Vaccine - Autism link

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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby identity » Tue Sep 03, 2019 7:22 pm

Cry of the Heart - Stop Hurting the Children
The Medical Terror of Vaccinations

by Mark Sircus Ac., OMD

free download:

The intense psychological pressure and fear that parents feel
about vaccinating their children is no accident, but the result of
well-planned, well-funded marketing campaigns.

It was not that many years ago that four out of five doctors were known
to have recommended a certain brand of cigarettes. Fifty years ago doctors
puffed away and found nothing wrong with their patients doing the same. Of
course, a few activists warned against the dangers of cigarette smoking, but
the doctors had their say, dismissing such claims because they never learned
in medical school that cigarette smoking was dangerous. There was no
opposite viewpoint for physicians to consider, so their minds were made
up by clever marketing. Today it is the same with the vaccine story; the
big difference is that the harm is being done to children, to the little ones, to
the most vulnerable beings who have absolutely no chance to defend

In this book you will find scientist after scientist
and researcher after researcher giving you reasons
to wake up to a nightmare happening in
pediatrician offices around the world.

The fact is that vaccination propaganda has been scientifically implanted
in the public consciousness by thousands of media clips over the past few
decades. Injected, so to speak, directly into the collective unconscious of
humanity. Many basic thoughts and attitudes are continually being shaped
and molded deliberately by people and organizations dedicated to this task.
There are many issues of import that are purposely fixed in the public
consciousness as conventional wisdom. People generally think the same
about a broad range of issues because companies have spent hundreds of
millions in media marketing over many years to make sure that this is so.
Very few people are paying attention to the process of conditioning that
they are being subjected to in a Matrix type of manipulation, not by super
computers but by mega-corporations and the people who run them. Yet
some break through the clouds of ignorance and blindness and there are
many medical doctors who will categorically state:

There is no evidence whatsoever of the ability of vaccines
to prevent any diseases. To the contrary, there is a great wealth
of evidence that they cause serious side effects.
Viera Scheibner Ph.D

For instance it is believed that asthma, which is an autoimmune disorder,
an allergic condition that tops the list of chronic respiratory diseases found
in children in Western societies today, is at least partially triggered by
vaccinations. A 1997 study published in Science reported “the prevalence of
asthma in westernized societies has risen steadily this century, doubling in
the last 20 years. Asthma now affects one child in seven in Great Britain,
and in the United States it causes one-third of pediatric emergency room
visits.” In 1995, the CDC reported that, between 1982 and 1992, asthma
increased 52 per cent for persons between the ages of five and 34 years old,
and deaths from asthma increased 42 per cent. In a 1997 issue of
Epidemiology, New Zealand researchers hypothesized that “it is
theoretically possible that immunization may contribute to the development
of allergic disease.” Of 1,265 New Zealanders born in 1977, 23 received no
childhood vaccinations, and none suffered childhood asthma. Among the
1,242 who got polio and DPT shots, 23 per cent later had episodes of
asthma, 23 per cent had asthma consultations, and 30 per cent had
consultations for other allergic illness. Their conclusion was, “The findings
presented here are consistent with the hypothesis that some component of
infant immunization may increase the risk of developing asthma in
childhood.” If this is true expect to hear your doctor or local medical board
insisting that is better to have asthma for a lifetime than for your child to get
sick from a childhood infectious disease.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby DrEvil » Wed Sep 04, 2019 4:52 pm

Uh... the Ac., OMD in his title stands for acupuncturist, doctor of oriental and pastoral medicine. Why is it that these people never trust real doctors, but they're always desperate to use the kind of titles they have? If I call myself Dr. Evil, WMD, U, I'm still just a crazy person on the internet. Stringing letters after my name doesn't actually make me any more competent or reliable. I would argue the opposite: making up bullshit important sounding titles for yourself makes you less reliable, and a bit of a conman.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby Agent Orange Cooper » Wed Sep 04, 2019 5:30 pm

DrEvil wrote:Uh... the Ac., OMD in his title stands for acupuncturist, doctor of oriental and pastoral medicine. Why is it that these people never trust real doctors, but they're always desperate to use the kind of titles they have? If I call myself Dr. Evil, WMD, U, I'm still just a crazy person on the internet. Stringing letters after my name doesn't actually make me any more competent or reliable. I would argue the opposite: making up bullshit important sounding titles for yourself makes you less reliable, and a bit of a conman.

