiana, Willis Allison Carto served in World War II, and after being wounded went back home where he became a salesman. Carto eventually got involved in political writing, publishing a monthly bulletin titled Right: The Journal of Forward-Looking American Nationalism in 1955. Eventually, he became mostly known for advancing anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and was one of the first to promote the idea that the Holocaust in Nazi Germany that killed 11 million people, including 6 million Jews never happened. In 1955 he founded the Liberty Lobby who, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center, touted itself as a conservative, anti-Communist group but was actually an organization promoting white supremacy and antisemitism. Based in Washington, DC, the Liberty Lobby’s offices were in the National Press Building, and Carto had access to leading politicians until his brand of hate politics made him dangerous to work with. The Liberty Lobby’s newspaper the Spotlight began publishing in 1975 and critics immediately saw it as a recruiting tool for the far right. Carto also started Noontide Press which published racist books and pamphlets, including a republishing Imperium a book by Francis Parker Yockey that among other things argued the fall of the Third Reich was a temporary setback, and that fascists much engage in a “world-historical struggle”. Yockey was Carto’s biggest inspiration, and Carto visited him in 1960 while he was in prison for falsified passports. Yockey would later commit suicide while incarcerated.

Carto was also a staunch supporter of Alabama Governor George Wallace, co-authoring a pamphlet prior to his 1968 presidential run titled “Stand Up For America: The Story of George C. Wallace”. In he he praised Wallace as the only one of any of the candidates who could beat back “Blacky” and the Communist-dominated federal government. When Wallace’s campaign failed, Carto and American Nazi Party member William Pierce took over the organization Youth for Wallace and renamed it the National Youth Alliance. After a falling out with Carto, Pierce took over the organization, abolished the age limit and renamed the group the National Alliance which became one of the leading neo-Nazi organizations in the country until Pierce’s death in 2002.

Carto was also responsible for the formation of the Institute for Historical Review (IHR) in 1978, an anti-Semitic organization that promotes Holocaust revisionism and is now run by former National Alliance member Mark Weber, and in 1984 was one of the founders of the Populist Party, with became the political party of note for figures like Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke and militia leader “Bo” Gritz. As with Pierce there was infighting with both organizations and by 1994 the Populist Party was decimated with Carto attacking his old group regularly in the Spotlight and the IHR accusing Carto of fraud and financial mismanagement, voting to terminate his relationship with the organization. In 1996 after a series of disputes and lawsuits, a California Superior Court judge ruled against Carto, ordering him to pay IHR a judgement over $6 million. Carto and the Liberty Lobby filed for bankruptcy in response and the Liberty Lobby folded in 2001, which also shut down the Spotlight. A month after, Carto started the American Free Press (AFP) which not only continued the anti-Semitic activism of the Spotlight, but also promoted the White supremacist religion of Christian Identity that Carto became a follower of. Meanwhile, during all the legal entanglements, Carto also started the Barnes Review, a historical revisionist publication that competes with IHR’s Journal of Historical Review, and along with American Free Press is still operating. At the time of this posting, AFP has not announced Carto’s death.

Carto’s influence on right wing politics was so great that in his book Blood and Politics: The History of the White Nationalist Movement from the Margins to the Mainstream, Leonard Zeskind dedicated the first chapter of the book’s prequel deconstructing him. “For more than fifty years, Willis Allison Carto marketed racism and antisemitism as if they were the solution to all the world’s ills, he wrote. “Yet he routinely kept himself out of the public limelight and did business behind a maze of corporate fronts. Most often, what is actually known about Willis Carto’s personal life comes largely from the mountains of court documents he created over the decades.” Indeed, for all his influence, Carto was famously reclusive. He seldom gave interviews and until recently was even more seldom photographed. He only began to make appearances in his later years at public events and rallies, including a rally for then-incarcerated Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel in 2007 outside Washington, DC’s German Embassy.

News of Carto’s death comes only eight months after he moved the offices of the Barnes Review and the American Free Press from Washington, DC to Prince Georges County, Maryland. At the time of his death he was living in Orange County, Virginia. He is survived by Elisabeth his wife of 57 years. They had no children."
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Re: Great, White ethnostate in the sky: Willis Carto dead

Postby seemslikeadream » Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:27 am

you are over your limit on White supremacist/anti-Semitic/Nazi front page OP's....and yes the 6 YEAR OLD OP that you bumped counts........AND maybe someone else here would like to post something on the subject quit hogging all the OP allotment
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Re: Great, White ethnostate in the sky: Willis Carto dead

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:40 am

Meh, I don't mind.

Carto was an important parapolitical figure with vision and work ethic, his passing is of note.

My only real disappointment was that AD didn't write that title, which gave me a Sunday morning belly laugh.
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Re: Great, White ethnostate in the sky: Willis Carto dead

Postby seemslikeadream » Sun Nov 01, 2015 11:44 am

there are 50 other threads posted by AD where he mentions Carto could have bumped one of them like the 6 year old strmfnt one...just channeling my inner Jack here
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
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Re: Great, White ethnostate in the sky: Willis Carto dead

Postby zangtang » Sun Nov 01, 2015 12:04 pm

Didnt know (of) him. Sounds like an insurance company.

Be interested (slightly) in what the 'travellers beware' sign behind him is about.....Germany?

Of course, I could google images on willis carto and/or find out which particular demo/ 'stand in the allocated voice of dissent area' that was & see if any pics from different angles
- but that would require effort on my part...............................
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Re: Great, White ethnostate in the sky: Willis Carto dead

Postby Elvis » Sun Nov 01, 2015 4:22 pm

I've got a drawer stuffed with old Spotlights from the '80s. Interesting to look through them. The local gadfly who distributed them may not have known exactly what he was spreading. I happened to catch a radio interview with him (he pestered the station to get on, until the afternoon interview program finally relented), and it was actually that interview that set me on the path of parapolitical discovery. I started picking up the Spotlight, but -- this was before the Internet, of course -- I already knew enough to know exactly what I was looking at. They're certainly interesting enough to archive, so they slowly yellow in a cherrywood buffet drawer.
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Re: Great, White ethnostate in the sky: Willis Carto dead

Postby American Dream » Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:51 pm

Birds of a feather...

Review: “Dreamer of the Day” by Kevin Coogan

(The following book review will appear in the journal Race Traitor, 2001.)

An American National Bolshevik

Review of:
Kevin Coogan. Dreamer of the Day. Francis Parker Yockey and the Postwar Fascist International. Autonomedia. New York, 1999. 642 p. $16.95.

