MOLOCH-19: Child Immolation on a Global Scale

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Re: MOLOCH-19: Child Immolation on a Global Scale

Postby maple syrup » Tue Jan 25, 2022 11:05 am

So, what are you doing about it? Documenting it here is certainly a sole practice of preaching to the choir. How are you saving children by just pushing pixels?
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Re: MOLOCH-19: Child Immolation on a Global Scale

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Thu Jan 27, 2022 11:57 pm

Harvey » 25 Jan 2022 21:55 wrote:^ Minus the midnight raids by military units on our flats and bedsits, summary executions, distant snipers taking out our granny's and mothers and the constant back-beat of random air raids, we are all Palestinian now.

You forgot the colonisation and land and resource theft that all that other stuff is there to enable.
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Re: MOLOCH-19: Child Immolation on a Global Scale

Postby MacCruiskeen » Wed Feb 02, 2022 6:39 am

Remember that Pfizer are currently fighting a legal battle to block release of their safety data.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update:
FDA Advisory Committee Meeting to Discuss Request for Authorization of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for Children 6 Months Through 4 Years of Age

FDA News Release February 1, 2021 ... ion-pfizer
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Re: MOLOCH-19: Child Immolation on a Global Scale

Postby Belligerent Savant » Wed Feb 02, 2022 10:40 am


I've been following this attorney for updates on the above: ... elay-first

FDA Asks the Court to Delay First 55,000 Page Production Until May and Pfizer Moves to Intervene in the Lawsuit

Somewhere on the other side of the growing heap of government and pharma lawyers is transparency.

As explained in prior posts, in a lawsuit seeking all of the documents the FDA relied upon to license Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, a federal judge shot down the FDA’s requested rate of 500 pages per month and instead ordered the FDA to produce at the rate of 55,000 pages per month starting on March 1.

Since the government has trillions of dollars of our money, it is putting it to good use by fighting to assure that the public has the least amount of transparency possible. To that end, it has now asked the Court to make the public wait until May for it to start producing 55,000 pages per month and, even then, claims it may not be able to meet this rate.

The FDA’s excuse? As explained in the brief opposing the FDA’s request, the FDA’s defense effectively amounts to claiming that the 11 document reviewers it has already assigned and the 17 additional reviewers being onboarded are only capable of reading at the speed of preschoolers.


As the FDA tries to obtain months of delay, guess who just showed upon in the lawsuit? Yep, Pfizer. And it is represented by a global chair and team from a law firm with thousands of lawyers. Pfizer’s legal bill will likely be multiple times what it would cost the FDA to simply hire a private document review company to review, redact, and produce the documents at issue. Within weeks, if not days.

Pfizer is coming in as a third party. But Pfizer assures the Court it is here to help expedite production of the documents. Sure it is! Where was Pfizer before the Court ordered the 55,000 pages per month? Right, doing what it normally does: letting the government work on its behalf – like the way the government mandates, promotes, and defends Pfizer’s product.

But the government did not please Pfizer this time and so here it comes, likely looking for a second bite at the apple. Of course the FDA consented to Pfizer appearing. You can read the response my firm filed to Pfizer’s motion , as well as all of the other relevant recent filings in the link provided below.

Let me end by noting that all of this insanity is simply in response to an attempt to obtain some basic transparency. This should again bring into sharp focus why the government should never coerce or mandate anyone to get an unwanted medical product or procedure. Just look at this circus – the government mandates Pfizer’s product, gives it immunity for any safety or efficacy issues, promotes its product using taxpayer money, gives Pfizer over $17 billion and then uses taxpayers’ money to fight to avoid providing even the most basic level of transparency to the public.

The introduction from the brief opposing the FDA’s request is below and you can find copies of all the relevant court filings (FDA Motion to Modify Scheduling Order, January 18, 2022 / Plaintiff Opposition to Motion to Modify, January 24, 2022 / Pfizer Motion to Intervene, January 21, 2022 / FDA Response to Pfizer Motion, January 25, 2022 / Plaintiff Response to Pfizer Motion, January 25, 2022) here:


It is understandable that the FDA does not want independent scientists to review the documents it relied upon to license Pfizer’s vaccine given that it is not as effective as the FDA originally claimed, does not prevent transmission, does not prevent against certain emerging variants, can cause serious heart inflammation in younger individuals, and has numerous other undisputed safety issues.[1] However, the FDA’s potential embarrassment over its decision to license this product must take a back seat to the transparency demanded by FOIA and the urgent need and interests of the American people to review that licensure data. The Court already recognized this unprecedented urgent need in its January 6th order directing the FDA to produce 55,000 pages per month.

