'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Belligerent Savant » Sat Jul 09, 2022 2:21 pm


Once more, the standard disclaimer that sharing this here is not a blanket endorsement of all points raised, but there are a number of noteworthy considerations here, given developing global events.

This piece can be placed in a few threads.

A related side-note, and with the caveat that this is a simplistic summation of markedly complex societal mechanisms:

Psychologically, I've observed, especially over the last ~2 years, how certain groups of people vehemently oppose certain positions -- or conversely: fervently, with religious zeal, strongly adhere to positions -- not due to due diligence research or objective analysis, but almost entirely based on where they align politically: they line up in lockstep with the positions of their respective political party/affiliations/political views.

It's easier to observe this when outside the confines of either of these 2 trenches. For those in the trenches, however, reality can only be whatever is being repeated in the echo chambers of their trenches.

So it is that certain canards are repeated and followed with minimal scrutiny until the damage caused can no longer be ignored.

spicy takes on global energy and geopolitics

getting serious about the deeply unserious ESG policies that made this mess

in the time honored contest of dogmatic eco-social hallucination vs the laws of supply and demand, supply and demand remain undefeated.


Sri Lanka has collapsed.

The results of socialism + MMT + eco fanaticism + ESG approved policies.

11:27 AM · Jul 9, 2022·

what can one really say apart from:

spicy take, jordan! do germany next!
because that sure does look like it’s coming.

http://bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022 ... s-supplies



On calendars in Germany’s industrial heartland and the halls of power in Berlin, July 11 has been marked in red for weeks.

When the main conduit for Russian gas to Europe goes down for 10-day maintenance on Monday, Germany and its allies are bracing for President Vladimir Putin to use the opportunity to cut off flows for good.

If Moscow signals the Nord Stream pipeline won’t come back as planned, Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s government would likely trigger emergency measures such as rationing and company bailouts. The consequences would almost certainly mean a deep recession for Europe’s largest economy and create ripple effects across the continent.

“Are we worried? Yes, we’re very worried,” said Christian Kullmann, chief executive officer of German chemical giant Evonik Industries AG. “It would be naive and starry-eyed not to be worried.”

“naïve and starry eyed.”

what a very interesting statement.

unfortunately, this is exactly what got germany into this mess.

trump was never more reviled than when he was right and love him or hate him:

he sure called this one.

he flat out told germany that wind and solar were not real options, that they needed to keep their nuclear power, and that if they didn’t they would be at russia’s mercy.


the hausfrau handwringing of the germans as they realize the corner into which they have painted themselves has been building to a crescendo.
https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/ge ... 022-06-24/


BERLIN, June 24 (Reuters) - Germany is heading for a gas shortage if Russian gas supplies remain as low as they are now, and certain industries would have to be shut down if there is not enough come winter, Economy Minister Robert Habeck told Der Spiegel magazine.

"Companies would have to stop production, lay off their workers, supply chains would collapse, people would go into debt to pay their heating bills, that people would become poorer," Habeck told Der Spiegel on Friday, saying it was part of Russian President Vladimir Putin's strategy to divide the country.

This is "the best breeding ground for populism, which is intended to undermine our liberal democracy from within," Habeck said, adding that Putin's plans must not be allowed to work out.

Habeck held out the prospect of further relief for companies and people affected by the lack of gas but warned that it would not be possible to absorb all the effects, reported Der Spiegel.