Provincial patriotism of the nineteenth- century type can evoke no response. The unity of the West which the barbarian has always recognized is recognized at the last hour by the West itself.”

Western policy has the duty of encouraging in its education of the youth its manifestation of strong character, self-discipline, honor, ambition, renunciation of weakness, striving after perfection, superiority, leadership–in a word–Race.”

Francis Yockey, Imperium, (1948).

Fascism in every country, until 1945, almost always conjured up archaic, pre-capitalist, pre-Enlightenment national myth for its symbolism: Mussolini and the Roman Empire, Franco and the Falange, Hitler and the Thousand-Year Reich. In the United States, the task was made more difficult by the absence, for the radical right, of a “usable” pre-capitalist past; for stone white supremacists, the Iroquois Nation or Yoruba culture would hardly do.

Fascism, two world wars, the genocide of the Jews and gypsies, and the weakening of the nation-state through exhaustion cast a cloud over nationalist archaisms in the advanced capitalist world after 1945 (the emerging Third World was of course another story). For these reasons, and because of an important internationalization of capitalism through U.S. world hegemony, it was inevitable that the radical right in the advanced capitalist countries would turn to archaic symbols connected to the West as a whole. Thus, throughout Europe and to some extent in the U.S., “Aryans” (the word having acquired a bad odor) were rebaptized Indo-Europeans, and highbrow intellectuals such as Martin Heidegger, Mircea Eliade, Marija Gimbutas, and Julius Evola created the high road for the rehabilitation of the old ideas, followed on lower roads by Atlantis buffs, occultists, Celtic tree-worshipers, fake Tibetologists, Wagner freaks, Holocaust deniers and Teutonic rune scholars.

Today, in Europe, including Russia, and to some extent in the United States, important factions of the radical right have quietly buried the old biological racism and the nationalist chauvinism of pre-1945 fascism. The most sophisticated figures, such as Alain de Benoist, freely quote from Antonio Gramsci (for which Gramsi is of course not to be blamed), argue that the old categories of “left” and “right” are dead(1), and insist that their desire to expel immigrants and Jews from Europe has nothing to do with “grandpa’s fascism”, but rather because they see such groups invariably as bearers of “other cultures”, not inferior, mind you, but “different”. These theorists have their own version of post-modern cultural relativism, and say that Jews, blacks and Arabs are fine– just as long as they stay in their own countries, or return there, the sooner the better. The European radical right supported Iraq in the Gulf War, a type of “Third Worldism” that was marginal in Western interwar fascism (but not entirely absent, as we shall see).

What fascism hates above all is universalism, and it hates the Jews for having, through the monotheism they passed to Christianity, supposedly inflicted the “slave morality” (Nietzsche) of universalism on the “strong”, “young”, “nature-loving” “blond beasts”, the Indo-Europeans and other pagans, and for having, through the ban on image-making, destroyed such peoples’ pagan nature-worship and myth. Capitalism for the fascists mostly means finance capital, Jews and money; the link between monotheism and abstraction on one hand and commodity production and wage labor on the other is beyond their ken. Behind the hatred of universalism is the hatred of the idea of humanity, or what Marx called “species- being”; fascism sooner or later, and usually sooner, identifies some group, whether whites, or Teutons, or an aristocratic cultural elite, the “Uebermenschen” (supermen) as destined to dominate, or expel, or annihilate the “Untermenschen” (inferior beings), or, more up to date, those who are ineffably “different”. The trendy post-modern left supports “difference” and argues for relativistic tolerance (which extends to tolerance of barbaric archaisms, such as cliterodectomy, among “subaltern peoples”), the hard radical right supports it to advocate (at least in its politer forms) removal, but both currents find themselves in profound agreement on the fundamental issue of the denial of humanity as a meaningful reality. Like their predecessors, the early 19th century enemies of the Enlightenment and the universalism of the French revolution, they “know Frenchmen, Germans, Italians and Greeks”, but consider “man” a meaningless abstraction.

Thus the contemporary right-wing publicist Armin Mohler is not wrong to say that today’s post-modernists are the bastard progeny of the Conservative Revolution of the 1920′s (about which latter more below).

It is fairly well known that Hitler and the Nazis always insisted that they had learned a great deal from America, and in particular from the American eugenics movement, which preceded their own Social Darwinism, racial laws and ban on interracial marriage, doctrines of blood purity, and medical experiments on “Untermenschen”, by decades.

What is less well known is that an American fascist theoretician, Francis Parker Yockey (1917-1960), himself marginal in the American radical right even today, is actually a theoretical pioneer of the contemporary international fascist revival with its new cultural politics, and is recognized as such from France to Russia’s contemporary “red-brown” ferment. (Yockey is promoted in the U.S., and somewhat disingenuously, mainly by Willis Carto and the Liberty Lobby.(2)) Contemporary fascism, internationally, finds it a largely losing battle to conjure up the old biological racism and master-race theories: they can chip away at the still-powerful association of such biological determinism with the concentration camps, but they have found a far more fertile path in circumventing such questions with a whole new battle over “culture”. And once this is recognized, the centrality of Francis Yockey, the subject of the excellent book by Kevin Coogan under consideration here, and who spelled this out in his 1948 book Imperium, looms into view.

Yockey, in in his youth, in the depths of the depression, was briefly sympathetic to Marxism, but quickly abandoned it for fascism. Subsequently, in late 1930′s Chicago, he jostled different far-right groups such as pro-Hitler German Bundists, anti-labor vigilantes, Silver Shirts and the Father Coughlin movement. But Yockey himself was no storefront fascist. Possibly the decisive ideological influence in his life had been the reading, in 1934, of Oswald Spengler’s Decline of the West (a world-wide best seller in the 1920′s). Through Spengler (including his later works Years of Decision and Prussianism and Socialism) Yockey stepped into the ferment of 1890-1933 Germany known as the “Conservative Revolution”, and such other (sometimes brilliant) reactionary theorists as Carl Schmitt, Karl Haushofer, Ernst Niekisch, Ernst Juenger, Moeller van den Bruck, not to mention the highly ambiguous earlier figure of Friedrich Nietzsche. For most of these intellectuals, Hitler and the Nazis were vulgar guttersnipes and their “voelkisch” (i.e. populist) ideology merely one more version of the mass society the Conservative Revolutionaries despised. What mainly characterized the Conservative Revolution were variants of an aristocratic radicalism that imagined a regeneration of decadent bourgeois society from the throes of materialism, democracy, socialism and feminism by a “hard” cultural elite of “supermen”, men such as those tempered in the trench warfare of World War I and the “storms of steel” (the title of Juenger’s 1920′s best-selling novel) of the modern technological battlefield. Spengler, in his major work, had defined “universalism” as the passage from “culture” to “civilization” in an organic rise and fall; this phase emerged when the old culture-bearing elite was sinking into effete aestheticism, and prepared the way for Caesarism (an anticipation of the coming of Hitler).

