Abolish the White Race - By Any Means Necessary

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Re: Abolish the White Race - By Any Means Necessary

Postby American Dream » Sat Feb 17, 2018 6:14 pm

The Anti-Semitic Spokesman For White Nationalist Candidate Paul Nehlen Grew Up Jewish

On Valentine’s Day, he tweeted his support for ethnic cleansing.

By Luke O’Brien

Josh Smith, campaign spokesman for Republican Paul Nehlen, appears on YouTube in 2016 to defend a Stanford swimmer convicted of felony sexual assault.

Paul Nehlen hates Jews. He doesn’t bother to hide it.

The Wisconsin Republican running to replace House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) once wrote that Jews are destined to “burn in hell.” He has mocked the Holocaust on white power podcasts. In January, Twitter temporarily suspended Nehlen after he posted neo-Nazi propaganda depicting journalists (not all of them Jewish) branded with the Star of David. When Nehlen returned to Twitter a week later, he posted a list of “Jews” (not all of them Jewish) he claims have attacked him. He didn’t last long. Twitter permanently suspended his account this week after Nehlen posted a racist image targeting Meghan Markle, the mixed-race fiancée of British royal Prince Harry.

An open bigot like Nehlen has little chance of winning election ― although the same was once said of Donald Trump ― but holding office might not be the point.

Nehlen’s Gestapo-light behavior has made him a celebrity among “alt-right” white supremacists, the social media-savvy millennial update of yesteryear’s skinhead thugs. Think fascism in polos and preppy haircuts. But it’s still the same hate. Nehlen lets this new generation of extremists dare to dream.

And his behavior has attracted other Jew-haters to his cause. Perhaps the most prominent of them is Nehlen’s campaign spokesman, Josh Smith, a 36-year-old Pennsylvania lawyer with an Anglo-Saxon patronym so banal that it hardly feels real.

A boisterous supporter of Nehlen’s “shall not censor” bill to prevent social media platforms from banning users for hate speech, Smith is even more anti-Semitic online than his boss is. On Gab, a social media platform favored by racists and fascists, Smith opposes women’s suffrage and writes things like “Get fucked, faggot” and “Who on Earth could ever take these filthy kikes seriously??”

He favors social media handles derived from “Ebolamerican,” the name of a parody Twitter account he created during the Ebola virus scare in 2014. When Twitter initially suspended Nehlen in January, it also indefinitely suspended Smith, who had been tweeting white supremacist fare under @ebolasweden and using an avatar of Dan Halen, the scheming cartoon villain from the Adult Swim show “Squidbillies.”

But Twitter suspensions are often little more than public relations bluster, and Smith quickly fired up @EmericaFirst, a dormant account he’d created in March 2010. He went right back to posting messages by white power icons such as Richard Spencer and Mike Peinovich. He promoted neo-Nazi groups like Identity Evropa and tweeted approvingly of white supremacist felon David Duke, whose radio show Nehlen went on recently.

Continues at: https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/th ... 6daf458f54
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Re: Abolish the White Race - By Any Means Necessary

Postby American Dream » Sun Feb 18, 2018 4:48 pm

Jared Howe: ‘Ethnomasochism’ Is A Form Of ‘Mental Illness’


Aside from Jews, multiculturalism, and feminism, one of the alt-right’s biggest obsessions is the declining white birthrate. They care so much about remaining a racial majority in the U.S. and Europe that they constantly encourage white people to have more children, and share memes bearing slogans like “White families are a beautiful thing,” and “White self-hatred is sick.”

To them, the natural decline in white birthrates is actually being orchestrated by the Jews — somehow — which they call “white genocide.” Which explains why they constantly rail against any depiction of interracial adoption and “miscegenation” in commercials and movies.

In a recent Google Hangout, Jared Howe and the pseudonymous Orwell Goode lamented the West’s “low birth rates,” and accused white people who don’t care about the continuation of their race of being mentally ill

More at: https://angrywhitemen.org/2018/02/18/ja ... l-illness/
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Re: Abolish the White Race - By Any Means Necessary

Postby American Dream » Tue Feb 20, 2018 10:29 am

"The US's Culture of Violence Contributes to the Sanctification of the Second Amendment": An Interview With Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz

February 19, 2018
By Mark Karlin, Truthout | Interview

Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz. (Courtesy of City Light Books)

What does the word "militia" mean in the context of the massacres and oppression of Indigenous Americans?

I would call "massacres and oppression of Indigenous Americans" a government policy of genocide, total war, total ethnic cleansing. The citizens' militias [were] one aspect of that policy; the other was the formal US Army and Marine Corps, which spent the first century of US independence carrying out this project. The role of settler-colonial landowners as voluntary militias in initiating massacres to drive Native communities out and seize their land was acted out as "individual rights." Inevitably, Native resistance led to settlers calling on the federal government to make all-out war; this happened time and again in the 100-year genocidal war across the continent.

Why was it so important to slave-owning states that the Second Amendment be included in the Bill of Rights?

The slave-owning colonies, particularly Virginia, were dominant in the secession movement. By the mid-1700s, the plantation agricultural system was agribusiness and made up the primary source of wealth in the new republic. There was no debate about including the individual right to bear arms and form militias in inscribing the Second Amendment among the first 10 amendments to the constitution, as these features already existed in the colonies. Colonial citizens' militias already existed, and by time of independence, the slave-owning colonial militias had been transformed into slave patrols.

How does the Second Amendment contribute to the United States' culture of violence?

I would reverse that relationship to how the US culture of violence contributes to the sanctification of the Second Amendment. The culture of violence is inherent to colonialism of any type, and becomes homicidal with settler colonialism and the racial regime of African enslavement. In a way, the Second Amendment turned out to be a time bomb that had little meaning or utility while white supremacy reigned absolute; it was seized upon by white nationalists, including local and state officials, as a legal tool to preserve or restore white dominance.

What is the real and symbolic significance of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge armed occupation in Oregon in 2016?

On January 2, 2016, armed men arrived at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon and began an occupation of the headquarters and surrounding territory for the next 40 days. In 1908, President Theodore Roosevelt had carved out and appropriated most of Northern Paiute territory in Oregon -- territory that had been guaranteed to the Paiutes by treaty; this then became the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. It was a part of Roosevelt's "wilderness" conservation project that annexed dozens of Indigenous sacred sites, such as Yellowstone, Yosemite and [the] Grand Canyon, calling the federal theft "national parks."

All these sacred sites and "public" lands must be returned to the stewardship of the Native nations from whom they were illegally seized; none should be privatized.

