WOW! Orgone Zappers find Implants in Weiner Dogs!

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Postby marykmusic » Wed Jan 10, 2007 6:05 pm

Vicious personal attack gets my vote.

Remember, folks, that the bits posted here were written BY cloud-busters, FOR cloud-busters; it was very much like preaching to the choir.

Used as they are here, it is 'way out of context and merely adds fuel to the character assasination attempt.

Oh-- and the wiener dog's name was Woody. I rescued him from a terrible owner. He never left the laundry room for the first year of his life; wasn't housebroke, wouldn't shut up... it took about a month to fix his problems.

It will take longer than that to fix the human problems evident in this ridiculous thread. I'm not volunteering. --MaryK

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Postby Joe Hillshoist » Wed Jan 10, 2007 6:36 pm

I wouldn't call it vicious.

I think arcadia makes some very good points.

One of you claimed ole latey "Flash", cured his diabetes with an orgone zapper.

That is a dangerous claim.

My wife has TLE, we use body energy as a way of working with that, but we also use medication from conventional medical sources.

If I didn't have a rigourous mind (of sorts sometimes on a good day), I might be inspired to tell her, hey piss that medication off these things will fix the problem.

then she goes status and ends up in hospital possibly with life threatening complications or even just drops turns blue and dies from sudep.

You make your claims but if you can't handle having the piss takenout of them, grow a thicker skin. Cos ridicule is a better way of making sure no one here gives up their successful working medical treatment to go "orgone" only than banning or abuse. And its something some of us might worry about. Arcadia has a similar point with what crazy people are going to think.

BTW Implants in/on dogs, (and cats) I think its illegal not to implant your pet in this part of the world.

Tho to be honest I first the weiner dog was referring to food. :lol: :roll: :oops:
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Postby Wombaticus Rex » Wed Jan 10, 2007 6:41 pm

Weird -- I've never so much as mentioned orgone on Brainsturbator, but now half our google ads are for orgone stuff

the funniest was this one, an $875 orgone monster pyramid: ... ramids.php

This one is a monster, 33lbs of Orgone; mixed with Generous heapings of Large Crystal points, Amethyst, Citrine, and Blue agate. I also have included Powdered Mono-atomic Gold, Colloidal Silver, Peet Moss, and Real Silver coins. The base metal of Orgone is steel, also included is copper, zinc and a touch of aluminum. This dramatic Orgone piece merges Art with Science, excellent for a Spa or an "Art Gallery". I meditated in front of this Pyramid for 30 minutes and felt electric currents flow up my feet out the crown of the head. I can even see the energy flowing off of this pyramid with the lights off.
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Postby orz » Wed Jan 10, 2007 6:43 pm

Tho to be honest I first the weiner dog was referring to food.

Me too... I thought maybe THEY had put implants in a pig that had somehow got into the food chain! :lol:
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For Joe....

Postby dragon » Wed Jan 10, 2007 6:48 pm

Joe writes...

"One of you claimed ole latey "Flash", cured his diabetes with an orgone zapper.

That is a dangerous claim. "

Why is it dangerous, Joe? I simply reported what happened. Others have reported healing results from using a zapper. Why is it dangerous? Is it dangerous to speak of it here? Is that the dangerous part? Or is it dangerous to speak of it in public, for fear of the FDA?



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Postby pitcairn » Wed Jan 10, 2007 7:33 pm

hey Joe

I hope username won't get too upset, but I still think you're all right , lol

hope you got the last post I left over at pendulums (I think); it included my hope and wish for your wife's good health

I do get the value of caution when making or believing health claims; it's a fine line to walk, if you have yourself had help from something outside the mainstream of conventional allopathic meds - you want others to benefit if they can, but, in all therapeutic modalities, your "mileage may vary" so it's best to tread carefully when dealing with serious stuff

lots of research is prerequisite to any leaping

I've spent nearly another full lifetime reading medical information, including professional research journals in more than one language, in an effort to help myself and some others - in my experience there is good stuff out there - in germany, for instance - that tends to be blocked from availability in english speaking countries. add the ungodly profit motive/control in the states and .... it's not pretty

I don't know how a zapper would cure diabetes unless the diabetes be a secondary effect of an essentially infectious based disruption of some part of the feedback loop involved in insulin production/resistance, and/or related endocrine function(s): cure the infection and, presuming any organic damage were minimal, the diabetic effect ceases?

there's a dr ... name escapes me here ... specialist in juvenile diabetes, has a clinic and research inst. in colorado, he thinks a good portion, if not most, of the "diabetes epidemic" in the states is really an endstage of previously undiagnosed and/or subclinical polyendocrine failure; that is, autoimmune or other failure, primarily in the HPA axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal)

if there were an infectious base to the PGA well anything that dealt with the infection might be helpful; however, if the infectious origin is compounded by autoimmune dysfunction, then IMO, I'd be less sure of any braod efficacy

of course with any illness that has poor options for treatment and predictively leads to poor quality of life, most things are worth trying if not dangerous

ironically, despite all the offense taken and given, the agnihotra/orgone prompt has really led to lots of interesting discussion, which I think is the point of this place? :shock:

oh and when you signed off "Cheers Tule" what does Tule mean in that context?

in cuna, it means person
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Postby dragon » Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:28 pm

"I don't know how a zapper would cure diabetes...."