Aside from Spengler himself, two figures of the Conservative Revolution in particular stand out as decisive influences on Yockey: Carl Schmitt and Karl Haushofer. As a student at Georgetown University in the mid-1930′s, Yockey encountered Schmitt as the leading international Catholic jurist of the period. Schmitt’s relationship to Hitler and the Nazis was complex, but hardly (to put it mildly) a hostile one. Schmitt’s sophisticated legal theory was little short of state-idolatry, and presented a distinction between “enemy” and “foe” which passed easily into fascist political and legal thought. An “enemy” for Schmitt was an opponent of the moment, with whom there was temporary conflict and disagreement, but a “foe” was an irreconcilable opponent against whom the struggle was potentially total and lethal. Schmitt ridiculed Western parliamentarism and democracy, and developed ideas about the inevitability of extra-parliamentary activity — i.e. activity in the streets — which also influenced the German New Left in the 1960′s (Schmitt was among other things an admirer of Lenin). This in turn shaped Schmitt’s idea of Ernstfall or “ultimate confrontation” in which normal legality had to be suspended. (Schmitt provided the legal cover for the 1934 “Night of the Long Knives” in which Hitler eliminated the “red fascist” wing of the Nazi Party around the Strasser brothers).

Last but not least (for Yockey) was Schmitt’s idea of “Grossraumordnung”, literally “great space order” but more concretely a “geographical zone dominated by a political idea” (a concept beyond the nation-state), which after 1945 was taken over into Yockey’s call for an “Imperium of the West”, a European super-state capable of resisting both the Soviet Union and the United States (though Yockey considered the U.S. the greater danger)(3).

But if Schmitt was one of the more brilliant theorists (along with the Italian philosopher Gentile) of fascism’s well-known mystique of the state, the figure of Karl Haushofer leads us into some of the most unusual, and important, aspects of Yockey’s later development. Haushofer was the leading German exponent of “geopolitics”, a theory of international power politics developed by the German Ratzel and the Englishman Mackinder. Based ultimately on a Social Darwinist idea of struggle for “space”, geopolitics was a theory of the struggle for world empire, essentially the pre-1914 struggle between then-dominant Britain and ascendant Germany. The basic idea of geopolitics was that the world power which controls the perimeter of Russia controls the world, thus making it the theory of the “great game” among the world powers from the Baltic to China and Japan, via Iran and Tibet. Haushofer spoke Far Eastern languages (Japanese, Chinese, Korean) as well as Russian fluently, and spent years in Japan as a German military attach(c), in the wake of Japan’s stunning defeat of Russia in 1905. The Russo-Japanese war was of particular significance since it was the first time that a “white” nation had been defeated with modern weapons by a “non-white” nation, and it was a kind of “wake-up call” to emergent anti-colonial struggles everywhere. (Because it also led to the 1905-06 mass strike wave, a dress rehearsal for the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, it also set down the association, with a brilliant future ahead of it, whereby colonial peoples came to see 1917 primarily as a national and not as a proletarian revolution.) Haushofer knew a great deal about esoteric schools of Japanese Buddhism (and was rumored to belong to one), and later distinguished himself as an officer in the German army during World War I. But the most important idea which Yockey took from Haushofer was the latter’s advocacy of German support for anti-colonial peoples in their struggles against the British and French empires, as well as Haushofer’s rejection of white supremacist reticence about such support, at a time when ideas of the “yellow peril” and the rising challenge to “white” world supremacy were common coin throughout the West. Haushofer is often cited as the inspiration of the lucid passages treating foreign policy in Hitler’s Mein Kampf, but, as Coogan points out, Hitler and Haushofer parted ways over race. Hitler preferred an India under white (i.e. British) rule to Indian independence, however much the latter might weaken the British empire. This Hauhofer link to Yockey emerges after 1945 in Yockey’s sympathy for Third World liberation struggles, including those of the Palestinians, Nasser’s Egypt and Castro’s Cuba.

The real key to Yockey, however, is summed up in the term “National Bolshevik”, a somewhat obscure yet very important strand of the 1920′s Conservative Revolution, and one which is increasingly important today. The term “National Bolshevik” refers to an ambiguous minority current that appeared in the revolutionary wave in Europe immediately following World War I. The term was first used by Bela Kun, head of the short-lived Communist government in Hungary in 1919, and cropped up in some statements of Karl Radek, the Communist revolutionary who conducted Comintern business from his prison cell in Berlin in the same year, meeting with members of the German business(4) and military elite as well as with the German radical left. (He also laid the foundation for Russia’s commercial treaty with Attaturk in 1920, concluded even as Attaturk was murdering leading members of the Turkish Communist Party.) In 1923, the German CP undertook the brief “Schlageter turn”(5) of several months during which it worked with the Nazis in a campaign against the Versailles Treaty, staging rallies and sharing podiums from which Ruth Fischer attacked “Jewish capital” in a way sometimes difficult to distinguish from fascist rhetoric(6). Already in 1922, Germany had signed the Rapallo treaty with the Soviet Union, allowing the defeated German army to to use the Ukraine for secret training and maneuvers banned under the Versailles Treaty. Because of Germany’s central position in continental Europe, the possibility of a German- Russian rapprochement against the West often hovered over European power politics, posing a direct threat to Britain and France, and much of the foreign policy of the two major world empires was aimed at preventing just such an alliance. Germany since 1870 had been the “new power” threatening British and French hegemony , and German support of different kinds for anti-colonial movements in the British and French empires (which dated from the pre-1914 Kaiserreich) was a constant problem for the latter. Thus in 1922 when the Rapallo treaty brought Germany into an alliance with revolutionary Russia, there was general consternation in Anglo-French ruling circles. In 1932, (as in 1923) the German Communist Party again cooperated with the Nazis (7) in strikes and street actions against the “main enemy”, the “social-fascist” German Social Democrats, a perspective they bizarrely maintained even after Hitler seized power and put them into concentration camps, expressed in their slogan “After Hitler Comes Our Turn”. Finally, the consternation occasioned by Rapallo was completely eclipsed by the impact of the Stalin-Hitler Pact in 1939.

