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Re: Original RI quotes only

Postby Belligerent Savant » Tue Jan 05, 2021 2:46 pm

Karmamatterz » Thu May 14, 2020 4:45 pm wrote:
If you're supposed to be in quarantine because you've had close contact with someone who tested positive then yes, you should get slapped if you ignore it.

Holy cow you are a little fascist prick.

Would close contact mean within 6'? So maybe on a sunny day with a breeze if we're within 2-3' of someone who had tested positive 2 months ago they should be slapped? Why not just punch them? Oh hell, let's just go back to dragging their ass through the streets. That was a popular thing on here a few months back.

So there is a debate on RI about wearing masks? Nobody sees any cult symbolism about the masquerade? Give up your identity? The muzzle? OBEY?

Two days ago I was outside doing yard work on a rather lovely evening when some of my neighbors spontaneously came ambling over. Was a very lovely conversation that we all had in VERY close proximity to each other. One of them is a doctor at a local clinic, the other is the lab director at our local hospital. We've all kept rather to ourselves for several weeks and there was much catchup to do. I jokingly asked the two white coat medical professionals why they weren't wearing their masks. Both of them laughed and then proceeded to tell me what a joke it is that people think we should be wearing masks in the outdoors. They also think social distancing is rather stupid outdoors as well.

We all hung out for a good hour or so playing the the dogs, chatting and walking about in close proximity. My lab director friend even came in for a big hug. I burst out laughing and dodged her saying "oh hell no you work at the hospital with all those bugs and we can't hug until the contact tracing squad approves it." As the convo proceeded we discussed more about the lies, bad data and fallacy about homemade masks. I asked them why they won't speak publicly and they both looked down at the ground and got uncomfortable. One said she's fearful of what the administration would do if they found out. I suspect many medical professionals would agree.

I will not wear a mask unless it's super important I have to be in a place that requires it. I will never ever allow myself to be vaccinated for this shit unless they are holding a gun to my head. Gates, Fauci and all those assholes can shove any vaccine up their ass.

By the way, did anybody catch this?

https://www.defense.gov/Newsroom/Releas ... -covid-19/

Then there is this. DOD and HHS awarded Apiject with a $138 million contract to manufacture syringes for when the "miracle" vaccine appears. How exciting! Maybe people will even get to have the vaccine every year like that good 'ol trusty flu vaccine. Wonder how much mercury or peanut oil will be in these doses?


Scroll to the bottom where the PDF is and it describes the cute tidbit about how RFID tech is used to track the vaccinations. It made me so warm and fuzzy to think that science professor Bill Gates is looking out for me. :yay Those of you who had to use Windows for years must feel super safe by now, or just used to viruses. :P






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Joe Hillshoist

Postby JackRiddler » Thu Jan 14, 2021 7:42 pm

Joe Hillshoist » Tue Jan 12, 2021 9:12 pm wrote:No one where I live is calling for the end of freedom in the US as a response to this. Most of us are just laughing at a country that is broken and a pack of idiots who were prepared to do what a billionaire conman asked them to do on the basis of what? Helping him cos he was in Home Alone? talk about acting against your own interests.

I wouldn't think my response represents the state of this joint tho.

There are people on here who think BLM is a scam cooked up by Soros to destroy the west and this MAGA shit is great. They think everything is faked and controlled and run by people. Except when its something like Trump, then its authentic. People are incompetent morons most of the time. This was a classic example. People were calling for this for weeks. Go to GLP or somewhere similar and there were people breathlessly talking about how cool it would be to take back America, people who have posted there for a decade. They were talking about their plans and taking back their country.

cos Trump is a lazy shithead who doesn't do things properly, is impulsive and has spent his life and his presidency getting other people to do the work he didn't organise a proper coup. It was half arsed ego tripping rubbish that appealed to his vanity. The same people who saw this as a chance to take their country back will be right behind someone who does the job properly sometime in the next decade. And watch the businessmen and corporate scum fall in line behind that.