Most Native land in the West was seized without the agreement of Native nations as "public domain," which, ever since, has been leased at minimal cost to corporations and individuals for private ranching, and to corporations for commercial mining, oil drilling and pipelines, and timber harvesting. The private exploitation of public lands is in addition to the vast privately-owned ranch lands grabbed by settler-ranchers under federal homesteading measures in the wake of the ethnic cleansing of Native communities by the US Army of the West. Wealthy cattle ranchers, like those who seized Malheur, have long been lobbying and clamoring for the federal public lands to be transferred to the states, which, unlike the federal government, can sell off land and privatize all of it. In light of Native peoples' demands for restitution of sacred sites and all federal- and state-held lands that were taken without treaties or agreements, this is a continuation of the Indian wars, fronted by ranching and fossil fuel resource interests, but made possible by the continuing US system of colonialism and a public blinded to its history. All these sacred sites and "public" lands must be returned to the stewardship of the Native nations from whom they were illegally seized; none should be privatized.

http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/4 ... nbar-ortiz
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Re: Abolish the White Race - By Any Means Necessary

Postby American Dream » Mon Feb 26, 2018 3:52 pm

Another Mass Shooting. Another Case in Which Signs of White Violence Didn’t Raise Alarms.

Shaun King
February 16 2018, 4:40 p.m.


IT WAS TRUE for Dylann Roof in Charleston. It was true about for any number of violent white men in Charlottesville. And it was true for Nikolas Cruz in Parkland, Florida.

Like these other young men who turned violent, lots of people who interacted with Cruz saw the day coming when he would do something drastic, maybe even one day shoot up a school.

He had long since been expelled from his high school. One student who had served with him in the Junior ROTC called him “a psycho.” Another student said he was a weapons enthusiast who tried to sell weapons at school. Yet another student said he had been banned from bringing a backpack to school as a student after bullet casings were found in it.

Lots of people who interacted with Cruz saw the day coming when he would do something drastic, maybe even one day shoot up a school.

Classmates reported that he stalked someone in the school. Another student said he was physically abusive to his ex-girlfriend. His social media profiles were full of guns, ammo, bigotry, and threats. A teacher said he was a known threat. Neighbors knew something was up; Cruz talked constantly about killing animals.

Local law enforcement say they have not verified alleged ties to a white supremacist group, but it seems Cruz displayed a white supremacist ideology: A classmate said he talked about how white people were better than black and Latino people.

Last year, he had been reported to the FBI for making violent threats online, and it happened again this year. Someone warned the FBI about Cruz on January 5, 2018, according to the bureau, but the feds never investigated it. Local police reportedly came to his house 39 times over a period of seven years, although it’s not yet clear if the incidents all involved Cruz.

Yet none of this prevented Cruz from building what he openly admitted was an “arsenal” of weapons that he repeatedly said online that he hoped to use – even at a school.

Imagine if Nikolas Cruz was a young Muslim. Imagine he had, however fleetingly, been tied to a group of radical Muslims operating elsewhere in Florida — whether it was true or not, that just the suggestion had been made.

I can tell you this much: If Cruz was a young Muslim, this would’ve never been allowed to go this far. Do you really think the FBI would have failed to investigate a young Muslim with this history?

Continues at: https://theintercept.com/2018/02/16/flo ... olas-cruz/
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Re: Abolish the White Race - By Any Means Necessary

Postby American Dream » Mon Feb 26, 2018 6:19 pm

Adolph Reed Destroys ‘The Bell Curve’

Despite their concern to insulate themselves from the appearance of racism, Herrnstein and Murray display a perspective worthy of an Alabama filling station.

By Adolph Reed Jr. MARCH 23, 2015

Charles Murray (American Enterprise Institute)

Review of The Bell Curve, by Charles Murray and Richard J. Herrnstein

November 28, 1994

Charles Murray first slithered into American public life a decade ago, when he published Losing Ground: American Social Policy, 
1950–1980, in which he argued that the cause of poverty among black Americans is the very effort to alleviate poverty through social provision. He proposed, appropriately for a book bearing a 1984 publication date, that the poor would be best helped by the elimination of all social support; a regime of tough love would wean them from debilitating dependency, on pain of extermination.

Murray has returned to the public stage now with publication of The Bell Curve, the product of a diabolical collaboration with Richard Herrnstein, the late Harvard psychologist known outside the academy for a more than twenty-year crusade to justify inequality by attributing it to innate, and therefore supposedly ineradicable, differences in intelligence.

Herrnstein and Murray contend that the key to explaining all inequality and all social problems in the United States is stratification by a unitary entity called intelligence, or “cognitive ability”—as measured in I.Q. Beneath the mind-numbing barrage of numbers, what really drives this book, and reflects the diabolism of the Murray/Herrnstein combination, is its claim to demonstrate black intellectual inferiority. They use I.Q. to support a “twofer”: opposition to affirmative action, which overplaces incompetent blacks, and the contention that black poverty derives from the existence of an innately inferior black underclass.

Despite their concern to insulate themselves from the appearance of racism, Herrnstein and Murray display a perspective worthy of an Alabama filling station. The Bell Curve is embedded in the intellectual apparatus of the crypto-fascist right. The central authorities on whom Herrnstein and Murray rely for their claims about I.Q., race and heredity are nearly all associated with the Pioneer Fund, an ultrarightist foundation that was formed in the 1930s to advance eugenicist agendas.

I am convinced that having to do what I’ve done in this review besmirches my dignity. It’s a statement about the right’s momentum that The Bell Curve makes such a splash that The Nation has to devote so much space to arming our troops against it. Mainstream racial discourse is dishonest and polluted enough to take the book seriously. Jason DeParle, in his New York Times Magazine puff piece, can’t decide whether the Charles Murray who burned a cross in his youth, and who proposes a separate but equal world in which “each clan will add up its accomplishments using its own weighting system…and, most importantly, will not be concerned about comparing its accomplishments line-by-line with those of any other clan,” is a racist. New Republic editor Andrew Sullivan opines that “the notion that there might be resilient ethnic differences in intelligence is not…an inherently racist belief.”

Murray has always been the same intellectual brownshirt. He has neither changed over the past decade nor done anything else that might redeem his reputation as a scholar. And it doesn’t matter whether he is a committed ideologue or an amoral opportunist. Nazis came in both varieties—think of Alfred Rosenberg and Paul de Man—and in real life the lines separating the two are seldom clear.

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Re: Abolish the White Race - By Any Means Necessary

Postby American Dream » Sun Mar 04, 2018 12:16 pm

“A Troll at the Bridge:” Trump, Trumpism, and White Identity Politics

by Francis Shor March 3, 2018

ImageThe rise and rule of Donald Trump embodies much that is disturbingly new from his almost daily narcissistic rants on Twitter to his overt racist, misogynist, and xenophobic public pronouncements. On the other hand, there are historic roots to many of the positions articulated by Trump during his presidential campaign and adopted during his presidency.