But “National Bolshevism” refers to much more than just a rapprochement between Germany and Russia, or tactical collaboration between Communists and Nazis against liberals and Social Democrats. It condenses a series of attitudes which reach far beyond Europe, and which have wider currency in the contemporary world than is generally recognized: hence the importance of Yockey and of Coogan’s study of Yockey. National Bolshevism is one of the most extreme forms of appropriation of elements of the revolutionary socialist movement for the preservation of class society. Weimar Germany from 1918 to 1933 was a laboratory of a myriad of currents thrown up by the simultaneous potential of working-class revolution (1918-1921) and of the extreme reaction (which borrowed significantly from the workers’ movement) brought to bear against that potential, culminating in Hitler’s triumph in 1933. Though figures such as Bela Kun and Karl Radek are better known, National Bolshevism entered the workers’ movement most dramatically in Hamburg and Bremen in 1920, articulated by the two German ex-Wobblies Wolffheim and Laufenberg, who threw themselves into the German workers’ councils that sprung up after World War I. For Wolffheim and Laufenberg, as for a number of other currents of the early 1920′s in Germany and elsewhere(8), workers’ revolution was the royal road to the national revolution; for the National Bolsheviks, the Russian Revolution was itself a national revolution(9). (To his credit, Lenin called National Bolshevism “eine himmelschreiende Absurditaet”, roughly, a “monstrous absurdity”. Unfortunately, other figures of the Third International were not so careful.)

The National Bolsheviks, and later Yockey, saw the cosmopolitan proletarian internationalism of Lenin, Trotsky and the early Russian Revolution as a superficial veneer which was cast aside by Stalin(10). “National Bolshevism” ultimately transposes Marx’s theory of the war between the classes to an international theory of struggle between “bourgeois nations” and “proletarian nations”, and buries the singularity and autonomy of the working class (the international class par excellence) in a mystique of the state and the nation. In the interwar period, the main “bourgeois nations” (or plutocracies, as Georges Sorel, among others, called them) were Britain and France; after 1945, the same logic was transposed to the new center of world capital, the United States. And nowhere moreso than in the work of Francis Yockey. The “proletarian nations” were first of all Germany and Italy, but the term applied equally (if not moreso) to all the “new nations” created by the Versailles Treaty, beginning with Eastern and Central Europe, not to mention the Latin American nations under the thumb of Anglo-French or American finance capital, and last but hardly least the growing nationalist ferment in the colonial world, a ferment encouraged, as indicated earlier, by successive German governments.

It is still little recognized today how ideologies first developed in interwar Europe to describe the tensions between the “core” bourgeois democracies and the “periphery”(11) of “young” or “new” nations were exported to the semi-colonial and colonial world, often directly through the influence of “National Bolshevik” or later National Socialist figures,
and after 1945 by the Nazis who fled to the Middle East and Latin America. After 1918, dozens of new nations emerged from the four defeated empires (Hohenzollern Prussia, Habsburg Austria-Hungary, Romanov Russia and the Ottomans) and after 1945, dozens more appeared in Africa, the Middle East and the rest of Asia from the breakup of the British and French empires. In most of these “new nations”, as well as in the semi-colonial countries of Latin America (Peron’s Argentina and Vargas’s Brazil come to mind), there was a real or potential local elite that recycled alloyed or unalloyed “National Bolshevism” from its original Central and Eastern European interwar sources into international “left” “anti-imperialist” currency. The 1960′s Western leftist admirers of Chou en-lai and Lin Piao would have perhaps been surprised to learn that the latter’s occasional references to the struggle between “bourgeois nations” and “proletarian nations” had been articulated decades earlier by Joseph Goebbels and Gregor Strasser. It would have been less of a surprise, or none at all, to Francis Yockey.

In 1947, Yockey settled in a remote village in Ireland to write his magnum opus, Imperium, in which he attempted to reinvent fascism for the new U.S.-dominated world. Yockey had gone AWOL from the U.S. Army in 1942 after a ring of German and pro-German saboteurs to which his family had connections was arrested by the FBI. Two months later, this “Fifth Columnist” (as opposed to an actual spy for Germany, in Coogan’s assessment) had returned voluntarily to the Army and, after a real or feigned mental breakdown, managed to be honorably discharged in 1943 for “medical” reasons. He held a couple of government jobs and then, (“incredibly”, as Coogan puts it) in late 1945 went to Germany as a prosecuting attorney for the Nuremburg trials. Less than a year later, he was fired from this position, in which he had distinguished himself by chronic absenteism, using that year to build up contacts to the anti-Allied German underground which was actively conducting terrorism and sabotage against American military targets.

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Re: Great, White ethnostate in the sky: Willis Carto dead

Postby backtoiam » Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:54 pm

My only real disappointment was that AD didn't write that title, which gave me a Sunday morning belly laugh.

Why is your belly bouncing? You have a hangover juggalo?
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Re: Great, White ethnostate in the sky: Willis Carto dead

Postby American Dream » Wed Feb 17, 2016 9:20 pm

White Supremacist Willis Carto To Be Buried in Arlington Cemetery Tomorrow – While Woman WWII Vets Are Denied

February 16, 2016

Willis Carto outside the German Embassy outside the German Embassy May 7, 2007.

If the cemetery is complaining about lack of space, why fill it with someone so damned undeserving when others are much more worthy?

Liberty Lobby founder Willis Carto, who in addition to being responsible for the right-wing/neo-Nazi activism of the past sixty years, was among the first to promote the notion that the Holocaust didn’t happen, will be buried tomorrow. in Arlington National Cemetery for his service in World War II.

Carto, who died Oct. 26 at the age of 89, was a Purple Heart recipient for wounds sustained while fighting for the Army in the Philippines during World War II, which made him eligible for burial at Arlington. He once wrote derisively however that his service was a “fight for the glorious democracy of my country, the survival of Soviet communism, a third and fourth term for Roosevelt, a chance to kill Germans by the thousands as desired by Churchill, Eisenhower and the Zionists, part of Palestine for them as a bonus, vast riches for the bankers and war suppliers, coffin makers and flag makers.” ... re-denied/
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Re: Great, White ethnostate in the sky: Willis Carto dead

Postby General Patton » Wed Feb 17, 2016 9:32 pm

Great, White ethnostate in the sky

штрафбат вперед
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Re: Great, White ethnostate in the sky: Willis Carto dead

Postby American Dream » Sat Aug 20, 2016 9:32 am

Domenico Losurdo: Ernst Nolte and the Development of Revisionism

With the death of Ernst Nolte on the 17th August, we have seen the passing of one of the most famous revisionist historians. His work on twentieth century history and comparative studies of Nazism and Communism reduced the Nazi genocide to merely a subplot in a supposed "asiatic" horror—Communism—to which the Nazis were just reacting. It is this supposed origin of the violence of the early twentieth century in the ur-horror of the Russian Revolution which sparked the Historikerstreit (historians' dispute) in Germany in the late '80s.