I've dealt racist cunts in RL for fifty years and not being white I don't slip under their radar. When they start saying things like "This is our country and we're taking it back" they mean from people like me, not the rich bastards who manipulate them. And even tho they are talking about a different country ... they sound exactly the same ('cept for accents).

If I was an American and believed in my country (not the state or the fed or whatever but the place and its people) I'd be furious, cos the only thing that holds it together is the myth around their constitution ... and the guy who took an oath to protect that constitution just tried to break it. I'm not an American and I don't believe in their country but i can recognise power grabs and there are plenty happening here. None are being made by "the woke" or the left.

(And the follow-up.)

Joe Hillshoist » Fri Jan 15, 2021 5:10 am wrote:Sometimes I think this board makes the mistake of looking too hard for what we don't know and ignoring what we do. Its understandable given the board, what its about, and our knowledge that stuff is never usually not as it seems on the surface.
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Re: Original RI quotes only

Postby Belligerent Savant » Tue Jan 19, 2021 1:07 am


dada » Sun Jan 17, 2021 11:29 pm wrote:Big Tech suspended all of Goebbels' accounts, though.
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Re: Original RI quotes only

Postby Belligerent Savant » Sun Jan 24, 2021 9:59 pm


Elvis » Thu Jan 21, 2021 6:19 pm wrote:Now's the time to tell your elected policy makers what you want and don't want. I know it's an old-fashioned idea, but they do make the policies.

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Re: Original RI quotes only

Postby Belligerent Savant » Tue Jan 26, 2021 10:22 pm


JackRiddler » Mon Jan 25, 2021 5:56 pm wrote:
This is not over. Nothing is predetermined. Not everything is planned and not every plan is going to go as planned. The struggle has only begun. All the radical breakneck insanity and apparent defeated alienation we've seen is not irreversible and can proceed at an even faster pace toward better outcomes than we may expect as mere logical-empirical oddsmakers. There will be openings and people willing to fight and to work to exploit them for the good. Many other worlds are possible. The world belongs to no one, and never will.
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Re: Original RI quotes only

Postby LolaB » Sat Feb 06, 2021 12:27 pm

Jack Riddler wrote, putting it in a nutshell:

"Satanism" is Christian-mocking secularism with Nietzschean salt, witchy whimsy, and libertarian fantasy.

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Re: Original RI quotes only

Postby brainpanhandler » Sat Feb 20, 2021 10:55 am

dada » Fri Feb 05, 2021 4:41 pm wrote:... when you're happy, even alone is in good company.
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Re: Original RI quotes only

Postby LolaB » Mon Aug 30, 2021 11:06 am

Jeff Wells on twitter 8.29.21
"A simple lesson I should have learned long ago is that health and pharmaceuticals know each other only in passing."
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Re: Original RI quotes only

Postby Harvey » Sun Sep 26, 2021 6:09 pm

stickdog99 » Fri Sep 24, 2021 10:31 pm wrote:Folks, if the shoes don't fit, feel free not to wear them. Sorry, but I always thought that went without saying around here.
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Re: Original RI quotes only

Postby Belligerent Savant » Mon Dec 06, 2021 10:20 pm

Harvey » Mon Dec 06, 2021 7:28 pm wrote:I know with complete certainty that we're in the middle of a fight for our lives, not against a virus but against the culture that has taken over all of our cultures. I also know that 'Covid' is a final and decisive chapter in that story. I know it is not an accidental hell paved with benign intentions. I know it is pre-meditated and engineered. I know it is a purposefully created crisis, enacted by a relative few. It took a while for me to arrive at this point, but I'm definitely here. What I don't know is how to counter it effectively, beyond a mass movement against all of it, involving almost everybody. In that sense it represents a last great oportunity to bring the whole charade down to the ground and embark on an entirely different journey in an entirely different direction, all of us together.