More at link.
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Re: MOLOCH-19: Child Immolation on a Global Scale

Postby Grizzly » Wed Feb 02, 2022 3:58 pm

Battleground Melbourne Documentary 'FRIENDS & FAMILY' Pre-Release

Battleground Melbourne tells the story of the Fall of the World's Most Liveable City, through the eyes of those who risked everything to save it.

We've been called every name you can imagine, the media, politicians, and the 'I stand with Dan' crowd have used every baseless slur you can imagine, and probably many you can't, to try and shame us and shut us down.

And Victoria Police went on an 18 month rampage of repression, unlawful arrests, and widespread intimidation in order to silence us.

So who are we? And given all we were up against, how did we grow from just 70 people in April 2020, to hundreds of thousands in the biggest political events in Australian history in November 2021?

This is our story, told through our eyes. Battleground Melbourne is our reply to the lies, half truths, slurs, and lazy attacks that we have endured for the last 2 years.

This is our story. The story of ordinary people doing extraordinary things and taking extreme risks to stand for what we believe in.

You may not agree with us, you may not even like us, but you can't claim to know who we are until you've watched Battleground Melbourne.
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Re: MOLOCH-19: Child Immolation on a Global Scale

Postby alloneword » Thu Feb 03, 2022 6:41 pm

(data source)

(Likely a lot worse than that).

Also, this calculated from the latest UKHSA vax report:


As you can see, in all age groups for the unvaccinated (except for the under 18s) there has been a drop in case rates over the last week. Similar reductions occur for both boosted and unvaccinated in all the age groups over 50. However, for the 18-49 age groups, whilst the rates are dropping in the unvaccinated, in the boosted group they are growing by between 10-20%. ... uk-omicron
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Re: MOLOCH-19: Child Immolation on a Global Scale

Postby MacCruiskeen » Sat Feb 05, 2022 7:48 pm

Reminder (if any were needed) that most human beings are not in the habit of masking, muzzling, stifling, "distancing", wilfully terrorising or abandoning children. On the contrary, they will normally do their utmost, in huge numbers, to save the life of even one child:

Image ... name=small

In this case their enormous efforts were in vain; they arrived too late.The poor kid. R.I.P.
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Re: MOLOCH-19: Child Immolation on a Global Scale

Postby MacCruiskeen » Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:41 am

Here is that rare thing, a BBC article worth reading in full, if you can bear to. All this was very easily predictable from the very first day of the coup.

Children's mental health: Huge rise in severe cases, BBC analysis reveals

By Branwen Jeffreys
Education Editor

Published 2 days ago

Five tips to boost your child's wellbeing

There has been a 77% rise in the number of children needing specialist treatment for severe mental health crisis, analysis for the BBC shows.

Some 409,347 under-18s were referred to the NHS in England for specialist care for issues such as suicidal thoughts and self harm between April and October 2021.

Head teachers also report a huge rise in less severe mental health issues.

The government plans 400 mental health teams to support schools by 2023.

The NHS Digital referrals data analysed by the Royal College of Psychiatrists for the BBC, includes the most serious and urgent cases where the child faces an immediate risk from an eating disorder, self-harm or suicidal thoughts. In the same six month period in 2019, there were 230,591 referrals for under-18s.

[ ...]

'I felt trapped in lockdown'

"Covid is trash," says Isaac, 7, as he shows me his drawing of flies buzzing around a bin on fire. It illustrates his feelings about coronavirus.

He's drawn himself "feeling sad because I feel like I'm trapped in the telly", while his grandma tries "to scare Covid away".


Trapped in the telly. Damn right, Isaac (7).

The real evidence of sickness lies in the article itself, in the way it shows this society's crippling dependence on an army of professionalized "data" collectors and brevetted credentialed "mental health" "experts" to notice something so painfully obvious that any small child could have noticed it and told us about it two years ago. And did.
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Re: MOLOCH-19: Child Immolation on a Global Scale

Postby MacCruiskeen » Mon Feb 07, 2022 12:53 pm

@JeffWellsRigInt 15 hrs ago.

If it extends the life of one centenarian by a day, it's worth it.


