Suppression/Propaganda in Media

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Re: Suppression/Propaganda in Media

Postby stickdog99 » Sun Sep 15, 2019 5:33 pm

Elvis » 15 Sep 2019 16:40 wrote:The video posted by Grizzly on the first page, referred to above, has been deleted. Here's why:

YT OddReality antisemitism.jpg

Grizzly, did you watch the entire video before posting it? The video is full of good chuckles until the the last minute.

Consider YouTube user "OddReality" banned from the pages of RI.

Also banned will be anyone who persists in posting content claiming that we're all just being taken for a ride by the Jews.

You all can figure it out, vet your sources, it's not rocket surgery folks.

Yeah, I saw that. The first segment of that video was its best segment, by far. After that, the video got progressively worse, because almost all the stories were nonsense entertainment pieces anyway. In fact, it got so boring an repetitive that took a lot of fast forwarding for me to make to the end of the video.

Still, that parenthetical "evil Jews" seemed so self-defeatingly and jarringly out of place in that it felt like a purposeful negation of the entire point the video was making. ("If you believe there is any sort of media monopoly, you must hate Jews!") In addition to its racist insinuation that evil oligarchs have a specific tribal affiliation, the accusation is simply factually incorrect. Since when do Jewish individuals own Fox News and Disney, for example?
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Re: Suppression/Propaganda in Media

Postby Belligerent Savant » Sun Sep 15, 2019 7:02 pm


It's typical facile and self-defeating mindless crap, tarnishing whatever semblance of noteworthy content found in such 'offerings'.

It also derails thread topics as well, as is evident/demonstrated here.
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Re: Suppression/Propaganda in Media

Postby Elvis » Mon Sep 16, 2019 5:30 pm

stickdog99 wrote:The first segment of that video was its best segment, by far.

Agreed, and I was praising its brilliance and about to send it to a friend—so glad I watched 'til the end.

There are similar videos presenting the same unison MSM voice, but without the antisemitism.

Belligerent Savant wrote: tarnishing whatever semblance of noteworthy content found in such 'offerings

Exactly. It does the message no good to attach antisemitism—indeed it provides establishment defenders a reason to dismiss all inquiry into corporatocracy. (You believe 9/11 was in 'inside job'?—teehee, you must also believe that Jews control the world! Aren't you late for your militia meeting??")
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Re: Suppression/Propaganda in Media

Postby Sounder » Mon Sep 16, 2019 5:54 pm

It would seem to be common practice of thought police to create 'good' material, with a turd introduced later on or at the end.

The early material might still be good, as it may help to both produce commitment to the turd and discredit the 'good' version in the eyes of well meaning but socially compliant folk, who get their anti-racist predisposition used against them to pry them away from active thinking that may serve to help them to value and develop discrimination.
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Re: Suppression/Propaganda in Media

Postby thrulookingglass » Tue Sep 17, 2019 10:34 am

Watched the ODD video. Same 'ol stuff really. We're being manipulated, programmed, hypnotized by the glimmer of 'modern life' as presented by Disney, Viacom, Hearst. Religions, churches have done the same. Symbols and sigils, wiccan crosses, ankhs, a heathen statue of the Buddha wears a swastika, at least Robert Langdon won't lack for material. Context is important. Bill Hicks says, "do you think Jesus is going to want to see a cross when he returns?" Because that's what we're bound for now, no one can save the world but Jesus. Must be extremely busy right now sending homosexuals to hell, for our messiah believes in the use of eternal torture, but is also the prince of peace. A symbol for grace, but not grace.

Topography will soon be falsified,
The urns and sepulchres stand violate,
Sects swarm, and babbling sentiment
Black put for white, and green fruit for the ripe.

What is "holy"? Incorruptible? We are all stained here. Christians believe in demons, in Satan. Muslim believe in Djinns. It's a brand of alcohol now. Who's responsible for my terrible behavior? Evil spirits, for surely not I would do such contemptible things. Florence Rush in the 1970s asserts that Sigmund Freud intentionally ignored evidence that his patients were victims of sexual abuse. Brett Kavanaugh syndrome. Of course, sex has been poisoned from day one by religious views. Wonderful and wholly awful at the same time. God is both the granter of peace and great evils. Rule. Control. Often requires doing something immoral. Consciousness is the battle field. Someone with half a sense towards grace, love, peace better take hold of the reigns soon. Life left in the hands of God(s) only serves their/its passions.