In this extract from Domenico Losurdo's War and Revolution, Losurdo charts the development of Nolte's thought. Losurdo argues that as Nolte moves closer to historical revisionism, he increasingly denies the horrors of both the Nazi genocide and colonialism, in a political move to discredit Communism as both a historical reality and a theoretical idea.

In Ernst Nolte’s view the horror of the Third Reich took the form of a replica of, and prophylactic measure against, the horrors hailing from Soviet Russia. But the revisionist ideologue who claims to have identified October 1917 as the primordial source of the catastrophe of the twentieth century is contradicted by the historian obliged to recognize that the deportation of the Armenians marked ‘the first great act of genocide in the twentieth century’. This was a deportation that occurred prior to the fateful date – in fact, during the war against which the Bolsheviks rebelled. But this is not the only oscillation or inconsistency in Nolte, on whose development it is worth dwelling.

In his early phase, the German historian sought the origins of Nazism and the genocide elsewhere. He underscored the Social Darwinist motifs in Hitler and his links with ‘the great stream of counterrevolutionary thought’. He highlighted the decisive role played by appeals to struggle against the Judeo- Bolshevik conspiracy, by the denunciation of the Jew as a pathogenic agency in society, as a bacillus of dissolution and subversion to be destroyed: ‘The explosive political effect of this identification of Jewry with bolshevism is obvious . . . Not, of course, that it was Hitler’s invention; it was the common property of a whole literature from Henry Ford to Otto Hauser – one might even be tempted to say that Hitler was its invention.’

Particularly interesting here is the reference to Ford, whom we shall see supporting the thesis of the racial (Jewish), as opposed to political, origin of the Bolshevik October. In this phase, Nolte explained Hitler not with reference to the USSR and Lenin and Stalin, but to the USA and a magnate of the American automobile industry. The Third Reich was viewed as inspired not by the ‘Asiatic’ model represented by Bolshevism, but by the ideology that branded Bolshevism and Judaism alike as Asiatic phenomena alien to the West. If analogies with Nazism could be discovered among Germany’s enemies, they were to be found in the nationalist movements. In his chauvinist frenzy, an author like Charles Maurras indissolubly equated Nazism and the German people, so that the only possible ‘de-Nazification’ would be ‘de-Germanization’. Such a view, commented the non-revisionist historian, ‘is the outright expression of the inclination (if not personal, at least factual) toward genocide, which links [Maurras] with Hitler’. Early Nolte was well aware of the naturalistic and racial character of the Third Reich’s de-specification of the enemy. Precedents and analogies were to be sought other than in the revolutionary tradition.

At this stage of Nolte’s development, far from representing a mere riposte to Bolshevism, Fascism and Nazism had a pre-history pre-dating October 1917 and which, moreover, did not refer exclusively to the struggle against the democratic and socialist movement. A prominent role was played by growing international tensions, the increasingly evident antagonism between the various capitalist countries. Even before the outbreak of the First World War, movements existed in France at whose core was ‘hero worship and the spell of bloodshed’. They declared ‘holy war’ on the republic, prayed for Jaurès’ death, stated their intention of drowning Parliament in the Seine, smelt the presence of Jewish espionage and treason, and unleashed squads against socialists and anti-militarists. Along with Action française, the Camelots du Rois, whose name was ‘synonymous with terror’ – a terror manifestly attuned to preparing for the impending gigantic conflict – especially distinguished themselves. Having cleared the streets of any resistance to the introduction of the three-year military draft, they boasted of having acted as ‘Gendarmes supplémentaires’. Early Nolte aptly comments: ‘Flouters of the law as auxiliary police: a strange union with more than a hint of things to come!’ It is clear that the constitutive elements of Fascism were already present and, according to the non-revisionist historian, the original experi- ence of Mussolini’s terror derived not from Lenin but precisely from the Camelots, even if the news of their evil deeds initially filled his ‘Marxist heart . . . with angry contempt’.

Turning from France to Germany, we see ‘right-wing totalitarianism’ emerging prior to October in ‘a classical formulation’. Nolte is referring to a book published anonymously in 1912 by the president of the Pan-German League. We are once again referred to the climate preceding and heralding the outbreak of the Great War, which was prayed for by Heinrich Class (the author in question) as a remedy for the ‘current malady’ and ‘a moment of revival in the people of all its good, healthy and energetic forces’ – the forces it required to decisively repulse the democratic movement, if necessary by a coup d’état. No doubt the war with the other powers would prove hard and difficult; and it might end in defeat and increased chaos. But people should not be unduly concerned about this: the ‘powerful will of a dictator’ would ensure the restoration of ‘order’ and prepare for revenge, after having swept away ‘Jewish-socialist propaganda’ for ‘a revolution intended to destroy the German people for ever’. Only a ‘catastrophe’ serving to liquidate the Jewish ‘ferment of decomposition’, and socialist and ‘Jewish dissolution’, could pave the way for a real renaissance of ‘national policy’.

Such talk, which seems to prophesy Nazism, and offer a clear statement of the justification for Hitler’s regime, is clairvoyant and sinister. At stake was averting the threat of annihilation that Jews and socialists posed to Germany. This ideological theme of ‘counter-annihilation’, not taken seriously by early Nolte, is at the heart of his subsequent reading of the twentieth century. Throughout his development, the German historian has rightly paid particular attention to Nietzsche and, above all, to the appeal, which emerged in the last years of the philosopher’s conscious existence, to the ‘annihilation’, the destruction ‘without pity’, of anything degenerate. Thus, stressed early Nolte, the working-class movement inspired by Marxism was ‘confronted with the desperate comradeship in arms of the martial society and the culture proceeding from it with its battle cry of “salvation” and “annihilation” ’. This pitiless conflict would end in the triumph of ‘the future lords of the earth’. A new type of man would emerge, capable (in Nietzsche’s words as reported by Nolte) of ‘cruelty merely at the sight of much suffering, perishing, and destruction’. He would be ‘cruel in hand and deed (and not merely with the eyes of the spirit)’, and prove capable of ‘experiencing pleasure’ in suffering. Thus, ‘many decades in advance, Nietzsche provided the political, radical anti-Marxism of fascism with its original spiritual image, an image of which even Hitler never quite showed himself the equal’. In this phase, Nazism was the inheritor of a reactionary radicalism that contained a terrible charge of violence and developed decades before the Bolshevik October.

