'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Belligerent Savant » Mon Nov 20, 2023 2:36 pm

DrEvil » Mon Nov 20, 2023 12:22 pm wrote:
it doesn’t apply to me

It's almost surreal at times, the extent of 'groupthink' in play among certain classes/demographics, and this applies regardless of education level, and across political spectrums: many echo and repeat very similar talking points, almost verbatim, in alignment with their 'tribe'

It never applies to you, does it?

JRiddler's comments? No, they don't, clearly.

Am I susceptible to 'programming'/disinfo/misinfo? Absolutely -- everyone is, and I explicitly stated as such in prior comments I've made here over the years.

As someone that has ZERO allegiance to EITHER dominant political party in the U.S., and does NOT watch Network News, rely on curated 'News' articles from Google (or similar), and makes an effort to filter every piece of information available to me, I believe I am less susceptible to such 'tricks' than others are, sure.

But I'm not immune to them.

Part of the reason I've shifted or revised my positions on certain topics over the years is because I'm willing to re-assess and re-calibrate; to challenge my own positions from time to time.

The one thing that remains persistent -- and perhaps has further solidified over the last ~3yrs in particular -- is my contention that so much of what is available to the typical consumer (and even to the 'learned' consumer) is blatant, harmful and egregious LIES, on a daily basis. But at the same time, there are often elements of truth -- sometimes obfuscated -- in some of these lies told.
(Lies are amplified even more during times of War or 'Global Crisis' campaigns)

Discernment is key. And of course, our own bias sometimes gets in the way as well. I have been humbled a number of times over the years and expect to continue to be humbled in the years to come. But I'm also not afraid to be wrong about a certain issue.

At least in these last few years, however, my instincts have guided me well.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Belligerent Savant » Wed Nov 29, 2023 6:14 pm

I've touched on these talking points over the last several pages+ of this thread, but it 'hits different' coming from an actual Agricultural Engineer from Africa.


Dear COP28,

A MESSAGE from a Small Scale Farmer in rural Kisii Kenya to the UN COP 28 in UAE.

[Video at Link]


Why does Africa need Fossil Fuels?
The energy industry powers every other industry. Because we want to flourish, we want to replace~90% of SS Africa's energy that comes from burning firewood, manure/fertilizer & crop residue. But esp because we want to feed ourselves, beat hunger, and..


..have the four pillars of modern Civilization- Cement, Steel, Plastics and synthetic Fertilizers-all available thanks to FFs [Fossil Fuels].
Africa with 17% of the Earth population uses 5% of global synthetic fertilizers produced.


Why do I say we need more fertilizer in Africa for my people?
Average synthetic Nitrogenous Fertilizer use per ha in KGS
African 20
US 120
EU 150
India 250
China up to 350!
More fertilizer and farm machinery is how China is feeding its people!


The countries preaching solar and wind to us used and are still using lots of Fossil Fuels to power their civilization. And btw, they preach solar and wind to us while they steal our fossil fuels.



But Solar and Wind are just electricity. Africa uses 4% of the global Electricity generated.
My family of 6 uses 200 kWh per year. That's less than a typical American refrigerator that consumes 500 kWh per year! And less by far when compared to an American who uses 13000 kWh per year!


Because we are poor. We don't have dishwashers, refrigerators, laundry, microwaves, etc. We use our electricity for lighting and charging phones, basically! So Solar and Wind isn't the solution, UN!

When they are not doing that (I mean the Western governments and antihumanist environmental organizations), they are busy bribing our leaders to have our Fossil Fuels! Or paying youth activists to stop Fossil Fuel development in Africa-like the EACOP- for Money, 5 Star hotels and business flights.


Machines amplify and expand our capabilities and my mum could use some. In the US, machines reduced the time required for a man to produce a kilo of wheat from 10 minutes to 2 seconds in about 100 years. And farm machines aren't going to be powered by intermittent dilute Wind & Solar.

