mRNA is seriously dangerous

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mRNA is seriously dangerous

Postby stickdog99 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 7:06 pm

Science attempts to soften the blow that Nature's new study that shows the mRNA COVID vaccine technology is inherently flawed:

Here is the actual Nature study that shows than the mRNA vaccines that were forced on all of us were using an inherently flawed technology.

And is here is my response to Science's attempt to soften the blow of what the study published in Nature showed:

mRNA vaccines may make unintended proteins, but there’s no evidence of harm

Alterations that help messenger RNA persist in living cells can trip up protein synthesis

Even after the billions of doses given during the pandemic, messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines still hold surprises.

LOL! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! SURPRISE! Your body made the wrong protein because the mRNA technology that you injected yourself with over and over and over was inherently flawed!!!

A study out today reveals they may unexpectedly prompt cells to produce small amounts of unintended proteins.

LOL! SURPRISE! Don't worry that your body made the wrong protein because the mRNA technology that you injected yourself with over and over and over was inherently flawed because it was only in "small amounts"! Trust us! We are Science, so we are being very scientific by using such precise language!

There is no evidence that these mistakes compromise the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines, which saved millions of lives, and the researchers have already proposed a fix that may help make future vaccines or drugs based on mRNAs safer and even more effective.

LOL! Trust us that the fact that there is an over 30% chance that your body made the wrong protein because the mRNA technology that you injected yourself with over and over and over was inherently flawed is actually a GOOD THING! Thank the Lord for this inherently flawed mRNA delivery platform that can only do good and could never possibly do any harm!

... “some of the future wider therapeutic uses for RNA technology beyond vaccines may involve higher and more frequent dosing, so any and all possible issues need to be addressed.”

But trust us, the 7 injections that we already forced you to get were totally awesome!!! We're Science! Don't you trust Science?

Strands of mRNA convey the blueprints encoded in cells’ genes to their protein-making machinery called ribosomes. The ribosomes read mRNA three bases at a time, with each of these so-called codons specifying an amino acid in the protein. Potential mRNA vaccines and therapies consist of artificial mRNA that carries the recipe for a specific protein. For vaccines, the goal is to generate an immune response to the protein—the spike protein of the pandemic coronavirus, for example. mRNA therapeutics aim to coax a person’s own cells to produce a protein that can treat a disease.

But because foreign RNA usually means a virus is attacking, cells tend to recognize and destroy it. Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman of the University of Pennsylvania decades ago discovered that if they altered one of mRNA’s bases, replacing uridine with pseudouridine, the modified strand could elude destruction long enough for cells to make the intended protein. The research, for which they will receive Nobel Prizes on Sunday in Sweden, helped accelerate the development of potential mRNA vaccines and therapies.

Unfortunately, this inherently flawed technology doesn't actually work in over 30% of cases, but don't worry! We only awarded the inventors of this inherently flawed technology a Nobel Prize to reduce vaccine hesitancy anyway!

However, the new work finds that the RNA modification strategy has a catch.

LOL! Don't you know, there is always "a catch"?

University of Cambridge toxicologists Anne Willis and James Thaventhiran and their colleagues wondered what effect the pseudouridine might have on the protein-making process. Ribosomes sometimes translate natural mRNAs incorrectly, and the researchers wanted to know whether such mistakes are more common when altered bases are inserted. They designed mRNAs that would prompt cells in a dish to produce a fluorescent protein only if a ribosome “slips” and starts to read the three-letter codons incorrectly, a mistake known as a frameshift. With natural mRNAs, this typically produces inactive proteins that are broken down by the cell.

The researchers found that mRNAs containing the form of pseudouridine used in Pfizer’s and Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccines were much more likely to induce frameshifted proteins than mRNAs with normal uridines. In their experiments, roughly 8% of the proteins produced from their experimental mRNAs were frameshifted.

To test whether the same effect happens in the body, the team compared the immune reactions of mice that were vaccinated either with the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine made by Pfizer or with a less widely used DNA-based vaccine from AstraZeneca. They found that the Pfizer-vaccinated mice generated antibodies to frameshift-derived proteins, whereas animals vaccinated with the AstraZeneca vaccine did not.

The researchers then examined immune responses in 20 people who got the AstraZeneca vaccine and 21 who got the Pfizer vaccine. Blood samples from about one-third of the Pfizer recipients showed an immune reaction to the frameshifted proteins, whereas none of the samples from AstraZeneca recipients did. None of the people reported any side effects from their particular vaccine, and there is no evidence, the researchers say, that the frameshifted protein is harmful.

