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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Belligerent Savant » Sat Feb 08, 2020 5:58 pm


Video embedded in link; spraying in Wuhan: ... 8822086656

Bobby Lee from Tennessee
Feb 7

Replying to

What is that they are spraying.
And is it interesting to anyone else that they had those industrial sized city street sprayers ready to go?

Screengrabs of video:
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Cordelia » Sat Feb 08, 2020 6:28 pm

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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby hanshan » Sat Feb 08, 2020 9:47 pm


Grizzly » 01 Feb 2020 23:17 wrote:Whitney Webb, acclaimed MintPress News journalist based in Chile, posted this story on several sites about US military man-made sources of recent viral outbreaks.
Whitney Webb report: Bats, Gene Editing and Bioweapons: Recent DARPA Experiments Raise Concerns Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

For instance, the first outlet to report on this claim was Radio Free Asia, the U.S.-government funded media outlet targeting Asian audiences that used to be run covertly by the CIA and named by the New York Times as a key part in the agency’s “worldwide propaganda network.” Though it is no longer run directly by the CIA, it is now managed by the government-funded Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG), which answers directly to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who was CIA director immediately prior to his current post at the head of the State Department.

In other words, Radio Free Asia and other BBG-managed media outlets are legal outlets for U.S. government propaganda. Notably, the long-standing ban on the domestic use of U.S. government propaganda on U.S. citizens was lifted in 2013, with the official justification of allowing the government to “effectively communicate in a credible way” and to better combat “al-Qaeda’s and other violent extremists’ influence.”

Lots of info and many, many embed links

There's this too ..
"Alleged leader of Al-Qaida terrorist group was arrested in Phoenix Arizona yesterday

Also see, Here's a STAT article on the sequencing to give you an idea of the speed at which they are moving these days.

Rex wrote...
Its pathetic, but it's also what humanity deserves.



Several years after “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” was published, the
U.S. Air Force published a document
entitled “Biotechnology: Genetically Engineered Pathogens,”
which contains the following passage:

“The JASON group, composed of academic scientists,
served as technical advisers to the U. S. government.
Their study generated six broad classes of genetically
engineered pathogens that could pose serious threats
to society. These include but are not limited to binary
biological weapons, designer genes, gene therapy as
a weapon, stealth viruses, host-swapping diseases,
and designer diseases (emphasis added).”

Concerns about Pentagon experiments with biological
weapons have garnered renewed media attention,
particularly after it was revealed in 2017 that DARPA
was the top funder of the controversial “gene drive”
technology, which has the power to permanently alter the
genetics of entire populations while targeting others for extinction
At least two of DARPA’s studies using this controversial technology
were classified and “focused on the potential military application
of gene drive technology and use of gene drives in agriculture,”

according to media reports.

The revelation came after an organization called the ETC Group
obtained over 1,000 emails on the military’s interest in the technology
as part of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Co-director
of the ETC Group Jim Thomas said that this technology may be used
as a biological weapon:

“Gene drives are a powerful and dangerous new technology
and potential biological weapons could have disastrous impacts
on peace, food security and the environment, especially if misused,
The fact that gene drive development is now being primarily funded
and structured by the US military raises alarming questions
about this entire field.”

Though the exact motivation behind the military’s interest
in such technology is unknown, the Pentagon has been open
about the fact that it is devoting much of its resources towards
the containment of what it considers the two greatest threats
to U.S. military hegemony: Russia and China. China has been
cited as the greatest threat of the two by several Pentagon
officials, including John Rood, the Pentagon’s top adviser for
defense policy, who described China as the greatest threat
to “our way of life in the United States” at the Aspen Security Forum
last July.

Since the Pentagon began “redesigning” its policies and research
towards a “long war” with Russia and China, the Russian military
has accused the U.S. military of harvesting DNA from Russians as
part of a covert bioweapon program, a charge that the Pentagon
has adamantly denied. Major General Igor Kirillov,
the head of the Russian military’s radiation, chemical
and biological protection unit who made
these claims, also asserted that the U.S.
was developing such
weapons in close proximity to Russian and Chinese borders.

China has also accused the U.S. military of harvesting DNA
from Chinese citizens with ill intentions, such as when
200,000 Chinese farmers were used in 12 genetic
experiments without informed consent. Those experiments
had been conducted by Harvard researchers
as part of a U.S. government-funded project.


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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Sat Feb 08, 2020 10:05 pm

And is it interesting to anyone else that they had those industrial sized city street sprayers ready to go?

Not really. Asian countries have been using those trucks for mosquito control, anti-smog, and just plain cooling down city streets for years now. And sure enough, there have been attendant 'population control' / 'sterilization' conspiracy theories following in their wake for years now, too.

