Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby Harvey » Tue Oct 12, 2021 7:48 pm

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The Great New Normal Purge

CJ Hopkins, October 12, 2021

So, the Great New Normal Purge has begun … right on cue, right by the numbers.

As we “paranoid conspiracy theorists” have been warning would happen for the past 18 months, people who refuse to convert to the new official ideology are now being segregated, stripped of their jobs, banned from attending schools, denied medical treatment, and otherwise persecuted.

Relentless official propaganda demonizing “the Unvaccinated” is being pumped out by the corporate and state media, government leaders, health officials, and shrieking fanatics on social media. “The Unvaccinated” are the new official “Untermenschen,” an underclass of subhuman “others” the New Normal masses are being conditioned to hate.

You can see the hatred in the New Normals’ eyes …


But it isn’t just a purge of “the Unvaccinated.” Anyone deviating from the official ideology is being systematically demonized and persecuted. In Germany, Australia, and other New Normal countries, protesting the New Normal is officially outlawed. The New Normal Gestapo is going around to people’s homes to interrogate them about their anti-New Normal Facebook posts. Corporations are openly censoring content that contradicts the official narrative. New Normal goon squads roam the streets, checking people’s “vaccination” papers.

And it’s not just governments and corporations carrying out the New Normal Purge. Friends are purging friends. Wives are purging husbands. Fathers are purging children. Children are purging parents. New Normals are purging old normal thoughts. Global “health authorities” are revising definitions to make them conform to New Normal “science.”

And so on … a new official “reality” is being manufactured, right before our eyes. Anything and anyone that doesn’t conform to it is being purged, unpersoned, memory-holed, erased.

None of which should come as a surprise.

Every nascent totalitarian system, at some stage of its takeover of society, launches a purge of political opponents, ideological dissidents, and other “anti-social deviants.” Such purges can be brief or open-ended, and they can take any number of outward forms, depending on the type of totalitarian system, but you cannot have totalitarianism without them.

The essence of totalitarianism — regardless of which costumes and ideology it wears — is a desire to completely control society, every aspect of society, every individual behavior and thought. Every totalitarian system, whether an entire nation, a tiny cult, or any other form of social body, evolves toward this unachievable goal … the total ideological transformation and control of every single element of society (or whatever type of social body it comprises). This fanatical pursuit of total control, absolute ideological uniformity, and the elimination of all dissent, is what makes totalitarianism totalitarianism.

Thus, each new totalitarian system, at some point in its evolution, needs to launch a purge of those who refuse to conform to its official ideology. It needs to do this for two basic reasons: (1) to segregate or otherwise eliminate actual political opponents and dissidents who pose a threat to the new regime; and (2) and more importantly, to establish the ideological territory within which the masses must now confine themselves in order to avoid being segregated, or eliminated.

The purge must be conducted openly, brutally, so that the masses understand that the rules of society have changed, forever, that their former rights and freedoms are gone, and that from now on any type of resistance or deviation from official ideology will not be tolerated, and will be ruthlessly punished.

The purge is usually launched during a “state of emergency,” under imminent threat from some official “enemy” (e.g., “communist infiltrators,” “counter-revolutionaries,” or … you know, a “devastating pandemic”), such that the normal rules of society can be indefinitely suspended “for the sake of survival.” The more terrified the masses can be made, the more willing they will be to surrender their freedom and follow orders, no matter how insane.

The lifeblood of totalitarianism is fear … fear of both the system’s official enemy (which is constantly stoked with propaganda) and of the totalitarian system itself. That the brutality of the system is rationalized by the threat posed by the official enemy doesn’t make it any less brutal or terrifying. Under totalitarian systems (of any type or scale) fear is a constant and there is no escape from it.

The masses’ fear is then channeled into hatred … hatred of the official “Untermenschen,” whom the system encourages the masses to scapegoat. Thus, the purge is also a means of allowing the masses to purge themselves of their fear, to transform it into self-righteous hatred and unleash it on the “Untermenschen” instead of the totalitarian system, which, obviously, would be suicidal.

Every totalitarian system — both the individuals running it and the system, structurally — instinctively understands how all this works. New Normal totalitarianism is no exception.

Just reflect on what has happened over the last 18 months.

Day after day, month after month, the masses have been subjected to the most destructive psychological-terror campaign in the history of psychological terror. Sadly, many of them have been reduced to paranoid, anus-puckering invalids, afraid of the outdoors, of human contact, afraid of their own children, afraid of the air, morbidly obsessed with disease and death … and consumed with hatred of “the Unvaccinated.”

Their hatred, of course, is utterly irrational, the product of fear and propaganda, as hatred of “the Untermenschen” always is. It has absolutely nothing to do with a virus, which even the New Normal authorities admit. “The Unvaccinated” are no more of a threat to anyone than any other human being … except insofar as they threaten the New Normals’ belief in their delusional ideology.

No, we are way past rationality at this point. We are witnessing the birth of a new form of totalitarianism. Not “communism.” Not “fascism.” Global-capitalist totalitarianism. Pseudo-medical totalitarianism. Pathologized totalitarianism. A form of totalitarianism without a dictator, without a definable ideology. A totalitarianism based on “science,” on “fact,” on “reality,” which it creates itself.

I don’t know about you, but, so far, it has certainly made quite an impression on me. So much so that I have mostly set aside my satirical schtick to try to understand it … what it actually is, why it is happening, why it is happening now, where it is going, and how to oppose it, or at least disrupt it.

The way I see it, the next six months will determine how successful the initial stages of the roll-out of this new totalitarianism will be. By April of 2022, either we’ll all be showing our “papers” to the New Normal Gestapo to be able to earn a living, attend a school, dine at a restaurant, travel, and otherwise live our lives, or we will have thrown a monkey wrench into the machinery. I do not expect GloboCap to abandon the roll-out of the New Normal over the longer term — they are clearly committed to implementing it — but we have the power to ruin their opening act (which they’ve been planning and rehearsing for quite some time).

So, let’s go ahead and do that, shall we? Before we get purged, or unpersoned, or whatever. I’m not sure, as I haven’t seen a “fact-check” yet, but I believe there are some commercial airline pilots in the USA who are showing us the way.
And while we spoke of many things, fools and kings
This he said to me
"The greatest thing
You'll ever learn
Is just to love
And be loved
In return"

Eden Ahbez
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby conniption » Mon Oct 18, 2021 4:56 am

conniption » Mon Oct 18, 2021 1:41 am wrote:
Edward Curtin
(embedded links)

The Banners of the King of Hell Advance

October 16, 2021

“Vexilla regis prodeunt Inferni”
– Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy: The Inferno

Try to look ahead and see if you can see what’s been coming for decades. Try to climb higher and see the beautiful things that Heaven bears, where we came forth, and once more see the stars and raise a banner of resistance to the King of Hell and all his henchmen. For they are here, and working hard as usual, and indifference will only strengthen their resolve. Don’t be deceived by these digital demons. They want to make you think they don’t exist. They wish to get you to suspend your disbelief and get lost in the endless looping movie they have created to conceal their real machinations.

For we are living in a world of endless propaganda and simulacra where vast numbers of people are hypnotized and can’t determine the difference between the real world of nature, the body, etc. and digital imagery. Reality has disappeared into screens. Simulation has swallowed the distinction between the real world and its representations. Meaning has migrated to the margins of consciousness. This process is not yet complete but getting there.

This may at first seem hyperbolic, but it is not. I wish to explain this as simply as I can, which is not easy, but I will try...