Thus, as argued by Naomi Klein, “Trump is not a rupture at all, but rather a culmination – the logical end point – of a great many dangerous stories our culture has been telling for a very long time. That greed is good. That the market rules. That money is what matters in life. That white men are better than the rest. That the natural world is there for us to pillage. That the vulnerable deserve their fate and the one percent deserve their golden towers. That anything public or commonly held is sinister and not worth protecting. That we are surrounded by danger and should only look after our own.”[1]

It is these “dangerous stories” anchored in material conditions and ideological orientations that constitute the phenomenon known as Trumpism. In order to illuminate further the contexts out of which Trumpism emerged I want to highlight several overlapping domains from the socio-economic to the socio-cultural to the socio-psychological. Then, I will consider how these domains informed Trumpism as an electoral and governmental project, especially, but not exclusively, as a representation of white identity politics. Finally, I will assess the forms of resistance that have challenged Trumpism and what the future of democracy might be given the persistence of white supremacy.

One cannot separate Trumpism from the reign of the neoliberal order that has marked capitalism in the United States and around the world since the 1970’s. This rendering of neoliberalism follows the insights of Thomas Piketty on the growth of inequality inherent in contemporary global capital and David Harvey on how capital, through a variety of fixes, has continued to accumulate through dispossession. Citing the “unholy alliance between state powers and the predatory aspects of finance capitalism,” Harvey identifies this variant of neoliberalism as “vulture capitalism.”[2] Further intrinsic to neoliberalism are those policies that are particularly, although not exclusively, embedded in the Republican political project since the Reaganism and now “accelerated” by the Trump presidency: “deregulating restrictions on corporate power, cutting taxes for the rich, expanding the military, privatizing public education, suppressing civil liberties, waging a war against dissent, treating Black communities as war zones, and dismantling all public goods.”[3]

Another mechanism in the “dismantling all public goods” is the way in which vulture capitalism has imposed forced bankruptcy on cities, such as Detroit, and countries, such as Greece. By seizing public assets, vulture capitalism rewards those financial institutions that hide behind the ideological cloak of “market fundamentalism.” In turn, this hollowing out of public treasuries by private enterprises further exacerbates the income inequality that is a trademark of contemporary capital. Such inequality has a profound impact beyond just the socio-economic domain. According to Sasha Abramsky, “the more unequal our society becomes, the more common understandings…cease to function. At a certain point the bonds of empathy collapse, to be replaced by suspicion and fear.”[4]

Before exploring more in depth the suspicion and fear that demarcate the socio-psychological domain, I want to underscore how the socio-economic order of neoliberalism bleeds into the socio-cultural domain. In its “obsession with commodities, productivity, and disposability” neoliberalism engenders “consumerist logics that travel far beyond shopping centers and the workplace and find their way into personal relationships…Human values of kindness, love, compassion, and the need for communion with others are eventually reduced to mere afterthoughts in the wake of our market driven culture.”[5] In commenting on the popularity of “reality” television series like “Survivor” that foreground the devaluation of “trust, compassion and mercy,” Zygmunt Bauman opines that “if you are not tougher and less scrupulous than all the others, you will be done in by them, with or without remorse.”[6]

This social Darwinist code of ethics (if, indeed, one can call it ethics) certainly was at the root of Donald Trump’s television personality on the reality show, “The Apprentice.” Having built his “reputation on insults, humiliations, and a discourse of provocation and hate,” Trump translated his cultural capital achieved through television into political capital during the Republican primaries and beyond.[7] As part of a media culture and the Society of the Spectacle, television, in particular, has lent itself to the trivialization and corruption of discourse censured by media critics like Neil Postman and Thomas Frank. Television and social media have become breeding grounds for what Henry Giroux calls “civil illiteracy” which “mistakes opinion for informed arguments, (and) erases collective memory.” Giroux notes that the election of Trump “is a case study in how politics has been emptied of any viable meaning and civic illiteracy has been normalized…His victory makes clear that ignorance rather than reason, emotion rather than informed judgment, and the threat of violence rather than critical exchange appear to have more currency in the age of civic collapse.”[8]

On another level, as Cornel West contends, there is a critical link between Trump’s victory and prior connections of both the Republican and Democratic Party establishments to an “imperialist meltdown.” While Trump is a “sign of our spiritual bankruptcy – all spectacle and no substance, all narcissism and no empathy, all appetite and greed and no wisdom and maturity, his triumph flows from the implosion of a Republican party establishment beholden to big money, big military and big scapegoating of vulnerable peoples of color, LGBTQ peoples, immigrants, Muslims, and women….It also flows from a Democratic party establishment beholden to big money, big military, and the clever deployment of peoples of color, LGBTQ peoples, immigrants, Muslims, and women to hide and conceal the lies and crimes of neoliberal policies here and abroad; and from a corporate media establishment that aided and abetted Trump owing to high profits and revenues.”[9]

Another factor for Trumpism within the socio-cultural domain is anti-intellectualism. While anti-intellectualism has been part of US culture for some time, as historian Richard Hofstadter discussed in his classic work of the 1950’s, Anti-intellectualism in American Life, more recent analyses of its persistence, especially among religious fundamentalist, bears out the connections between Trumpism and the new wave of anti-intellectualism.[10] Even in the face of Trump’s clear disdain for the supposed tenets of religious fundamentalism, it is not surprising that he garnered 81% of the evangelical vote in the 2016 presidential election. Furthermore, as public education has been eroded and diminished by the neoliberal state and religious fundamentalists, the antipathy to education, especially at the college level, has grown. A recent Pew research poll indicates that only 36% of Republicans believe that colleges “do more good than harm.”