Speech Therapist: 364% Surge In Baby And Toddler Referrals Thanks To Mask Wearing ... sk-wearing ... 6183675909
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Re: MOLOCH-19: Child Immolation on a Global Scale

Postby Belligerent Savant » Mon Feb 07, 2022 1:25 pm


I've shared the following in one of my (recurring) emails to local school boards Re: lifting mask mandates. ... d-children

Dr. Chloe Carmichael, PhD
Jan 11, 2022 1:21:59 PM

As a clinical psychologist and mother, I’m deeply concerned about masking children. Although I’m speaking from a psychology perspective rather than an infectious disease perspective, it may be a helpful backdrop to know that The New York Times reports that children have a greater risk from car rides than from covid. There are several domains where I’m concerned we’re inadvertently tampering with healthy development by masking children for multiple hours on a daily basis. Obviously, each person and situation are different. As we consider what’s best for our children, our communities, and ourselves, here is some information that might be helpful to put the social factors of masking children into perspective:

1. Mirror neurons: We all have “mirror neurons” in our brains. These fascinating neurons fire in response to a face, and their response is (you guessed it) to mirror whatever expression is displayed on the faces we observe. For example, if I were feeling very happy and suddenly noticed my office mate across the room wearing a facial expression of sadness, my mirror neurons would respond to mirror the sadness-- I wouldn’t begin to feel sad myself, but my brain would physically register the presence of my office mate’s sadness. As you can see, mirror neurons are part of the neurological underpinning of empathy. Facial expressions, of course, showcase the mouth and nose--- smiles, grimaces, pouts, even a slight wrinkling of the nose can communicate anything from happiness to sadness to disgust, or anywhere in between. Even more subtle facial gestures like the tensing of a jaw or the pursing of the lips can signal more that we consciously realize we’re observing-- but our mirror neurons are silently registering these signals and then quietly shaping our perceptions of, as well as our social responses to, the people around us. Yes, eyes communicate as well– but the visibility of the mouth has been demonstrated as a primary player for facial expressions and mirror neurons; as well as a visual aid for learning and understanding speech.

To disrupt the mirror neuron process in adults presents its own challenges to social connection, though at least adults have sophisticated social and verbal skills to “fill in the (giant) blank” that is created by literally masking the mouth and nose. I fear that masking children, whose social skills are less developed, could deprive them of an important and basic social connection device that Mother Nature so elegantly affords us: the face.

2. Social cognition and language: It’s no surprise that social development for children includes learning to read and send social signals; including reading facial expressions. We'll also include things like “reading lips” here as well, since reading lips helps young children tremendously to learn and understand language.

Social skills can be as basic as learning to recognize a smile as a friendly greeting and to offer one in return when you approach a group; or learning to not smile broadly when someone is wearing a sad expression telling a story about how their favorite toy got dumped in the garbage (it may be hard to believe for readers without experience with children, but the “toy in the garbage” story can actually sound quite funny to four-year-old ears).

Social cognition skill acquisition also includes things like learning the power of how cracking a slightly campy, sly, or nervous smile in a tense moment can help to introduce a touch of levity and decrease anxiety– for example, my five year old loves this type of humor in life's "uh oh" moments like when he suddenly can’t find his special show-and-tell item anywhere at the exact “showtime” moment in class; and his (totally unmasked because I live in Florida) class will often respond to his sheepish smile with giggles that put him and themselves at ease. The same is true for other “faux distress” responses like an exaggerated sense of surprise. For example:

His teacher may form her mouth into an “O” shape and perhaps even raise a hand to cover her mouth in silly, pretend shock to convey a light “no-no” if something slightly inappropriate happens such a child letting out a loud and deliberate belch during storytime (ah, preschoolers!). The examples above are basic, but social cognition skills can be nuanced as well:

For example, if a twelve-year-old child (let’s call her Morgan) see a small group of friends clustered together across the playground or classroom with relaxed facial expressions, perhaps with many of them simultaneously showing animated lips or laughing mouths, then Morgan can see that a lively conversation is likely unfolding. She might feel drawn to approach the group casually as she mentally prepares to join the fun. Conversely, if Morgan sees several friends clustered together with their mouths paused in somber expressions while one child is speaking with their lips moving only subtly, as if speaking quietly or slowly, then Morgan might approach more tentatively or perhaps even realize that this might not be the best time to approach the group at all. This type of social awareness not only requires real-time ability to see facial expressions in order to facilitate awareness in the first place, but it requires a history of past experiences viewing facial expressions to create the social cognition skills necessary to recognize, process, and respond to this situation in a socially appropriate manner.

Moreover, the scene above describes what Morgan might be able to see and infer from unmasked faces before she is even close enough to hear a word of what the children are actually saying– masks obviously muffle our voices and prevent us from seeing the words that lips are speaking. This means the masks could also impede Morgan’s ability to successfully gauge the conversation as she approaches and then decide whether to give them space or join the group, based on her ability to pick up the vocal tone and content of the chatter. For example, are the girls talking about a favorite teacher where Morgan can chime in easily; or discussing something sensitive about what happened to them earlier in the day when Morgan wasn’t around?