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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby identity » Wed Sep 04, 2019 6:43 pm

If I call myself Dr. Evil, WMD, U, I'm still just a crazy person on the internet.

Hey, even without the added letters you remain an ontological imperialist/scientistic monotheist who knows and defends The One True Way against all pagan/"unscientific" heresies (which is yet another -- albeit extravagantly deluded -- variation of "just a crazy person on the internet.")

Anyway, nice -- though cheap (not to mention typical) -- attempt to dismiss everything in the book by focusing in on some letters after his name (letters which refer to degrees in medical systems/healing modalities of which you and your confreres do not approve).

In the future, maybe you could save yourself some typing by just replying with "Andrew Wakefield!" to anything here that elicits an unpleasant emotional reaction. :lol:
We should never forget Galileo being put before the Inquisition.
It would be even worse if we allowed scientific orthodoxy to become the Inquisition.

Richard Smith, Editor in Chief of the British Medical Journal 1991-2004,
in a published letter to Nature
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby Agent Orange Cooper » Thu Sep 05, 2019 1:26 pm

The True Purpose of CA SB276
Posted on: Sunday, September 1st 2019 at 9:45 am
Written By: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Originally published on

Merck introduced its measles vaccine in 1963, claiming the vaccine would convey lifelong immunity equivalent to a natural infection, with health officials promising that 55% vaccine coverage would produce "herd immunity" sufficient to eradicate measles by 1967.

Leading scientists of the day, including the world's preeminent bacteriologist, Sir Graham Wilson and Harvard Virologist John Enders, who first isolated measles, warned against introducing a vaccine unless it provided lifelong immunity. Measles, they cautioned, would rebound with increased virulence and mortality as the vaccine forced the evolution of more virulent strains and shifted outbreaks away from children--biologically evolved to handle measles--to the elderly who could die from pneumonia, and young infants now unequipped with maternal immunity.

A 1984 Johns Hopkins University modeling study predicted that Merck's population-wide experiment would increase measles outbreaks by 2050, (when the last generation subject to natural immunity died off,) compared to the pre-vaccine era. This is exactly what has happened. Merck's vaccine, with a growing failure rate has been incapable of abolishing the disease. Vaccine failure has left millions of adult Californians effectively unvaccinated. And 79% of people affected by measles in this year's California outbreak were adults.

When eradication predictably didn't materialize and measles attacked fully-vaccinated populations, Merck simply moved the goalpost saying that herd immunity required 75% vaccination, then 85%, then 95%, then 98%. And now 99%. To distract the world's citizens from its failed vaccine, Merck started blaming "anti-vaxxers." (The Vaccine Safety Movement)

Now California's bought or brain-dead lawmakers are proposing to "fix" Merck's vaccine failure problem by punishing 4,000 vulnerable children with medical exemptions. In an act of legislative savagery, Democratic politicians propose to forcibly vaccinate children whose doctors have told them that a vaccine could kill or severely injure them. SB276 will not fix the measles outbreak or solve the problem of vaccine failure, it will only reward a corrupt company for a defective product.

CALL TO ACTION - Please visit the following link and help us oppose SB276: ... -bad-bill/
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby stickdog99 » Fri Sep 06, 2019 10:45 am

Agent Orange Cooper » 05 Sep 2019 17:26 wrote:The True Purpose of CA SB276
Posted on: Sunday, September 1st 2019 at 9:45 am
Written By: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Originally published on

Merck introduced its measles vaccine in 1963, claiming the vaccine would convey lifelong immunity equivalent to a natural infection, with health officials promising that 55% vaccine coverage would produce "herd immunity" sufficient to eradicate measles by 1967.

Leading scientists of the day, including the world's preeminent bacteriologist, Sir Graham Wilson and Harvard Virologist John Enders, who first isolated measles, warned against introducing a vaccine unless it provided lifelong immunity. Measles, they cautioned, would rebound with increased virulence and mortality as the vaccine forced the evolution of more virulent strains and shifted outbreaks away from children--biologically evolved to handle measles--to the elderly who could die from pneumonia, and young infants now unequipped with maternal immunity.

A 1984 Johns Hopkins University modeling study predicted that Merck's population-wide experiment would increase measles outbreaks by 2050, (when the last generation subject to natural immunity died off,) compared to the pre-vaccine era. This is exactly what has happened. Merck's vaccine, with a growing failure rate has been incapable of abolishing the disease. Vaccine failure has left millions of adult Californians effectively unvaccinated. And 79% of people affected by measles in this year's California outbreak were adults.