Of course, there is a significant class cultural component to this antagonism to college education and the role of elite professionals. While the costs for many working class families for high education has become prohibitive, the belief in the value of such education has diminished. Moreover, as Joan Williams and Arlie Hochschild remind us in their studies of the white working class, the cultural wars, stoked by right-wing media and politicians, take aim not at the financial elite but at supposed arrogant professionals who disparage and talk down to white workers.[11]

As the hidden injuries and humiliations built into the class cultural system have taken their toll on significant segments of the white working class, the increase of fear, anger, and resentment have opened up the political space for demagogues like Trump. “Primed to fear a long list of despised ‘others’ by endless exposure to sensational cable television news reports, to social media, and to talk radio, a critical mass of voters in such an anxious age will throw their lot in with demagogic figures who pander to their anxieties.”[12] This socio-psychological domain is especially awash with racial resentments that have been nurtured by politicians and pundits since the so-called age of racial backlash under Nixon and revamped in the so-called post-racial age of Obama. As argued by Henry Giroux: “In an age of armed ignorance, racism is back both as a spectacle and as a driving force of American politics and has once again come to life as a result of a racist populist discourse that leaves nothing hidden in its blitzkrieg of rhetorical hate, bigotry, and invective.”[13]

Of course, the long trajectory of racism, nativism, and xenophobia in American politics almost guarantees demagogic appeals, especially during times of economic and social dislocation. Indeed, tracing those persistent currents back into the nineteenth century, as historians like David Roediger, Alexander Saxton, and Ronald Takaki, among others, have done, invariably raises questions about historically-constructed racial identities. While seemingly invisible for much of its history, given its normalized hegemonic rule, white racial identity has become more visible as it has assumed a more “aggrieved” posture. According to Mike King: “Aggrieved whiteness is a white identity politics aimed at maintaining white socio-political hegemony through challenging efforts to combat actual material racial inequality, while supporting heavily racialized investments in policing, prisons, and the military, and positing a narrative of antiwhite racial oppression loosely rooted in an assortment of racialized threats.”[14]

White identity politics is, thus, a historical and social construct that is oppressive when premised, either consciously or unconsciously, on race-based hierarchies of power mediated, in turn, by class, gender, sexuality, geographic, and national identity privileges. Further, as noted by Ruth Frankenberg, “whiteness as a site of privilege is not absolute but rather cross-cut by a range of other axes of relative advantage or subordination; these do not erase or render irrelevant race privilege but rather inflect or modify it.”[15] Unlike the representations of white supremacist hate groups, like the KKK and neo-Nazis, “white identity politics is packaged much more decorously and clearly part of mainstream opinion.”[16] On the other hand, while Trump’s appeal to white identity politics clearly contained white supremacist tropes, not all of those who voted for Trump did so out of a sharing of that white supremacy.

Certainly, in attempting to account for Trump’s electoral appeals to the white working class, one is confronted with a number of contradictions. When one considers the loss of manufacturing jobs, especially in small manufacturing towns of the Rustbelt, it is not surprising that in their desperation, significant numbers of white workers voted for Trump in the 2016 presidential election. From the perspective of one analyst: “A generation of working-class stagnation and political decline (deunionization, deindustrialization, social service cuts, shifting the tax burden of the rich and onto the better paid segments of the working class) has symbiotically coincided with a nativist white politics of cacerality and class hatred for the racialized poor who have been hit the hardest by these political-economic shifts.”[17] Furthermore, “disenchanted by… a political and economic culture of exploitative greed and gridlock,” these white working class, Rustbelt voters were responsive to Trump’s denunciations of unfair trade deals, like NAFTA and the TPP, and corporate and Washington corruption.[18] The white nationalist mythology embedded in these campaign promises, especially under the slogan of “making America great again” also was compensatory for the loss of economic and political status at the local, national, and international level. Although racial resentment was a major factor in Trump’s electoral victory, for many white workers their “quest for recognition in the context of their downward mobility” was also key.[19]

On the other hand, the vast majority of Trump voters, coming from suburban and rural locations, were either upper middle class, self-employed, or non-unionized workers. Furthermore, according to the Pew Research Center, Trump’s advantage among those whites without a college degree was almost forty percentage points, the largest margin since the 1980 exit polls. While Trump’s faux populism resonated with some of these voters, others, having bought into the constant Republican attacks on public sector workers, consisting of large numbers of women and people of color, constituted the white majority of men and women who gave Trump his electoral, but not popular vote, victory. This white majority was aided by years of elaborate voting restrictions that purged African-Americans and Latinos and erected strict and repressive voter ID laws. In Wisconsin, alone, a state won by Trump by around 23,000 votes, an estimated 200,000 voters were purged from the election rolls.[20] Added to the purges and disenfranchisement of ex-felons of color, fewer blacks and more whites comprised the 2016 electorate.[21]

Once Trump became president, he lost little time in enacting a reactionary Republican agenda. That reactionary agenda, cultivated over decades and represented by Trump’s Vice President, Mike Pence, was immediately evident in a number of executive orders signed by Trump. Among these was the re-institution of the so-called “gag rule” which eliminated any funding for international agencies and NGO’s that include among their family services abortion, even if only as an option. According to the World Health Organization the prior funding policy saved an estimated 289,000 women from pregnancy or childbirth related ills. One NGO dealing with family planning projected that the loss of income would result in 2.1 million unsafe abortions. Another example of this misogyny can be found in Trump’s effort to eliminate the Violence Against Women programs in the Department of Justice. Programs ranging from funding for local rape crisis centers to the National Domestic Violence Hotline to educational seminars on sexual assault have been demolished by an executive order, promoted and supported by the Attorney General, Jefferson Sessions III, and a Republican-dominated Congress.

What Trump has also undertaken with the termination of the TPP and the re-negotiating of NAFTA suggests an opportunistic populist posturing, albeit within the confines of his white nationalist agenda. Meeting with certain labor leaders from the building trades for discussions about infrastructure investment suggests that he may be following Nixon’s gambit with construction workers as a way to drive a wedge into the white working class. Indeed, with much of labor still wedded to the fossil fuel economy, Trump can further co-opt this sector with continuing support for the Keystone pipeline and other projects like his fantasy of a massive wall along the border with Mexico.

Of course, embedded in the reference to the wall is a white supremacist appeal to stopping so-called illegal immigration, especially of Latinos attempting to escape from dire economic circumstances and/or massive violence. While Trump is a catalyst for and conveyor of such white supremacy, that ideology may not be explicitly shared by those who voted for him. However, the sense of “aggrieved whiteness” that informs many whites who mistakenly believe that jobs are being stolen away by Latino immigrants does feed the demands for border “security.” In addition, Trump’s Islamophobia, shared by many in the right-wing Republican base, has been particularly evident in all of the attempted bans on refugees coming from predominantly Islamic countries. On the other hand, a much smaller percentage of that base and Republican Party elites share Trump’s apologies for neo-Nazi attacks in Charlottesville for which he was almost universally rebuked.

