I hardly know where to begin to answer you, Wombaticus -- because (like some of the others here) you don't listen very well.
I never suggested anywhere that I have any "expertise" on John Lilly. I merely suggested that those of you who believe he was a wonderful human being, may need to dig deeper, and look at more evidence, before concluding that he's being slandered. I don't even remember bringing him up, frankly -- I think someone else did that. But my memory may be flawed because I've just spent 17 of the last 20 days as a live-in caregiver for elderly people with dementia. Much of the time I had little or no internet, no computer, just my android phone on which to follow, and sometimes add to, this thread. Sometimes I couldn't even read what I was typing. Often I was interrupted by people needing help, or throwing objects. Sorry, but this is what I do for a living these days. It's quite rewarding, although not in material ways.
Thanks, guruilla, for trying to explain and justify some of my cryptic posts, which I have not had time to reread. If I had a few more hours in a day, I would have looked up those Lilly references myself, but I was occupied with other things. At least, though, you get the difference between being a witness to bizarre events (why does that happen to some people and not others?) and researching and writing about those events LATER.
At least tonight I have a working laptop -- even though the keyboard is on its way out.
Light babies. Reptilians. Operatives. Guns. Henry Makow. Illuminati. Sorry guys. I didnt realize you were so sensitive. Let's delete all those expletives and replace with with something more ... theoretical. You seem to assume I don't know the difference between an anecdote and a PhD thesis -- and no, I don't always respect certain boundaries and have admittedly limited patience for people who base their entire worldview on "thinking" -- thinkig is a conscious function, with all the limitations that implies.
There are two unconscious functions, according to Jung: sensation and intuition. Which is why we can't control what we encounter on the road, or in our dreams. Whereas our thoughts and emotions are, at least sometimes, within our ability to control. But they are not Zen.
I think someone mentioned Henry Makow. I've never met him because he lives in Winnipeg. He's a little fanatical, frankly. In fact he and his savethemales.ca site horrified me at first. And then (a couple of years back) I read something he wrote about Sabbateans. No one else was researching or writing about Sabbateans, as if he actually had met them. And, as it happens, I had crossed paths with a few of them, especially when I hung out with Leonard Cohen which is why 20 years ago I read Gershom Scholem's 1000-page biography of Sabbatai Zevi. Zevi turns out to be quite influential in secretive circles... but that's another long tale. I also agree with some of Henry's thoughts on feminism -- because I, as it happens, was in the women's movement in Canada in the 1970s and watched it being subverted by extremist radical feminists, some of whom were funded by Ottawa in true COINTEL fashion. I generally agree that feminism as we now know it (think Kathleen Wynne) really is a CIA plot to destroy the family -- I have some experience to back that up -- but I don't hate feminists, or communists, or gays and I think it's unfortunate that Henry sometimes panders to people who do, and I see HenryMakow.com is now classified a 'hate' site. I find that a little sad, ironic, but not entirely surprising because I can't think of anyone else who would have published my piece on Cohen, and yes, it was Henry who chose the title as I would never use "Illuminati" (I'm not suicidal) -- but the fact is, Cohen does work for them and made no secret of that, when I knew him.
Henry is not all that different from all the other males he's trying to save. This may be hard for you to accept, guys, but some men have 'shadow alters' that they only share with women. It's terribly unfair that men will conduct themselves like rational beings in public, while confessing all kinds of dangerous secrets to the women they sometimes place on pedestals, and sometimes try to destroy. They'll lie awake pouring out their darkest thoughts, confessions, doubts, regrets, cryptic programs -- to certain women -- for two reasons that I can think of: (1) some men worship women as goddesses and see them as powerful agents of forgiveness and oceanic wisdom, and (2) most men know their secrets are safe because women are rarely believed when they tell the truth.
But no worries, Wombaticus. For whatever reasons having to do with fate, genetics, consciousness, and also awareness of a world beyond this one,you could not have been, and never will have the opportunity to be where I was, when it happened, observing what I observed at all the levels that I observed it. And therefore, it's of absolutely no consequence to me whether you believe a word of my story or not. Will the world be suddenly improved because you allow yourself to suspend judgment for a moment? I don't think so. And it would require emotional intelligence you don't seem to have. I could also ask: how old are you anyway? and, when was the last time you gave birth to anything?
It's late here. I do appreciate all your questions and objections. I wish I had time to stay up and go over them all and write up a serious response that would satisfy your need for truth, but I'm getting up at 5 am tomorrow. That's the reality. I wish it were otherwise.
Wombaticus Rex wrote:lunarmoth » Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:38 pm wrote:What makes you an expert on the "ethics that guided his life and work?"
I met a man on Bequia who used to hang out with John Lilly. He described him as a heavy drinker who hung out on a yacht in Bali with young women. This man also said he knew Ed Dames. And, oddly, this man had a double who was following him from place to place. The double showed up in the bar one night and impersonated him -
This is a true story. Of course I cant prove it really happened. But it's more interesting than listening to experts pretend to have expertise and knowledge about the ethics of people they have read about, who were on the CIA payroll but never harmed a hair on a little child's head.
So...you've never met John Lilly...but you met a guy who did.
Yeah, that's expertise, all right. I yield.
Been wasting a lot of time reading. Should have been hanging out in Caribbean bars instead. Got a lot to think about this weekend.