Consumers could see a doubling or tripling of their energy costs, which in some cases are already between 30% and 80% higher due to price increases from last fall, Klaus Mueller, the head of Germany's Bundesnetzagentur network regulator, told broadcaster ARD on Friday.

and let’s be honest, it took a very special sort of hallucinatory worldview to create the sort of echo chamber where you could not see this coming.

germany has been playing at ESG and letting the greens run riot in yet another attempt to prove out the age old adage about

“what did socialists use for light before candles?”


the german citizens can see what’s coming:


and the memelords have known it for ages.


and it just keeps getting worse:


the west has become a seriously unserious place.

the people who took over institutions in the late 90’s and started these collectivist and ill-founded eco-pushes are seeing their projects come to fruition. at least they knew they were lying and grifting.

the folks running these institutions now never knew any better. they came of age and to power having seen nothing else. they actually think this is (or ever was real) and lack any context to think outside the self-referential circularity of “the way of the watermelon.” (green on the outside, red on the inside)

their “facts” are fabrications. and this is how we keep getting it so wrong.

these people literally were taught to believe that down is up. (or not to care as long as they and theirs get to grift from greenmail.)

they seek to address supply shocks with demand subsidy and quick fixes like selling SPR reserves. this never works out like it’s supposed to.

we impose sanctions and cut leases and up their costs. we cancel pipelines.


every one of these things blows the price of oil into the stratosphere. this is not hurting putin. it’s hurting us and handing him ever more power while pushing china and india into alliance with him. they are only too happy to take what we will not.


US foreign policy has basically become “i’m going to pay you to watch me punch myself in the face until you give up!”

if the west wants to deter aggression, jacking up the price of the aggressor’s chief exports to maximize their gains while hamstringing our own economies and becoming ever more dependent on the russia/china axis that such policies benefit seems a pretty funny way to go about it.

even neville chamberlain would laugh at these people.

we hamper our own industry then hector them for being hampered.


the winning path here for the US is obvious: drill.

stop trying to break the price signal, and stop oil production. let’s go pedal to the floor. we’ve done it before, we can again. the oil and gas are there. OPEC cannot save us (and why would we want them to?)

the US is dangerously low on refining capacity, mostly because there has not (for EPA reasons) been a major refinery built in the US since ~1976 and some of the old capacity has reached end of life (esp in northeast) and was recently shuttered.

this is in our hands and we’re utterly fumbling it.

these people seem to have no idea how bad this can and will get if we don’t get our act together. cheap, reliable energy is economic lifeblood.

turn off the power, shut the factories, idle the combines, and see what happens.

keep an eye on germany. the price of these conceits seems poised to become apparent.

oil, gas, and nuclear are america’s path here. wind and solar and EV’s are not and cannot be. they are unreliable, overpriced grifts that lead to expensive energy and unreliable grids. we could not support a meaningful shift to EV and it’s not clear it’s a good (or eco) choice if we could.

the world’s most sensible chicken has some strong ideas here.

i agree with him.

A Serious Proposal on US Energy

https://doomberg.substack.com/p/a-serio ... medium=web

ESG is a crony corporatist paradise but a blight on the rest of us. it sets what must be bought and sold by fiat, not markets. it enriches and empowers the few at great expanse to the rest of us. adding it to SEC filings will create a massive industry of “compliance consultants” all to add a metric that tells us nothing objectively useful but that will provide wonderful pretext for future targeting of tax policy and subsidy. you can hear the command and control pigouvian malthusians salivating at the prospect.

left unchecked this is society scale metastatic cancer.

this is not rocket science. it’s simple, well known physics and painfully obvious geopolitics. we’ve just decided to once more to sacrifice that which works upon the altar of that which sounded good and to quote thomas sowell:

“many of todays problems are a result of yesterday’s solutions.”

https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/spic ... energy-and

Of course, if the true objective is to expedite collapse of American Empire then the decisions/policies pushed over the last several years begin to make more sense, more so than ineptitude alone.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Belligerent Savant » Mon Jul 11, 2022 10:18 am

Likely to be a recurring theme in other countries/regions, in time.

Dutch farmers park their tractors in front of the Senate in Den Haag. More demonstrators are expected today. At the same time, citizens who support the Dutch farmers' protest block the highway. Several centers of distribution are also blocked, also roads, roundabouts and bridges.