If Morgan approaches the group and as she draws closer she sees that it appears to be a “private conversation” where joining might seem intrusive, the experience can go so much better for her if she’s able to detect this sooner rather than later, without masks literally masking much of the information she needs to read a group dynamic– plus, an absence of masks will allow a friend in the cluster who happens to see Morgan cease her approach can still make brief eye contact and throw her a small smile, perhaps even mouthing the words “let’s talk later!” as Morgan reads the situation and notices her friend in the group.

These small, subtle moments of social interaction are pivotal in social cognition, as well as in the sense of well-being we get from the social support afforded from well-informed social interactions.

While mirror neurons help us to register certain parts of facial-emotional information, social cognition helps us understand how to navigate this awareness interpersonally. Certainly, there are other factors that could guide Morgan, such as general body language, if her classmates were masked– but as a parent and a psychologist, I can tell you that getting kids to really read and understand social scenes even with the bright beacon of facial-emotional information can be a challenge. Why make it even harder on them, unless absolutely necessary?

3. Self-esteem: When a young child engaged in group play suddenly feels left out, they may make an instantly recognizable pout as their lower lip sticks out into an upside-down U-shape. A parent or teacher from across the room sees this pout and is drawn over to ask the child what happened, thereby helping them to verbalize their experience– as well as potentially guide them to practice skills to remedy the situation (“Let’s tell Grayson it’s not nice to take toys away from people, but we’ll also let him know he can play with the toy in 5 minutes so the two of you can share.”). Similarly, when a young child is discovering something simple and wonderful such as the joy of building a tower 10 blocks tall, they may display a gleeful, infectious smile-- stimulating a parent or teacher to draw near, smile back, give their chubby cheeks a squeeze and say, “Yes, you’re building an amazing tower, aren’t you?!”. These experiences are subtly communicating to children that their experience matters to others. Even if we do read the situation despite the masks and make a face of sympathy as we walk over to help, the child cannot read (or even see!) the empathy on our face as we approach– nor can the child who has taken the toy to learn from our face that his behavior has triggered a very specific response in the adults around him– and thereby learn that his own behavior is perceived as hurtful to others. Yes, we can convey this with words– but children are often somewhat pre-verbal, and sometimes there’s truly nothing like a friendly face to say a thousand words in a single moment.

Of course, a child’s experience matters to us even if the child is masked-- but by masking the child, we’re losing one of the child’s key tools of communicating his experience to us– so we may inadvertently become less responsive. As adults, we understand that people don’t respond to our smiles or frowns when we’re masked because our facial expressions are largely invisible. This is more difficult for children to constantly bear in mind-- moreover, in the examples above, the child isn’t even necessarily consciously searching for an adult to respond-- the adult’s response is an unexpected enhancement to the child’s experience that simultaneously models social cognition while also communicating to the child that they matter.

I’m concerned that removing a key component of our ability to notice and respond to children’s facial displays of happiness or distress could inadvertently create an environment that doesn't respond to children’s basic facial expressions, thereby posing a threat to their self-esteem.

4. Emotional flattening-- I fear that if facial expressions repeatedly fail to yield normal supportive responses by adults or playmates for children (as explained in point 3 of this article), then facial expressions may become less rewarding to make-- and children may become less inclined to make them with the same frequency or intensity as before we began masking them for hours on end. In psychology, the facial feedback hypothesis states that while some facial expressions arise from emotions, emotions can also be informed by making facial expressions– sometimes your body “knows” how you feel first (this is why holding your face in a woeful expression may evoke sadness, and smiling more often may improve your mood). I’m concerned tampering with children’s ability to have rewarding socio-emotional experiences through normal facial expressions could lead to decreased facial expressions, and an emotional flattening where children are simply less emotionally (and socially) engaged with the world around and within them.

5. Anxiety and depression-- All of the factors above could create a sense of isolation and disconnection– which sets the stage for depression and anxiety (the Surgeon General’s recent report confirms a spike in these issues for children since the pandemic). If children don’t have the normal opportunities to learn how to navigate social situations, if adults don’t respond to their facial expressions (because the adults literally don’t/can’t notice them), and if children are deprived of normal “face to face” social interactions, then how could we be surprised they experience an increase in feelings of isolation and disconnection?


I’ve heard parents say they’ve been guided by “professionals” that it will be better for their children if they act like frequent masking is fine and normal; since kids take their cues from the adults they trust. In contrast, I’m actually concerned that signaling to our children that regular, ongoing masking of their nose and mouth is in any way healthy or normal is actually a form of gaslighting our children; and invalidating their natural awareness that covering their face as well as becoming effectively blind to the facial expressions of others is actually not “normal and healthy”, especially in an environment where children are not generally vulnerable to serious harm from covid and adults have their choice of vaccines and antiviral treatments. Some parents say their children "like" wearing masks-- however, some adolescents also like to shut themselves in their room all day while scarfing down candy bars, and parents don't accept this as normal or healthy. Part of the work of adolescence is overcoming awkwardness with yourself, and sometimes overcoming introversion (taken too far, introversion increases vulnerability to depression and anxiety). Simply shrugging our shoulders and saying, "Oh, the child says they like wearing a mask so I guess that means it's okay," doesn't reassure me as a psychologist.