Because electric machines, just like electric vehicles, are a pipe dream!
They help enslave my people in Congo where 40k children are working as artisanal miners-projected to rise to 800k by 2035 as red Cobalt demand goes up by 20× to make some rich Westerner feel good in his EV!


They help the antihumanists NGOS and the African hating UN (which did a piece on The benefits of World Hunger a while back) to keep us poor- Depopulation! Too much of us, just enough of them! The orgs get to milk people with good hearts for aid funds & the UN keeps Africans poor


The Neocolonial UN is hiding behind climate change now. And it is pushing the IMF and WB to Africans to ensure zero Fossil Fuel devt (unless it is for Western nations), limited fertilizer use, high fuel prices, among other Neocolonial tactics the UN has perfected


My message is Let's not attend the COP 28. Or if we do, let's preach why we need economic development through access to more energy. Reliable energy from Fossil Fuels that we have in plenty. We don't need aid. We have the solutions.

I have been brought up by parents who depended entirely on Small scale farming for a livelihood. I have worked on our tiny farms throughout my lifetime. This is the norm for 99% of the people in my community and over 70% of Kenyans.


I have a sustainable internship program for the UN, various environmental NGOs' and personnel(if they didn't block me) and people who would like to try the rural village life-you can check it out on my here.

Fossil Fuels for Africa!

https://x.com/JusperMachogu/status/1729 ... 00115?s=20

*Qualifier: I came across this individual today, so cannot speak to any underlying motivations or funding -- if any; I've performed no vetting to this point but have no reason to believe, at this time, malevolent intent on the part of @JusperMachogu. But as always, this is subject to change.

AS a point of clarity, the above is not to suggest we do away completely with alternative forms of energy generation, but to be aware that 'Fossil Fuels' are actually practical/useful for many 2nd/3rd-tier (or worse) nations, and -- once more -- are not primary (or even secondary) factors in weather fluctuations, if at all.

There are ways to employ a balance of numerous useful and even environmentally-friendly energy options (which should include Nuclear Power along with 'Fossil Fuels', Electricity, Wind, Solar, etc.) without resorting to restrictive/totalitarian/eugenicist (i.e., anti-human, as indicated in the above quoted thread) objectives/policies/enforcement.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby DrEvil » Wed Nov 29, 2023 10:00 pm

Never heard of this guy before, but he is at least gullible enough to fall for the "The benefits of World Hunger" hysteria, completely missing that it's an attack on western consumerism and exploitation, something that is incredibly obvious if you read the article or just look up the author's previous publications. Here's the last sentence: "No wonder people at the high end are not rushing to solve the hunger problem. For many of us, hunger is not a problem, but an asset."

I do agree with him that if fossil fuels are what's required to get them out of poverty and there are no alternatives then they should use fossil fuels, but still supplement with greener alternatives where possible, and then gradually phase out fossil fuels when the heavy lifting is done.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby stickdog99 » Thu Nov 30, 2023 7:54 pm

The Guardian: Twelve billionaires’ climate emissions outpollute 2.1 million homes, analysis finds

Yes, the analysis is facile. Still, our supposed climate crisis, regardless of its reality, is now being used to get you to demand the exact same austerity for the masses prescriptions that Thatcherites, Reaganites, and rich conservatives of all stripes have long championed.

And we should all have just two words for the billionaires driving this social project:

You first.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby stickdog99 » Sat Dec 02, 2023 5:11 pm

Everything you hate about climate change virtue signaling in the most absurd story you'll read this year

The New York Times somehow casts a Massachusetts couple who spent $7 million on building an oceanfront (second) home as environmental activists. Can't make it up.

You’re gonna want to read this one on an empty stomach.

Twenty-six times a year, The New York Times shows its commitment to the environment by offering readers “Living Small.”

No, Living Small isn’t about the joys and trials of being height-challenged. It’s “a biweekly column exploring what it takes to lead a simpler, more sustainable or more compact life.”

Seems the Times defines “sustainable” somewhat broadly, though.

Thus today’s Living Small:

Their Cape Cod Home Isn’t Small, but Its Carbon Footprint Is

When I saw that headline, I paused to pull on my Tyvek suit before clicking through. I knew the unintentional irony and hypocrisy were about to get thick. But I had no idea how thick.