[video at link]

https://twitter.com/RadioGenova/status/ ... yFxIrcdF-A

The MSM doesn't want you to see how big the Dutch Farmers protest is getting.


https://twitter.com/LoneStrWizard/statu ... yFxIrcdF-A

“While the Dutch people are on the side of the farmers, their elites are behaving much as they did in Canada & the US…Media outlets are refusing to even report the protests & when they do, they cast the farmers as extremists”


https://www.newsweek.com/popular-uprisi ... on-1722653
A Popular Uprising Against the Elites Has Gone Global

https://twitter.com/RitaPanahi/status/1 ... yFxIrcdF-A

Breaking: Bill Gates Foundation funded supermarket in the Netherlands that sells fake meat has caught fire

Picnic online supermarket sells lab grown meat, and uses electric vehicles for delivery. Gates Foundation is heavily invested & dontated 600mil in euros last year.

https://twitter.com/QKatyhull/status/15 ... yFxIrcdF-A

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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Mon Jul 11, 2022 11:01 pm

WhyTF are you quoting Rita Pahani?
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Belligerent Savant » Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:30 am

1. No idea who she is; just clicked on her link now and see she's based out of Australia, which explains your reply (partially explains, at least).

2.the tweet was only included above because it consists of a quote from a Newsweek opinion piece, which I felt was worth sharing, not because I find Newsweek to be a beacon of journalism, but I find it somewhat interesting that Newsweek is publishing such an opinion piece. In any case, it's noteworthy that a mainstream editorial is commenting on these events.

3. As point 2 indicates, the tweet is nothing more than a quote taken from the Newsweek opinion piece. In other words, it does not contain any original content by Rita, so I have zero awareness of her output.

I suppose you can chime in with your take on who Rita is and what she represents, though i suspect it won't really be germane to the current situation with Dutch farmers, the focus of my prior reply.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:43 am

I don't really know the details of the Dutch protests beyond basics. My understanding is they are protesting about environmental laws that are sposed to limit the amount of nitrogen they can fertilise with. Not necessarily a bad thing because it will encourage better care of their soils and lower the damage to waterways and water tables caused by too much nitrogen in the water.

How much funding for those protests comes from Big Fert?

EU farmers are soft and well protected by subsidies.

Rita Pahani is a mouthpiece for Rupert Murdoch's publishing empire and the Australian equivalent of a Fox news talking head. (She is a talking head on Sky News in Australia.) She doesn't say anything without Rupert's approval.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Belligerent Savant » Tue Jul 12, 2022 1:12 am

Yes, ostensibly this is about nitrogen/nitrous oxide in fertilizer. But it seems increasingly apparent there's more going on than outward presentation; while this is all developing news, there appears to be other agendas in play.

Once more, the extent these aggressive measures are warranted remains TBD. With each passing month I grow increasingly hesitant to subscribe to 'climate change' front-facing narratives/justifications for what appear to be increasingly draconian measures.

How much of this is limited hangout/poisoned well info? Is land confiscation a real penalty/threat here or just white noise? That remains to be seen. Increasingly challenging to determine what may be real out there.

Dutch Farmers Land Confiscation to "Save our Climate" - Nitrogen Excuse to Shut Down Family Business

The World Economic Forum making moves to take farm land in the Netherlands for the purpose of creating their own food distribution central authority. The farmers are not taking it lying down

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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Tue Jul 12, 2022 2:41 am

Its worth reading this to get some background on what is going on:

https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/la ... 021-06-25/

EU strikes deal on huge farm subsidies, ending three years of negotiations
By Kate Abnett

BRUSSELS, June 25 (Reuters) - European Union negotiators struck a deal on reforms to the bloc's huge farming subsidy programme on Friday, introducing new measures aimed at protecting small farms and curbing agriculture's environmental impact.

The deal ends a near three-year struggle over the future of the EU Common Agricultural Policy, which will suck up around a third of the EU's 2021-2027 budget, spending 387 billion euros on payments to farmers and support for rural development.