The odds are against us.
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Re: Original RI quotes only

Postby liminalOyster » Sat Jun 25, 2022 10:01 am

JackRiddler wrote:The issue is about bodily autonomy and it is as fundamental as or more fundamental than anything else that has ever been seen as belonging to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The fact is that none of the currently 90+ percent boys on this forum condemning Covid vaccine mandates (as they SHOULD, by the way, no false binaries here) would, if they were female but otherwise basically the same fellows, see this as anything other than far worse, especially if they were of child-bearing age. Forced breeding is the most egregious conceivable violation this side of chattel slavery, the Guantanamo treatment, or straight-up murder. In addition, the revocation of rights is to be perpetrated on the majority of humans within these jurisdictions, but somehow this is supposed to be some kind of specialized interest
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Re: Original RI quotes only

Postby liminalOyster » Wed Jul 06, 2022 4:58 pm

kelley wrote:That which commenced in the Reagan era, of which I'm a product, found its illogical yet inevitable conclusion in the Trump administration. The two presidencies may clearly be seen now as the bookends of a frightful moment in American history, with a worldview consolidated in the opinions of the Roberts court.

Bodily autonomy, to my ears, sounds like an abstraction made for the sake of argument. It’s not a position I’d choose to assume. Frankly, of all things, it reminds me of Mike Tyson’s notorious quip about the stunning immediacy of violence— everybody has a plan until they get punched in the face. The court’s recent decision feels, to me, exactly like that. Strategy, tactics, debate, years of vigilance, protest, and action have all been for naught.

There are a dozen ways this outcome could have been prevented, and while it was not, I still don’t believe any of this to have been "political" in any typical way. Symbolic, yes, and social, certainly, but in concrete terms, one can map the reactionary sea-change the nation underwent by following that which Roe brought in its wake. In 2022, this change, now become law, represents nothing less than the destruction of two hundred-plus years of human endeavor.

I understand modernity as reaching back to the fifteenth century. An outline of liberty was expressed in the eighteenth. In my lifetime, the ruthless dismantling of these ideals began in earnest following Roe, and now it’s finally and unequivocally complete. Finished. All which likely follows will be a mere reiteration of this awareness, or of these facts, which, as noted, had been coming for years.

I watched “The Baader Meinhof Complex” again last night— I mean, why not, it was late, and I live in the countryside now— and Gudrun Ensslin’s pragmatic expression of despair, “Hope is for theologians”, hit very hard. The film proceeded to then show her and her comrades dead in their cells.

This is where all will eventually lead. Our prison has just gotten alot bigger, and there are myriad ways for us to be killed in it, or to choose to kill ourselves in defiance of lockdown.

Bodily autonomy, indeed. The pursuit of happiness? A life without liberty isn't one worth living. It's arguably not life at all. The left in America makes a thousand mistakes every day, but framing the debates which Roe created around the question of "life", with religious fanaticism subsequently dragged into it, has been the most grievous political error possibly ever made in the history of humankind.
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Re: Original RI quotes only

Postby hanshan » Mon Aug 15, 2022 5:42 am




The CDC's retreat from Covidianism is big. It is good. It has made me happy, for today.

It is not enough. Now is the moment to press for empowered investigation and disclosure to establish

a) the origins of CoV-SARS2,

b) the decision-making processes, on national and global scales, public and private, that set Covidian policies in 2020,

c) the processes that suppressed, punished, systematically ridiculed and censored
divergent views, especially among scientists and medical professionals, and

d) everything about the business models and drug-testing practices of Pfizer, Moderna, et al.

Plus a full-timeline preservation of the historical record of official and semi-official public statements and propaganda waves.

But who can actually accomplish that?

(Now is not the moment to have more daily rounds of bashing dancing nurses or ridiculing people who are
still terrified of infection or who may be over-imaginative in attributing their troubles to long Covid; but that's
more likely, isn't it now? Team Sports Ueber Alles.)