The smaller unit being pushed is the same fogger unit that gets mounted onto pickup trucks for mosquito control here in the US. This is just off-the-shelf shit getting retrofitted. If China had their shit together all of this would have gone down very differently.
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Luther Blissett » Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:11 pm

What do we think the potential for a new people’s revolution sourced from the Mainland might be, especially given the huge response in the wake of Dr. Li Wenliang?
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Mon Feb 10, 2020 2:47 am

Luther Blissett » Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:11 pm wrote:What do we think the potential for a new people’s revolution sourced from the Mainland might be, especially given the huge response in the wake of Dr. Li Wenliang?

It will certainly be reshaped -- Xi has been notably absent recently and I've heard talk that he's in a military hospital from folks with the means to know that. Not that I believe them, but it's probable. Bear in mind, I'm also the kind of guy who doesn't think Jeffrey Epstein killed himself or got murdered, and he's currently lounging in a safehouse getting more massages.

I'm keenly interested in the aftermath of nCoV, because this wildfire will lay the limits of government power bare to an awful lot of people around the world. All that 'social contract' horseshit will be really hard to push after all this burns out. The question of what to replace the government with will prove to be a bit more difficult than the question of whether the government can be trusted; and it's not like so-called capitalism will do much better than so-called socialism at responding to this and protecting the human beings they rule over.

Some testimony on the ground from back in Feb. 2nd:

“Currently, there are at least five cities, including Wuhan, that have suspended the public transport system; ten provinces and cities, including Hubei and Beijing, that have shut down road passenger transport; 16 provinces that have suspended inter-provincial passenger transport; and many cities in 28 provinces that have completely or partially suspended urban public transportation. Yesterday, Huanggang issued a notice ordering a house quarantine for all urban households, allowing only a designated family member to shop for essentials once in every 2 days. The news and constant updates include messages from my local government telling me that many cities have made it mandatory to wear a mask in public or for using public transport. But masks have sold out so quickly in many smaller cities (and online as well), while prices have gone up 20 times. In short, if you are poor, you’re more than likely to not get a mask at all—and it's usually the poor who cannot afford to stop working.

At 7:30 pm yesterday, Hangzhou became the first city in China to issue a free mask policy for its citizens in seven urban districts to alleviate the problem that has been the elephant in the room, with an online reservation system for five masks for each person every 10 days. Even Wuhan hasn’t implemented any government policy like this to help its citizens. So access to masks largely depends on donations and self-help by local communities. The bottom line is, a large population in China is suffering, not just from the virus but from the resulting isolation, high uncertainty, anxiety, and stress, reduced resources and freedom for daily living, and loss of income. And the point on income really should be considered. With weak social protection in China, in conjunction with the estimate of 60% of labour engaged in the informal economy in Asian and Pacific developing countries (according to the International Labour Organization), lack of employment benefits and protection renders people extremely vulnerable to crises, such as the current one. There would have been social outcries if this happened in any other Western country, but just because there isn’t an outcry in China doesn’t make its people lesser people who shouldn’t be treated any less. If anything, it shows how deeply the population has been culturally and politically suppressed, and how the voice of the really poor in China gets completely buried and forgotten. This just isn’t right.

In a crisis like this, it hurts me so much to see that it's (once again) the well-off who get priority and consideration. Those who actually do not have the ability or resources to take care of themselves inevitably get left behind. Government policies are understandably a combination of politics, economics, sociology, and international relations. But equality to health gets thrown out of the picture in the middle of all these, even in scholarship. This cannot be right. The top health journals should be redirected toward a more compassionate and sensitive discourse. The Lancet please do something, somebody please do something. In a practical sense, the government cares about its ‘face’ more than anything; if there was a prominent international voice calling for it to look into something it just might...and that's all that the suppressed and the poor have for hope. So please, help. I understand this might be an effort in vain, but I really hope it is not. So here it is, a desperate plea, and I really hope this message sees you in good time."
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Elvis » Mon Feb 10, 2020 3:15 am

"weak social protection in China" — I don't get the ongoing pretense of communism in China, they don't even have socialized fucking healthcare any more.
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby DrEvil » Mon Feb 10, 2020 4:39 pm

It's a fascist police state in everything but name. Business and government in unholy matrimony while they homogenize the shit out of everything in the name of social harmony, with an eye towards replacing the US as number one down the road.
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Cordelia » Wed Feb 12, 2020 6:30 pm


Photos from inside the Diamond Princess cruise ship, where thousands of passengers have been quarantined for a week because of the coronavirus outbreak ... ick-2020-2

People aboard have had mixed reactions, with some loving the room-service treatment and others desperate to get off and find more booze...