Representatives from EU member states and European Parliament clinched the agreement, which aims to shift money from intensive farming practices to protecting nature, and rein in the 10% of EU greenhouse gases emitted by agriculture. read more

The new CAP rules apply from 2023 and do not cover Britain following its exit from the EU.

"In future, agriculture will not just ensure that farmers have a viable business, that we have a fair price for consumers, but it will also contribute to a greener Europe," said Portuguese agriculture minister Maria do Ceu Antunes, who represented EU countries in the talks.

"Small family-run farms will get support," said Norbert Lins, parliament's chief negotiator, adding that the deal gives farmers incentives to protect the environment.

Campaigners and some lawmakers said the deal failed to align farming with EU goals to fight climate change, warning that many measures to encourage farmers to shift to environmentally friendly methods were weak or voluntary.

The deal would require countries to spend 20% of payments to farmers from 2023-2024, rising to 25% of payments between 2025-2027, on "eco-schemes" that protect the environment.

Examples could include restoring wetlands to absorb CO2, or organic farming, although the rules did not define what would count as an eco-scheme. Any funds below those limits that are not spent on eco-schemes must be spent on green measures in other areas instead.

The rules require EU countries to redistribute at least 10% of CAP funds to smaller farms. Countries could dodge this requirement if they use other methods to distribute the funds fairly.

Countries must hand 3% of subsidies to young farmers, and should use criteria like income tests to define who is an "active farmer" and can receive subsidies - another attempt to stop large businesses sucking up money.

All farmers' payments would be tied to complying with environmental rules, such as setting aside 3% of arable land for areas where nature can thrive.

The deal also creates a 450 million euro crisis fund in case agricultural markets are disrupted by an emergency such as a pandemic.

EU auditors this week said the current CAP had failed to reduce emissions. EU agriculture emissions, half of which come from livestock, have not decreased since 2010.

European Parliament and EU member states must both formally approve the agreement.

So on the face of it this is probably something to do with whether or not The Netherlands is going to approve this subsidy regime.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby DrEvil » Tue Jul 12, 2022 7:43 pm

Belligerent Savant » Tue Jul 12, 2022 7:12 am wrote:.
Yes, ostensibly this is about nitrogen/nitrous oxide in fertilizer. But it seems increasingly apparent there's more going on than outward presentation; while this is all developing news, there appears to be other agendas in play.

Once more, the extent these aggressive measures are warranted remains TBD. With each passing month I grow increasingly hesitant to subscribe to 'climate change' front-facing narratives/justifications for what appear to be increasingly draconian measures.

How much of this is limited hangout/poisoned well info? Is land confiscation a real penalty/threat here or just white noise? That remains to be seen. Increasingly challenging to determine what may be real out there.

Dutch Farmers Land Confiscation to "Save our Climate" - Nitrogen Excuse to Shut Down Family Business

The World Economic Forum making moves to take farm land in the Netherlands for the purpose of creating their own food distribution central authority. The farmers are not taking it lying down

No idea if this is on purpose, either as a cash-grab, troll or poison pill, or if the guy is just a moron, but nowhere in his sources is there any talk of confiscating land or central food distribution authorities. All of that is pulled out of thin air. The WEF plan is for 'Food Innovation Hubs', so basically a forum to share knowledge (and to ensure WEF's tentacles are embedded as deeply as possible in every step of the food chain, which should be plenty scary enough without making stuff up).
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Belligerent Savant » Wed Jul 20, 2022 8:10 pm

I mentioned elsewhere that much of the 'Dutch Farmers Revolt' narrative remains a bit fuzzy given the amount of noise out there, particularly on social media. For now I'll hold a 'TBD' position. As more time transpires I expect there'll be more sober assessment of what's going on out there.

In the meantime:

ESG Funds Are Quietly Buying Oil Stocks

By Tim Quinson, Bloomberg ESG reporter and analyst

Managers of environmental, social and governance funds are starting to shift a larger portion of their assets to oil and gas producers, especially in Europe.