I understand the pandemic hasn’t been easy for anyone, there are exceptions to every rule, and there is no panacea. Each person has to do what is right for their particular situation, and I’m all in favor of parents weighing their options before making whatever choice is best for their family. But as a clinical psychologist and mother, I felt the need to share these points of concern that have been on my heart as well as my mind– especially because it seems that speaking up for the side of concerns about masking children is somehow taboo in our current climate, I want parents to at least have the knowledge that other perspectives exist. I truly welcome ideas from all sides, and this article is in no way intended to be comprehensive. The point here is just to raise awareness about potential implications for masking children, especially for multiple hours daily on a frequent, ongoing basis.


A Virginia mother’s impassioned speech before her children’s school board has gone viral after she pointed out that their mask policy is pure political theater and has “turned kids’ lives upside down at school for what is essentially a non-risk.”

Merianne Jenson tore apart officials on the Prince William County School Board, noting that other schools in the country have stayed open throughout the pandemic without mask mandates and operated perfectly normally.

“Unfortunately, politics leads us to believe there is only one solution. Masks,” Jensen said, adding that when other schools refused to implement mandates “There were not child coffins lined up as some educators in this county suggested would be the case. In fact, things have been going pretty much as normal.”

“Kids are getting sick despite wearing masks,” Jenson continued, urging “We are forcing healthy children home for ‘exposure’ despite them wearing masks. And we are segregating children by vaccination status and religious exemption status despite the wearing of masks.”

“So I ask you, if masks work, why don’t they?” she said to rapturous applause from other parents.

The mother also told the board “I’d now like to cover the facts. Not policy as determined by the White House. Not CDC recommendations, which I remind you is still policy — policy, I might add, that changes by the day without any basis in science at all.”

“So here are the facts [that] are available to any one of you,” she continued, noting that out of 49,000 children in the U.S. who have sadly died since the pandemic began, just 331 of those deaths were listed as “COVID-related.”

“We play politics with kids faces by placing restrictive fabrics over their noses and mouths,” she asserted, adding “This is asinine. This is blatant political theater, and it needs to end.”

Jenson also pointed out that the school superintendent previously claimed her “hands were tied” over the masks because former Democrat Governor Ralph Northam had imposed a statewide mandate, but it has been rescinded by new Governor Glenn Youngkin, yet the school district continues to uphold it.

Watch: ... pdHH2j7pBQ

Image ... k-mandate/


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Re: MOLOCH-19: Child Immolation on a Global Scale

Postby alloneword » Mon Feb 07, 2022 6:12 pm

Something stickdog posted on the main thread sparked a dark thought:

It concerns historical precedent regarding 'authorities' forcibly sticking *things* in our kids.

The only one I can think of dates back to May, 1381, and took place in a town called 'Brentwood' in Essex, England.

Reading the 'wikipedia' article that purports to describe the events, you would never even know it occurred, since the narrative they advance suggests that the motivations for what happened were purely financial (relating to the collection of taxes).


Women were particularly targeted: accounts declared that some of the commissioners used their fingers to test young women to see if they were still virgins or if they were married (and therefore subject to the tax).

That, right there, was the final straw that sparked a chain of events that ended with a fair few heads on poles over London Bridge.

If you ever find yourself near a place called Sudbury in Suffolk, take the time to visit the church (St Gregory's), where you can still see one of those heads, which belonged to the (then) Archbishop of Canterbury, Simon Sudbury. It's kept in a glass fronted box in an alcove in the vestry wall.

Just sayin'. :whistling:
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Re: MOLOCH-19: Child Immolation on a Global Scale

Postby stickdog99 » Mon Feb 07, 2022 6:30 pm ... -children/

When We Look at COVID-19 Through the Lens of History, It Will Be Clear That We Betrayed Our Children

More like offered them up on a sacrificial altar to a voodoo religion

“What’s most worrisome to me is that they feel deep worry and shame over the prospect of breaking the rules”

I am proud to be a teacher. I’ve worked in the Canadian public school system for the past 15 years, mostly at the high school level, teaching morals and ethics.