But all of this is actually a good thing! Please remember to trust us! We are Science, after all!!

The Cambridge team emphasized at a press briefing that its work doesn’t indicate COVID-19 vaccines are unsafe. Indeed, Karikó notes that frameshifts frequently occur naturally when infected cells make viral proteins. These frameshifted proteins can naturally broaden the body’s immune response, she says, so it’s possible that the spike-targeting COVID-19 vaccines may even get a boost from the misreading.

Yes, all of this is definitely a good thing! Please remember to trust us! We are Science, after all!!

When asked about the new paper, Pfizer did not directly comment on its findings but in a statement said its vaccines had a “positive benefit-risk profile.” A Moderna spokesperson declined to comment.

Wait a minute! Why aren't these marketing departments leaping on this OBVIOUSLY GREAT NEWS to sell more of these TOTALLY AWESOME INJECTIONS???

But Thaventhiran says frameshifting might be more important in other applications of mRNA technology such as cancer vaccines, designed to trigger immune responses to tumor-specific proteins. Cancer patients are likely to have received other treatments that alter their immunity, so they might be more vulnerable to the mistaken proteins and any immune reactions they could trigger.

Oh, so, this is not actually great news for all of the other mRNA vaccines that these manufacturers have in the testing and production pipeline. Well, at least it's still great news for the billions that they already sold us! Don't you trust Science?
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Re: mRNA is seriously dangerous

Postby stickdog99 » Thu Dec 07, 2023 8:42 pm

Please read this article if you want to have the ramifications of the new Nature study that shows that the mRNA technology injected into people more than 10 billions times to date was inherently flawed from the start explained to you as if you were a junior high school student.
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Re: mRNA is seriously dangerous

Postby Grizzly » Fri Dec 08, 2023 12:09 pm


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Re: mRNA is seriously dangerous

Postby Belligerent Savant » Fri Dec 08, 2023 1:21 pm

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Re: mRNA is seriously dangerous

Postby Grizzly » Fri Dec 08, 2023 10:55 pm

There's only so many tabs my brain can open before my grey matter processor bogs down. Then I have to choose what hills to die on, 'so to speak'. I 'm curious if you fine chaps and or ladies or other, can tell me the the data on whether 'vaccine shedding' is a real or low priority to worry about? And if so, what are the nuances of it? All comments thoughts, insights , experience's are welcome. I'm sure it's been covered here somewhere, but this place is vast and the search is shit as most of us know. Not to say I don't appreciate RI Mods for they're thankless jobs. I do. But, I'm tired old and cranky, lately. With no patience. Except to ask to be pointed to anything on shedding. Also, maybe not so needless to say, I've gotten sick (which s rare for me) and have had a cough I can't move out of my throat/chest for over a month now.
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Re: mRNA is seriously dangerous

Postby stickdog99 » Sun Dec 10, 2023 4:02 pm

You may want to search google for "100 day cough" to see the propaganda circulating about this condition.

Some things I would try, if I were you (from the lowest cost to the highest):

fresh ginger
Vitamins D & C, Bromelain, and Zinc

Olive Leaf
Oregon Grape, Barberry, and/or Burdock Root (or any other root high in berberine)
Black Cumin Seed
Turmeric + Black Pepper

All of the above herbs can be purchased in bulk or pill form.

Magnesium and Vitamin K2
NAC + Glycine
Nattokinase and/or Serrapeptase

Also, use saline, silver, xylitol, and or povidone/iodine nasal spray and/or gargle

What's The Deal With That Cough Everyone Seems To Have Right Now?
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Re: mRNA is seriously dangerous

Postby Grizzly » Mon Dec 11, 2023 10:43 pm

Thank you, very kindly. Note: I already take or have been taking, lot's of the above, but there's a few there that I should check out.
Last edited by Grizzly on Tue Dec 12, 2023 4:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: mRNA is seriously dangerous

Postby Belligerent Savant » Tue Dec 12, 2023 9:15 am


In addition to the helpful tips by Stickdog, I use Oil of Oregano as well for myself and family members during winter months to help keep colds/flu at bay: ... gIyRPD_BwE

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North American Herb & Spice was the first company to introduce edible oil of oregano to the North American market which led to the health improvement of countless numbers of people. It is handpicked in pristine, and unpolluted remote mountains. There is no substitute for Oreganol P73, the original, truly wild, organic, oregano oil that is produced by old-fashioned steam distillation. Our P73 daily use formula is the only unprocessed, full-spectrum wild oregano oil available. Use it as your preferred wild oregano oil drops, and for optimal health take a few drops daily.