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Re: Original RI quotes only

Postby hanshan » Mon Oct 17, 2022 10:50 pm



Marionumber1 » 17 Oct 2022 01:11 wrote:

Miles Mathis-type reasoning is practically designed to redirect genuine anomalies towards the most simplistic explanation: that the anomalies prove a person/event is fake. It's a tempting mental shortcut that preempts having to do the legwork of investigating deep crimes. When you do dive into that netherworld, it is a mess of contradictory narratives and dubious evidence that resists imposing any sort of order on it. Think, for instance, how hard it is to reconcile the opposing theories in the Jeffrey MacDonald, West Memphis Three, or JonBenet Ramsey cases. The end result of this investigation leaves the truth feeling murkier than when you started, to the point where you're quite certain what didn't happen but don't know where to begin about what did happen. Is it any wonder that, to some conspiracy researchers, it might be attractive to sweep away the whole mess as a hoax rather than trying to make sense of it?

With the specific points that this commenter raises about Ted Bundy, all of the anomalies which they list have better explanations. The level of publicized access to Bundy during his incarceration and trials would be unusual, if not for the likelihood that turning him into the public face of evil served various propaganda purposes (e.g. covering up broader-scale criminal networks like those in Grand Junction CO, and feeding a domestic Phoenix Program). And the official story of Bundy's prison escapes is indeed ludicrous, but that's more indicative of complicity by Colorado authorities. In fact, as I'll be unveiling in an upcoming article on my site, there is some brand-new evidence that part of the narrative of Bundy's second escape (the one in which he got all the way to Florida) was fabricated to hide outside involvement.

I would have to see if there's any validity to Bundy victim photos being faked — photo analysis is a facet of conspiracy research that I tend to view with extreme skepticism — but murky information about the victims of deep crime would not automatically imply that the victims don't exist. If Bundy was tied to parapolitical structures (as I believe he was), then it's likely that some victims were too (hence why they were targeted to begin with); in Donna Gail Manson's case this is pretty overtly proven with her connection to Richard Alan Miller of Mankind Research Unlimited. And if the victims were linked to this world, there are reasons (beyond the facile conclusion that they're not real victims) to make it difficult to track down information on them. This reminds me of how the difficulty of obtaining crime scene and autopsy information from mass shootings is cast as evidence of a hoax, rather than evidence that authorities are lying about the number of shooters, the actions of the gunmen at various times, etc.

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Re: Original RI quotes only

Postby Belligerent Savant » Thu May 04, 2023 8:32 am

stickdog99 » Wed May 03, 2023 3:58 pm wrote:...
The only reason this message board does not contain any vibrant discussion on COVID anymore is because of the extreme cognitive dissonance of all the "good liberals" who heartily endorsed trashing civil liberties because of their outsized fears of a respiratory illness that they have by now all contracted and recovered from at least once if not several times despite the 5 talismanic Big Pharma injections they clamored for Big Brother to force on everyone around them for no reason.

Aren't you ashamed of yourself?


Harvey » Fri Apr 28, 2023 1:10 pm wrote:...
I just wanted to add that quite a number of long time RI members more or less disgraced themselves over the last three years. Not just for being arseholes, we all do that, some, like me, do that more than others. Instead I mean the indelible intellectual dishonesty they have displayed while continuing to lecture us on science, or anything else. These fellows tacitly and overtly accused other members of every kind of logical or ethical stain. Some have apologised in a round about way, by at least belatedly recognising some of the fact of what has occurred, though two or three continue on blithely as though nothing has happened (or that they weren't spectacularly wrong about almost everything) while belittling those who were not wrong - as little more than oafish and biggoted right wing homophobic dick swinging idiots. You all know exactly who you are.

Thing is, I sympathise with every one of them. I recognise the titanic, systemic, corruption they and I are up against. I recognise the daunting amount of time, effort and ultimately money which has been thrown at the problem of rendering me and them into ineffective, submissive, morons, thoroughly convinced of our own superiority.

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