I don’t claim to be a doctor or an expert in virology. There is a lot I don’t know. But I spend my days with our youth and they tell me a lot about their lives. And I want to tell you what I’m hearing and what I’m seeing.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, when our school went fully remote, it was evident to me that the loss of human connection would be detrimental to our students’ development. It also became increasingly clear that the response to the pandemic would have immense consequences for students who were already on the path to long-term disengagement, potentially altering their lives permanently.

The data about learning loss and the mental health crisis is devastating. Overlooked has been the deep shame young people feel: Our students were taught to think of their schools as hubs for infection and themselves as vectors of disease. This has fundamentally altered their understanding of themselves.

When we finally got back into the classroom in September 2020, I was optimistic, even as we would go remote for weeks, sometimes months, whenever case numbers would rise. But things never returned to normal.

When we were physically in school, it felt like there was no longer life in the building. Maybe it was the masks that made it so no one wanted to engage in lessons, or even talk about how they spent their weekend. But it felt cold and soulless. My students weren’t allowed to gather in the halls or chat between classes. They still aren’t. Sporting events, clubs and graduation were all cancelled. These may sound like small things, but these losses were a huge deal to the students. These are rites of passages that can’t be made up.

In my classroom, the learning loss is noticeable. My students can’t concentrate and they aren’t doing the work that I assign to them. They have way less motivation compared to before the pandemic began. Some of my students chose not to come back at all, either because of fear of the virus, or because they are debilitated by social anxiety. And now they have the option to do virtual schooling from home.

One of my favorite projects that I assign each year is to my 10th grade students, who do in-depth research on any culture of their choosing. It culminates in a day of presentations. I encourage them to bring in music, props, food—whatever they need to immerse their classmates in their specific culture. A lot of my students give presentations on their own heritage. A few years back, a student of mine, a Syrian refugee, told her story about how she ended up in Canada. She brought in traditional Syrian foods, delicacies that her dad had stayed up all night cooking. It was one of the best days that I can remember. She was proud to share her story—she had struggled with homesickness—and her classmates got a lesson in empathy. Now, my students simply prepare a slideshow and email it to me individually.

My older students (grades 11 and 12) aren’t even allowed a lunch break, and are expected to come to school, go to class for five and a half hours and then go home. Children in 9th and 10th grades have to face the front of the classroom while they eat lunch during their second period class. My students used to be able to eat in the halls or the cafeteria; now that’s forbidden. Younger children are expected to follow the “mask off, voices off” rule, and are made to wear their masks outside, where they can only play with other kids in their class. Of course, outside of school, kids are going to restaurants with their families and to each other’s houses, making the rules at school feel punitive and nonsensical.

They are anxious and depressed. Previously outgoing students are now terrified at the prospect of being singled out to stand in front of the class and speak. And many of my students seem to have found comfort behind their masks. They feel exposed when their peers can see their whole face.

Around this time of year, we start planning for the prom, which is held in June. Usually, my students would already be chatting constantly about who’s asking who, what they’re planning on wearing, and how excited they are. This year, they’ve barely discussed it at all. When they do, they tell me that they don’t want to get their hopes up, since they’re assuming it will get cancelled like it has for the past couple of years.

It’s the same deal with universities. My students say, “If university is going to be just like this then what’s the point?” I have my own children, a nine-year-old daughter and a seven-year-old son, who have spent almost a third of their lives in lockdown. They’ve become so used to cancellations that they don’t even feel disappointed anymore.

I think all of my students are angry to some degree, but I hear it most from the kids who are athletes. They were told that if they got the vaccine, everything would go back to normal, and they could go back to the rink or the court. Some sports were back for a while but, as of Christmas, because of the recent wave of Covid-19 cases, club and varsity sports are all cancelled once again. A lot of the athletes are missing chances to get seen by coaches and get scholarships.

I try to take time at the beginning of class to ask my kids how they’re doing. Recently, one of my 11th grade students raised his hand and said that he wasn’t doing well, that he doesn’t want to keep living like this, but that he knows that no one is coming to save them. The other kids all nodded in agreement. They feel lied to—and I can’t blame them.

What’s most worrisome to me is that they feel deep worry and shame over the prospect of breaking the rules.

Teenage girls are notoriously empathetic. I see that many of my students, but especially the female ones, feel a heavy burden of responsibility. Right before Christmas, one of my brightest 12th graders confided in me that she was terrified of taking her mask off. She told me that she didn’t want to get anyone sick or kill anybody. She was worried she would be held responsible for someone dying.

What am I supposed to say? That 23 children have died from Covid in Canada during the whole of the pandemic and she is much more likely to kill someone driving a car? That kids in Scandinavia, Sweden, and the Netherlands largely haven’t had to wear masks at school and haven’t seen outbreaks because of it? That masks are not a magic shield against the virus, and that even if she were to pass it along to a classmate, the risk of them getting seriously sick is minuscule?