Nonetheless, when one considers the composition of Trump’s Cabinet, consisting of billionaires, militarists, and know-nothings, there is little that separates Trump’s politics and policies from all of the constituencies of the Republican Party. From vulture capitalists like Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross to the militarists like Secretary of Defense “Mad Dog” Mattis and Homeland Security Chief John Kelly to fossil fuel advocates like Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and EPA Secretary Scott Pruitt to religious fundamentalists like Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and HEW Secretary Ben Carson, the Trump Cabinet touches all of the bases of the reactionary Republican agenda. Indeed, as pointed out by Naomi Klein, the Cabinet is representative of the “political and economic project” of Trumpism in government: “the deconstruction of the regulatory state; a full-bore attack on the welfare state and social services (rationalized in part through bellicose racial fearmongering and attacks on women for exercising their rights); the unleashing of domestic fossil fuel frenzy (which requires the sweeping aside of climate science and the gagging of large parts of the government bureaucracy); and a civilizational war against immigrants and “radical Islamic terrorism” (with expanding domestic and foreign theaters).”[22]

Throughout his first year in office, Trump has used the aptly named “bully pulpit,” greatly expanded through the deployment of Twitter, to mobilize racial and class resentments of his shrinking base. In particular, Trump’s public denunciations of protesting NFL players, led by ex-Forty-Niner’s quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, targets a league of well-paid mostly African-American players (estimated to be at seventy percent). Trump rarely misses an opportunity to launch either racially-coded or explicit racial verbal assaults on people of color, whether those in the Black Lives Matter movement or dark-skinned immigrants, in the case of the latter, in particular, forwarding outrageous white supremacist conspiracy theories. The most recent egregious racist remark is Trump’s reference in a meeting with lawmakers to Haiti and certain African countries as “shitholes.”[23]

Certainly, Trump’s deviation into bizarre white supremacist tropes only resonates with a hard-core racist right wing. Moreover, as Mike Davis argues, “Trumpism, whatever its temporary successes cannot unify millennials economic distress with that of older white workers because it counterposes geriatric white privilege as the touchstone of all its policies…The real opportunity for transformational political change belongs to the Sanderistas but only to the extent that they remain rebels against the neoliberal Democratic establishment and support the resistance in the streets.”[24] The resistance in the streets has been impressive from Trump’s opening day in office when millions around the country, led by a revitalized women’s movement, marched in massive numbers in Washington, DC and cities around the country. Following these demonstrations, many then poured into airports protesting Trump’s travel bans and onto the frozen fields around Standing Rock. Emerging from all of these mobilizations were the outlines of multi-racial alliances, building on other movements like BLM, that have challenged Trump, if not yet Trumpism.

Nonetheless, there still remains the problem of white identity politics, in either its explicit or implicit form. As noted by Joel Olson, “Today there is still the white problem – its expectations, its power, its solidarity, its imagination. Even after the civil rights movement, whiteness stands at the path to a more democratic society like a troll at the bridge. The political task…is to chase the troll away, not to ignore it or invite it to the multicultural table.”[25] Unless or until white identity politics is confronted head-on, little can be expected from a resistance that shies away from the troll at the bridge.

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Re: Abolish the White Race - By Any Means Necessary

Postby American Dream » Tue Mar 06, 2018 3:09 pm

Far-right activists are teaming up with white supremacists to exploit South African politics



For her documentary, Southern interviewed Simon Roche, the leader of civil defense force Suidlanders, which promises to protect South Africa’s white minority in what the group sees as an inevitable race war. (Roche has attended the white nationalist conference hosted by Jared Taylor’s racist American Renaissance think tank and plans to attend the group’s April 2018 conference.) Southern has also encouraged donations to Suidlanders, whose website predicts an “impending civil conflict” against South Africa’s white minority and features a viral anti-refugee video purporting to show Europe under siege. The page claims,“South Africa’s present is the west’s future if it continues down its current path.” The video has been debunked as deceptive xenophobic propaganda.

A group of American Suidlanders supporters welcomed Roche for a six-month “awareness campaign” in the U.S. in 2017 (during which he also spoke with Mike Cernovich and Swedish white nationalist radio host Henrik Palmgren). In a speech to the group, Roche claimed his group is “at the heart” of a “global nationalist forum” planned for August 2018. In his interview with Palmgrem, Roche said he has been contacted by groups in countries around the world that are interested in Suidlanders’ work, naming Sweden in particular. And since his tour, Roche has appeared on Alex Jones’ conspiracy theory outlet InfoWars on at least three occasions, including as recently as last week.

Another of Southern’s videos features Dan Roodt, the founder of a group that fights “for the rights of Afrikaners and other ... people of European descent in South Africa” and co-founder and former deputy leader of the National Front, a white separatist party in South Africa.

Since her trip to South Africa, Southern has been invited to promote her race-baiting pseudo-documentary on the show of scientific racist and far-right vlogger Stefan Molyneux.

https://www.mediamatters.org/blog/2018/ ... ics/219562
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Re: Abolish the White Race - By Any Means Necessary

Postby American Dream » Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:35 pm

The Daily Stormer wants International Women’s Day replaced by “White Sharia Day


“Batty” offers a nice long list of the terrible things (and allegedly terrible things) that he thinks women have foisted on Western countries.

[H]ere are some of the benefits that brave, stronk and empowered wimmins have brought to our societies:

college false rape allegations
mass migration from shithole countries
divorce rape
school shooters
fines for not wearing bicycle helmets
wages cut in half
fat acceptance
speech codes

So thanks, ladies?

http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2018/ ... aria-day/#
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Re: Abolish the White Race - By Any Means Necessary

Postby American Dream » Tue Apr 24, 2018 6:22 pm

https://www.jacobinmag.com/2018/04/race ... bell-curve

The Globalization of the IQ Wars


Far-right ideas about race and intelligence are migrating into the mainstream — and not just in the US.

Thilo Sarrazin, German Social Democrat and former Bundesbank board member, signs autographs at a book event in 2010 in Berlin as police keep a watchful eye.

The IQ wars have broken out again, with skirmishes between the policy journalists at Vox, the popular podcaster Sam Harris, and the battle-scarred veteran, Charles Murray. The context seems unique this time in the wake of the 2017 campus clashes between antifa and the “alt right” and the death of Heather Heyer in Charlottesville. For those who have followed the conflict over the decades, it can seem like eternal return. Questioned recently about the resurgence of the race and IQ wars, one educational psychologist asked, “When did they ever go away?”

But there is something different about the present battle. Though the fact has escaped notice in the United States, the last few years have seen the globalization of the IQ wars. Arguments from the far-right fringes have entered mainstream politics, not just when the world’s most powerful leader states his preference for Norwegian immigrants over Haitians and Africans but in the site of the twentieth century’s most murderous racist project: Germany.

For the last fifty years, the keepers of the flame of the idea of genetically based racial differences in intelligence have been the small group of psychologists and sociologists affiliated with the Pioneer Fund. Founded in 1937 for the “improvement of the white race,” the fund has been headed since 2013 by the notorious racial psychologist Richard Lynn, most recently in the news for his involvement with a secret eugenics conference held at the University College London.