Passengers have been tweeting pictures of their meals and giving the room service mixed reviews.

Imagining being a crew member; delivering three meals a day and providing other needs to 2,500 confined 'vacationers'.

Cruise Ship’s Coronavirus Outbreak Leaves Crew Nowhere to Hide

By Ben Dooley and Motoko Rich
Feb. 10, 2020

YOKOHAMA, Japan — In the passenger decks of the quarantined Diamond Princess cruise ship, more than 2,500 travelers are carefully isolated. Meals are delivered to their cabins. They have permission to walk on deck, six feet apart, for a few minutes a day.

Down below, more than 1,000 crew members live and work elbow-to-elbow, preparing the passengers’ dishes and eating simple buffet-style meals together, with as many as four sharing a bathroom — and sharing the risk of possible infection from the coronavirus.

The risks to all aboard were reinforced on Monday as Japan’s health ministry said that an additional 65 people had tested positive for the virus, nearly doubling the total to 135. According to Princess Cruises, which operates the ship, at least 20 of them are American. The ship already has the largest number of coronavirus cases outside the epicenter in China, where more than 40,000 have been infected.

While the quarantine slapped on the Diamond Princess was meant to contain the virus, the conditions facing the crew could end up doing the opposite and help spread the illness, disease experts say.

MORE... ... -ship.html
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Belligerent Savant » Thu Feb 13, 2020 9:37 am


The West is very concerned with the impact all this illness and death may have on the Market.


"Just when markets were getting comfortable with the idea that the Covid-19 infection increase was trending lower, the sudden jump in the number of new cases in Hubei has jolted them out of this sense of complacency," said Khoon Goh, head of Asia research at Australia & New Zealand Banking Group Ltd.

This morning, the quants and algos got a huge shock when China was finally overwhelmed with the level of lies - and cremated bodies - since the breakout of the covid pandemic, and was forced to "adjust" the number of new cases higher by a whopping 15,000. Think of it as GAAP virus accounting vs non-GAAP, which excludes the inconvenient "one-time" cases.

The result has been a sharp drop in US equity futures and global stock prices, as it raised fresh questions about the scale of the crisis and more importantly, how long it will take China to truly contain the pandemic, even as markets had taken comfort from the World Health Organization’s emergency program head describing the apparent slowdown in the epidemic’s spread as “very reassuring”.


As a reminder, with consensus expecting China to regain control in the next few weeks, any delay puts the V-shaped Q2 China (and global) GDP recovery in peril, and as such the longer China pushes back on this critical D-day, the harder it will be for traders to pretend the pandemic is not happening.


The sharp rise in the headline number of deaths and infections unnerved world markets, as traders halted a recent rally in stocks and retreated back to the safety of government bonds and gold.

It wasn't just the surge in new cases: health officials in China’s central province of Hubei - at least those who weren't summarily fired in the past few days - said 242 people had died from the flu-like virus on Wednesday, the fastest rise in the daily count since the pathogen was identified in December. Apparently this too was due to a change in definition as until now China was representing coronavirus deaths as the result of something far more innocent such a pneumonia. Well no more.

Hubei had previously only allowed infections to be confirmed by RNA tests, which were limited to roughly 3,000 per day (as we also noted) and can take days to process. But as it was overwhelmed by new cases, it was forced to start using quicker computerized tomography (CT) scans, which reveal lung infections, usually manifesting themselves only in very advanced, of not outright terminal, cases, the Hubei health commission said, to confirm virus cases and isolate them faster. As a result, another new 14,840 cases were reported in the central province on Thursday, from 2,015 new cases nationwide a day earlier. The new diagnostic procedure could explain the spike in deaths, said Raina McIntyre, head of biosecurity research at the Kirby Institute at the University of New South Wales. “Presumably, there are deaths which occurred in people who did not have a lab diagnosis but did have a CT,” she told Reuters. “It is important that these also be counted.”

The new methodology effectively lowers the bar for classifying new infections, contributing to the spike in cases. Chinese officials said the method is only being used in Hubei, though it was expected to be gradually extended to other regions.


Image ... ses-deaths
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Elvis » Sat Feb 15, 2020 12:32 pm

Belligerent Savant wrote:The West is very concerned with the impact all this illness and death may have on the Market.

I haven't read all of this, but throw it on the pile:

China: A Brutal Post-Coronavirus Economic Reset
Feb. 11, 2020 6:11 PM ET|

Albert Goldson
Energy, event-driven, contrarian, commodities


- China’s post-coronavirus economic landscape will look far different from today with profound political, economic, and social changes.