I want to tell her that she can remove her mask, and socialize with her friends without being worried.

But I am expected to enforce the rules.

At the beginning of the pandemic, adults shamed kids for wanting to play at the park or hang out with their friends. We kept hearing, “They’ll be fine. They’re resilient.” It’s true that humans, by nature, are very resilient. But they also break. And my students are breaking. Some have already broken.

When we look at the Covid-19 pandemic through the lens of history, I believe it will be clear that we betrayed our children. The risks of this pandemic were never to them, but they were forced to carry the burden of it. It’s enough. It’s time for a return to normal life and put an end to the bureaucratic policies that aren’t making society safer, but are sacrificing our children’s mental, emotional, and physical health.

Our children need life on the highest volume. And they need it now. [Actually they needed it two years ago…]
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Re: MOLOCH-19: Child Immolation on a Global Scale

Postby Harvey » Mon Feb 07, 2022 7:21 pm

FIne words and true. But beware the royal 'we'. We did nothing wrong. We who were already on our knees were bullied and browbeaten. Nudged and pushed and cajoled and experimented upon. Those who propagandised us and killed us and sought to rob us of what little we have, they are doing so still, so remember their names. Let us not forget. As Wombat said, they won't 'mistakes were made' their way out of this one.
And while we spoke of many things, fools and kings
This he said to me
"The greatest thing
You'll ever learn
Is just to love
And be loved
In return"

Eden Ahbez
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Re: MOLOCH-19: Child Immolation on a Global Scale

Postby Harvey » Tue Feb 08, 2022 4:43 pm

38,983 Deaths and 3,530,362 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database as Mass Funeral for Children who Died After Pfizer Vaccine Held in Switzerland

The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 38,983 fatalities, and 3,530,362 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots:


From the total of injuries recorded, almost half of them (1,672,872 ) are serious injuries.

“Seriousness provides information on the suspected undesirable effect; it can be classified as ‘serious’ if it corresponds to a medical occurrence that results in death, is life-threatening, requires inpatient hospitalisation, results in another medically important condition, or prolongation of existing hospitalisation, results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or is a congenital anomaly/birth defect.”

A Health Impact News subscriber in Europe ran the reports for each of the four COVID-19 shots we are including here. It is a lot of work to tabulate each reaction with injuries and fatalities, since there is no place on the EudraVigilance system we have found that tabulates all the results.

Since we have started publishing this, others from Europe have also calculated the numbers and confirmed the totals.*

Here is the summary data through January 29, 2022.

Total reactions for the mRNA vaccine Tozinameran (code BNT162b2,Comirnaty) from BioNTech/ Pfizer: 17,578 deaths and 1,704,757 injuries to 29/01/2022

48,240 Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 242 deaths
57,541 Cardiac disorders incl. 2,554 deaths
522 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 51 deaths
22,590 Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 11 deaths
1,911 Endocrine disorders incl. 6 deaths
25,814 Eye disorders incl. 38 deaths
133,365 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 681 deaths
422,360 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 5,024 deaths
1,931 Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 90 deaths
18,455 Immune system disorders incl. 95 deaths
76,443 Infections and infestations incl. 1,878 deaths
33,972 Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 331 deaths
42,585 Investigations incl. 502 deaths
11,344 Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 273 deaths
201,643 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 212 deaths
1,629 Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 153 deaths
278,744 Nervous system disorders incl. 1,859 deaths
2,513 Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 74 deaths
251 Product issues incl. 3 deaths
30,622 Psychiatric disorders incl. 207 deaths
6,150 Renal and urinary disorders incl. 266 deaths
68,129 Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 6 deaths
72,531 Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 1,884 deaths
78,059 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 146 deaths
3,871 Social circumstances incl. 22 deaths
21,010 Surgical and medical procedures incl. 204 deaths
42,532 Vascular disorders incl. 766 deaths

Total reactions for the mRNA vaccine mRNA-1273 (CX-024414) from Moderna: 11,008 deaths and 543,543 injuries to 29/01/2022

12,365 Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 120 deaths
18,287 Cardiac disorders incl. 1,142 deaths
190 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 11 deaths
6,310 Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 8 deaths
502 Endocrine disorders incl. 6 deaths
7,475 Eye disorders incl. 36 deaths
44,340 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 413 deaths
145,153 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 3,630 deaths
793 Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 54 deaths
5,370 Immune system disorders incl. 22 deaths
23,070 Infections and infestations incl. 1042 deaths
10,286 Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 208 deaths
12,129 Investigations incl. 393 deaths
4,847 Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 263 deaths
66,358 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 223 deaths
682 Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 85 deaths
91,230 Nervous system disorders incl. 1,029 deaths
907 Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 10 deaths
98 Product issues incl. 4 deaths
9,441 Psychiatric disorders incl. 181 deaths
3,030 Renal and urinary disorders incl. 214 deaths
12,547 Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 9 deaths
23,251 Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 1,162 deaths
27,540 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 96 deaths
2,239 Social circumstances incl. 45 deaths
3,028 Surgical and medical procedures incl. 203 deaths
12,075 Vascular disorders incl. 399 deaths