Lynn was a close correspondent with Richard J. Herrnstein, Murray’s co-author on their 1994 bestseller, The Bell Curve, which Lynn read and offered comments on before its publication. In a letter to Herrnstein the year before, he shared his opinion that it was “inevitable that whites will become a minority in the US sometime in the middle decades of the next century and this will entail a considerable deterioration in the quality of social, cultural and economic life.”

Lynn expanded on this belief in what he presented as the sequel to Murray and Herrnstein’s book. The Global Bell Curve was published on “alt-right” impresario Richard Spencer’s imprint in 2008. While The Bell Curve had claimed to prove a racial hierarchy of average intelligence in the US, Lynn’s book purported to show this for the world. Lynn argued that the question “why are we so rich and they so poor?” had been solved: “The problem lies in them; they have some deficit. Something inside them stops them from earning as much money as we do.”

Lynn called for an end to the philosophy and practice of egalitarianism that subsidized the births of the poor and less intelligent at home and abroad and laid out a “new eugenics” that would use biotechnology to improve genetic health while also reviving programs to offer cash incentives to poor and dull women who submit themselves to sterilization. Lynn held out little hope for the west, where he observed that individual rights too often trumped group rights. Much more likely were worldwide eugenic programs under an eventual Chinese “world state.” This may include, he suggested, “the cloning of the elites of the European peoples.”

Color-coded world maps of Lynn’s international averages of intelligence, with and without his speculative sci-fi accompanying text, are regular features on far-right websites. They also surface in more mainstream venues, legitimated by the fact that Lynn’s collaborator was the previously mainstream political scientist, Tatu Vanhanen. The Oxford University–hosted project Our World in Data, for example, features a map based on Lynn’s argument on their page on “intelligence.”

Such league tables and maps have become the lingua franca in policy and journalism circles from the World Bank to the Economist amid recent fascination with human capital and the knowledge economy. Lynn’s invocation of “genetic human capital,” while bizarre for actual economists, piggybacks on the trend to claim an unearned legitimacy. He uses mainstream research to prove his points, referring not only to prenatal genetic screening — which he supports — but also to Freakonomics author Steven Levitt, whose work on abortion and crime he sees as evidence of positive eugenics in action.

In 2010, Lynn’s racialist intelligence arguments rode the wave of interest in public education and population policy into political discourse in Germany. That was the year of publication of Germany Does Itself In, authored by the social democrat and former Bundesbank board member Thilo Sarrazin. The book has since sold over 1.5 million copies and been seen, justifiably, as laying the intellectual groundwork for xenophobic parties such as the far-right Alternative for Germany and the newly successful Austrian Freedom Party. Like Murray, who worked for the American Enterprise Institute for over two decades, Sarrazin crosses over into free-market advocacy circles. He has been hosted more than once by the Hayek Institute in Vienna and the Hayek Society in Germany.

Sarrazin’s book draws on the work of Murray and Herrnstein, Lynn and Vanhanen, and other Pioneer Fund beneficiaries to argue that, because intelligence is “50 to 80 percent heritable,” and the rich tend to be smarter than the poor, the falling birth rates of the rich and intelligent will ultimately lead to a drop in overall German intelligence. He pins most of the blame on Germany’s Muslim migrant population, who he says are both the least intelligent and most fecund. Beyond a general opposition to welfare support for the indigent and concern about mismatch with European values, group differences in intelligence become Sarrazin’s strongest case for stopping immigration from Muslim-majority countries.

The year Sarrazin’s book was published, Christian Democratic politicians called for intelligence tests for immigrants. Sarrazin has also been hosted by the Austrian Freedom Party, the current junior partner in the country’s ruling coalition, and by the Swiss People’s Party (SVP) which took nearly one third of the vote in the last national election. In 2015, an SVP politician posted publicly that “the saturation point of supposed refugees has been exceeded. Especially refugees from Eritrea and Syria, who have been proven to have a very low national IQ, have no place economically in our country.”

A Racist Idea for a Postindustrial Age
What is the special resonance of the IQ test today? The fixation on intelligence is a fitting form of racial science for the postindustrial age. It is built upon mainstream concerns about the knowledge and innovation economy, national competitiveness, and analogies of human beings to information processors. It thrives on the craze for standardized outcomes, rankings, benchmarks, and indicators and offers a simple and powerful story about the world that naturalizes and hardens existing hierarchies, reinforces folk understandings of difference, and disempowers efforts of collective reform. Perhaps most effectively, it does so with the elegance of a single number — IQ becomes a biologized credit score etched onto human nature.

The renewed fascination with intelligence testing offers more evidence that the supposed backlash against neoliberalism in the form of right-populist and racist political movements only deepens the reduction of human nature to fitness for the market.
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Re: Abolish the White Race - By Any Means Necessary

Postby American Dream » Sun May 06, 2018 7:19 pm

Dorothy Roberts is very good:


Dorothy Roberts Debunks Race as Biological in “Fatal Invention”

By Ytasha L. Womack
Post Black Experience

Posted: Jan 15, 2012

Dorothy Roberts is author of the book Fatal Invention: How Science, Politics, and Big Business Re-create Race in the Twenty-First Century (New Press, 2011). She is also the Kirkland & Ellis Professor at Northwestern University School of Law and a faculty fellow at the Institute for Policy Research, with appointments in the departments of Sociology and African American Studies. Here she discusses the rise in identifying race as biological among some scientists.

Ytasha L Womack: Why did you write Fatal Invention?

Dorothy Roberts: I decided to write it because I have noticed resurgence in the use of the term race as a biological category. And also [I noticed] a growing acceptance among colleagues and speakers that race really is biological and somehow genomic science will soon discover the biological truths about race. The more I looked into it, I saw there were more scientists that said they discovered race in the genes, more products coming out showing that race is a natural division.

YLW: But race is not biological, it’s purely a political creation.

DR: I thought this trend [of race as biological] was supporting a false concept of race. But also, I was alarmed that knowing history; the biological construct of race has been used to obscure the political origin of racial inequality, to make it seem as if the reason people of color are disadvantaged in society is natural, as opposed to political and institutional.
It’s a very frightening development. We would accomplish so much more, if all the money that was going into race based genes were going into cleaning up the toxins in black neighborhoods that cause black people to get cancer and die, cleaning up education or basic health care for everybody.

YLW: Many people have a hard time accepting that race is a political creation and not biological, despite the years of proving otherwise.

DR: There are some people who understand this- using economic theory and research showing you that you cannot divide the human race into species. Scientist have known this and proved it definitively for decades. So it’s alarming when you see scientist promoting race as genetic.