When eradication predictably didn't materialize and measles attacked fully-vaccinated populations, Merck simply moved the goalpost saying that herd immunity required 75% vaccination, then 85%, then 95%, then 98%. And now 99%. To distract the world's citizens from its failed vaccine, Merck started blaming "anti-vaxxers." (The Vaccine Safety Movement)

Now California's bought or brain-dead lawmakers are proposing to "fix" Merck's vaccine failure problem by punishing 4,000 vulnerable children with medical exemptions. In an act of legislative savagery, Democratic politicians propose to forcibly vaccinate children whose doctors have told them that a vaccine could kill or severely injure them. SB276 will not fix the measles outbreak or solve the problem of vaccine failure, it will only reward a corrupt company for a defective product.

CALL TO ACTION - Please visit the following link and help us oppose SB276: ... -bad-bill/

And this is the political party we are praying to to delver us from Trump. Continuing a pregnancy should be a decision between a woman and her doctor, but any doctor who dares to protect children against forced injections that their parents desperately fear needs to be rounded up and shot.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby DrEvil » Fri Sep 06, 2019 4:36 pm

Agent Orange Cooper » Wed Sep 04, 2019 11:30 pm wrote:
DrEvil wrote:Uh... the Ac., OMD in his title stands for acupuncturist, doctor of oriental and pastoral medicine. Why is it that these people never trust real doctors, but they're always desperate to use the kind of titles they have? If I call myself Dr. Evil, WMD, U, I'm still just a crazy person on the internet. Stringing letters after my name doesn't actually make me any more competent or reliable. I would argue the opposite: making up bullshit important sounding titles for yourself makes you less reliable, and a bit of a conman.


Better than being responsible for children dying at least. Since my last post in this thread about 500 children have died from measles (cue massive cognitive dissonance), a disease you're desperately trying to stop parents from immunizing their children against, but I guess a few hundred dead children is nothing against your holy crusade against logic. There's healthy skepticism, and then there's Alex-Jones-batshit-fucking-insane skepticism. You're the second kind of skeptic.

Tell us again why we should use more antibiotics.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby Sounder » Fri Sep 06, 2019 6:22 pm

Plenty of slander for 'alternative' folk, yet nothing to say about the early warnings from credible folk with no funny initials after their name. How people expect to 'cure' conditions with poisons is beyond me. Yes, Dr. Evil, just who is it that is responsible for our sorry mortality stats? Certainly not you, who can always avail yourself with circular logic that says that because vaccines 'save lives', the skeptics are responsible for deaths even if those poor outcomes occur among vaccinated people.

Leading scientists of the day, including the world's preeminent bacteriologist, Sir Graham Wilson and Harvard Virologist John Enders, who first isolated measles, warned against introducing a vaccine unless it provided lifelong immunity. Measles, they cautioned, would rebound with increased virulence and mortality as the vaccine forced the evolution of more virulent strains and shifted outbreaks away from children--biologically evolved to handle measles--to the elderly who could die from pneumonia, and young infants now unequipped with maternal immunity.

A 1984 Johns Hopkins University modeling study predicted that Merck's population-wide experiment would increase measles outbreaks by 2050, (when the last generation subject to natural immunity died off,) compared to the pre-vaccine era. This is exactly what has happened. Merck's vaccine, with a growing failure rate has been incapable of abolishing the disease. Vaccine failure has left millions of adult Californians effectively unvaccinated. And 79% of people affected by measles in this year's California outbreak were adults.
All these things will continue as long as coercion remains a central element of our mentality.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby Agent Orange Cooper » Fri Sep 06, 2019 7:26 pm

At least he admits he's racist, LOL.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby DrEvil » Wed Sep 11, 2019 3:45 pm

Agent Orange Cooper » Sat Sep 07, 2019 1:26 am wrote:At least he admits he's racist, LOL.

Yeah, I'm still not sure how you came to that conclusion. Trying to follow your distinct brand of "logic" is equal parts fascinating and disheartening. Is it because I poo-pooed oriental medicine? If so, does that mean that disliking anything from a particular part of the world makes you racist towards people from that place? If I don't like kebab does that make me racist towards Arabs?
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby DrEvil » Wed Sep 11, 2019 4:03 pm

Sounder » Sat Sep 07, 2019 12:22 am wrote:Plenty of slander for 'alternative' folk, yet nothing to say about the early warnings from credible folk with no funny initials after their name. How people expect to 'cure' conditions with poisons is beyond me. Yes, Dr. Evil, just who is it that is responsible for our sorry mortality stats? Certainly not you, who can always avail yourself with circular logic that says that because vaccines 'save lives', the skeptics are responsible for deaths even if those poor outcomes occur among vaccinated people.