- Chinese and foreign businesses will reduce operations while developing the type of emergency protocols and disaster recovery plans reserved for politically volatile countries in the extraction industries for future similar.

- China’s government lack of credibility and inability to act rapidly to national emergencies may have planted the seeds of Hong Kong activism amongst the Mainlanders.

Let me know if I need to paste whole piece...I had to sign up for seekingalpha.
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Sounder » Mon Feb 17, 2020 10:48 am

This is so sad. An exiled Chinese (billionaire) businessman, Gow, IIRC is his name, early on said that things were much worse than presented. He says the govt. will fail within ten years.
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Belligerent Savant » Mon Feb 17, 2020 7:22 pm

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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Wombaticus Rex » Tue Feb 18, 2020 12:46 pm

Sounder » Mon Feb 17, 2020 9:48 am wrote:This is so sad. An exiled Chinese (billionaire) businessman, Gow, IIRC is his name, early on said that things were much worse than presented. He says the govt. will fail within ten years.

That would probably be Guo Wengui, who spends his time on NYC Grindr as Miles Kwok. He is basically the Ahmed Chalabi of China; continually offering insider takes to anyone who will run a headline, and continually asserting the evil regime is on the verge of collapse ... any minute now ... just around the corner ... walls are closing in ...

The information gap we're still in the middle of is an environment tailored for opportunists. Twitter is an endless succession of dubious videos with caps-lock captions, all claiming to be breaking news from the front lines. This is a pretty classic trap because it never stops working: if you know the official story is a lie, you're going to latch onto just about anything that contradicts the official story, because we need a story. Like we need food.

All the speculation about the origins and motivations behind this are a re-run of 9/11 Truth, and I hope everyone recalls how that shitshow washed out for all involved. MIHOP? LIHOP? Controlled depopulation event? Op gone wrong? The effects are going to matter a lot more than the causes, most especially in terms of our daily lives and how it shapes the political landscape.

The progress of nCoV is maddeningly slow. For a culture whose conception of reality is primarily filtered through movies and TV, that pacing is even more painful. But remember, everything we're seeing now is the emergent effects of infections and transmission chains that unfolded approximately a month ago. And there's so much -- nearly everything -- so much we don't know. The r0 is still a speculative range. The transmission vectors are still speculative. The body count is still speculative. The number of people infected is still speculative.

If you want a conspiracy theory to chew on, consider the Diamond Princess. For a first world coalition that knows China is lying about -- nearly everything -- wouldn't a cruise ship under quarantine provide an ideal sandbox for observing how dangerous this outbreak really was? And, given the rate at which those numbers exploded onboard, what conclusions do you think that coalition took away from their experiment?

For American observers, it's hard to understand just how bad the third world really is, in terms of health care infrastructure and training. In most of the countries currently grappling with potential outbreaks, there is no capacity whatsoever for screening and testing until a C-130 full of CDC and DOD observers & facilitators show up with pelican cases full of gear. And once things get bad domestically, all of that borrowed time, money, expertise and equipment will get recalled.

I expect this to go down like the Great Famine in China: most of the deaths, most of the devastation, will simply never be acknowledged. China has already committed to a completely counterfactual narrative, and there's not a lot of historical precedent for how sovereign bureaucracies walk that back or come clean. It's generally decades later, generally low-key and cloaked in euphemism, and generally agitated by marginalized historians and researchers.

After all, the big story of the past century is Globalization as Leviathan -- a super-sovereign system woven out of cut-out corporations, Eurodollars, supply chains and free-trade zones. Who can actually pull the plug on that? This is a tremendous stress test being exerted on antiquated systems whose only remaining competence is the appearance of power. China's quarantines didn't work -- they can only restrict the movement of poor people, and even then, not completely. China can fill dirt lots with prefabricated trailers and talk about building hospitals but they don't have enough personnel to do anything with them.

I don't think the situation will play out too much different for any other country. Consider Japan, with incredibly, miraculously low infection numbers so far. Has the virus mutated into something more benign, Andromeda Strain style? Is there something unique about Japan that renders them less vulnerable?

Or are they simply lying because they're hosting the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo?

I don't know, either.
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Re: Manufactured 'Contagion' - Coronavirus Edition

Postby Cordelia » Tue Feb 18, 2020 2:09 pm

.-- wouldn't a cruise ship under quarantine provide an ideal sandbox for observing how dangerous this outbreak really was? And, given the rate at which those numbers exploded onboard, what conclusions do you think that coalition took away from their experiment?

Exactly (and also a floating Social Experiment for others; scientists, sociologists, psychologists, politicians, think tanks, etc...).

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