YLW: Can you give me examples of the false notion of race as biology that’s popping up in science that your reference in your book?

DR: There are ancestry groups testing customers that say with a cheek swab they can trace your ancestry. Then you have federal and state authorities that are amassing DNA databases that compel people to give up their DNA if they are arrested. As a result these databases are disproportionately made up of black and Latino profiles. Pharmaceuticals targeted people according to race. The food and drug administration has already targeted a heart therapy for black patients. It was only turned into a race specific drug when the original patent ran out.

DR: There are studies to explain racial divisions in health that are actually caused by social inequalities. Yet you have researchers studying high blood pressure, asthma among blacks, etc. and looking for a genetic cause. However, research shows these [illnesses] are the effects of racial inequality and the stress of racial inequality.

YLW: So race based medicines, like a heart medicine for African Americans, are illogical, because since race isn’t biological, you can’t have a medicine targeting this group?

DR: Correct. Of those who say [race is biological], they usually point to sickle cell anemia, as proof that illnesses are race-based. Even if you look at these genetic diseases that seem to run along with race, it’s actually caused by environment. Sickle cell is an adaptation in areas with high rates of malaria. You find it in some areas of Africa, Asia and Europe. It’s not about race at all.

DR: To me it’s so obvious that race is a political category. Who is considered black, Asian, Indian, all these things changes depending on political circumstances and are determined by political markers. Yet people hold on to this idea that if scientist keep searching and searching they will find the divisions of a human species, and we’ve found it is a false pursuit.

YLW: You argue that the scientific inquiry in looking to genetics to create health remedies has led to an interest in looking to genetics to explain a host of social ills and challenges including race.

DR: Genes can never tell you anything without looking at the environment that they are expressed because of the very cells of our bodies. There is not a gene that causes cancer. That is false. After spending millions and millions of dollars they have not come up with the genes that cause cancer or diabetes or any of these diseases. It’s been a false hope, now they are looking to race as a way to make money off of this failed attempt to make money off of a gene map. Race is a bad way to prescribe drugs. I don’t want some doctor to look at me and say you’re black so you should take this drug. I want it to be based on an examination of me.

YLW: What are the dangers of viewing race biologically?

DR: It’s not just a matter of being wrong. It’s the disastrous consequences, because it sends the message that all the inequalities in who dies earlier and who bears suffering from disease, who gets poorly educated, who fills prison cells- it makes it seem like it’s some biological difference, when it’s the power of advantage and disadvantage. But instead of looking at those implications, they’d rather look at false proof written in our genes.

DR: There is a history of tracing race to a biological pathology. And there is a counter tradition of saying no, we have innate superiority. I don’t think talking about innate superiority or otherwise is the way to go. I think looking at the success in spite of the disadvantages, looking at doing it in spite of the social constraints, makes sense.

DR: I also got resistance from black friends, relatives and colleagues to this idea that race is a political system. I think there are people who realize there is racism in America and the political nature, but they also want to hold on to a biological concept of race. There are conservatives who want to hold on to the fact that there is a biological concept of race to explain inequality. But there are also black people in America who believe this.

YLW: Can you give me an example?

DR: For one, ancestry testing and another in the first race specific drugs targeted to African American patients with heart failure. In both cases these are African Americans who are promoting products to some extent that use the idea that we are biologically different and saying that is important to our identity.

YLW: You’re saying that genetic ancestry testing, say finding the African tribe you descended from is impossible to find genetically?

DR: We cannot, in most cases, trace our ancestry back to Africa. My position is that you’re basing it on an illusion that there is a biological demarcation.

YLW: Ancestry testing is very popular and many people take great pride in being able to identify the African ethnic group they derived from. But you’re saying that genetically, you can’t trace this ancestry. Why not?

DR: The science of it is matching the customers DNA profile and specific genetic base to a genetic base that was collected in Africa. Each company has a different database. It’s proprietary and based on collections that they did themselves and collected, or publicly available ones they collected. You’re talking about matching a customer’s traits to a database that was collected recently, obviously not collecting those people who were around during the slave trade. They didn’t test anyone 300 years ago.

The most they can tell you is that your traits are the closest to a group they sampled recently, but that group might be different. They might not be in the same location. There have been migrations in Africa sense then. You just don’t know if it’s a match to an ancestor. And because different companies have different samples and different ways of matching, you can go to four ancestry companies and get different results. It is not the definitive answer that many people think it is. It involves a lot of guess work. At the end a lot of people who have results say they came from the Mendi tribe, others say Yoruba or Zulu. Then the customer who has all these results has to pick one. Then we’re back to a political affinity. Which one do I like better? Which one do I want to align with? I say just pick one. Why take the test? Maybe you like the artwork of that group, or maybe you met someone of that group, or maybe you like the politics. Yes we have ancestors from Africa and from other countries as well, but that does not have to be spliced down.

Africa has more genetic diversity than any other continent in the world. We are genetically extremely diverse, but we also know that African Americans are products of mixtures of all kinds of ancestries. There is no biological essence to being African American. We’re extremely mixed. But I believe there is a political solidarity that we can have, not based on our biology, but based on our commitment to fight racism and to have a better world that is rid of political injustice.

For more information on Dorothy Roberts go to http://www.dorothy-roberts.com/

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Re: Abolish the White Race - By Any Means Necessary

Postby American Dream » Thu May 10, 2018 3:05 pm

The creeping spectre of “white genocide”

The Suidlanders are a white-supremacist organization that toured America last year in order to bring the South African version of the myth of white victimhood to the alt-right. The tour was intended to raise money for what the group describes as their “emergency plan initiative” (a section of their website is dedicated to a detailed breakdown of how they will respond to “the coming revolution”). As Lloyd Gedye pointed out in the Mail and Guardian, they did not quite succeed in hitting those targets, but they seem to have done an exceptionally good job of turning South Africa into the alt-right’s “flavor of the month.”

Gedye provides a breakdown of those who giddily bought into what the Suidlanders were selling, including Alex Jones, Jared Taylor, Henrik Palmgren, and Michael Hill. Again and again, the message was repeated: first, that the murder of white farmers heralded the start of a co-ordinated ethnic cleansing, and second, that white South Africans were “the canaries in the coal mine,” the supposed fate of whom should act as a wake-up call to white people all over the world.

Last month, the Australian Home Affairs department rejected two separate asylum applications from white South Africans, stating that “the vast majority of crimes against whites are not racially motivated, but rather are crimes for financial gain.” One of the decisions was published in full, after the applicant appealed a 2015 decision to reject his asylum bid.