European-based ESG equity funds have been increasing their investments in energy companies, including Shell Plc, Repsol SA, Aker BP ASA and Neste Oyj, according to analysts at Bank of America Corp. About 6% of the funds invested in Shell this year, compared with none in 2021.

The allocations are driven by the outperformance of fossil-fuel stocks -- the S&P 500 Energy Index is up 30% this year -- along with optimism that the world’s biggest oil and gas companies will spend more to make the transition to cleaner energy.

Shell, TotalEnergies SE and Equinor ASA are among the companies that have evaluated the suitability of European utilities for takeovers, according to people familiar with the matter. Potential targets include some of the region’s largest wind and solar producers, such as Iberdrola SA, Orsted A/S and SSE Renewables Ltd.


The Robeco QI Emerging Conservative Equities fund, which adheres to Article 8 of the EU’s Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, holds shares of carbon-intensive companies China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. (Sinopec) and PetroChina Co.

Managers of the $2.2 billion fund justify those holdings based on their three-year plan to actively encourage Sinopec and PetroChina to boost their sustainability performance. If that engagement works, Robeco says it will raise its equity position in each of the companies. If not, it probably will divest.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Grizzly » Thu Jul 21, 2022 8:07 pm


They want you to feel climate change is a “personal threat”. Here’s why.
“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.”

― Joseph mengele
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Joe Hillshoist » Fri Jul 22, 2022 9:04 am

If they're talking about where I live then perhaps record breaking floods in 2017, then record breaking fires in 2019 then more record breaking floods this year might actually be a threat to people.

The article is garbage - trying to claim every one of those fires is arson. Trying to pretend people don't die in heat they aren't used to because of the stress it places on their body. Have to admit tho 40 C isn't really that hot. Over summer in 2018/19 the maximum temperature for over a month was over 38 and most days were over 40.

Obviously written by some moron who spends their life in artificial environments and air conditioning.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Belligerent Savant » Fri Jul 22, 2022 11:48 am


Haven't read the Off-Guardian article, but as mentioned before, my key reservation/objection is the claim that most of current climate-related issues are due primarily/exclusively to human-related activities, and that change is "imminent" and will require drastic adjustments at the direction of grifters masquerading as 'concerned' representatives and bureaucrats.

With each passing month it becomes clearer to me that this is yet another (long) con. Many of the studies put out there that push anthropomorphic climate change as the principal cause of weather fluctuations are heavily incentivized (paid/funded) to do so by entities with underlying agendas. This is NOT an uncommon operation, of course. It's practically accepted business practice now across practically all verticals involving grants and funding for studies.

This is acknowledged, if not overtly, by those in the respective fields (a number of articles/journal pieces shared across RI threads have also articulated this).

It's increasingly clear by now that ESG and "climate change" mitigation (which will no doubt involve measures previously considered verboten for any front-facing democracy, but now will be presented as "necessary", to be passively accepted, nay -- CHEERED -- by the rubes swallowing it all whole. Many have already been well-primed for it, as demonstrated here in RI; no longer a surprising development) is being utilized as yet another tool to push forward certain sweeping changes to our ways of life, to the detriment of human autonomy and fundamental rights.

Yes, I fully appreciate some of the counter-narratives are being co-opted/appropriated by the "Right"/Pro Oil crews to further muddy the waters/offer poison pills/keeping all those that self-identify as the "Left" or "Progressive" from even contemplating alternative scenarios. Same script as covid, where any narratives counter to official covid dogma can only be the result of Trumptard/"Right Wing Talking Points"/FOX NEWS.

(of course, that's not to say that all aspects of counter-arguments are valid, correct, or itself riddled with purposeful disinfo/misinfo; it's increasingly important as a consumer to apply discernment and critical thinking to all inbound information. Unfortunately, too few do this -- including those that consider themselves highly educated. Part of the reason we're collectively in this mess is lack of discernment and passive compliance, due in part to years-long conditioning mechanisms)

It's not mere coincidence Fox News is the primary major news network pushing anything resembling opposition to the covid/climate narratives: all the more reason for an entire demo to broad-brush dismiss valid inquiries/scrutiny.