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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby Harvey » Mon Oct 18, 2021 8:13 am

Is 'Adam Philips' a literary joke perhaps? Philip's Adam? Brilliant piece. Particularly the portrait of Ronald Reagan. Besides his functional utility for the Neoliberal project, it's the rich symbolic potency of the actor/President in the age of illusion, which strikes a supremely Dickian figure. Fittingly enough, Reagan is remembered with burning embers of affection by those of a certain age and temperament yet represents the 'burning gates of hell' for others. Hardly need to mention that I gravitate firmly toward the the latter.

Some defining events:

1920 - Aftermath of World War I and Communist Revolution leads to the first Red Scare in the US
1933 - Rise of nazism
1941 - US enters World war II
1951 to 53 - Korean War
1961 to 63 - Kennedy sworn in and Assassinated (The Coup)
1973 - The September 11th Coup in Chile
1981 - Reagan sworn in (possibly a second coup attempt)
1989 to 1993 - Breakup of the Soviet Union, balkanisation of the Balkans, the first Gulf War, Yeltsin delivers neoliberalism to Russia
2001 - September 11th and the war on Terror
2011 to 2013 - The destruction of Libya culminating in The Ghouta chemical weapon attack - weapons obtained from Libya are used by US backed forces in Syria who produce and deploy Sarin.
2021 - Covid and the Neoliberal end game.

Almost as if it has a pulse.

From the article:

After the actor Reagan rode off into the sunset, his Vice-President and former Director of the CIA (therefore a supreme actor), George H. W. Bush, took the reins and declared the decade of the 1990s the decade of brain research, to be heavily financed by the federal government. In 1992, boy wonder William Clinton, straight out of the fetid fields of Arkansas politics, was elected to carry on this work, not just the brain research but the continuous bombing of Iraq and the slaughters around the world, but also the work of dismantling welfare and repealing the Glass-Steagall Act, reuniting commercial and investment banking and opening the door for the rich to get super rich and normal people to get screwed. So Clinton fulfilled the duties of the good Republican President that he was, and the right-wing played the game of ripping him for being a leftist. It’s funny except that so many believed this game in which all the players operated within the same frame (and of course still do), the play within the play whose real authors are always invisible to the fixated audience.

What is the antonym to a contronym?

When George W. Bush took over, he continued the brain research project with massive federal monies by declaring 2000-10 as the Decade of the Behavior Project.

Then under Obama, whose role model was the actor Reagan, and under Trump, whose role model was the guy he played on reality television and whose official role was playing the bad guy to Obama’s good guy, the money for the mapping of the brain and artificial intelligence continued flowing from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the Office of Science and Technology Project (OSTP).

Three decades of joint military, intelligence, and neuroscience work on how to understand brains so as to control them through mind control and computer technology might suggest something untoward was afoot, wouldn’t you say?
And while we spoke of many things, fools and kings
This he said to me
"The greatest thing
You'll ever learn
Is just to love
And be loved
In return"

Eden Ahbez
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby conniption » Wed Oct 20, 2021 2:21 am

One of the comments: ... /#comments
Eddy Minimum says:
October 19, 2021
at 10:32 am

“And within these signs, these self-enclosed systems, distinctions can’t be made because these simulacra contain, like contronyms, both their positive and negative poles, so they cancel each other out while holding the believer imprisoned in amber. Once you are in them, you are trapped because there are no outside references, the simulated system of thought or machine is your universe, the only reality. There is no dialectical tension because the system has swallowed it. There is no critical negativity, no place to stand outside to rebel because the simulacrum encompasses the positive and negative in a circulatory process that makes everything equivalent but the “positivity” of the simulacrum itself. ”

I don’t remember hearing about contronyms before, so it is some consolation that your spell checker here does not like the word, or or least the way it is spelled. If I spell it contranym, it is fine with that, though a search finds that contronym is correct. (Or is it? If only Google were available to speak directly to my mind, with the one and only answer, life would be so much simpler!)

Likewise, in matters of spelling, my first reading did not detect that New Shepard is not New Shepherd, and thus the old Shepard is indeed dead, being Alan Shepard, first American in space, who is said to have died in 1998.

His name and its conflation with shepherd takes on additional meaning if one is of the persuasion that the space program was phony, and that Alan was shepherding the flock into the TV “space age”. I find that thought intriguing, but am not here to advance any such claims.

Certain things do lend themselves to such ruthless speculation, however. The New Shepard in 2021 takes passengers on a ten minute ride to the edge of space. The old Shepard actually ventured into space, and he and/or other member star sailors orbited the Earth in the 1960’s and soon thereafter landed on the moon, with excellent TV coverage.

I was there. I saw it on TV.

But there is, of course, a good explanation for this apparent disruption in the linear march of technological progress. A NASA official on a video somewhere said that the technology for the moon landing was lost. Perhaps it was misplaced in all the excitement.

But we are here, trapped in amber, in no position to judge the NASA housekeeping without our tinfoil hats showing. How are we to know? It may have been Schrodinger’s space program.

William Casey could perhaps have explained it to us, but he has gone the way of the old Shepard.
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby conniption » Thu Oct 28, 2021 10:17 am

conniption » Mon Oct 18, 2021 1:56 am wrote:
conniption » Mon Oct 18, 2021 1:41 am wrote:
Edward Curtin
(embedded links)

The Banners of the King of Hell Advance

October 16, 2021

“Vexilla regis prodeunt Inferni”
– Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy: The Inferno

Try to look ahead and see if you can see what’s been coming for decades. Try to climb higher and see the beautiful things that Heaven bears, where we came forth, and once more see the stars and raise a banner of resistance to the King of Hell and all his henchmen. For they are here, and working hard as usual, and indifference will only strengthen their resolve. Don’t be deceived by these digital demons. They want to make you think they don’t exist. They wish to get you to suspend your disbelief and get lost in the endless looping movie they have created to conceal their real machinations.

For we are living in a world of endless propaganda and simulacra where vast numbers of people are hypnotized and can’t determine the difference between the real world of nature, the body, etc. and digital imagery. Reality has disappeared into screens. Simulation has swallowed the distinction between the real world and its representations. Meaning has migrated to the margins of consciousness. This process is not yet complete but getting there.

This may at first seem hyperbolic, but it is not. I wish to explain this as simply as I can, which is not easy, but I will try...


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Sam - Admin2
Oct 27, 2021 7:45 PM

There is now an audio version of the above piece, available at the head of the article. A2

here ---> ... l-advance/
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby conniption » Sun Oct 31, 2021 7:46 pm


The Masquerade

Edward Curtin
Oct 31, 2021

“They didn’t act like people and they didn’t act like actors. It’s hard to explain.”
JD Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye, 1951

There’s a reason that Catcher in the Rye, published 70 years ago, has become such an iconic book, praised and condemned in equal measure. It is because it is about lying, phoniness, acting, Hollywood, theater, plagiarism, and at its core, a society of liars. Actors in a masquerade willing to don masks and face other faces with the veiled glances of the defeated.

It is about the massive social confusion that entered American life in an intense way following World War II, a world of propaganda and performance.

Although the book seems to be directed at adolescents, it is for adults, and while annoying many of them with its adolescent lingo, it cuts to the heart of our current life-the-movie society. Adults have become kids, and Holden Caulfield knew that they would. Or were. Maybe he wanted it. We now live in a society of costumed children, asking to be tricked.

“If you want to know the truth,”
Holden keeps repeating, knowing that most people don’t, since they prefer the Show.

It is also a fall book with echoes of falling leaves in a dying land.

Football and war, Halloween and all souls drifting down in the crepuscular light of late October and the coming November remembrance of Veteran’s Day, once called Armistice Day, when the mad slow action film of WW I, the war to end all wars with millions dead in rat-infested trenches, is commemorated, as if anything has changed and such memories are not secret celebrations of the heroic sacrifices the gullible make for their masters. War is a racket; the ultimate racket.