True, Nietzsche might be considered a riposte to Marx. However, for the non-revisionist historian it made no sense to seek to put the two philosophers on a par:

It is true that the bourgeoisie saw itself threatened politically with destruction by the socialist program. But it is equally true that it was a legacy of Marxism if scarcely anywhere did the socialist parties attempt to bring about such destruction (even in Russia they did so only hesitantly and in the struggle for their own survival). For Marxists regard ‘the expropriation of the expropriators’ rather as the radical removal of an already tottering obstacle than an actual battle, and certainly not as physical extermination. It is precisely Nietzsche’s thought which proves that the fascist idea of destruction must not be regarded primarily as a homogeneous reaction [to the challenge represented by Marx].

Whereas Nolte links Nazism with the anti-democratic reaction of the nineteenth century, the idea of physical extermination proves foreign not only to Marx, but also to the Bolsheviks. Some years later, although correctly underscoring the ‘horror’ of the Gulag, when reporting the assertion of a Bolshevik newspaper that ‘our war is not directed against individuals, but we seek to destroy the bourgeoisie as a class’, the German historian regarded it as ‘incontrovertible’ that ‘the “destruction of the bourgeoisie” as a class does not mean killing every single bourgeois’.Shortly before his revisionist turn, Nolte defined the Bolsheviks as ‘the greatest force of planned destruction’, but entered two important caveats: ‘the white terror was at least equal in cruelty to the red terror’ and, in any event, the Bolsheviks’ planned destruction was to be regarded as ‘anti-Marxist’. It was alien to Marx for reasons bound up with his scientific methodology. In fact, observed Nolte, Marx’s definition of classes was never purely sociological (it might be said that in Marx ‘actual sociological analysis’ was ‘comparatively irrelevant’): ‘party struggle’ was not immediately identified with ‘class struggle’. Depending on circumstances or ‘conduct’, the same social group, or individuals from the same social group, could be included in the category of proletariat, lumpenproletariat, or plebs. The same was true of the bourgeoisie. Elements from its ranks could become part of the working-class movement, even leaders of it. The category of class genocide, which subsequently became the war horse of historical revisionism, is exposed here as a nonsense: what defines genocide is precisely the irrelevance of the conduct of the individual, naturalistically included in a group whose fate she or he simply cannot escape.

In today’s historical revisionism, there is no reference to Maurras and Ford: it is a question of exclusively indicting the revolutionary tradition from 1789 to 1917. In tracing the history of conspiracy theory, Furet establishes a dizzying line of continuity between the French Revolution and Nazism: the ‘aristocrats’ and class enemies sniffed out first by the Jacobins, and then by the Bolsheviks, become the Jews who were the object of Hitler’s paranoia. Not a word is spent by the French historian on his esteemed Burke, who was among the first (as we shall see) to detect a Jewish hand in the unprecedented events across the Channel. Little or no attention is paid to the extraordinary vitality of the myth of the Jewish conspiracy supposedly underlying revolutionary upheavals. In the course of the struggle against the October Revolution, this myth celebrated its triumph not only in Germany, but throughout the West. The initial head of the crusade against the Judeo- Bolshevik conspiracy was Henry Ford, the American automobile magnate. To foil it, he founded a paper with a large print run, the Dearborn Independent. The articles published in it were collected in 1920 in a volume entitled The International Jew, which immediately became a reference point for international anti-Semitism, to the extent that it ‘probably did more than any other work to make the Protocols world-famous’. Much later, front-rank Nazi leaders like von Schirach and even Himmler claimed to have been inspired by Ford or to have started out from him. In particular, the second recalls having understood ‘the Jewish danger’ only after reading Ford’s book: for Nazis it came as a ‘revelation’. Reading of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion followed: ‘These two books indicated the road to follow to liberate humanity from the affliction of the greatest enemy of all time, the Jewish international.’ According to Himmler, along with the Protocols, Ford’s book played a ‘decisive’ (ausschlaggebend) role in the Führer’s formation, as well as his own.What is certain is that The International Jew continued to be published with great fanfare in the Third Reich, with prefaces underlining the decisive historical merit of the American industrialist (for having shed light on the ‘Jewish question’) and disclosing a kind of direct line from Henry Ford to Adolf Hitler!

Blithely ignored by Furet, all this is allowed to lapse by the later Nolte, committed as he is to the goal of Germany’s readmission into the authentic West. Attention must now be concentrated exclusively on the East. Everything is clear: the Nazi genocide is to be imputed to ‘Asiatic’ barbarism, imitated by Hitler with his focus on the October Revolution. Was the idea of annihilation already present in late nineteenth-century culture? In reality, it was tantamount to an idea of ‘counter-annihilation’, in reaction to the programmes of physical liquidation of the bourgeoisie and exploiting classes already inscribed in black and white in the socialist movement. ‘With the Bolshevik Revolution, for the first time in European history a negation of the right to existence not only in theoretical terms, but in historical reality, came to fruition. All this was precisely postulated by Marxism.’ First Nietzsche, then Hitler, reacted to the threat of annihilation: The Anti-Christ responded to the Manifesto of the Communist Party, just as Mein Kampf took up the chal- lenge of The State and Revolution!

A pity that this ingenious reconstruction does not withstand textual analysis! Late Nietzsche’s relentless polemic against socialists must not lead us to forget the motif of the ‘destruction of the decadent races’. The philosopher expressed the hope that the ‘“barbarism” of the methods’ used by the conquistadors ‘in the Congo and wherever’, and an awareness of the need to maintain ‘mastery of barbarians’, would end up putting paid to the habitual, hateful ‘European sentimentality’. This takes us back to revisionism’s other colossal repression. While the first ignores total war, the second abolishes the history of colonialism. According to Nolte, in developing his programme and methods of struggle, Hitler constantly had in mind the treatment meted out to prisoners of the ‘Chinese Cheka’: ‘They place a cage containing a half-starved rat in front of his head. The interrogator threatens to open the door.’ This was the kind of horror to which Nazism felt compelled to respond. The revisionist historian’s argument is the one with which colonialism has traditionally justified its brutality. Let us read a contemporary American historian:

The Filipinos were fighting the kind of war that is based on terror; the Americans fought back just as cruelly. They developed a ‘water torture’ that made even the Spanish cringe. If a captured Filipino refused to divulge military information, four or five gallons of water were forced down his throat until his body became ‘an object frightful to contemplate’. Then the water was forced out by kneeling on his stomach. The treatment was repeated until the prisoner talked or died.