You are "gods"; you are all sons of the Most High.'

And I your second favorite, the god of war, and the only held higher, the god of evil. Superiority is a filthy seed. And whom shall I look down upon without sympathy and pity? Imagine the world before narcotics were seen as evil. Enter into Hamilton's Pharmacopeia. Get Your War On...that comic was called get your war on by David Rees who was shocked into becoming a mouthpiece for the trivialities of a post 9/11 world.

Rule in fear and terror. Fear is the mind killer. The wrongs of our past have resurfaced. Here come the old gods, same as the new gods. If we change nothing, nothing will change. One great petri dish this life. Remove the bees and the whole thing goes to shit. Some scientists are claiming the fungi hold the key, much as the natural fibre optic network formed on Pandora. Control. Distrust in the greater nature of humanity has only lead to higher walls. Let the trumpet of the ram blow down these fictitious walls we keep between ourselves and higher love.
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Re: Suppression/Propaganda in Media

Postby Elvis » Sat Sep 21, 2019 9:22 pm

Can't find the R.I.P./obituaries thread(s), so will put this here. :tongout

Not a fan, for a number of reasons. But R.I.P.
Remembering Cokie Roberts
Sep 21, 2019 at 4:46 am
By Scott Simon

Cokie Roberts was fierce and funny, hard-nosed and kind-hearted. She was steeped in politics, as the daughter of two Louisiana pols, Hale and Lindy Boggs, and enjoyed the game.

[blah blah blah at link]

For one thing, I will never forgive her for her ugly slanted coverage of Jerry Brown in 1992. Propaganda in media ultimately made Bill Clinton president instead.

Also a JFK gatekeeper/thought-stopper.

I didn't read Simon's paean, not in the mood. But it might contain crumbs.
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Re: Suppression/Propaganda in Media

Postby Belligerent Savant » Sat Sep 21, 2019 10:06 pm


Indeed, spot-on. Apt placement here given the topic of the OP.
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Re: Suppression/Propaganda in Media

Postby seemslikeadream » Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:09 am

an example of Suppression/Deflection/Obfuscation/trump Propaganda Talking Points in the media

The UKRAINE arms scandal isn’t about Biden. It’s about MANAFORT, and how they pressured Poroshenko to *drop those investigations* in 2017-18.

Who's serving a life sentence in jail waiting for a pardon?
Mazars and Deutsche Bank could have ended this nightmare before it started.
They could still get him out of office.
But instead, they want mass death.
Don’t forget that.
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Re: Suppression/Propaganda in Media

Postby JackRiddler » Sun Sep 22, 2019 10:31 am

Sounder » Mon Sep 16, 2019 4:54 pm wrote:It would seem to be common practice of thought police to create 'good' material, with a turd introduced later on or at the end.

The early material might still be good, as it may help to both produce commitment to the turd and discredit the 'good' version in the eyes of well meaning but socially compliant folk, who get their anti-racist predisposition used against them to pry them away from active thinking that may serve to help them to value and develop discrimination.

Glad you're ready to admit it, finally. Good first step.
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Re: Suppression/Propaganda in Media

Postby Sounder » Tue Sep 24, 2019 5:08 am

Suppression/Propaganda will become so much easier when those messy operant conditioning jobs can be handed over to AI.

All hail Google and our trans-humanist overlords.
All these things will continue as long as coercion remains a central element of our mentality.
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Re: Suppression/Propaganda in Media

Postby JackRiddler » Mon Sep 30, 2019 12:33 am

Sounder » Tue Sep 24, 2019 4:08 am wrote:Suppression/Propaganda will become so much easier when those messy operant conditioning jobs can be handed over to AI.

All hail Google and our trans-humanist overlords.

Happening for many years of course. Not as far along as Uber and Amazon are in murdering taxi drivers and small retail, but further along than the Internet of Things. A reality already so pervasive and daily that anxiety about it was expressed through the distorted lens of the #Russiagate and other bot panics we are familiar with.
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Re: Suppression/Propaganda in Media

Postby conniption » Tue Oct 15, 2019 9:54 pm ... ake-syria/

Fake news fail! ABC claims footage from Kentucky gun range shows Turkish attack on Kurdish civilians

14 Oct, 2019

In a scarcely believable display of extreme incompetence or bald-faced lying, ABC News has broadcast footage from a Kentucky gun show, claiming it shows a Turkish assault on Kurdish civilians in northern Syria.