Liam Clancy reminds us of this truth regarding the “Great” War and all the others that have followed. Millions of deaths brought on by lying government bastards. Actors in the mass masquerade.

But it goes deeper than lying leaders. For lying is the leading cause of living death in the USA, and the pharmaceutical companies have no prescription for it. If they did, and if they cared, which they don’t, they would have manufactured such a drug long ago. It would have killed them of course, but since their business is profits not suicide, they don their masks of solicitude and bank the spoils, while producing poison to shoot people with.

The great English writer, DH Lawrence, warned us long ago to not let the living-dead eat us up. Yet we are still being devoured by a refusal that knows no name since it is not just them but us – victims and executioners, both in a mutual deadly game.

Death is a big hit, as everyone knows. It fascinates far more than does life. One glance at the mass media will confirm that. Fear, death, and disaster are the daily menu, interspersed with kitsch uplift. Propaganda feeds on it. Up down all around spin that wheel and rattle your brains.

But the ghosts of fall remind us to beware of this necrophilia. The dead return and wander among us, masked children wandering through the streets looking for handouts. Adults laughing those tight grim laughs. How cute!

Nietzsche said that “all things are entangled, ensnared, and enamored.” I find this especially true during the autumnal season, especially the Halloween weekend of ghosts, death, and masks.

It is enchanting and disturbing if you give it thought. Its symbolism explains the Covid propaganda and panic more than a thousand factual articles. It explains the warfare state and adults’ refusal to defiantly oppose it. It explains the nihilistic underpinning of society and children’s fears and wishes to use a magic wand to change the world to one that celebrates life not death.

That is the true treat that their unconscious playacting requests. But the candy the adults give them conceals the poison the adults can’t face. The poison that they have ingested.

I think of how all persons are, by definition, masked, the word person being derived from the Latin, persona, meaning mask. Another Latin word, larva, occurs to me, it too meaning mask, ghost, or evil spirit. The living masks light up for me as I think of ghosts, the dead, all the souls and spirits circulating through our days, swirling like dead leaves in the wind.

While etymology might seem arcane, I think it offers us a portal into our lives, not just personally, but politically and culturally as well. Word usage is at the heart of linguistic mind control, and we are in a world where the minders of the public’s mind have become adept at fashioning language to their devious ends.

Orwell predicted this in Nineteen Eighty-Four with his explanation of Newsspeak:

The purpose of Newspeak was not only to provide a medium of expression for the world-view and mental habits proper to the devotees of Ingsoc, but to make all other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought – that is, a thought diverging from the principles of Ingsoc – should be literally unthinkable, at least as far as thought is dependent on words.

A quick check of the latest dictionary updates will corroborate Orwell’s point about the future dictionary when Newspeak has been fully established, the meaning of words will be so changed that anything can mean anything, even its opposite.

Shakespeare, the ultimate wordsmith, was right, of course, to tell us that “all the world’s a stage,” though I would disagree with the bard that we are “merely” players. It does often seem that way, but seeming is the essence of the actor’s show and tell.

But who are we behind the masks? Who is it uttering those words coming through the masks’ mouth holes (the per-sona: Latin, to sound through)?

Halloween. The children play at scaring and being scared. Death walks among them and they scream with glee. The play is on. The grim reaper walks up and down the street. Treats greet them. The costumes are ingenious; the masks, wild. It’s all great fun, the candy sweet. So what’s the trick? When does the performance end?

As Halloween ends, the saints come marching in followed by all the souls. The Days of the Dead. Spirits. Ghosts walk the streets. Dead leaves fall. The dead are everywhere, swirling through the air, drifting. We are surrounded by them. We are them. Until.

Until when? Perhaps not until we dead awaken and see through the charade of social life and realize the masked performers are not just the deadly politicians and celebrities, not only the professional actors and the corporate media performers, but us.

And while these days of the dead and children’s games can bring us to wonder whether we act like people or actors – “even if it’s hard to explain” – whether behind the double masks we realize we can be genuine actors if we go deep enough, the celebration of Veterans/Armistice/Remembrance Day a few days later should emphatically remind us of the Masters of War and the need to see through their masks, as Bob Dylan tells us. The evil performers who “play with my world like it’s your little toy” with their endless lies.

Norman O. Brown so well describes our stage set:

Ancestral voices prophesying war; ancestral spirits in the danse macabre or war dance; Valhalla, ghostly warriors who kill each other and are reborn to fight again. All warfare is ghostly, every army an exercitus feralis (army of ghosts), every soldier a living corpse.

It seems to me that Albert Camus was right, and that we should aspire to be neither victims nor executioners. To do so will take a serious reevaluation of the roles we play in the ongoing national tragedy of lie piled upon lie in aggressive wars around the world and in election farces that perpetuate them.

The leading actors we elect are our responsibility. We produce and maintain them. They are our mirror images; we are theirs. It is the danse macabre, a last tango in the land of bad actors, our two-faced show.

This masquerade ball that passes for political reality is infiltrated by the ghosts of all those victims we have murdered around the wide world. We may choose not to see them, but they are lurking in the shadowy corners. And they will haunt us until we make amends.

“Do you not know there comes a midnight hour when everyone has to throw off his mask?” warned Kierkegaard. “Do you believe that life will always let itself be mocked? Do you think you can slip away a little before midnight in order to avoid this? Or are you not terrified by it?”

“Whenever I take up a newspaper,” Ibsen added, “I seem to see ghosts gliding between the lines. There must be ghosts all the country over, as thick as the sands of the sea. And then we are, one and all, so pitifully afraid of the light.”

Yet the children and the eloquent voices of the genuine actors I have so liberally quoted here remind us of what is possible if we chase the light and stop the masquerade.

That would be cause for a real holiday celebration.

Edward Curtin is an independent writer whose work has appeared widely over many years. His website is and his new book is Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.



They want lock-downs Forever
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• Oct 25, 2021 •
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby conniption » Sun Nov 07, 2021 10:05 am

comment from here:
Art Costa says:
November 3, 2021
at 8:45 am

Edward I read your book when it was first out. It was the right book at the right time. And with this wonderful review, I’ll revisit.

I thought this conversation between Charles Eisenstein and CJ Hopkins was an exploration, a continuation of your insights. ... ianism-e60

from the link - ... ianism-e60
Follow Charles Eisenstein and others on SoundCloud.

Playwright, satirist, and political commentator CJ Hopkins, creator of the website Consent Factory, joins me for a conversation on totalitarianism, safety, and the ideology of control. We go a little beyond his political writings on these topics to talk about the inner life of a dissident. Another major topic is the phenomenon of the cult, as a lens through which to understand our historical moment.

CJ Hopkins' writings can be found on Substack
and the Consent Factory
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby conniption » Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:39 am


Open letter to the “Good German” inside of you

Alison Blunt
Nov 22, 2021

A bandleader contacted me with regards to confirmed dates in an upcoming tour, asking as to whether I had taken the ‘vaccinations,’ explaining that, ‘the situation in Germany is starting to become “2G” (Geimpft & Genesen = ‘Vaccinated & Recovered’).’

If I am not intending to be injected then he said he would need to replace me. Clearly entirely ignorant of the human consequences of going along with the totalitarian circus and of the currently flagrant violations of the Nuremberg laws, he mentioned proudly amongst other things, his life-long position of being entirely uninterested in politics.

Here’s the reply I sent to him.


Dear Bandleader,

Thank you for your email about the upcoming invitations for our ensemble to perform in Germany and Austria in 2022.