Torture is not an invention alien to the West, which Nazism could only have imitated by looking to Asiatic, Bolshevik barbarism. But Nolte sticks with his schema: like the barbarism of the means of struggle generally, so the genocides of the twentieth century descend from the October Revolution. With the latter, a ‘qualitatively new thing was entering into world history’ – ‘the collectivist appraisal of guilt and the acts of annihilation that resulted from it’.85 Once again, both total war (and the practice of decimation), and the history of colonialism, disappear from the revisionist historian’s view. Yet it was precisely to this history that an anti-Semitic deputy made explicit reference in the Reichstag in the late nineteenth century, when demanding the mass expulsion of the Jews uninhibited by compassion for particular individuals. In India, he stated, the British ‘exterminated this whole sect [the Thuggee], without regard to the question whether any particular member of the sect already had committed a murder or not’. ... evisionism
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Re: Great, White ethnostate in the sky: Willis Carto dead

Postby American Dream » Tue Mar 28, 2017 1:37 pm

The Internet Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Vandalized Jewish tombstones at Mount Carmel Cemetery in Philadelphia, PA, February 27, 2017

BIGFOOT. LIZARD PEOPLE. Paul is dead, and Elvis isn’t. Aliens. It’s the stuff conspiracy theories traffic in, and it’s mostly harmless.

The outbreak of Jewish cemetery vandalism and more than 100 bomb threats made against Jewish community centers? Anything but.

Spend enough time lurking around the conspiracy community’s tangled webs of red string, the lines lead back to a single “culprit:” a Jewish shadow government bent on world domination. This anti-Semitic fear-mongering held sway a thousand years ago, when Christians portrayed Jews as baby-eating well-poisoners spreading the Black Plague. Since then, the story hasn’t changed. But every time an innovative communication technology emerges, anti-Semitism has surged to fill these new channels with hate.

Today, certain dark corners of the internet obsess over the falsehood that liberal Jewish billionaire investor George Soros is the puppeteer behind everything from the International Women’s Day strike to Black Lives Matter to Trump protesters to the European refugee crisis to the debunked DC-pizzeria-based child sex ring scandal known as “Pizza Gate.”

None of these claims have any truth. But whenever paranoid populists get ahold of new media tech, the Jewish puppet master conspiracy theory reappears with an updated figurehead. The internet just provides the newest bullhorn for a millennia-old smear campaign.

From Formulaic Conspiracy
Could far-right conspiracy theorists just hate Soros? Sure. But to borrow from their rhetoric, that’s what they want you to think. The Soros mythology has so much in common with anti-Semitic classics like The Protocols of the Elders of Zion—a pamphlet cooked up in 1903 during Russia’s Jewish pogroms. It gained a second life in Nazi Germany. In today’s anti-Soros invocations, you can’t miss the signaling.

The Alt-Right Will Fail. Even Under President Trump
At the crux of The Protocols, a threatening cabal of cosmopolitan elites want to destroy the virtuous (white) nation state. That same formulation crops up in the contemporary alt-right’s outcry against “globalism”—basically screeds against neoliberal globalization with a dash of racist fear-mongering about the end of America and the white majority thrown in. Instead of blaming “the Jews,” today’s more circumspect anti-Semites blame Soros. “It’s gauche to say ‘the Jews’ now,” says Spencer Sunshine, who researches the far-right for Political Research Associates. “So they pick a person like Soros or the Rothschilds before him, or a Jewish collective, like Zionists.” And then maybe toss in some gentiles (like the Rockefellers) to throw people off the scent.

It’s this “classed up” level of anti-Semitism the Trump administration dabbles in when they run an attack ad against Soros, Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen and Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein (who are also Jewish). “When he rants and raves about international bankers and the global elite, everyone on the radical right sees that as being about the Jews,” says Mark Potok, a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Thing is, Trump himself may well not harbor anti-Semitic animosities. Yet when he sprinkles anti-Semitic codewords into his speeches, his perceived support amplifies and normalizes messages the internet had already boosted to an unprecedented volume.

To Internet Scapegoats
Throughout history, just about every media platform still in its infancy has acted as a vector for just about every upwelling of anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. “The Dreyfus affair in the 1890s used anti-Semitic visual materials because it had become possible to reproduce photographs and lithographs very cheaply,” Samuels says. The Protocols only ended up in so many libraries because the high-speed rotary printing press made mass printing affordable in the early 20th century. “Hitler made huge dramatic use of new technologies like radio and film, Samuels says. “Anti-Semites are early adopters.”

Anti-Semites have also exploited the public’s faith in these platforms to spread propaganda. “The Protocols succeeded because people trusted their libraries,” says Adam Klein, who teaches courses on propaganda and online extremism at Pace University.

The internet just provides the newest bullhorn for a millennia-old smear campaign.

Over the past decade or so, people have come to trust the internet in the same way. Which isn’t to say you shouldn’t. New tech isn’t isn’t the exclusive province of anti-Semites. But in the early days, hateful stuff stands a good shot at rising to the top, or at least finding itself on par with everything else. When traditional arbiters of the truth—publishers, librarians, journalists—lose their primacy and new regulations and stopgaps have yet to solidify, you get a (potentially anti-Semitic) wild, wild west.

Trump, a leader whose political identity is inseparable from social media, has himself shown a bizarre reluctance to denounce anti-Semitism. In a conciliatory speech to Congress, he clearly aimed to undo some of the damage done by his hesitation to act or speak out against the country’s recent anti-Semitic surge. But he also can’t seem to resist anti-Soros–style signaling, whatever his personal feelings about Jewish people. ... ders-zion/
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Re: Great, White ethnostate in the sky: Willis Carto dead

Postby American Dream » Sun Oct 08, 2017 9:56 pm ... and-power/

Tech-bros and white supremacists: A union based in paranoia and power

It is interesting how the alt-right seems to be gaining power by doing the very things it claims to hate in others

10.06.2017•12:09 PM

I am a Jew with dual careers in academia and the media.