Total reactions for the vaccine AZD1222/VAXZEVRIA (CHADOX1 NCOV-19) from Oxford/ AstraZeneca: 7,977 deaths and 1,154,757 injuries to 29/01/2022

13,912 Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 278 deaths
20,984 Cardiac disorders incl. 830 deaths
235 Congenital familial and genetic disorders incl. 8 deaths
13,406 Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 7 deaths
692 Endocrine disorders incl. 6 deaths
20,086 Eye disorders incl. 32 deaths
107,453 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 434 deaths
304,993 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 1,855 deaths
1,039 Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 69 deaths
5,409 Immune system disorders incl. 40 deaths
42,266 Infections and infestations incl. 620 deaths
13,630 Injury poisoning and procedural complications incl. 198 deaths
25,681 Investigations incl. 205 deaths
13,023 Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 126 deaths
168,174 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 165 deaths
743 Neoplasms benign malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 40 deaths
234,117 Nervous system disorders incl. 1,178 deaths
635 Pregnancy puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 20 deaths
199 Product issues incl. 1 death
21,051 Psychiatric disorders incl. 69 deaths
4,338 Renal and urinary disorders incl. 78 deaths
16,849 Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 3 deaths
41,401 Respiratory thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 1,082 deaths
52,064 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 65 deaths
1,617 Social circumstances incl. 9 deaths
1,973 Surgical and medical procedures incl. 30 deaths
28,787 Vascular disorders incl. 529 deaths

Total reactions for the COVID-19 vaccine JANSSEN (AD26.COV2.S) from Johnson & Johnson: 2,420 deaths and 127,305 injuries to 29/01/2022

1,229 Blood and lymphatic system disorders incl. 51 deaths
2,552 Cardiac disorders incl. 204 deaths
40 Congenital, familial and genetic disorders incl. 1 death
1,319 Ear and labyrinth disorders incl. 3 deaths
105 Endocrine disorders incl. 1 death
1,656 Eye disorders incl. 10 deaths
9,588 Gastrointestinal disorders incl. 88 deaths
34,487 General disorders and administration site conditions incl. 685 deaths
153 Hepatobiliary disorders incl. 13 deaths
544 Immune system disorders incl. 10 deaths
8,521 Infections and infestations incl. 207 deaths
1,147 Injury, poisoning and procedural complications incl. 25 deaths
6,086 Investigations incl. 131 deaths
756 Metabolism and nutrition disorders incl. 60 deaths
17,116 Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders incl. 55 deaths
86 Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) incl. 8 deaths
23,413 Nervous system disorders incl. 245 deaths
55 Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions incl. 1 death
30 Product issues
1,766 Psychiatric disorders incl. 22 deaths
535 Renal and urinary disorders incl. 31 deaths
2,941 Reproductive system and breast disorders incl. 6 deaths
4,468 Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders incl. 304 deaths
3,760 Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders incl. 10 deaths
409 Social circumstances incl. 4 deaths
867 Surgical and medical procedures incl. 74 deaths
3,676 Vascular disorders incl. 171 deaths
And while we spoke of many things, fools and kings
This he said to me
"The greatest thing
You'll ever learn
Is just to love
And be loved
In return"

Eden Ahbez
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Re: MOLOCH-19: Child Immolation on a Global Scale

Postby MacCruiskeen » Wed Feb 16, 2022 11:36 am

I can't say I have no words for this, but I might well get arrested if I post them online.

Image ... _500x0.jpg

From the very start of this pseudopandemic, the Masters of the Universe have been using Scotland, Wales and Ireland as petri dishes. These wee countries at the edge of the world have been ideal testing grounds for the strictest lockdowns and the harshest "measures". (How much will people put up with, and for how long? Will they Netflix 'n' chill forever, or will they eventually rebel?) Equally noticably, they've been performing the same experiment in NZ & Australia, the low-population highly-developed English-speaking "fringe nations" in the Southern Hemisphere.

They must be delighted with the results: nearly everyone has turned out to be dependably infantile. Obedient. Unquestioning. Effete.

And so our Masters now feel confident they can get away with pricking this poison into any children anywhere. Q.E.fucking D.
"Ich kann gar nicht so viel fressen, wie ich kotzen möchte." - Max Liebermann,, Berlin, 1933

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