I’m fully aware of the twists and turns of the screw, the attempt of total control of society through the imposition of medical martial law. I’ve been following its global course with shock but not huge surprise since the start of 2020.

I am fortunate to have been researching for many years and am therefore not at the mercy of propagandist mainstream news. I know how and where to check the sources of what is then spun into so-called news for the purpose of manipulating the people into obedience through brain-numbing terror.

There was no ‘corona crisis’ in reality.

What happened was a long-planned manipulation of the usual flu season which each year always, unfortunately, kills many of our elderly and vulnerable.

This manipulation was achieved by simply attributing their deaths to a new ‘pandemic.’ The so-called ‘tests’ for an alleged new killer virus were designed even before the virologists in Wuhan had computer-generated the assumed theoretical genome of the putative SARS-CoV-2 virus.

This assumed genome was created using what were deemed to be ‘likely’ nucleotide sequences based on previous data entered in Genbank.

The WHO/UN attempted a similar con with the Swine Flu in 2009. But, due to the observations and expertise of Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, (at that time a member of the German Bundestag and chairman of the Subcommittee on Health and vice-chairman of the Committee on Culture, Education and Science in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe), the pandemic hoax was uncovered.

Devastatingly however, by the time the lies were finally clear for all to see, many people had been permanently damaged by the new jabs, manifesting various symptoms including narcolepsy.

Important to note that once the scam was uncovered, the ‘Swine Flu’ disappeared overnight from all of the mainstream media outlets.

In late Spring/early Summer 2020 mainstream news had to change from unending lies about ‘covid’ causing excess mortality (there wasn’t any), to soaring ‘cases’ of ‘covid’ – because excess deaths simply could not be found to continue the lies.

‘Cases’ means nothing more than people tested positive with a fraudulent and utterly meaningless test, but this was beyond most people’s understanding, since their brains were already turned off by the relentless gas-lighting and incoherent narratives they kept paying attention to from the mainstream media.

In 2009, after the Swine Flu fiasco, the WHO quietly changed the definition of pandemic so that such a thing could be declared even without any deaths.

Mainstream media has worked hand in hand with governments as the mouthpiece of propaganda in order to promote and maintain mass fear and hypnosis.

Thousands of world-renowned and expert voices from medical science have been silenced and smeared by the state-sponsored media in order to promote the idea that there is unanimous agreement about the whole virtual reality to which we have been subjected.

The new DNA/mRNA jabs are actively being trialled on people, people trusting these new injectables are taking part – like guinea-pigs, in a lab trial.

Despite all of it having been done openly in plain sight, many people seem to have overlooked this, and indeed many other facts that are freely available on the internet which would lead them to wonder whether there might be an agenda to the mass lying we’ve been subjected to since, well, forever.

I have not and certainly will not start taking fake tests for a non-existent novel virus – tests in which the number of amplification cycles is dialled up or down in the laboratories according to the whims of the governments in order to give the impression that there is a rampaging disease amongst the populations.

I will certainly not be taking any of the new experimental medical injectables that are all still in trials until 2023, that have only received approval on non-existent ‘emergency’ grounds for a non-existent declared pandemic, and that have long since far surpassed the abilities of previous so-called traditional vaccines to maim and kill.

I’m certainly not prepared to ‘show my papers.’ I have a sovereign right to live freely and breathe freely. I am no threat to anyone except those suffering from cognitive dissonance and mass hypnosis who yowl in pain when they are presented with facts that don’t correspond to their mass media-fuelled virtual reality, online existence.

All who go along with the regime perpetuate it. Anyone complying with the demands is an enabler.

It’s true that Russian roulette gives you a 1 in 6 chance of being killed right away, certainly a far higher likelihood than the current “mRNA” vaccine roulette. However, with Russian roulette, IF it doesn’t kill you or maim you, it loses all its capacity to do so until the next time you choose to play.

In the game of vaccine roulette played with these apparently high-lethality ‘vaccines’ (at least potentially, or in part, intended for population reduction) death or increasingly apparent iatrogenic symptoms may strike immediately, or it may strike a few hours, days, weeks, months or years later.

Volunteering to take part in the trials of these new medical interventions can be compared to agreeing to have a loaded gun to your head for the rest of your life. I for one would opt in preference for Russian roulette.

Musicians aren’t exempt from thinking and checking facts for themselves. Since when did being an artist involve or require throwing in the towel regarding fundamental human responsibilities that belong to us all?

In many other professions one would be surprised and perhaps a little concerned if an individual changed how they conducted their work activities, based on their research and thinking about issues in life. One would not expect a plumber to rethink his approach to fixing leaky pipes or broken boilers on hearing about the plight of Palestinians, for example.

But for an artist, coming to grips with, for example, the complexity of historical, colonial assaults on Palestine might lead to the creation of new art.

The hand-to-brow, ‘I’m an artist’ abdication from functioning in this world is in my opinion as good a reason as any other not to ever take their art seriously. After all, what is their art expressing if they have no understanding of, participation in or comment on the challenges of life and in society?

When artists profess to generally not being interested in researching what is going on in the world yet persist in believing the mainstream news/political rhetoric without question, how can they claim to be ‘unpolitical’ and, more to the point, what do they bring to their art?

In past times, artists sat together discussing philosophy, politics, poetry and all manner of subjects and how these related to both the act of creating art and how art can communicate ideas. For decades it has seemed to me that many artists are under the impression that they have some kind of priestly calling to not research or think critically about current or ongoing issues, and to churn out products or play gigs and tours as if it’s their entire raison d’être.

I have long felt that grappling with the truth of matters and researching all kinds of issues in this world is an essential aspect of developing as a human being and that these activities are crucial to forming and cultivating the artist’s voice. It is not about being ‘political.’

That the current political systems are a total distraction to polarise and confuse people is glaringly obvious, especially since 2020. Identity is first and foremost as a living being; political allegiances are blinkers that prevent us from seeing clearly.

If the un-jabbed are not permitted to travel or perform in March 2022, I would like you to consider the profound implications of replacing me in the ensemble and playing the concerts in the tour. You (and the ensemble) would be enabling and supporting the current fascistic system that is driving towards a 2-tier society.

You mention that if I don’t take the jab/s and they are required by the venues and festival directors then you will be forced to search for someone to replace me in the group in order to play the dates. Have you so completely assimilated the propaganda and virtual reality?

Have you even asked the venue and festival directors about their position on this fascistic segregation promoting a 2-tier society? Or have you been only too happy to secure the much sought-after invitations, hoping that the whole band will just follow the ludicrous, tyrannical rules like the Good Germans in the 1930’s. Living in a blinkered world, pretending and communicating to the audiences that none of this matters….transporting yourself and the audiences to the ‘other worlds’ that live music offers, what a lie to live that way.

People who don’t want to be part of this huge medical experiment have been losing jobs, losing livelihoods, losing touch with family members and friends and now we see governments locking up the un-jabbed. If you choose to be jabbed, then I assume you consider yourself to be protected against the covids? So why would I need to be jabbed? To protect you? Good grief, the insanity and the lack of science is beyond what space and time affords me here. It’s abundantly clear that massive division is the intention – division within families, relationships and society in general. Going along with it all signals that you are absolutely fine with that.

I for one, look forward to all the ever-widening cracks in the narrative eventually bringing down the whole house of cards. I look forward to seeing those responsible for crimes against humanity such as have never been seen before receiving their just desserts.

Those who have ‘just followed orders’ and ‘rules’ in order to keep their careers and societal standings have caused and continue to cause unimaginable and needless suffering all around the world will also receive their dues.