Again, many are being played. Bigly.

(Note: the above is merely a cursory overview, of course -- there's markedly more detail and nuance to current circumstances, including many factors outside the realm of any centralized "management", though part of the beauty of conditioning protocols implemented historically is that once the initial primers are set, much of the rest will proceed on relative 'auto-pilot', with perhaps a few tweaks and recalibrations here and there).

This piece below astutely covers some of the themes referenced above:

generating a sense of crisis so people will demand "solutions" is not a basis for government

navigating our way out of the age of "nudge" and "spin"

el gato malo
Jul 16

we live in a strange time informationally. never before has so much information been available for those wishing to seek it out, yet this has not resulted in the golden era of truth and science that many predicted. instead it has unleashed the age of the propogandist and the spin-meister. not since the 30’s (and possibly not ever) has such a barrage been unleashed upon an unsuspecting and uncomprehending populace.

governments have been studying it and the instant mass feedback of online informationscapes has provided unerring, always-on A/B testing to hone messaging and allow the most potent stressors and effectors to be identified with scientific certainty, at least for a little while.

no longer must the saavy manipulator cook up best guesses on how to engender societal urgency and compliance. now all one must do is wait to see which new atavistic terror pops out of the the vast pachinko machine of twitter and voila! you have your highly evolved hobgoblin, full grown and ready to menace the townsfolk.


it’s so easy that any fool can do it.

the problem with this, of course, is that every fool IS doing it.

governments have been jumping in with both feet. the UK notably hired a whole pile of behavioral economists to learn how to weaponize such tactics to push public health. if you think the US has not been doing this as well, let’s talk. i have some charming bridge real-estate in brooklyn for you.

the problem with this sort of governance and guidance by focus group tested meme-bite is that it rapidly runs out of control and becomes self-referential GIGO gibberish both devoid of sense and divorced from reality.

pretty soon, not even they can tell if they are making sense.


this golem rapidly escapes its master and takes on a life of its own, which, not unlike a virus, serves nothing but memetic replication. it’s not really seeking any sort of valid or chosen end state. rather it is elevating those who support whatever KPOP political craze has all the kiddies throwing their underwear on the stage this week.

it does not plan or want or seek lofty (or any) societal goals. it just erects circular emotional and logical framings to perpetuate faddish following.

this can codify into things that look like political movements, environmental philosophies, and social and moral crusades, but they aren’t. it’s just coat after coat of paint on the hull of a boat that has long since rusted to nothing: empty words signifying naught but the drive to pander and the drive to power.

they lack any sound underpinnings and are instead a sort of meme hurricane sweeping across the warm oceans of outrage and need the feel meaningful. the vast convections of these societal storm systems do not spread enlightenment or provide solutions but rather suck all available energy into a vortex of destroying that which works in order to replace it with that which got the most likes on twitter.

and that way, madness lies.

look around the world. have you not noticed how deeply unserious our alleged leaders have become and how like puppets they seem: devoid of character but always upon the stage waving arms around?


the simple fact is this:

90% of modern political philosophy is performance for the sake of performance.

it serves nothing beyond itself.

it’s not actually attached to anything real.

such practice bends the world to generate crisis because crisis is the brand of social media.

anger, fear, and self-satisfied smuggery are the holy trinity of clickbait and memetic replication and so angry people existing in a perpetual sense of crisis asked to equate their own value and sense of self with membership in the “correct” tribe that knows the “right” facts is the inevitable optimization state for modern media structures.

some are smart enough to manipulate this planfully but most are just useful idiots elevated to prominence for their penchants for histrionics.

but the results are the same:

serious problems and deeply unserious solutions.

here’s a wonderful exemplar:

Macron Announces Street Lights Will Be Turned Off In Response To Energy Crisis

https://summit.news/2022/07/15/macron-a ... gy-crisis/

the EU is in serious trouble on power grids. they chased a made up green dream where over-priced and under-reliable power sources like wind and solar were subsidized and mandated into adoption while longstanding and effective nuclear was shut down (though france did mostly keep theirs). and now, as they rapidly discover their newfound dependence on geopolitical rival russia and desperately need solutions, what is the grand plan of france?

to turn off the streetlights.

as a reducer of energy consumption, this is a joke. it’s a meaningless rounding error. but that’s not why they chose it. they chose it because it’s highly visible, inconvenient as hell, and has immediate, negative effect on everyone’s lives. it’s a signal that “this is a crisis!” because crisis is the brand and people need to see how “serious” this is by having this darkly unserious policy inflicted upon them.

this is not a solution, it’s theater in the round to heighten the sense of drama and crisis and open people up to the next round of policy imposition.

here are two UK weather maps, one from 2012, one from 2022. notice anything?

the temps are not really different, but what used to get presented as happy sunshine logos is now the inflamed looking warning red of death by global warming (and doubtless has a soundtrack to match).


and, of course, we’re going to blame the current inability to keep up with power demand upon this diabolical redness that you can only prevent by abandoning your current lives and eating bugs.

this is all a part of the game as well.

the cause of these “problems” must always be manufactured to suit narrative. it’s never “wow did we get this wrong. it turns out ESG really means “electricity shortage globally!” but rather “we need to triple down on the meme that brought us here because these leaders no know other.”

they do not posses discernment or an ability to weigh trade offs, they serve the meme. it is the tiger from whose back they may not climb down and they will ride it right off a cliff and take you with them to avoid being eaten.

many of them have no idea that they created this problem. how could they? they have no idea how to even examine such things much less draw valid conclusions about them. they are not managing to reality because they don’t know how (and because they don’t live there anyway). they manage to perception, to seeming, to talking point. that’s what brought them here and it’s all they know. i suspect many are deeply surprised at the absolute calamity they have created. they are not even playing one move lookahead. they’re the disciples of a mad social media oracle that has deranged them with visions of adequacy.


the abiding unseriousness is on display for all.

hand them anything more complex than a peanut butter sandwich with the crust cut off and they lack even the rudiments of the ability to analyze or assess it. they’re just following the popular zeitgeist until they become cartoon pastiches of leadership. governance and “messaging” have become one and the messaging has lost contact with content.

and none of these ersatz “visionaries” even realizes that they have become clothes that lack an emperor.

this is now breaking all over the world because it has broken the world.

reality is that which happens anyway no matter how fervently your try to deny it and habitual habitation of hallucination always eventually founders upon such rocks.

economies collapse. power grids fail. systems of debt driven bubble-baby market manipulation reach the point where they cannot be sustained. social security nets break. empires slide into the sinkholes of fiscal non-viability. corruption runs riot.

it’s all on display, and let’s face it, it sucks.

people are angry, confused, and are rapidly losing faith in the institutions and punch and judy patriarchs and populists that made this mess.

and that is what the start of healing looks like.

the problem with government by “what sounds good” is that is sounds good. these were the tippy-top weapons grade focus group tested outputs of the collective unconsciousness rarified and ratified by the infallible selector of social media.

of course they sounded amazing.

if you doubt the efficacy of this, consider: in 2019 pretty much every doctor in the US would have told you that wearing a mask to stop a respiratory disease was pointless and foolish and probably counter productive. you know how you can tell? because none of them ever wore masks during flu season. heck, many of the same docs that later screamed “lock down and mask up” were out in early 2020 telling everyone not to. and they all flipped. it was not because the science changed. the science become more clear and better proven. what changed was what people on facebook were clamoring for: visible proof of “doing something.”

that is the power of sounding good.

these were literally the most precisely perception optimized products in the history of the human species.