Suggested use
Take at least 2 drops under the tongue or in juice/water daily. Rub topically to support skin health.

FWIW, haven't had a cold or flu for a ~couple years now (perhaps I just jinxed it...), though I also strive to get at least 20-30 minutes of early AM direct sunlight exposure and minimally go for walks (among other forms of activity) daily, as well as avoid processed/fast foods for the most part.

Can't say for certain the above habits are the core reasons I've been well, but such habits don't cause any harms, minimally.
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Re: mRNA is seriously dangerous

Postby Grizzly » Tue Dec 12, 2023 3:59 pm

Yep, Oil of Oregano, has saved me more than once, I highly suspect. But thanks. I was prescribed five days of prednisone which seems to be helping too. But personally don't like taking steroids so I held off a week or 10 days after I got em, but nothing else seemed to help. Still no thoughts on virus shedding? I should mention it doesn't make me happy we live thirty minutes from a Level 4 "biodefence" laboratory. The Rocky Mountain Laboratory (RML) Integrated Research Facility, along w/GlaxoSmithKline, in Hamilton, Montana. ... n-montana/

Censored – The Study That Shows a Staggering 17 Million Deaths After Covid Vaccine Rollout. ... e-rollout/
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Re: mRNA is seriously dangerous

Postby Belligerent Savant » Tue Dec 12, 2023 5:17 pm

Will need to go back to earlier materials I've parsed Re: shedding and share anything of note, though I've come to apply scrutiny to any/all info related to covid, particularly any of the 'fearporn'-esque connotations. I believe that 'shedding' may occur to an extent, but it wouldn't include transfer of LNPs, or the transfer of replicating spike proteins.

I find myself revisiting certain previously 'fundamental truths' Re: transmission of illness, and needless to say, limited hangouts abound across all spectrums pertaining to this topic, so discernment is key.

Here's an excerpt from one review on the topic:


Prolonged viral shedding is important to consider while discontinuing isolation procedures and/or discharging SARS-CoV-2 patients. Despite the lack of symptoms or resolution of the same, the risk of transmission persists due to viral shedding and cannot be easily disregarded. This risk varies in magnitude and depends on the infectivity of the virus, and also the patient population involved. Therefore, clinical-decision making should be governed by clinical scenario, guidelines, detectable viral load, source of detectable virus, infectivity, and patient-related factors.

Caveat Lector, as always.

I currently lean towards the notion that shedding, however valid a concept/event, is not equivalent to mRNA injections as far as potential for side effects. But none of this is known with any certainty at the moment.
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Re: mRNA is seriously dangerous

Postby Grizzly » Wed Dec 13, 2023 2:24 am

Means a lot, thanks, BS. I Haven't been sick through ANY of the last 4 years, didn't mask, didn't hide, didn't VAX, bummed, this is happened now, after making it through the push.
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Re: mRNA is seriously dangerous

Postby Belligerent Savant » Wed Dec 13, 2023 7:35 pm

Belligerent Savant » Wed Dec 13, 2023 6:34 pm wrote:.
Posting this here as consideration. Caveat Lector applies at all times. I do not necessarily subscribe to all points made. Much of this remains TBD.


A thread that scares me more than anything else.

The slow release of the most terrifying information ever published by the BBC, couched in lies, platitudes & soothing language.
Covid study: mRNA vaccines could be fine-tuned

By Michelle Roberts
Digital health editor
6 December 2023

Lie 1

“Covid vaccines given to millions of people could be fine-tuned for even greater accuracy, UK scientists say.”

No, what they really said is the injections have been exposed by independent scientific studies to do exactly what was hidden from Governments & the Public.

They hid this information at the trial stage, they knew about it before they gained EUA, they forged then results, they didn’t care.

They promise they can make changes to these injections to stop them doing what they are doing, but zero studies have been conducted.

Lie 2

“Genetic instructions in the jab could be tweaked to avoid a harmless tiny "slip" sometimes seen as the body reads the code.”

People, myself included have been vilified & ridiculed, some even de-platformed & canceled for telling you it was a Genetic Modifying Injection.

But here we are, the BBC softly telling the general public exactly that, these injections are modifying your Genetic Code.

Worse still, they are telling you there is a “Tiny Slip” and it’s Harmless.

They have absolutely Zero Idea of what will happen when this randomised Frameshifting occurs.

There have been No studies to examine the consequences. Not one.