On discovering music improvisation I started to understand sovereignty. Without a score, without a leader and with nothing materially external to follow, this kind of music-making can have a profound impact on life, both on and off stage. Freedom and responsibility go hand in hand in this music-making – as in art, as in life.

Making music whilst listening to the sound of the river, the wind in the trees and the bird songs is far preferable to playing with musicians who essentially consider that accepting gig invitations which entail unnecessary and forced medical interventions for the ensemble (and I assume for the audiences who attend the concerts) to be ethically and morally acceptable.

Even if I never set foot on a concert stage again because my artist colleagues are perfectly happy to comply with all the rules, to not think critically or stand up against this encroaching global totalitarianism and medical martial law, my skills as an artist will continue to inform my life and interactions with others.



Alison Blunt is a musician, composer, performer, and adventurer. You can listen to her work via SoundCloud here, or follow her on twitter here.

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Edited to add the latest from CJ Hopkins - via off-guardian -
Pathologized Totalitarianism 101
CJ Hopkins
Nov 23, 2021 ... ianism-101
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby conniption » Thu Nov 25, 2021 5:43 am

conniption » Tue Nov 23, 2021 1:39 am wrote:

Open letter to the “Good German” inside of you

Alison Blunt
Nov 22, 2021


Here’s the reply I sent to him.[/size][/b]


Dear Bandleader,


The WHO/UN attempted a similar con with the Swine Flu in 2009. But, due to the observations and expertise of Dr Wolfgang Wodarg, (at that time a member of the German Bundestag and chairman of the Subcommittee on Health and vice-chairman of the Committee on Culture, Education and Science in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe), the pandemic hoax was uncovered.




Alison Blunt is a musician, composer, performer, and adventurer. You can listen to her work via SoundCloud here, or follow her on twitter here.

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Re: Dr Wolfgang Wodarg

Wolfgang Wodarg

War against a joker
(embedded links)

The pharmaceutical industry and its virologists are currently trying, for transparent reasons, to define the pathogen SARS-CoV2 as a stable hostile entity. For the "war against the virus", the danger is needed, represented by a spiked ball. A "corona-free world" is the declared goal of vaccine-obsessed Bill Gates and his political friends. Also, with regard to a possible vaccination, they try to give us the illusion of a clearly definable enemy in the world of viruses. After all, this is the prerequisite for the testing business and the governmental enforcement of a worldwide vaccination policy that is risk-free for vaccine manufacturers. Today, on 4.5.2020, an online donor conference on the "Creation of a corona-free world" (ARD-Tagesschau) is taking place and Chancellor Merkel promises to spend billions of our tax money on it. From a scientific point of view, all these efforts are - to put it mildly - dangerous aberrations. I am not yet talking about the profiteers of this madness.

Life is not trivial and calculable
It is absolutely certain that the SARS virus is also constantly and rapidly changing. And what good is a vaccination against something that has long since changed incalculably? Our immune system also reacts unpredictably. Cross-immunities? Immune memory? The specificity and significance of tests is quickly fading. So does the effect of a vaccine.
That's why proof of immunity is a farce, and if it becomes law, a health hazard that cannot be justified. For the same reason, mass vaccinations against respiratory viruses are a risky nonsense and may cause bodily injury. With rapidly changing pathogens, as with influenza vaccination, success is a matter of luck. Only afterwards can it be determined whether the vaccinated persons were better off than the non-vaccinated. This remains a good deal, since an evidence-based prior benefit assessment will of course never be possible. Up to now, other viruses have been happy and spread where one type of virus has become difficulties by vaccination.

The Wuhan viruses are long gone
It's all about the extremely high mutation rate of RNA viruses, which includes SARS-CoV2. The rate is impressively demonstrated by the website CoV-Glue, " Amino acid analysis for the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic", which shows that for SARS-CoV2 the mutation rate is very high in a very short period of about 4 months.

· 7237 non-synonymous, i.e. amino acid changing mutations (replacements),

· 6 insertions (inserting additional bases) and

· 87 deletions (loss of bases in the gene sequence) in found gene sequences. .

That is for a genome that itself consists of only about 30,000 bases an enormous number of mutations, insertions and deletions in a very short time. And these are only the data of a few thousand SARS-CoV2 viruses that have been sequenced. Nature knows many, many more. Non-synonymous mutations cause other amino acids to be inserted into the virus' proteins. These thus change the chemical properties of these proteins. These mutations accumulate within weeks(!), as the data show. Insertions and deletions are of special importance, because they can lead to a frame shift, where the whole subsequent chain is read differently. There are also synonymous mutations which, although they do not change the primary structure of the SARS-CoV2 proteins, can still play a role in diagnostics. In addition, there are still many open questions about further effects of synonymous mutations. Doubts about the PCR test, existed from the beginning: Li et al, "Stability Issues of RT-PCR Testing of SARS-CoV-2 for Hospitalized Patients Clinically Diagnosed with COVID-19", J Med Virol. 2020 Mar 26. doi: 10.1002/jmv.25786,

Snapshots of a neverending story
Another important point is that the SARS-CoV2 viruses sequenced so far show an extremely small section of nature. In relation to the total genome of all corona viruses in all humans, this section is of little importance. It must also be remembered that there are not only SARS-CoV2, but also other human coronaviruses - and they also mutate. Otherwise one would not have ended up with the SARS-CoV2 virus. Computer analyses, e.g. of the family tree of SARS-CoV2 (phylogenetic analysis), are very problematic based on this extremely small section of nature as it exists today. For the last 15 years, corona viruses have hardly been considered, neither in humans nor in animals. The vast majority of the coronavirus gene sequences in the databases originate from the last 4 months or are 15 years old. The criticism of this is not new, especially the very inhomogeneous geographical distribution of the gene sequences found, see Mavian et al, "Regaining perspective on SARS-CoV-2 molecular tracing and its implications", medrxiv, 20.3. 2020, : "However, in a new tree inferred just one week later, when more than 135 new full genome sequences were made available on GISAID (Figure S2), the direct link between Germany and Italy has disappeared due to the additional clustering of previously unsampled sequences from Portugal, Brazil, Wales and Netherland (Figure 2b).

Zoonosis? Man is also a zoon!
Some publications say that haplotypes (i.e. genetic patterns) of SARS-CoV2 have already disappeared again, i.e. are no longer found in newly sequenced base sequences. SARS(1) has also disappeared again for a long time. What sense does a genetic distance between two gene sequences make then?
But virology is doing what it has been doing for the last 30 years. It finds a viral gene sequence that it did not yet know and declares the newly discovered virus a death virus. For this to work, it needs the zoonosis hypothesis.
Without it, it doesn't work. Because only thanks to this hypothesis that a pathogen has been newly transferred from an animal host to humans in Wuhan at the fish market at the end of 2019, can a general assumption be made that the pathogen has an increased pathogenicity (= an increased potential to cause illness). The pathogen is new to humans, which is why humans, in contrast to the original hosts, have not had the opportunity to adapt to the new pathogen.
This approach works so well because it is always assumed that patients are seriously ill, who then usually suffer from several diseases (multimorbid), and people with no or weak symptoms are not tested. And immediately you have the apparent proof that positive testing and death go hand in hand.
As proof of this, Drosten, Wieler & Co. hold up two gene sequences, one from an animal corona virus and one from a human corona virus, and point to the large genetic distance. This assertion can be made so easily because there is no data for anything in between. Nobody has measured animal and human coronaviruses in the necessary density in the last 15 years. A very large number of SARS-CoV2 positive people show no or only mild symptoms. The proportion of asymptomatic people who do not show symptoms is said to be 50 - 70%. This is not possible without the immune system having been prepared for the virus. This suggests a continuous development up to SARS-CoV2 (and its many variants).