In 2019, Michael and Jennifer Monteiro dropped $2.6 million on an oceanfront vacation house in Harwich, Massachusetts. Good for them! Michael was just about to sell Buildium, a cutely named software company he had cofounded, for $580 million.

The Monteiros didn’t just want a oceanfront second home, though.

They wanted a oceanfront second home they could feel good about. A oceanfront second home that would tell the world (and themselves) they weren’t merely rich people who owned an oceanfront second home, but thoughtful wealthy people who brought an ethos of sustainability wherever they went, even to their oceanfront second home.

The kind of people who say We’re so lucky. We’re just so lucky, and almost mean it.

So the Monteiros spent the next three years working to make their oceanfront second home more energy efficient.

Turns out this was quite the project.

First, they had to demolish it!

Because tearing down a house that’s less than 40 years old is far more environmentally friendly than renovating it. Don’t worry, though, the Monteiros brought in a “material reuse organization to salvage everything worth keeping, and recycled as much of the rest as possible.” (Not including the foundation, they needed a new foundation.)

Then they had to build a new house. And not just any house, “a modern, sustainable house disguised as a traditional shingled cottage.”

Disguised indeed. For the Monteiros wanted their new, eco-friendly house to be 6,000-square feet, a mere three times the size of the average American home.

This wasn’t going to be one those 7,000-square foot McMansion monstrosities, people! It would be 6,000, and not a square foot more.

And it was gonna look like a shingled cottage, because that’s classy, even though classy is a word that rich people in blue states never use, never never never, because classy is not actually a classy word. Hey, I don’t make the rules.

And this new house needed hemp insulation, because Mr. Monteiro doesn’t like regular insulation. Alas, Americans don’t usually use hemp insulation. (Red-state savages!)

But the Monteiros found a solution:

They couldn’t find an American installer with the necessary expertise and equipment. Their solution was to assemble a team of French, Canadian and American specialists and import the spray rig from France.

Yes, this family was so committed to saving carbon, it insisted on bringing its own specialized equipment and contractors from thousands of miles away instead of hiring local workers! The Times doesn’t say, but I presume the equipment was flown across the Atlantic on a carbon-free magic carpet.


A mere two years later, the Monteiros had their dream 6,000-foot disguised cottage.

And how much did all this efficiency cost?

The Times - and the Monteiros - are too modest (too classy!) to give us an exact figure. But they do drop a hint: the project cost about $1,200 a square foot.

So, let’s see, $1,200/square foot * 6,000 square feet = $7.2 million, give or take.

Not counting the furnishings. Because the Monteiros had to buy a bunch of new stuff for their new house! I guess the “material reuse organization” didn’t find much “worth keeping” from the old house. ...

The article contains not even a hint of the fact that with the possible exception of flying private, nothing is more environmentally ruinous than building a second house. It ends on a high note, as Monteiro shares his heroic dream of leading the masses to hemp-filled homes:

“I don’t expect everybody’s going to want to build with hemp,” he said. “But I hope it causes people to think more about the choices that go into building a house.”

Let’s all hope so.

Because the only thing better than gazing at the ocean from the deck of your brand-new $7 million disguised cottage is -

Gazing at the ocean with the satisfaction that comes from knowing that you made all the right choices in building it.

Actually there is one thing even better than luxuriating in your own virtue: letting the world see it, too.

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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby BenDhyan » Sun Dec 03, 2023 10:55 pm

Well explained...