Hulda Clark claims that all disease is either pollution or parasites in origin. It could be that Flash's diabetes was parasitical in origin, and the zapper killed the parasites. That is what it was designed to do.

For whatever reason, it did cure his diabetes. Don reported great results using it against AIDS, too.


Z-Force Group. Arizona's Global Tyranny First Response Team.


Postby professorpan » Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:43 pm

Hulda Clark claims that all disease is either pollution or parasites in origin.

I can claim all disease is caused by alien intervention -- so what? If Hulda Clark's claims are contradicted by mountains of scientific studies, I would say Hulda Clark is full of shit.

As to energy healings, however, my mind is open. I've seen the benefits of Qigong and other alternative modalities. But I also fully understand how powerful the placebo response is. The fact that the a placebo can effect a cure is, in itself, not fully appreciated by many people.

We're in the early stages of understanding these things, but that doesn't excuse throwing out a hundred years of objective, quantifiable medical research for someone's baseless claims.
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Postby Telexx » Wed Jan 10, 2007 8:45 pm

Joe wrote:That is a dangerous claim.

My wife has TLE, we use body energy as a way of working with that, but we also use medication from conventional medical sources.

If I didn't have a rigourous mind (of sorts sometimes on a good day), I might be inspired to tell her, hey piss that medication off these things will fix the problem.

then she goes status and ends up in hospital possibly with life threatening complications or even just drops turns blue and dies from sudep.


Dragon wrote:Why is it dangerous, Joe?

I believe your question is superfluous as he has explained why it was "a dangerous claim" in his post.

I work in what some people call "complementary health" and, despite my sometimes dim view of the philosophy behind modern medicine, I understand that complementary means complementary. I do not claim to replace modern western medicine with the work I do - only complement the guidance of a qualified GP.

This is something I impress upon anyone I see with a view to helping them heal.

I see no such disclaimers from you at present. I agree with Joe that this is dangerous.


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Postby Joe Hillshoist » Wed Jan 10, 2007 9:02 pm

Tule was the shortened name of the Bundjalung guy I know from the uni who would hang in the bush with me and tell me his culture. thats for him tho he'll probably never read it. he will get the energy.

Sorry about any confusion. I love that it means person in cuna. thats brullyant. :lol: Suits him too, he's abit of an archetype. Some of his kids danced at the opening and closing of the Sydney Olympics so you might have actually seen them.

Yeah i did get those good wishes and thanks. its an ongoing thing but at the moment all is well. She had a minor seizure in the last 2 weeks but thats nothing for her.

dad got real sick, he was up visiting just before me and her got married. Ended up in ICU with some serious cardiac issues. had a stroke a few years later but is probably 100% now, or as close as he's ever gonna get. he's a tough old coot tho. (So's the missus for that matter)

But I did appreciate your thoughts very much. Cheers. (I kind of missed it in all the hubbub too)

in my experience there is good stuff out there - in germany, for instance - that tends to be blocked from availability in english speaking countries. add the ungodly profit motive/control in the states and .... it's not pretty

Totally agree, even that bit about germany... There are a few germans in this part of the world, including a mate whose old man was a naturapath.

I think I can see where you are going with the diabetes bit.

Makes some sense, at the same time diet and exercise do seem to be very strong correlations...

Dunno enough to say really, been a long time since I got to grips with the endocrine system.

of course with any illness that has poor options for treatment and predictively leads to poor quality of life, most things are worth trying if not dangerous

Oh for sure. Everything is worth a go.

And (esp for username) you have a great heart pitcairn, I am sure it, and your presence will be a great thing for RI.

I appreciate that comment about good stuff coming out despite all the negativity.


The claim is dangerous because someone with diabetes and less rigour might do attempt to do the same thing, and fail, and that would not be very healthy for them.

You must have had a lot of experience and info to get to where you are, and sometimes people in that position that forget to mention things that they take on as second nature. there may have been other elements in how Flash cured himself aside from the Zapper to do with his own internal power and how he learned to use it.

Also see my post re my wife.

Cos that claim also sounds a lot like llubtihs. And that is why claims like that are dangerous and need some form of evidence.

So how is Flash doing, has his diabetes been in long term remission? If so thats great. (Oh and it should be ole matey, not ole latey, sometimes my footy hammered fingers miss their targets.)