Talking about origin only shows where you started thinking
Increasingly, phylogenetic analyses are also being carried out in an attempt to construct a different family tree from the numerous different gene sequences; contrary to the hypothesis that SARS-CoV2 was newly created by zoonosis at the end of 2019, this is not the case. Analyses of this kind are problematic due to the very short sample period. However, this is all that is currently available. In addition, the zero point, i.e. the reference sequence against which mutations are evaluated, is arbitrarily chosen. Only in China has the new PCR test been started and the first gene sequences have been generated. Only then did they do the same in other parts of the world. What is a forward and backward mutation is a relative statement in relation to the reference sequence. The supposed spread only reflects the geographical sequence of the tests. Nevertheless, the alarmists at Johns Hopkins continue to use this elsewhere.

We should finally give up the image of a "family tree" - the image of recursive networks appears more appropriate
The diversity of SARS-CoV2 is so great that clusters are formed even in small samples. It is no longer possible to clearly assign how the virus got to New York. Cf. Gonzalez-Reiche et al., "Introductions and early spread of SARS-CoV-2 in the New York City area", April 16, 2020, medxriv: "Phylogenetic analysis of 84 distinct SARS-CoV2 genomes indicates multiple, independent but isolated introductions mainly from Europe and other parts of the United States. Moreover, we find evidence for community transmission of SARS-CoV2 as suggested by clusters of related viruses found in patients living in different neighborhoods of the city." These clusters must have formed in the USA in the last 3 months. It is the SARS-CoV2 and everything that led to SARS-CoV2 is much older.
Alternative interpretations of the same data(!) from the gene databases suggest that SARS-CoV2 has been spreading in humans for 40+ years. See Chaw et al, "The origin and underlying driving forces of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak", April 14, 2020, bioxriv:
“We have to point out that the TMRCA estimation is strongly influenced by the genome sampling scheme. Since the earliest available genome was sampled on 12/24/2019 almost one month after the outbreak, the real origin of the current outbreak may actually be earlier than our estimation.”
“Assuming a synonymous substitution rate of 2.9x10-3/site/year, the recombination was estimated to have occurred approximately 40 years ago (95% HPD : 31-69 years; divergence time (t) = divergence (dS)/(substitution rate x 2 x 3), considering dS in RBD is 3-fold of genome average). The amino acids in the RBD region of the two genomes have been maintained by natural selection ever since, while synonymous substitutions have been accumulated. If this is true, SARS-CoV-2 may have circulated cryptically among humans for years before being recently noticed.”

These are very recent evaluations and it remains to be seen whether this preprint will make it through the much-vaunted peer review process by which science "regulates" itself and the state of knowledge.

What glyphosate is to fields, antivirals are to humans
Viruses are probably as old as bacteria. The vertebrate immune system is the only one capable of harmonizing the body with the ever-new virus variants. This is exactly what it was created for in the course of evolution. The group of vertebrates originated about 500 million years ago and the concept of the immune system is possibly even older. 500 million years ago, the vertebrate immune system, at the preliminary endpoint of which is man, developed in close contact with the viruses. However, modern medicine uses corticosteroids to suppress the immune response, as shown by many COVID-19 treatment protocols, particularly from the USA.
In the meantime, the industry is constantly advertising new drugs. Where are they used? 98% of test positives show no or only mild symptoms. But the media uncritically mix test and infection, infection and symptomatic disease, symptomatic disease and death. The severely affected persons are 80+ on average and in the vast majority of cases suffer from severe pre-existing conditions. Nobody can say how many of them have died as a result of premature ventilation. In the meantime, intensive care patients are still being weaned off breathing with fentanyl, among other things, otherwise artificial respiration will not work. These patients wake up, if at all, as junkies. Katherine Ellen Foley, "Some drugs used to keep coronavirus patients on ventilators are in short supply", Quartz, March 31, 2020,

The fear is coming out of the ICU, but what's going on?
The ICU's showing what it can do. In addition, there are drugs like Remdesivir, which has been too toxic for the Ebola therapy and fails in further tests. Josh Farkas. "PulmCrit – Eleven reasons the NEJM paper on remdesivir reveals nothing", April 11, 2020, All doubts have not prevented Remdesivir from being released for use in the USA by the flash method. Or chloroquine and azithromycin combination therapies, which can lead to cardiac arrest in people with previous cardiovascular diseases. Or chloroquine monotherapy, which causes damage to red blood cells in people with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency is the most common hereditary genetic defect worldwide, with a frequency of up to 20-30% in Africa. Countries with a high proportion of African-born people are also particularly affected.

Wrong priorities and deceptive figures
Everything is initiated by a dilapidated test, hasty measures and a blind trust in some nano part of the evolutionary machine nature, which is digitized in the gene databases and not justified by anything. Science and the politicians beleaving its advises will have to continue to pursue their self-made crisis. Although it is very doubtful that a virus that causes no(!) symptoms in 50 - 70% of infected people had arrived in Europe at the exact time the tests were started, as some now want to make us believe with the help of the curves for excess mortality. And this in a patient population in which 40% of intensive care patients came directly from the nursing home to the ICU in need of the most intensive care. See Matthias Thöns, "Very wrong priorities set and all ethical principles violated", Deutschlandfunk, 11.4.2020, "And we have to remember that the seriously ill COVID-19 patients, as the disease is called, are mostly very old people, many of whom are ill, 40 percent of whom come from nursing homes in need of the highest degree of care, and in Italy, out of 2,003 deaths, only three patients have been without serious pre-existing conditions. So it is a group that has usually and until now always received more palliative care than intensive care, and now a new disease is diagnosed and all these patients become intensive care patients." In some countries there is an extra compensation for hospitals, if the DRG is upgraded to covid-19. This gets still more attractive, if the patient gets intubated. Medicare in US pays 20% more for DRGs with covid-19.

False alarms - a social autoimmune disease
In the current media climate and under immense political pressure to justify the draconian measures and their consequences, even retrospectively, it is very doubtful that there will be an independent scientific discussion on the zoonosis hypothesis of prudent risk assessment. For which research applications will money be granted? Evolution has been going on for millions of years, and in the last 20 years virologists have been conjuring up new death viruses every 3-5 years to threaten humans? MERS, SARS(1), SARS(2), swine flu, bird flu? This has gone really stupid. ... r-english/


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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby Harvey » Sat Nov 27, 2021 10:36 am

Pathologized Totalitarianism 101


So, GloboCap has crossed the Rubicon. The final phase of its transformation of society into a pathologized-totalitarian dystopia, where mandatory genetic-therapy injections and digital compliance papers are commonplace, is now officially underway.

On November 19, 2021, the government of New Normal Austria decreed that, as of February, experimental mRNA injections will be mandatory for the entire population. This decree comes in the midst of Austria’s official persecution of “the Unvaccinated,” i.e., political dissidents and other persons of conscience who refuse to convert to the new official ideology and submit to a series of mRNA injections, purportedly to combat a virus that causes mild-to-moderate flu-like symptoms (or no symptoms of any kind at all) in about 95% of the infected and the overall infection fatality rate of which is approximately 0.1% to 0.5%.

Austria is just the tip of the New Normal spear. Prominent New-Normal fascists in Germany, like Der Führer of Bavaria, Markus Söder, and Minister of Propaganda Karl Lauterbach, are already calling for an allgemeine Impfpflicht (i.e., “compulsory vaccination requirement”), which should not come as a surprise to anyone. The Germans are not going sit idly by and let the Austrians publicly out-fascist them, are they? They have a reputation to uphold, after all! Italy will probably be next to join in, unless Lithuania or Australia beats them to the punch.