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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Grizzly » Wed Dec 06, 2023 9:54 pm

Trials Of Henry Kissinger

Surprised this is still up...
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Belligerent Savant » Tue Jan 16, 2024 1:17 pm



Norway produces 4 million barrels of oil per day, about one-third more oil than ExxonMobil -- for a nation of only 5.4 million; Norway's sovereign wealth fund uses 'ESG' to attack US and European oil companies.

https://www.reuters.com/business/energy ... 024-01-16/

Norway boosts oil, gas drilling, including in Arctic

By Nerijus Adomaitis and Nora Buli
January 16, 202410:39 AM EST

- Awards 62 exploration permits, up from year-ago 47
- More interest in Arctic Barents Sea drilling
- Awards are based on applications from oil firms
- Environmental groups protest Norway's drilling

SANDEFJORD, Norway, Jan 16 (Reuters) - Norway on Tuesday awarded stakes in 62 offshore oil and gas exploration licences to 24 energy companies, including state-controlled Equinor (EQNR.OL), opens new tab, boosting the amount of acreage offered as the country seeks to pump for decades to come.

The annual award was up from 47 licences a year ago when 25 firms received permits. The increase involved drilling permits in the Arctic Barents Sea and the adjacent Norwegian Sea, the country's energy minister told a conference.



While Norway backs the Paris climate accords and the global goal to transition away from fossil fuels, the country also says the world will need access to oil and gas for many years.

"The government's policies continue to be on a head-on collision course with a sustainable climate," Friends of the Earth Norway head Truls Gulowsen said in a post on social media X.

Norway in 2022 overtook Russia as Europe's biggest gas supplier as Moscow's invasion of Ukraine severed decades-long energy ties. The Nordic country also replaced some of the Russian oil barrels banned by the European Union.

The number of new drilling permits awarded in the North Sea was unchanged year-on-year at 29, while 25 were issued for the Norwegian Sea, up from 16 one year ago.

Equinor was awarded stakes in 39 licences, including 14 it will operate, while the second-largest listed oil firm, Aker BP, received stakes in 27 licences, including 17 it will operate.

Vaar Energi (VAR.OL), opens new tab came third with stakes in 16 licences, including four it will operate.

Oil majors Shell (SHEL.L), opens new tab and TotalEnergies (TTEF.PA), opens new tab received stakes in one licence each, while ConocoPhillips (COP.N), opens new tab received stakes in three.

Norway's overall output amounted last year to around 4 million barrels of oil equivalent per day, divided equally between oil and natural gas.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby DrEvil » Tue Jan 16, 2024 8:52 pm

The wealth fund isn't fucking with fossil fuel companies to be nice, but because they know the writing is on the wall and continued investments risk massive losses from stranded assets (just look at the increase in green energy the last few years. That's not stopping any time soon).

And trust me, there's plenty of people who want to wind down the oil industry, ideally yesterday (it's not like we can't afford to), but that's not happening as long as the government consists of Labor (basically the political wing of the labor movement and unions (except the elevator repairmen union who still hold seminars in Marxist theory and will fuck you over good if you ever try to bypass them. Hope you like stairs), which includes a lot of people working offshore or in industries that depend on the offshore industry, although some of the larger unions are starting to demand change), and the Center Party, populist farmers (used to be called the Farmer's Party) who think maintaining polluting industry in rural areas is more important than dealing with our shit.

The alternative would be our previous government, the Conservatives (money rules, and like Labor being in bed with the unions, the Conservatives are in bed with the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise), and the Progress Party (dumb racist fucks and the highest percentage of climate change denial of any mainstream party in the country, except maybe the new Industry Party, which was founded explicitly to fight the dismantling of the oil industry. Their program reads like a denier's wet dream, and they've been getting a lot of people elected locally the last couple of years. Fortunately the only thing they can agree on is offshore=good, so right now they're fighting like cats and dogs about everything else and imploding in spectacular fashion), which would be even worse.

The parties that are serious about winding down oil and gas are too small to gain power on their own. The Socialists are usually somewhere between 5-10%, the Greens are hovering around 3-4% and the Liberals are about the same. The Christian Democrats (also 3-4%) could have been one of them, but decided to shoot themselves in the foot with a hard right turn a few years ago and lost everyone but two people in parliament, and the Communists are in too deep with the industrial unions (and their leader turned out to be a kleptomaniac, which didn't help. He wasn't stealing those sunglasses, he was redistributing them!). Their only way of having a say is to join a coalition with the above mentioned larger parties, and no fucking way any of them will agree to a demand like that.