The news organization made the humiliating fumble on its World News Tonight show on Sunday and then again on Good Morning America on Monday. It featured in a package that was heavily critical of US President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw troops from northern Syria.

“Slaughter in Syria,” the on-screen graphic screamed as anchor Tom Llamas introduced the footage. “This video, right here, appearing to show Turkey’s military bombing Kurd civilians in a Syrian border town,” Llamas said as the tape rolled.

There’s just one problem, the video wasn’t from northern Syria, it was filmed about 6,200 miles (10,000km) away during a gun show at the Knob Creek Gun Range near West Point, Kentucky.

The open air gun range holds the dramatic shows twice a year and they have been immortalized in numerous YouTube videos. ABC played a video from 2017 in its Sunday snafu.

Viewing the clips clearly shows that it’s the same scene but the video has been edited to crop out the audience watching in the foreground.

After broadcasting the fake footage into homes across the US, ABC also uploaded it to YouTube. The video was subsequently deleted when the massive error came to light.

World News Tonight issued a correction on Monday, saying that ABC News “regrets the error.” “We’ve taken down video that aired on ‘World News Tonight’ Sunday and ‘Good Morning America’ this morning that appeared to be from the Syrian border immediately after questions were raised about its accuracy,” it tweeted.

ABC’s mistake is made even more glaring by the fact that footage from the Kentucky gun show previously went viral in another fake news fail when it was claimed that it showed Kurdish forces destroying Turkish tanks in January 2018. Too bad ABC don’t employ any good fact checkers.

videos at link... ... ake-syria/
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Re: Suppression/Propaganda in Media

Postby conniption » Wed Oct 16, 2019 5:30 pm

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Re: Suppression/Propaganda in Media

Postby Belligerent Savant » Wed Oct 16, 2019 8:36 pm

Indeed. Thanks for sharing, conniption.

I realize the topic of this thread is largely redundant, as one can post an example of suppression/propaganda in the media every HOUR (and actually, we have a couple members here -- and a 3rd, less prolific -- that do precisely that, seemingly/ostensibly without awareness), but this is a good placemarker for the more egregious examples.
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Re: Suppression/Propaganda in Media

Postby Grizzly » Wed Oct 16, 2019 10:20 pm

Typosquatting and the 2020 U.S. Presidential election: Cyberspace as the new political battleground

Typosquatting. It’s a phrase most of us know in the security realm and think we’ve got our hands and minds firmly wrapped around. For example, my employer’s domain is, and a typosquat could be or even That typosquat could be used for a variety of things, like phishing, brand impersonation, or even reputational damage.

If you want to learn more about typosquatting and domain squatting, check out our in depth blog post: Domain Squatting: The Phisher-man’s Friend

What about something more malicious? Maybe delivering malware or some shady software to a potential customer who’s just trying to get information about the company and its offerings. The point is, there’s a wide range between what a typosquat actually is and what it can look like.

What’s something else on everyone’s minds at the moment? In the United States, it’s the upcoming presidential election of 2020. As of 20 September, there are 19 Democratic candidates and 4 Republicans, including President Donald Trump. Politics aside, Photon Research Team thought it would be interesting to use this pool of candidates as a backdrop for research into typosquatted domains; following the 2016 presidential election, it was a fair bet we would find some interesting tidbits using our SearchLight™ platform.

Altogether, we detected over 550 typosquats for the 34 candidate- and election-related domains we gathered from open-source research. Not every single one was something interesting; most of the time the typosquatted domain was simply parked and not hosting content. Still, there were some worthwhile areas to dig into deeper.

3 types of typosquats detected for 2020 candidates

For the purposes of this research, we decided to classify the different types of typosquats we detected into three distinct categories, which are replete with examples:

Misconfigured or illegitimate sites: typosquats that were not correctly configured when initially created and aren’t hosting anything but an index page, as well as typosquats that likely are not legitimate but look like they could be
Non-malicious: typosquatted domains that are either not hosting content or are hosting content that includes a small amount of brand-damaging content
Redirects: by far the largest category we detected, this consists mainly of certain typosquats that redirect the user to a different website

The following chart shows the breakdown of relevant typosquatted sites we uncovered, by category.


Probably should add this graphic, though...

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