But, seriously, this is just the beginning of the Winter Siege I wrote about recently. The plan seems to be to New-Normalize Europe first — generally speaking, Europeans are more docile, respectful of all authority, and not very well armed — and then use it as leverage to force the new pathologized totalitarianism on the USA, and the UK, and the rest of the world.

I do not believe this plan will succeed. Despite the most intensive propaganda campaign in the history of propaganda campaigns, there remain enough of us who steadfastly refuse to accept the “New Normal” as our new reality.

And a lot of us are angry, extremely angry … militantly, explosively angry.

We are not “vaccine hesitant” or “anti-vax” or “Covid-denying conspiracy theorists.” We are millions of regular working-class people, people with principles, who value freedom, who are not prepared to go gently into the globalized, pathologized-totalitarian night. We no longer give the slightest shit whether our former friends and family members who have gone New Normal understand what this is. We do. We understand exactly what this is. It is a nascent form of totalitarianism, and we intend to kill it — or at least critically wound it — before it matures into a full-grown behemoth.

Now, I want to be absolutely clear. I am not advocating or condoning violence. But it is going to happen. It is happening already. Totalitarianism (even this “pathologized” version of it) is imposed on society and maintained with violence. Fighting totalitarianism inevitably entails violence. It is not my preferred tactic in the current circumstances, but it is unavoidable now that we’ve reached this stage, and it is important that those of us fighting this fight recognize that violence is a natural response to the violence (and the implicit threat of violence) that is being deployed against us by the New Normal authorities, and the masses they have whipped up into a fanatical frenzy.

It is also important (essential, I would argue) to make the violence of the New Normal visible, i.e., to frame this fight in political terms, and not in the pseudo-medical terms propagated by the official Covid narrative). This isn’t an academic argument over the existence, severity, or the response to a virus. This is a fight to determine the future of our societies.

This fact, above all, is what the global-capitalist ruling classes are determined to conceal. The roll-out of the New Normal will fail if it is perceived as political (i.e., a form of totalitarianism). It relies on our inability to see it as what it is. So it hides itself and the violence it perpetrates within a pseudo-medical official narrative, rendering itself immune to political opposition.

We need to deny it this perceptual redoubt, this hermeneutic hiding place. We need to make it show itself as what it is, a “pathologized” form of totalitarianism. In order to do that, we need to understand it … its internal logic, and its strengths, and weaknesses.

Pathologized Totalitarianism

I have been describing the New Normal as “pathologized totalitarianism” and predicting that compulsory “vaccination” was coming since at least as early as May 2020. (See, e.g., The New Pathologized Totalitarianism). I use the term “totalitarianism” intentionally, not for effect, but for the sake of accuracy. The New Normal is still a nascent totalitarianism, but its essence is unmistakably evident. I described that essence in a recent column:

“The essence of totalitarianism — regardless of which costumes and ideology it wears — is a desire to completely control society, every aspect of society, every individual behavior and thought. Every totalitarian system, whether an entire nation, a tiny cult, or any other form of social body, evolves toward this unachievable goal … the total ideological transformation and control of every single element of society … This fanatical pursuit of total control, absolute ideological uniformity, and the elimination of all dissent, is what makes totalitarianism totalitarianism.”

In October 2020, I published The Covidian Cult, which has since grown into a series of essays examining New-Normal (i.e., pathologized) totalitarianism as “a cult writ large, on a societal scale.” This analogy holds true for all forms of totalitarianism, but especially for New Normal totalitarianism, as it is the first global form of totalitarianism in history, and thus:

“The cult/culture paradigm has been inverted. Instead of the cult existing as an island within the dominant culture, the cult has become the dominant culture, and those of us who have not joined the cult have become the isolated islands within it.”

In The Covidian Cult (Part III), I noted:

“In order to oppose this new form of totalitarianism, we need to understand how it both resembles and differs from earlier totalitarian systems. The similarities are fairly obvious — i.e., the suspension of constitutional rights, governments ruling by decree, official propaganda, public loyalty rituals, the outlawing of political opposition, censorship, social segregation, goon squads terrorizing the public, and so on — but the differences are not as obvious.

And I described how New Normal totalitarianism fundamentally differs from 20th-Century totalitarianism in terms of its ideology, or seeming lack thereof.

“Whereas 20th-Century totalitarianism was more or less national and overtly political, New Normal totalitarianism is supranational, and its ideology is much more subtle. The New Normal is not Nazism or Stalinism. It’s global-capitalist totalitarianism, and global capitalism doesn’t have an ideology, technically, or, rather, its ideology is ‘reality’.”

But the most significant difference between 20th-Century totalitarianism and this nascent, global totalitarianism is how New Normal totalitarianism “pathologizes” its political nature, effectively rendering itself invisible, and thus immune to political opposition. Whereas 20th-Century totalitarianism wore its politics on its sleeve, New Normal totalitarianism presents itself as a non-ideological (i.e., supra-political) reaction to a global public health emergency.

And, thus, its classic totalitarian features — e.g., the revocation of basic rights and freedoms, centralization of power, rule by decree, oppressive policing of the population, demonization and persecution of a “scapegoat” underclass, censorship, propaganda, etc. — are not hidden, because they are impossible to hide, but are recontextualized in a pathologized official narrative.

The Untermenschen become “the Unvaccinated.” Swastika lapel pins become medical-looking masks. Aryan ID papers become “vaccination passes.” Irrefutably senseless social restrictions and mandatory public-obedience rituals become “lockdowns,” “social distancing,” and so on. The world is united in a Goebbelsian total war, not against an external enemy (i.e., a racial or political enemy), but against an internal, pathological enemy.

This pathologized official narrative is more powerful (and insidious) than any ideology, as it functions, not as a belief system or ethos, but rather, as objective “reality.” You cannot argue with or oppose “reality.” “Reality” has no political opponents. Those who challenge “reality” are “insane,” i.e., “conspiracy theorists,” “anti-vaxxers,” “Covid deniers,” “extremists,” etc. And, thus, the pathologized New Normal narrative also pathologizes its political opponents, simultaneously stripping us of political legitimacy and projecting its own violence onto us.

20th-Century totalitarianism also blamed its violence on its scapegoats (i.e., Jews, socialists, counter-revolutionaries, etc.) but it did not attempt to erase its violence. On the contrary, it displayed it openly, in order to terrorize the masses. New Normal totalitarianism cannot do this. It can’t go openly totalitarian, because capitalism and totalitarianism are ideologically contradictory.

Global-capitalist ideology will not function as an official ideology in an openly totalitarian society. It requires the simulation of “democracy,” or at least a simulation of market-based “freedom.” A society can be intensely authoritarian, but, to function in the global-capitalist system, it must allow its people the basic “freedom” that capitalism offers to all consumers, the right/obligation to participate in the market, to own and exchange commodities, etc.

This “freedom” can be conditional or extremely restricted, but it must exist to some degree. Saudi Arabia and China are two examples of openly authoritarian GloboCap societies that are nevertheless not entirely totalitarian, because they can’t be and remain a part of the system. Their advertised official ideologies (i.e., Islamic fundamentalism and communism) basically function as superficial overlays on the fundamental global-capitalist ideology which dictates the “reality” in which everyone lives. These “overlay” ideologies are not fake, but when they come into conflict with global-capitalist ideology, guess which ideology wins.