No one can say it’s harmless, they don’t know, they are couching this in comforting terms because it’s happening to 1 in 3 people that took the jab.

Could all these random corrupt genetic instructions that are being continually produced by 1 out of 3 people that took the injection be the reason we are seeing millions upon millions of reports of Adverse Drug Reactions?

Lie 3

“Existing mRNA vaccines are effective and safe, they say.”

There is zero evidence to support this claim, but there is an ever growing mountain of evidence that proves they are neither safe, nor effective.

Lie 4

“The partly government-funded study, published in the journal Nature, involved detailed lab work on the original Pfizer-BioNTech shot that, three years ago, became the first of its kind to be used to protect people in the pandemic.”

They are trying to make you believe that this was the old shot & it’s no longer a problem.

Zero changes have been made to these injections, even the ones administered today that stop Frameshifting.

It will still happen to 1 in 3 people that took the jab today.

Lie 5

“One of the biggest success stories in medicine, the mRNA shots, which include one made by Moderna, have protected millions of lives, the researchers say.”

There is zero evidence that the injections have saved a single life.

These numbers are based on proven failed Mathematical modelling.

It’s like a Neil Ferguson Projection on crack cocaine.

It’s utter hogwash.

Again, there is significant mounting evidence that the only thing these injections achieved was enormous harm, physical injuries and deaths.

They don’t stop infection, transmission hospitalisation, or death.

We do know through IgG switching they destroy the natural immune response.

We do know that the inclusion of the SV40 promoter that it increases cancer rates.

We now know that it’s making your body produce random corrupted genetic code and they have no idea how the body will react to it.

But I can guarantee it won’t deliver positive outcomes.

Lie 6

“Covid mRNA vaccines work by showing the body's cells a bit of genetic code from the pandemic virus.

This cannot cause infection but can teach the body how to defend itself against Covid-19.

The body reads and translates the code using its own cell machinery, called ribosomes.

The immune system then uses the instructions to make special protective proteins, called antibodies, that can fight Covid.”

They are not a vaccine, it’s a genetic modification injection, they just told you how it modifies your genetics.

Lie 7

“It is the translation process in the ribosomes that can go slightly wrong, the researchers say.”

Slightly wrong, they have no idea what happens. If slightly wrong is 1 in 3 people, god only knows what badly wrong has to be.

It’s an utter disaster.

Lie 8

“The end result is still great protection - but there can be a few extra, unintended proteins made too.”

They don’t stop infection, transmission hospitalisation, or death.

t’s proven that the more injections you take the more susceptible you are to catching COVID again and again and again.

They provide zero protection, they are a COVID Pheromone, the more you take the more attractive you become to reinfection & illness.

Lie 9

“Thankfully, these cause no physical issues, the researchers say, based on real-life evidence from the millions of people, including teenagers and children, vaccinated.”

Zero research has been conducted on the impacts of frameshifting.

Zero, nada, zilch.

Lie 10

“Had there been any problems, they would have been spotted early on, they say.”

They have never studied it, thus never looked for the impacts, or problems.

They wouldn’t and still don’t know.

They still are not looking.

Lie 11

“Translating the code is a bit like reading a sentence of three-letter words, such as: "The cat ate the fat rat."

The ribosome occasionally skips forward by a letter or place, called a frameshift, to read: "The cat a tet hef atr."”

The scariest lie of all.

They have no idea what this corrupt genetic code will do to the billions of people that are now affected with this issue.

1 in 3 people that took the jab.

There is zero short, medium, or long term information available on what will happen to all these people that are now producing corrupted genetic code.

The BBC say its all fine, we’ll have an updated jab to fix that.

I say it’s utterly terrifying.

I have said for a long time that this is about depopulation, this does nothing to reduce my fears.

The BBC are liars, misinformation spreaders and the media arm for pharmaceutical companies.

It should be dismantled and abandoned.

Thanks to
for the original post to the article

For her outstanding investigative journalism

who one again has been proven correct about the Western Blott fraud

. Who help me with my long tweets in an attempt to reduce my typos. ... 34168?s=20
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Re: mRNA is seriously dangerous

Postby Grizzly » Thu Dec 14, 2023 10:24 pm

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Re: mRNA is seriously dangerous

Postby Grizzly » Fri Dec 15, 2023 10:50 pm

RFK, Jr. exposes dark secrets of U.S. bioweapons program in new book, “The Wuhan Cover-Up” ... e-wuh.html


If you had an hour with Anthony Fauci, what would you ask him?

Here's what the BBC came up with ... vXduE3mEmA
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