TL;DR: things will change when the money moves elsewhere or there's people setting up guillotines outside parliament, like always.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Belligerent Savant » Thu Jan 18, 2024 1:02 pm

There are numerous coping mechanisms utilized by those that have been deeply misled. It is a difficult pill to swallow, the realization that so much of previously accepted "truths" were actually, in many respects, fabrications.

This is another topic, among others, where the egregious lies being told (actual risk vs. propagandized risk, and specifically: the 'recommended' measures/policies pushed on populations to combat stated 'risks') are becoming increasingly apparent to a wider contingent of humans.

As they attempt to further tighten the screws, more will be startled out of their slumber.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby DrEvil » Thu Jan 18, 2024 4:14 pm

We're on page 41 of this thread, and so far your only evidence to support your position is your gut feeling and the occasional misrepresentation/misreading of a scientific paper. If that's all it takes to convince you of something then I have a great business opportunity for you!
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby Belligerent Savant » Fri Jan 19, 2024 12:44 pm

That’s simply laughable.

Utter misrepresentation or dishonest comment. I shared far more than you claim above, but irrespective of what I shared here, there is PLENTIFUL data out there — including in science journals, commentary from scientists & environmentalists, and increasingly in the mainstream press — that have been aligning with much of the primary drivers of the points I’ve raised here.

Either you are simply too entrenched in your echo chamber to notice or you refuse to acknowledge it.

Regardless, proceed as you deem fit. Continue to wave your hands dismissively in this obscure forum, as if it has any bearing on what’s going on out there.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby DrEvil » Fri Jan 19, 2024 7:22 pm

That's funny, because I keep asking you to post science that backs your claims (specifically about the reality of man-made climate change), and you keep not being able to supply any.

If you go back through this thread you will find several examples of me pointing out to you that the papers you posted don't actually say what you thought they did (and repeated attempts at explaining that random class notes from night school isn't a scientific paper). In addition there's several examples of you being spectacularly ignorant about very basic things, like there having been an ice age several thousand years ago, or how probabilities work. To top it off, every time I point out one of these things, you completely ignore it. I don't think you've acknowledged a single mistake or snafu in this entire thread. Instead you immediately get combative, change the subject, post another one of your entirely content-free missives like above (can't you just write one and then just paste it where necessary? It's not like it's worth reading anyway, so you would save everyone some time), or disappear for a few weeks. That's not how you have an honest discussion, that's how you gaslight and bullshit people.

And speaking of echo chambers: you do realize you're in one too, right? You post an awful lot of content from a small circle of well known deniers, skeptics and contrarians, many of them funded by the fossil fuel industry. It's been pointed out many times that you are spouting oil industry talking points from the likes of the Heartland Institute or similar, and that the oil industry has spent decades and millions of dollars on a disinformation campaign designed to achieve exactly what you're championing in this thread (basically, anything that will let the oil industry keep trucking for just a little longer). Why is that? Why are you consistently ignoring the one conspiracy we actually know for a fact is real? Is it that hard for you to acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, you got pulled in by a well funded and (pun intended) well oiled propaganda machine?
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby liminalOyster » Sun Jan 21, 2024 2:14 am

IMHO, Trump spells reliable energy abundance, less illegal immigration, a better pay for the locals, less taxes, fighting cartels like the UN, and most importantly promoting World Peace.

Another line tweeted by Jusper Machogu, who vocally suckles at the teat of his "favorite author" Alex Epstein, the fossil-fuel-funded boilerplate Libertarian Duke grad, CATO troll, and Ayn Rand/Thomas Sowell fan boy.
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Re: 'EcoFascism' and related Acts of Criminality.

Postby DrEvil » Mon Jan 22, 2024 7:45 pm

It's weird how so many of these "just came across this person and don't know much about them" people turn out to be right-wingers/libertarians/assholes with ties to dodgy think tanks and institutions. On any other topic those kinds of associations would have been an immediate death sentence.
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