The point is, New Normal totalitarianism — and any global-capitalist form of totalitarianism — cannot display itself as totalitarianism, or even authoritarianism. It cannot acknowledge its political nature. In order to exist, it must not exist. Above all, it must erase its violence (the violence that all politics ultimately comes down to) and appear to us as an essentially beneficent response to a legitimate “global health crisis” (and a “climate change crisis,” and a “racism crisis,” and whatever other “global crises” GloboCap thinks will terrorize the masses into a mindless, order-following hysteria).

This pathologization of totalitarianism — and the political/ideological conflict we have been engaged in for the past 20 months — is the most significant difference between New Normal totalitarianism and 20th-Century totalitarianism. The entire global-capitalist apparatus (i.e., corporations, governments, supranational entities, the corporate and state media, academia, etc.) has been put into service to achieve this objective.

We need to come to terms with this fact. We do. Not the New Normals. Us.

GloboCap is on the verge of remaking society into a smiley-happy pathologized-totalitarian dystopia where they can mandate experimental genetic “therapies,” and any other type of “therapies” they want, and force us to show our “compliance papers” to go about the most basic aspects of life. This remaking of society is violent. It is being carried out by force, with violence and the ever-present threat of violence. We need to face that, and act accordingly.

Here in New Normal Germany, if you try to go grocery shopping without a medical-looking mask, armed police will remove you from the premises (and I am saying this from personal experience). In New Normal Australia, if you go to synagogue, the media will be alerted and the police will surround you. In Germany, Australia, France, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium, and many other countries, if you exercise your right to assemble and protest, the police will hose you down with water cannons, shoot you with rubber bullets (and sometimes real bullets), spray toxic agents into your eyes, and just generally beat the crap out of you.

And so on. Those of us fighting for our rights and opposing this pathologized totalitarianism are all-too familiar with the reality of its violence, and the hatred it has fomented in the New Normal masses. We experience it on a daily basis. We feel it every time we’re forced to wear a mask, when some official (or waiter) demands to see our “papers.” We feel it when when we are threatened by our government, when we are gaslighted and demonized by the media, by doctors, celebrities, random strangers, and by our colleagues, friends, and family members.

We recognize the look in their eyes. We remember where it comes from, and what it leads to.

It isn’t just ignorance, mass hysteria, confusion, or an overreaction, or fear … or, OK, yes, it is all those things, but it’s also textbook totalitarianism (notwithstanding the new pathologized twist). Totalitarianism 101.

Look it in the eye, and act accordingly.
And while we spoke of many things, fools and kings
This he said to me
"The greatest thing
You'll ever learn
Is just to love
And be loved
In return"

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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby conniption » Sat Dec 04, 2021 2:05 am

drstrangelove » Fri Dec 03, 2021 4:24 pm wrote: - a little video I made. Not sure how to post it here, as native html video tags don't work.

Scary people. Welcome to Year Zero.

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The Devotion to The Covid Cult
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby conniption » Sun Dec 05, 2021 12:49 am

Peak Prosperity(comment section-scroll up)

Mattias Desmet on Mass Formation
It’s time to take a courageous stand

by Chris Martenson

Thursday, December 2, 2021

In this very special podcast, I interview Professor Mattias Desmet who discusses his work that connects past historical episodes of what is called “Mass Formation” (aka Mass Psychosis) and current events. We are on a dark path, fueled by dim actors who are pulling on our emotional strings to create fear and isolation in order to push their agenda of technocratic control of our lives, dreams of transhumanism, and using vaccine passports as a first step on a path to overt totalitarianism.

The risks are as grave as they come. Unless a few brave and courageous people are willing to stand up and say “I don’t agree!” history suggests that we will end up somewhere we deeply regret.

We’re on a dark path. One that historially has lead to human misery and mass atrocities. Eventually all totalitarian systems end in their own destruction.

My position is “it doesn’t have to be this way.” We can do better. Let’s avoid a future of atrocities and the complete destruction of our way of life. Unfortunately, those caught up in the Mass Formation event cannot see the larger or wider implications of their actions. They are very much like a hypnotized person with their field of view narrowed down to a singular threat or risk they have been told is the one-and-only threat they must conquer.

So all of their attention goes there. It focusses down. Nothing else matters. Eventually they transfer their anger and rage at that enemy – which is Covid today – upon a more relatable a nearby object. Perhaps their neighbor. Perhaps the unvaccinated. Perhaps immigrants who are stealing their jobs, or those who aren’t taking Climate Change seriously enough.

With that transference, the path has been laid to re-trod some of the most awful and inhumane periods of history. We’re there again and our own integrity demands that we do what we can to avoid going any further down that path.

In this episode Mattias tells us what can be done. We must never resort to violence. We must be courageous and speak up. We must hold everyone with compassion. But most of all, we must speak up.

Watch the Video

Mattias Desmet on Our Grave Situation
Peak Prosperity
• Dec 2, 2021 •


Chris Martenson [00:00:00] Welcome everyone to this show, I am your host, Dr. Chris Martenson. And today's show is going to be one of the most important you'll watch this year. I've spent pretty much the past two years covering the science of COVID. Well, today we're going to cover the psychology of COVID. More specifically, the ways in which many societies and cultures around the world, principally countries holding Western values I've noticed have overreacted, have under reacted and have sometimes even dangerously fallen into what might be called mass psychosis or more accurately, mass formation. During such moments, mental health declines. Societies can do great harm to themselves and to others as they irrationally overreact to perceived and sometimes entirely imaginary threats. Today's guest is Professor Mattias Desmet of Ghent University, who's one of the leading expert voices on this specific topic. In addition to being a lecturing professor in clinical psychology at Ghent University, he holds a master's degree in statistics. Professor Desmet, I know you're a busy man these days. Thank you so much for taking the time to be with us and welcome to the show.

Mattias Desmet [00:01:09] You're welcome. It's a pleasure to be here.

Chris Martenson [00:01:13] Well, it really is an honor to have you here, and I want to get right into it. So the psychology of COVID, let's talk if we could. From your own perspective, what was your history with COVID interrupted around the world in January of 2020? How long was it before you became concerned, maybe, that we weren't really following the science?

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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby Harvey » Tue Dec 07, 2021 10:02 am

Max Blumenthal and C J Hopkins - interview.
And while we spoke of many things, fools and kings
This he said to me
"The greatest thing
You'll ever learn
Is just to love
And be loved
In return"

Eden Ahbez
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby conniption » Wed Dec 08, 2021 11:11 am

^^ That was well worth watching. Glad I was able to take the time.

US keeps voting to defend Nazis at United Nations

||| The Grayzone |||
• Nov 24, 2021 •
The United States has been the only country on Earth to consistently vote against a UN resolution condemning the glorification of Nazism and racism, since it was first introduced in 2013. US allies Canada and Ukraine have at times joined, but Washington stands alone in defense of fascism.

...People also ask:

What is it called when you say one thing and do another?

hypocrite - A hypocrite preaches one thing, and does another. ... The word hypocrite is rooted in the Greek word hypokrites, which means “stage actor, pretender, dissembler.” So think of a hypocrite as a person who pretends to be a certain way, but really acts and believes the total opposite.

There ought to be a way for the people of America to have their voice heard and represented at the UN. I'm pretty sure more than half would vote along with the rest of the world concerning the glorification of Nazism and Racism. Aren't we totally against Hitlers and racism? Well then what's up with our vote at the UN?
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Re: Year Zero - CJ Hopkins

Postby Harvey » Wed Dec 08, 2021 12:05 pm

Yes mate, it's very good discussion indeed.
And while we spoke of many things, fools and kings
This he said to me
"The greatest thing
You'll ever learn
Is just to love
And be loved
In return"

Eden Ahbez
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