Funny how the outbreaks always start in communities with low vaccination rates, huh? And what "sorry mortality stats" are you talking about? Humans have never (as in ever) lived longer than they do now. Yes, there has been a slight drop in the US, but that's caused by drug overdoses and suicides, not vaccines.

How people expect to 'cure' conditions with poisons is beyond me.

This is brilliant coming from such a fan of alternative medicine. You just described homeopathy.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby Agent Orange Cooper » Fri Sep 13, 2019 10:11 pm

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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby stickdog99 » Sat Sep 14, 2019 2:09 am

DrEvil » 11 Sep 2019 20:03 wrote:
Sounder » Sat Sep 07, 2019 12:22 am wrote:Plenty of slander for 'alternative' folk, yet nothing to say about the early warnings from credible folk with no funny initials after their name. How people expect to 'cure' conditions with poisons is beyond me. Yes, Dr. Evil, just who is it that is responsible for our sorry mortality stats? Certainly not you, who can always avail yourself with circular logic that says that because vaccines 'save lives', the skeptics are responsible for deaths even if those poor outcomes occur among vaccinated people.

Funny how the outbreaks always start in communities with low vaccination rates, huh? And what "sorry mortality stats" are you talking about? Humans have never (as in ever) lived longer than they do now. Yes, there has been a slight drop in the US, but that's caused by drug overdoses and suicides, not vaccines.

How people expect to 'cure' conditions with poisons is beyond me.

This is brilliant coming from such a fan of alternative medicine. You just described homeopathy.

This is like a game for some people. If you can just somehow keep pretending that you are more informed, then you get to take away other individuals' right to informed consent concerning what pharmacologically active substances are injected into their bodies against their will.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby DrEvil » Sat Sep 14, 2019 4:29 pm

^^In case you hadn't noticed you're the crazy minority on this subject. The vast majority of the world see vaccines for what they are: a public good. There is no grand conspiracy or hidden motive at play, just the simple fact that they work, and the mental gymnastics people go through to not see that is a sight to behold.

99% of this thread is blatant misinformation. People keep posting "scientific" papers that are sloppy, manipulate the data or outright fabricate it and/or cherry pick from other studies leaving out important context.

It's not the healthy skepticism I have a problem with, it's the full-bore batshit conspiracy horseshit that's being peddled here, and the consistent dishonesty of the various authors involved. People here post things that, with a straight face, compare Wakefield to Mandela and label vaccines as crimes against humanity and terrorism. That's not normal skepticism, that's flat out insane.

Free-loading off the herd immunity that other people provide you is supremely selfish. Getting vaccinated is what you call "being a part of society". If you don't like that then fuck off to the woods and don't go around exposing other people to disease.
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Re: Vaccine - Autism link

Postby stickdog99 » Sat Sep 14, 2019 5:58 pm

DrEvil » 14 Sep 2019 20:29 wrote:^^In case you hadn't noticed you're the crazy minority on this subject. The vast majority of the world see vaccines for what they are: a public good. There is no grand conspiracy or hidden motive at play, just the simple fact that they work, and the mental gymnastics people go through to not see that is a sight to behold.

99% of this thread is blatant misinformation. People keep posting "scientific" papers that are sloppy, manipulate the data or outright fabricate it and/or cherry pick from other studies leaving out important context.

It's not the healthy skepticism I have a problem with, it's the full-bore batshit conspiracy horseshit that's being peddled here, and the consistent dishonesty of the various authors involved. People here post things that, with a straight face, compare Wakefield to Mandela and label vaccines as crimes against humanity and terrorism. That's not normal skepticism, that's flat out insane.

Free-loading off the herd immunity that other people provide you is supremely selfish. Getting vaccinated is what you call "being a part of society". If you don't like that then fuck off to the woods and don't go around exposing other people to disease.

Do individuals or do individuals not have a right to decide what chemicals are injected into their bodies? Seriously. Do you believe in the principle of individual informed consent or do you believe in the forced coercion of corporate consensus?
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