Orz I thought maybe it was just a snafu at the warehouse. the rfids ended up in the food instead of one the packaging.


This one is a monster, 33lbs of Orgone; mixed with Generous heapings of Large Crystal points

Wow you can measure orgone. You just weigh it.... What a breakthrough.

And what the fuck is peet moss, kate moss' lovechild?

That could be quite annoying in some ways I would imagine.

This dramatic Orgone piece merges Art with Science, excellent for a Spa or an "Art Gallery". I meditated in front of this Pyramid for 30 minutes and felt electric currents flow up my feet out the crown of the head. I can even see the energy flowing off of this pyramid with the lights off.

see this kind of pisses me off too. (tho you gotta wonder if it wasn't a hangover from the ETC)

Cos I actually think there is something of real value in exploring where chi and art meet in a ritual context, esp in the light of Jeffs latest post, the red Sky one.

But now that idea is effectively a laughing stock ... well closely tied to one.

I am beginning to really understand hugh's pov on that.
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Postby MASONIC PLOT » Wed Jan 10, 2007 9:11 pm

No, he meant ORGONITE, that is what is in those pyramids and it can in fact be weighed. A little different than Orgone.

orgonite, orgone, two different things, this is orgonite:

In 2000, a couple named Don and Carol Croft discovered through some Internet research and empirical observation that mixing catalyzed organic fiberglass resin with inorganic metal shavings, poured into small molds such as paper cups and muffin pans, would produce a substance which would attract etheric energy similarly to Reich's accumulators.

Carol Croft, gifted with a keen sense of discrete energies, realized the significance of this finding and took it a step further by adding small quartz crystals to the mixture for their ability to efficiently collect, transmute and emit etheric energy. This addition to the resin/metal matrix creates a substance which functions as a self-driven, continuously-operating, highly efficient DOR→POR (negative to positive) energy transmutation factory.
Last edited by MASONIC PLOT on Wed Jan 10, 2007 9:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Hulda and Telexx...

Postby dragon » Wed Jan 10, 2007 9:12 pm

Hulda Clark may or may not be right. Not for me to say. I just threw that out there as one possible explanation. Why it cured his diabetes, I don't know. All I know is, it did.

As for "dangerous claims", Telexx's response won't stand up to logic. Telexx works in complementary medicine. Those people who come to that healing modality came there because they heard about it from somewhere. Maybe from someone who made a "dangerous claim".


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Postby Joe Hillshoist » Wed Jan 10, 2007 9:21 pm

MP I know thats meant to be orgonite, but if you can't even get it right for the ad....
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disclaimers should be routine

Postby Avalon » Wed Jan 10, 2007 9:27 pm

I work in what some people call "complementary health" and, despite my sometimes dim view of the philosophy behind modern medicine, I understand that complementary means complementary. I do not claim to replace modern western medicine with the work I do - only complement the guidance of a qualified GP.

This is something I impress upon anyone I see with a view to helping them heal.

I see no such disclaimers from you at present. I agree with Joe that this is dangerous. -- telexx

We've all been around the block often enough that we should know to put the standard legal disclaimers on every single posting about health remedies or practices in a forum like this. This is what worked for me/my significant other/doggie. Your results might vary. I am not a medical professional. Consult with your medical care provider. etc etc

It's an ethical imperative.

As for what Maryk and Dragon and their colleagues say, I'll mostly stick to the agnostic secion of the room on this. There are some things they've related that I reject from the position of what I know (no, I probably won't discuss which ones, I've got other priorities right now, and I'm not interested in getting in a fight with anyone). There are other things that have been related that I find plausible. While I don't do that much magickal practice, my own experiences and those of my friends with far more native skills and training suggest that some things that they say have happened are not out of line.

However, I will say that what's been said to Maryk and Dragon has gone over the line from calm, objective countering of their claims, to personal attacks, and I don't find that acceptable here or anywhere else.
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Postby pitcairn » Wed Jan 10, 2007 9:42 pm

in re Flash and the diabetes cure:

okay, stay with me here, I'm going back to Joe's posts on rave and hooliganism for a sec, but there is a connexion, I promise:

the notion that an entire geography or body politic can experience qi (chi) blockage and release is not unique to reich, far from it

tcm (traditional chinese medicine) also recognises this phenomenon, and applies it also to families, who are seen as one body - imbalances in qi between and among parents and siblings can cause illness in the individuals

tcm also acknowledges the cumulative nature of influence on the biological terrain as do most modalities

so back to Flash: there are any number of influences prior to and coexistant with his use of the zapper that played a part in his outcome

and Avalon, I think I tried in this whole discussion to bring in examples and resources that might bridge the gulf - semmelweiss, as he was once viewed, Dr Milewski's work ... but no one really seemed to want a bridge, or at least not those - maybe something else is at the heart of this, something other than the apparent subject at hand?
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