Citing the U.S. State Department’s Reports on Human Rights Practices from 2016, the decision said that “while there have been a high number of white farmers who have been the victim of brutal attacks and killings, violence against farmers based on race is not identified as a significant issue in various reputable human rights reports.” The Australian bureaucratic system has retained a grip on the facts, for now, although Dutton stood by his comments in a subsequent radio interview, insisting that any criticism came only from “crazy lefties” in the media who were now “completely dead to [him].”

With the mainstreaming of far-right nationalism, the myth of white genocide in South Africa seems to be increasingly invoked as a racist bedtime story for white nationalists to tell their children — a useful means of justifying barbaric immigration policies. Considering that Donald Trump won an election by embracing the fiction of white victimhood, it is almost strange that whoever reads the newspaper for him has not yet brought the myth to his attention.

https://theoutline.com/post/4486/the-cr ... i=somylofr
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Re: Abolish the White Race - By Any Means Necessary

Postby American Dream » Sun May 13, 2018 10:04 pm



By Nathan Cofnas

In the 1990s, Kevin MacDonald wrote a trilogy of books arguing that Judaism is a “group evolutionary strategy,” and the pursuit of this strategy by Jews had far-reaching consequences for world history. In A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy (1994) he proposed that, since its inception, Judaism has promoted eugenic practices favoring high intelligence, conscientiousness, and ethnocentrism. As a consequence, the contemporary Jewish population (at least the Ashkenazi population) is marked by a high level of these traits, including a mean IQ of 117 (weighted on verbal intelligence). In Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti-Semitism (1998b) he argued that anti-Semitism is a reaction by gentiles to competition for resources with less populous but more organized and competent Jewish groups. In The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements (1998a), he argued that post-Enlightenment Jews who abandoned the religion of Judaism invented a substitute: liberal political, intellectual, and scientific movements with the same social and organizational structure as Judaism, and the same ultimate purpose to promote the evolutionary success of Jews.

According to The Culture of Critique, the most influential of these intellectual movements—Boasian anthropology, Freudian psychoanalysis, and Frankfurt School critical theory—were headed by charismatic and authoritarian leaders (analogous to rabbis), they placed great value on verbal brilliance and internal consistency rather than testability or agreement with external reality (analogous to Talmudic scholarship), and they promoted Jewish group interests at the expense of gentiles. The movements advocated separatism and ethnocentrism for Jews, discouraged ethnic identification among white gentiles (in order to prevent group consciousness among white gentiles that might lead to a sense of competition with Jews and thus anti-Semitism), undermined and destabilized traditional European culture to weaken resistance to Jewish control, “pathologized” anti-Semitism, and denied that Jewish behavior plays a role in anti-Jewish attitudes.

MacDonald argues that Jewish intellectual and political movements were responsible for major trends in twentieth-century scientific, political, and demographic history. These movements, he says, were responsible for the rejection of Darwinian thinking among most mainstream social scientists, and also for large-scale nonwhite immigration to European and European-colonized countries (the United States, Australia, etc.).

More: https://antifascistnews.net/2018/05/13/ ... ds-theory/
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Re: Abolish the White Race - By Any Means Necessary

Postby American Dream » Sat Jun 02, 2018 9:35 am


The Stimulator offers up this week’s installment of The Fuckin News, which discusses the move by the so-called Canadian State to nationalize a Kinder Morgan pipeline and also moves by Alt-Right livesteamer Faith Goldy, to popularize anti-migrant organizing.

Settler colonial entitlement in Klanada is a huge muthafuckin problem. Whether it’s pretty boy Trudeau thinking he can just fuck up the land for funzies and skrillah, or Faith “I’m not a nazi but here’s the 14 words” Goldy thinking she can defend imaginary lines from refugees, these dirt bags gotta be stopped. This week, I look at the expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline in so-called BC and the border demo in so-called Quebec.
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Re: Abolish the White Race - By Any Means Necessary

Postby American Dream » Sun Jun 10, 2018 8:16 am

At The 2018 Scandza Forum, Alt-Right Leaders Struggle Over How To Market White Supremacy To The Mainstream


Behind closed doors in Sweden they engage in banter about how wonderful colonialism was for Africans, why it’s natural to prefer white Gentiles over blacks and Jews, and how the “genocide” of all white people is at hand. All the while they scheme about ways to make the mainstream see them as ordinary political activists. As normal. But they’re not normal, and they can never be allowed to be viewed as such.

https://angrywhitemen.org/2018/06/09/at ... ainstream/
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Re: Abolish the White Race - By Any Means Necessary

Postby American Dream » Mon Jun 11, 2018 9:28 pm

Jim Goad Is Worried That White People Will Be Forced To Wear Badges


On the latest episode of The Public Space, Takimag writer Jim Goad warned Jean-François Gariépy that white genocide will happen any moment now. Goad, a racist hipster/ex-con who interviews white nationalists on his own podcast and flogs the myth of “white slavery,” believes that we’re headed toward a future in which the treatment of white people will rival that of Jews in Nazi Germany.

Goad complained to Gariépy that every other group of people except whites is allowed to engage in identity politics, and repeatedly referenced an unspoken “original deal” where everyone would “just be people.” It’s unclear to what “deal” Goad is referring, or when it was entered into. After the abolition of chattel slavery? Or the end of segregation in public schools? Or in private businesses?

At any rate, Goad said, “whiteness became demonized” and “black power, brown power” became acceptable. And because of this supposed demonization, white people will be persecuted in the same manner as Nazi-era German Jews:

White men are Jews, white males are pretty much, yeah, we’re gonna — what would be the equivalent for a white male of a yellow star? Like a vanilla milkshake decal we’ll have to wear or somethin’? I dunno.

While this statement was made slightly in jest, Goad followed up by saying, “It’s comin’ though. I mean, ’cause historically, dehumanizing an entire group like that is a precursor for slaughtering them. And I hope I’m being paranoid about that.”

Gariépy agreed with Goad, stating that, “[W]e’re currently building up to genocide of white people being a socially acceptable thing, and we’re already there. There are people, there are Leftists on Twitter saying white people reproducing is a bad thing. It’s a problem.” It should go without saying, but this is far from concrete evidence of an imminent genocide.

He also predicted that “we’re just a few decades before a full attack on white people.” Goad called himself “black pilled” on the subject of “white genocide,” but hinted that, were an attack on whites to take place, he would fight back. “There’s still some viking blood there somewhere,” he told Gariépy. Of course Gariépy also saw violence as inevitable, stating that “reclaiming your status in society is generally done violently.”

https://angrywhitemen.org/2018/06/10/ji ... ar-badges/
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