It's unfortunate that I need to open an editorial with that statement, but in this Age of the Alt-Right, it is also necessary. After all, to the type of person who marched in Charlottesville and trolls on Reddit and the message boards of political websites, long-discredited-but-still-popular anti-Semitic conspiracy theories would tell them that my Jewishness is directly responsible for both of these careers. As the argument goes, Jews conspire with other Jews to help each other out in fields like these, with the ultimate goal being to consolidate power and impose some type of Jewish agenda.

I could tell them that this isn't true, of course. At no point in either of my careers has any Jewish person offered to help me because I happen to also be Jewish. This is also true for my many Jewish family members and friends, some of whom are far more successful than myself.

Yet these truths won't matter. The mind of a bigot is already closed to facts, so attempting to persuade them with my personal experiences (which, after all, they can easily dismiss as lies) isn't likely to change their worldview.

Then again, the fact that the white supremacists of the world tend to think in terms of conspiracies does offer remarkable insights — into their own actions, that is.

I refer to this passage from a piece by Seattle historian David Lewis, who pretended to be a neo-Nazi film editor and book critic in order to attend a closed-door white nationalist convention called Northwest Forum. His paragraph about a speech by the forum's organizer, Dr. George Johnson, is so chilling that it deserves to be republished in full.

Much bleaker is Dr. Johnson’s Seattle-suitable, “secret agent” racism plan. Basically, white nationalists meet in secret at conventions like Northwest Forum while paying “lip service to diversity” at their day jobs. They move into positions of power where they can hire other racists and keep non-whites from getting into the company. Two years ago, this method would have seemed like a total joke, but these guys really do mostly work in tech, and they were doing a lot of networking. When talking about the people he has counseled on the “secret agent” method, Dr. Johnson has written that they include “college professors, writers, artists, designers, publishers, creative people working in the film industry, businessmen, and professionals, some of them quite prominent in their fields.” When I told Dr. Johnson I was reluctant to use my super film editing skills (I can’t even work iMovie) for the movement because I was afraid I would be outed in Hollywood he said, “You know, you can always be a secret agent, there's no shame in that.”

Three thoughts come to mind here.

First, this anecdote demonstrates that the so-called "Paranoid Style of American Politics" is as potent today as it was when historian Richard Hofstadter coined the term in 1964. As Hofstadter observed at the time, individuals who subscribe to paranoid political philosophies — in this case, that racial and religious minorities are taking over the country and thereby endangering the prerogatives of white, straight, Christian men — frequently adopt the very strategies that they claim to deplore when supposedly used by the people they hate.

It is hard to resist the conclusion that this enemy is on many counts the projection of the self; both the ideal and the unacceptable aspects of the self are attributed to him. The enemy may be the cosmopolitan intellectual, but the paranoid will outdo him in the apparatus of scholarship, even of pedantry. Secret organizations set up to combat secret organizations give the same flattery. The Ku Klux Klan imitated Catholicism to the point of donning priestly vestments, developing an elaborate ritual and an equally elaborate hierarchy. The John Birch Society emulates Communist cells and quasi-secret operation through “front” groups, and preaches a ruthless prosecution of the ideological war along lines very similar to those it finds in the Communist enemy. Spokesmen of the various fundamentalist anti-Communist “crusades” openly express their admiration for the dedication and discipline the Communist cause calls forth.

It seems that white nationalists, many of whom I am sure believe in such nonsense as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, have no qualms about employing the very techniques they wrongly perceive as being used by Jews like myself.

The next important observation is the fact that so many of these people work in the technology sector. As Lewis wrote elsewhere in his article, "According to my observations, the standard Seattle Nazi is a white male under 30 who either works in the tech industry or is going to school to work in the tech industry."

This won't come as a surprise to any woman, Jew, Muslim, African American, Latinx or LGBTQ person who either works in technology or uses technology in their spare time. From the misogynistic crusade known as Gamergate and the rise of right-wing YouTube to the symbiotic relationship between President Donald Trump and right-wing Internet trolls, it is clear that the Internet has been a boon for individuals trying to spread hate-filled agendas.

Similarly, even before erstwhile Google employee James Damore became an alt right martyr by getting fired for writing a memo that oozed with sexist stereotypes, the tech industry has become notorious as a place filled with sexism, racism and a downright bullying mentality. It is hardly surprising that former Breitbart tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos — who, though disavowing the alt-right himself, is undeniably popular among many in the alt-right and shares many of their views on issues like gender and Donald Trump — reportedly has a devoted following within certain tech circles.
In other words: Tech has a major bigotry problem, and it isn't by accident.

As I've argued in the past on several occasions — while purveyors of hatred have a right to free speech, they should not be allowed to engage in such speech anonymously. The problem with arguing that anonymity is somehow an integral part of free speech, at least when dealing with white nationalists and the alt-right in general, is that they weaponize free speech to inflict real harm on other people. The example that receives the most attention (and rightly so) is that they frequently harass, humiliate and otherwise bully various targets online. What Lewis' anecdote demonstrates, however, is that they also use what power is given to them to actively discriminate against innocent people based on their race, religion, gender identity and other aspects of their background.

They do not have the right to do this — indeed, the civil rights legislation of the 1960s makes it illegal for them to conspire to professionally discriminate on the basis of race — and their First Amendment rights end where the basic welfare of innocent human beings begins.

I can't deny that part of the reason that I feel so strongly about this subject is that I am a Jewish American who has experienced violent anti-Semitism firsthand. That said, I would hope that I'd hold these same views even if I didn't have this specific background. I'm encouraged by the fact that I know hundreds of people — many of them white, Christian, heterosexual men of the type that the alt-right targets and deems superior — who share my revulsion at prejudice and would likewise want no part of it.

These individuals give me hope. They are the future, while their counterparts on the far-right represent a political perspective that has been rightly consigned to the ashes of history.
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Re: Great, White ethnostate in the sky: Willis Carto dead

Postby Elvis » Sun Oct 08, 2017 10:25 pm

Why does 60% of this thread have nothing to do with Willis Carto?

Getting back on track, something in retrospect that made The Spotlight interesting—and I'm not giving The Spotlight or Cartos a single microgram of credit for what they were ultimately pushing—is that they were often about two years ahead of the mainstream news media when it came to certain important stories which at the time were laughed off as kooky conspiracies but were later—much later, perhaps after the stories attained a certain usefulness—trumpeted by MSM as "breaking" and even "groundbreaking" news.

I'll scan some examples if anyone is curious.
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