Who Was Seth Rich?

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Re: Who Was Seth Rich?

Postby Harvey » Sun Jan 10, 2021 1:41 pm

After three years of claiming that it could not find any records about murdered Democratic National Committee employee Seth Rich, the FBI admitted today that it has thousands of pages of information about him, further admitting that it has custody of his laptop. [continued - https://lawflog.com/?p=2410]
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Re: Who Was Seth Rich?

Postby Marionumber1 » Sun Jan 10, 2021 5:54 pm

Would be nice to see an actual verification of the email contents, presuming one exists, rather than just a bunch of text that anyone could type up. This part in particular ("As you can imagine"?):

FBI is also currently working on getting the files from Seth Rich’s personal laptop into a format to be reviewed. As you can imagine, there are thousands of files of many types. The goal right now is to describe, generally, the types of files/personal information contained in this computer. Furthermore, the FBI will continue to evaluate the responsiveness of these files under the FOIA.

strikes me as a bit more personal than what one would normally expect in a legal letter about a FOIA request.
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Re: Who Was Seth Rich?

Postby Harvey » Mon Jan 11, 2021 7:38 pm

Marion, it makes little sense to me either. Just pointing to it.
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Re: Who Was Seth Rich?

Postby Marionumber1 » Tue Jan 12, 2021 3:43 am

Yeah, I wasn't going after you for posting this or anything; I think it's good to stay on top of the story like you are. I just have a very dim view of nearly all of the major voices questioning Seth Rich's murder (which I do view as suspicious), as well as their prevailing narrative that he was killed for leaking the DNC emails (which I find very unlikely). The alternative media, as it often does, is likely obscuring a real conspiracy by covering it with enough nonsense to make most people turn away.
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Re: Who Was Seth Rich?

Postby Harvey » Tue Jan 12, 2021 8:49 am

Marionumber1 » Tue Jan 12, 2021 8:43 am wrote:The alternative media, as it often does, is likely obscuring a real conspiracy by covering it with enough nonsense to make most people turn away.

Don't quite understand this, I saw more or less the opposite. Mainstream media made it appear ghoulish for informed speculation in the absence of any official information and made substantial attempts to inhibit any independent investigation by a former police detective. That doesn't usually happen. Why in this case? Why not in others? We were extensively gaslighted by mainstream media, while few in alt-media have done anything to substantially to muddy the water as far as I know. I seem to recall that despite rampant low level speculation, it was MSM who first introduced to the mainstream the idea that Wikileaks had implied Rich was the source of the source for the DNC leaks. And that was only in order to further smear Julian Assange as a 'conspiracy theorist' during the formative stage of their own campaign against 'Fake News'. :shrug:
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Re: Who Was Seth Rich?

Postby Marionumber1 » Tue Jan 12, 2021 2:53 pm

I suspect, as frequently occurs, the mainstream and sidestream (i.e. Fox News plus the right-leaning "alternative" media) colluded to push two opposing narratives that obscure the truth in different ways. Obviously the MSM wanted to prevent skeptical inquiry into this case, while the sidestream media ensured that those who were trying to find more information would be led down one preordained path. And the latter played no small part in making it a sideshow, like with Fox News seemingly fabricating statements from Rod Wheeler (depending on the truth of the accusation, this reflects poorly on either Fox or Wheeler himself), the Washington Times putting out a later-retracted story about Seth and his brother being "well known in the intelligence circles" as responsible for the DNC email leaks, Kim Dotcom's claims being widely repeated despite having no substantiation, and various other purported bombshell disclosures that never amounted to anything. Yes, the MSM was the first to report on Assange's interview, and in the process they seeded that idea of Seth being the DNC email leaker which the sidestream media proceeded to pick up; an idea that I think was pure misdirection.

Now inquiry into Seth Rich's murder is either verboten entirely or almost exclusively fixated on the theory that he leaked the DNC emails. His actual job at the DNC in voter protection, and the interesting possibility of that relating to the fraudulent 2016 primaries, has been swept under the rug.
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Re: Who Was Seth Rich?

Postby Grizzly » Thu Sep 29, 2022 10:12 pm

His name was motherfucking Seth Rich. This could end up being one of the biggest stories of the century. Julian assange should be pardoned immediately and that orange clown Trump should have done it

You know the current pedo wont.


Potentially earth-shattering. Seth Rich's laptop could bring down the CIA and the FBI because it has clear evidence on it that Seth Rich was in contact with WikiLeaks and he was the source for the DNC emails, not Russia. Would mean CIA/FBI made up Russia DNC hack story and likely killed Seth Rich

yep, reddit...


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