but they were also really, really bad ideas. they were not selected for being right or true or just or even sane: they were the most compelling fairytales the collective societal psyche could invent to tell itself.

but they were fables, not facts.

we’ve reached the point of decision: we can either stop telling ourselves these tales of unserious utopianianism and top down diktat or we can wind up like other post fall cultures living uncomprehending in the remnants of roman roads and aqueducts and wondering how people had ever managed to build such marvels as we cluster around candlelight and speak in hushed tones of the antediluvian days of eclectic light.

to have governments and aspiring inter and transnational institutions this powerful in a world with this level of messaging optimization and reality bending manipulation of fact and philosophy is untenable.

we’ll just play this cycle over and over.

the good news is that the same systems of connection that pose this threat also provide its solution. much of the power assumed by the state was to address issues of collaboration and informational dissemination. but who needs health boards when we have online reviews? who needs boards of ed when we can have choice and open reporting of results broadly broadcast? in the age of the internet, does the CDC play any useful role? (and would they choose to perform rather than abrogate it even if they did?)

disassembling the true permanent power of leviathan lies in dissolving the technocratic and regulatory state and a move to systems of voluntary accreditation, open signaling, and peer to peer systems of review and assessment and free choice and agency.

if people care about X, let those who provide it compete to signal their fitness in supplying it, not kowtow to made up governmental standard and stricture that has no incentive to get the right answer and every risk of capture by smooth sounding promise and pretext.

if ever such things were needed, they certainly are not needed any more and ripping them out root and stem is the path to a future free from crisis-driven faux leadership by self-generated talking points inhabiting and animating the mindless puppet show we keep mistaking for government as it aids and abets our own incomprehension by barking it back at us glossed in a patina of alleged authority.

necessity is said to be the mother of invention and it’s clear that our need to find a new way forward has become acute. “that which sounded good” has run the world into a ditch and it’s not going to stop until we stop letting it and remove its power to impose itself upon us.

it’s time to change some things.

the society you save may be your own.

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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby DrEvil » Fri Jul 22, 2022 1:42 pm

Haven't read the Off-Guardian article, but as mentioned before, my key reservation/objection is the claim that most of current climate-related issues are due primarily/exclusively to human-related activities

Who should I believe? Your gut feeling, or the thousands of scientists who have studied this for decades and are all in agreement that you are wrong? It's so hard to decide!
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Belligerent Savant » Fri Jul 22, 2022 5:10 pm

Yea. that's a trendy retort among the rubes (applicable both to 'climate change' and 'covid').

"Trust the experts". "Trust the science". Dogma and zealotry.

It's not just my "gut feeling", despite attempts to frame it that way. There are actual persons out there with years of experience in this space that are saying similar things.

But no matter: proceed as you deem fit.

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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby DrEvil » Fri Jul 22, 2022 6:22 pm

Belligerent Savant » Fri Jul 22, 2022 11:10 pm wrote:.
Yea. that's a trendy retort among the rubes (applicable both to 'climate change' and 'covid').

What kind of argument is this? It's not trendy to accept something you can see with your own eyes.

"Trust the experts". "Trust the science". Dogma and zealotry.

“There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”
-Isaac Asimov

It's not just my "gut feeling", despite attempts to frame it that way. There are actual persons out there with years of experience in this space that are saying similar things.

Oh, sure. There's probably dozens of paid shills and assorted contrarians who make a quick buck off telling gullible fools what they want to hear. On the other hand there's thousands of working scientists who have been telling us for decades what's what, and every time they summarize it through another IPCC report (which, remember, is the conservative estimate, because literally every country, including places like Saudi Arabia, has to sign off on it) the evidence for their position gets stronger.

But no matter: proceed as you deem fit.

Germany - 2017 & 2022. The reliable media.

Oh no! The mass media added a heat map to their weather forecast! It's all a lie!

PS! Man, you should have seen this reply before I did a de-escalation pass. It would probably have earned me a ban, which should tell you something about how infuriatingly bad I thought your post was.
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